Starship Construction Utility RTSU v1.41 Published

By bobh, in Rogue Trader

Can you add the rewards(unique items and their effects not ships) that the rogue trader party can have obtained if they have competed some endevours(official campaigns) from the books and supliments so that the rogue trader party can easier track their changes ? Ex:

Endevour Name list with all items that can be obtained each item with a check box

Many components have the ability to reduce travel time(warp engines, starchart collection,etc) . It is possible to add the character sheet a field that will track this reduction of travel time?

thor2006 said:

Can you add the rewards(unique items and their effects not ships) that the rogue trader party can have obtained if they have competed some endevours(official campaigns) from the books and supliments so that the rogue trader party can easier track their changes ? Ex:

Endevour Name list with all items that can be obtained each item with a check box

Many components have the ability to reduce travel time(warp engines, starchart collection,etc) . It is possible to add the character sheet a field that will track this reduction of travel time?

The first one sounds like another utility all its own :)

The second one is one i've looked at before. In truth you can get some really, really low travel times if you start stacking travel mods. I'll look at it again.

bobh said:

thor2006 said:

Can you add the rewards(unique items and their effects not ships) that the rogue trader party can have obtained if they have competed some endevours(official campaigns) from the books and supliments so that the rogue trader party can easier track their changes ? Ex:

Endevour Name list with all items that can be obtained each item with a check box

Many components have the ability to reduce travel time(warp engines, starchart collection,etc) . It is possible to add the character sheet a field that will track this reduction of travel time?

The first one sounds like another utility all its own :)

The second one is one i've looked at before. In truth you can get some really, really low travel times if you start stacking travel mods. I'll look at it again.

Many are dice dependent. You can put a best result for the the travel time that can be obtained and worst result for the travel time reduction that can be obtained.

For the first question that you answered I would see what I can personally do but I don't see to many official adventures(I believe I meant only Rogue Trader official adventures)(and I have all of them outside Frozen Reaches) that have items that are unique for rewards and can affect ship rolls or players. Many are not determined and most rewards for adventures are PF, non unique or non specified items like gems,etc or are ships that you can aquire.

I was wondering about a dice roller. Making a random roll on any number is as easy as the ROUND and RAND functions in a spreadsheet.

If you had the spreadsheet open on a computer you could tap F9 to get the sheet to roll for you.

Then it would be as simple as inputting the variables for the jump calculated/navigated, ship component mods, equipment mods: things like almanac astrae divinitus, skills/talents/mutations, GM variables, base time in/out of warp, time to inner system from jump point, time to jump point in the outer system. Lots of things to consider.

Just bought Edge of the Abyss. Will probably add some fo the hulls in and have started a RTXSCU for pure Xenos Eldar vessels. One for orks isn't far behind. Getting itchy for Battlefleet Koronus.

With all the work on the RTSU coming up and the RTRSG humming along I also managed to create a rudimentary RTXSU or Xenos Ship Utility. After creating a thread for the Random Ship Generator I realized it'd be easier if I simply made a blog to keep track of them all. So to that end I give you:

Rogue Trader Ship Utilities

I'll keep updating that blog and come back to update this link periodically. I'll also have the download links at the bottom of the blog page.


Has the Wolfpack hull been deleted from the RTSU?

Excellent work.

However I'vr just bought Battlefleet Koronus.... I think you're going to have your work cut out for a while!

Nonetheless well done! Someone buy this guy/gal a beer!

GregorM1980 said:

Has the Wolfpack hull been deleted from the RTSU?

If I did I can add it back again, another thing for my 'to do' list.

Captain Harlock said:

Excellent work.

However I'vr just bought Battlefleet Koronus.... I think you're going to have your work cut out for a while!

Nonetheless well done! Someone buy this guy/gal a beer!


I'm hoping to get it ordered soon as my amazon order hasn't been processed yet. I don't know whats going on there. I pre ordered weeks ag o now its off the site. O well time to go hunting book stores again.

bobh said:

I'm hoping to get it ordered soon as my amazon order hasn't been processed yet. I don't know whats going on there. I pre ordered weeks ag o now its off the site. O well time to go hunting book stores again.

Amazon is awful for FFG stuff. Which country are you in? The UK and Europe have tonnes of online gaming stores that are selling it reasonably.

U.S. Most of the stores near me have nothing. There are two GW stores withing a drive but i have to stay home most days i might have to wait until the weekend.

GW stores don't sell FFG products anyway.

I'm sure there are posters here that will be able to point you in the right direction!

Great work mate, makes life much easier for other GM´s :D

Hey Bob, Armour Plating is removing 4 Maneouver rather than 2. I tried a few hull types so I'm only guessing it's all of them.

Thanks for all your effort thus far, always looking forward to more!

Just an FYI.

For all my FFG stuff I use

They get it **** quick and have great customer service. I got Battlefleet Koronus in the mail yesterday.

Romulus Luki Gygax said:

Hey Bob, Armour Plating is removing 4 Maneouver rather than 2. I tried a few hull types so I'm only guessing it's all of them.

Thanks for all your effort thus far, always looking forward to more!

I'll check it out.

By selecting just the hull in version 1-40r9 it looks like everything from Dauntless class up is removing 4 manoeuvrability rather than 2.


Now i'll do some testing to make sure I didn't bust anything else.

izrador said:

Just an FYI.

For all my FFG stuff I use

They get it **** quick and have great customer service. I got Battlefleet Koronus in the mail yesterday.

Thanks. After days of looking near by I have found zero copies so I will order from there.

version 1-41 is underway

bobh said:

version 1-41 is underway

Yay! Is this the BFK update? I eagerly await the update!

Sorry. I haven't received my copy yetjudging from the material it'll take a few weeks to accomplish that. I plan on doing the BFK update in installments starting with all the easiest additions. Sorry that its not underway just yet.

bobh said:

Sorry that its not underway just yet.

No need for apologies!

You provide this most useful of tools to us free so don't apologise for not having the next version ready yet! Just keep up the good work gran_risa.gif


Thanks so much :) I get a kick out of knowing people use it to ease the task of ship building. I'm almost ready with an update to the Random Ship generator and the RTSU itself, just adding a few things.

Dude, this rocks. :)

Indeed, I have just started using your program and find it very useful. Well done.