Starship Construction Utility RTSU v1.41 Published

By bobh, in Rogue Trader

Thank you so much for this Bobh! You get my vote for MVP for sure!

2 things that I have noted while playing with it, the Sunhammer lance battery damage is to high, and Munitorium does not add to some macrobatteries such as sunsears and plasma (unless it was changed in some errata that I have missed).

I'll check this. My basis for munitorium function was the word 'warhead' in the description.

Do Las batteries and plasma batteries use physical shells that might benefit from a munitorium? I could make it include all macrobatteries. What do you think?

I mean really that the description literally says storage of 'munitions' and as these las batts and plasma batts draw massive power from the ship I am essentially assuming thats where they get their energy and don't get it from a giant las cartridge. So having a giant hotshot las cartridge for your Las battery in the munitorium makes no sense to me.

Perhaps we should ask the erratta folks.

Version 1.40r05 PUBLISHED

Corrections of the following problems required a reissue of the version at revision 05 (below for download)

  • FIXED Problem with Life Sustainers caused by inclusion of new hull schema for adding hulls to the spreadsheet. Had to consolidate all of them in one pull down on the build sheet, removed the Ancient Life Sustainer individual check box as a result of it being on the pull down now, and rewrite the sheet a bit. Now it calculates correctly.
  • FIXED...Armored Prow would not calculate space or SP requirements for new hulls or the custom hull option.
  • Some editing of the BUILD page, on checkboxes the text of the selection was cut off.

At the bottom of this page at MakeWarNotLove

I am so looking for ward to this....BFKoronus is just in time for the one year anniversary of the SCU RTSU yay!

bobh said:

I'll check this. My basis for munitorium function was the word 'warhead' in the description.

Do Las batteries and plasma batteries use physical shells that might benefit from a munitorium? I could make it include all macrobatteries. What do you think?

I mean really that the description literally says storage of 'munitions' and as these las batts and plasma batts draw massive power from the ship I am essentially assuming thats where they get their energy and don't get it from a giant las cartridge. So having a giant hotshot las cartridge for your Las battery in the munitorium makes no sense to me.

Perhaps we should ask the erratta folks.

Probably a good idea to ask. I'd apply it to all macrobatteries in my game just because there isn't really a reason not too (maybe having a munitorium allows you to use more precise, albiet fragile, capacitors for your las batteries for example). There's not really a reason for having your own factory onboard to cause your batteries to do more damage in the first place...are your shells better than what you'd buy normally from a forge world? Does it represent you firing more shots because you've got lots of ammo? It's all abstract anyway.

First of all a big thanks for bobh for cobbling this app together. you have made my gming days a lot more simplified. This app has been a big help and kudos for making it. +1 internets for you!

well back to the dilemma at hand regarding the munitoriums. there are 3 ways to interpret the issue.

1. It does not help for weapons like laser, melta or plasma since they lack proper warheads. with the exception of melta but i doubt a munitorium could make a melta warhead more efficient.

2. It does help. in the case of lasers the improvements may be better optics (that are bound to crack and get damaged due to the amount of energy involved in laser batteries). Or it might be different wave length of light on the emitting diode, say blue which is more energetic then red. For plasma it might mean some improved metallurgical power relays or somesuch.

3. The lasers are solid fuel lasers. Altho this has a few dilemmas. Since starships come with plasma drives that produce mind boggling amounts of power it would be rather redundant to produce solid fuel lasers. This is more due to modern day problems with portable powergeneration and in a starship they aren't exactly portable. It also would create a logisitcal nightmare that is completely unnecessary since the power generation issue is pretty much solved on a star ship.

personally in my games i would rule that lasers and plasma do not benefit from the munitorium nor would odd weapons like the xenotech shard cannon since it doesn't have an identifyable ammo source and never runs dry , at least according to the fluff. I would let them perhaps upgrade the weapons to the same effect by other means as discussed above.

I'm thinking i'll add a toggle switch so that a GM can choose if non (bullet) macrobatteries can benefit...though id still leave out xenos weapons from this as the liklihood of being able to rearm a shard cannon more efficiently just seems silly.

For the munitorium, I always liked the idea of it being full of giant hot-shot packs. :-)

On xenos weaponry, if the ship has xeno-tech batteries what's to say its munitorium isn't also xeno-tech? Perhaps shard cannons have their own mini-munitorium making weaponry just for them and a ship with both is just much expanded and open to the crew: a strange place that mysteriously seems to make what you want it too without regard to what you put in it - spitting out endless boxes of super-deadly shard ammo and such.

The Munitorium isn't a xenostech component. The utility isn't really for the construction of xenos vessels, that has not been completely added yet. I'm trying to make the munitorium work as intended as it is not a homebrew component. An Imperium Munitorium would not add +1 to the damage of a xenostech shard battery - which doesn't need ammunition to begin with. If you want to say it does that is perfectly fine. Even better make a series of homebrew components to complement the shard battery, say a 'munitorium' called a 'Monopole Charging Interface', a few hulls, some xenos background and a series of components that can be used and i'll include them (if I can) in the utility so you can make 'shard' ships.

bobh said:

The Munitorium isn't a xenostech component. The utility isn't really for the construction of xenos vessels, that has not been completely added yet. I'm trying to make the munitorium work as intended as it is not a homebrew component. An Imperium Munitorium would not add +1 to the damage of a xenostech shard battery - which doesn't need ammunition to begin with. If you want to say it does that is perfectly fine. Even better make a series of homebrew components to complement the shard battery, say a 'munitorium' called a 'Monopole Charging Interface', a few hulls, some xenos background and a series of components that can be used and i'll include them (if I can) in the utility so you can make 'shard' ships.

The munitorium works exactly as intended: it applies, by RAW and clear as day, a +1 bonus to all macrobatteries. No ambiguity. No room for argument. Any macroabttery, whatever the type, gets the bonus. If you want to invent a fluff explanation as to why it doesn't work with a particular component, then it's equally fair to invent a fluff explanation for why it does. Leave the specific fluff justification to ship in question - these things are ancient and unique after all - and stick to the rules printed in the books for a publicly released tool.

Unless changed by Sam/Ross (and I've not been told that the rules don't work like this), the munitorium does indeed apply it's bonus to all macrobatteries. Until this is changed in errata, that is the case, regardless of any houserules you want to make due to the fluff.

If you want your utility to comply entirely with the RAW, then your interpretation of it not applying to xenotech, currently, is incorrect.

I think I'll leave it as it is. The idea of a Imperium component working to magnify the result of an ancient dead xenos races weapon is a bit ridiculous. When I have time i'll add a toggle so anyone that thinks it makes the least bit of sense can use it that way.

The Imperium's already figured out how to interface those ancient xenos weapons into their own technology. That's how they installed them, linked them up to their targeting systems and why they can control and direct the weapons. It's not really much of a stretch for other pieces of technology to work with them in a similar way. Remember that these ships are possibly as old and advanced as the shard weapon batteries themselves - and they may have been constructed by a long-dead, highly skilled magos eight mellenia ago who just so happened to have a thing for shard xenotech.

And honestly, your tool isn't much good if you don't follow the rules. You're better off doing everything as it's written in the book and then making a house-rule version just so it's applicable to more people.

Cannonball said:

The Imperium's already figured out how to interface those ancient xenos weapons into their own technology. That's how they installed them, linked them up to their targeting systems and why they can control and direct the weapons. It's not really much of a stretch for other pieces of technology to work with them in a similar way. Remember that these ships are possibly as old and advanced as the shard weapon batteries themselves - and they may have been constructed by a long-dead, highly skilled magos eight mellenia ago who just so happened to have a thing for shard xenotech.

And honestly, your tool isn't much good if you don't follow the rules. You're better off doing everything as it's written in the book and then making a house-rule version just so it's applicable to more people.

The problem is the power is called "Ordinatus Extremus" and the shard battery does not have any ordinance. Neither do macro-batteries like the sunsears. The description of the component as a stockpile of weapons reinforces this.

Most people I know take that to mean it only effects weapons with ammo. The argument about it having an effect on things like sunsears due to other factors is reasonable and a debate on that would be fine I suggest you start a thread.

As to the long dead xenos loving magos.. Actually you would know if such a thing happened or not, ships have histories and you just described the xenophilous history.

As to the the shard cannons themselves, the munitorium is a storehouse/stockpile of weapons which needs to be replenished when used up. Good luck sourcing a supply stream of upgraded long dead xenos macro-cannon parts. If the parts did not need to be replaced/replenished often it would be an upgrade like the turbo weapons upgrade.

Now on to the starship utility, let me add my thanks and appreciation for this excellent tool you have made for us bobh. :) Thank you for your effort and I look forward to seeing it continue to evolve and grow.

Maybe a new thread about munitoriums and what they do would be a good idea to prevent derailing of this thread about Bobh's excellent work!

I'll go start one now.


I'm still having trouble with the 1.4r5 version. The backgrounds don't seem to be coming up on the character sheet.

bobh said:

I think I'll leave it as it is. The idea of a Imperium component working to magnify the result of an ancient dead xenos races weapon is a bit ridiculous. When I have time i'll add a toggle so anyone that thinks it makes the least bit of sense can use it that way.

While you're at it, your macro for augmented retro thusters is currently non functional, it doesn't deduct power from the available power column.

Ah, my mistake. You have to specify for what size hull they're for first before it deducts that.

Sorry I made it work that way and its not terribly obvious. I've been toying with other ways to do it.

And thank you for all the thanks and praise, it really feels good to know its appreciated and used above all.


At first, thank you very much for your excelent work. It's very helpful for me and my players.

However it seems to be a little bug with the gravity sails, the bonus doesn't apply on speed for the new hulls from into the storm.

Thank you again for your big and impressive work.


Tchiky said:


At first, thank you very much for your excelent work. It's very helpful for me and my players.

However it seems to be a little bug with the gravity sails, the bonus doesn't apply on speed for the new hulls from into the storm.

Thank you again for your big and impressive work.


I'll check that out. Thank you.

Tchiky said:


At first, thank you very much for your excelent work. It's very helpful for me and my players.

However it seems to be a little bug with the gravity sails, the bonus doesn't apply on speed for the new hulls from into the storm.

Thank you again for your big and impressive work.


Problem confirmed, found and fixed. Version 1-40r08 is published at MakeWarNotLove (bottom of the page).

Looks like the Orion-class isnt adding its main cargo hold

korjik said:

Looks like the Orion-class isnt adding its main cargo hold

The LOKI and ORION weren't calculating properly and the Main Cargo hold component wasn't showing up on the character sheet. Silly commas in formulas.

Version 1.40r09 PUBLISHED

FIXED error where the Main Cargo component for the LOKI and ORION wasn't calculating properly and wasn't showing up on the character sheet.

You can download the new version at MakeWarNotLove (bottom of the page).

Thank you for the catch. Without users I couldn't find all the bugs that creep in.