Space station, Satellite & more

By LinoB, in Star Wars: Armada Painting and Modification

On 2/19/2020 at 12:08 AM, Fraggle_Rock said:

where did you get those stands? They look like 12 position stands great for other games such as Full Thrust and Battlestar Galactica Starship Battles...

Full thrust is exactly what they're for. the pinshape link is where people can get them but i also have a license to print them

In the past months I worked on a multitude of projects, first one was from a special request "the H1 emergency ships flotilla", I also take the time to make a more realistic asteroids set. I used this opportunity to make more asteroids sculpt that I will use later for the space slugs and a space station. I made good progress on the dust fields and VSD debris and I should be ready to test print the unarmed station next week.





Hi all, I posted this on FB page 10 days ago but completely forgot to post it here. Because of the Covid-19 recently hitting the Quebec. I placed myself in preventive isolation (Due to a surgery from 2017, I'm at risk of complication from this virus.) The other reason is I think supply like nitrile gloves, mask and IPA will be better used in the place they are really needed rather than cleaning resin printed miniatures.
For this reason I will temporarily suspend my 3D printing services.

I will use this time to work on models that I will upload on Thingiverse and finally paint some of the things I printed for myself.
I know some of you are in area of the world where the situation is worse. I hope and wish everyone is fine and that we will all get through this crisis with minimum harm!

This week I uploaded the Mobquet medium transport (a remix from Avioza) and my version of the Action-IV transport.




Done with the Interceptor-IV frigate! It took me a bit more time than expected, I blame Battlefront 😉



and the Hardcell WIP.


For next ships I hesitate between the Vindicator & Immobilizer 418 or the Dreadnought & AF Mk1 ?

11 hours ago, LinoB said:

For next ships I hesitate between the Vindicator & Immobilizer 418 or the Dreadnought & AF Mk1 ?

The Mark I, type V



Time to show the Unarmed station. The next thing I will focus on is to finish the Imperial themed debris field and the next ship I will make for Thingiverse is the Dreadnought and after the Assault frigate MkI (multiple variants).





I'm also done with the Hard Cell class which will be upload to Thingiverse at the end of the week.




Hi all, a lot of things were going on and I was not able to invest as much time I wanted into 3D modeling in the past month. but I’m happy to announce that I will be able to restart my printing services on the 10th of July!

And the model for the Dreadnaught heavy cruiser available here: or from me.


Long time since I posted an update, I have taken a break from 3D modelling to paint some of my D&D minis and trying to reduce the magnitude of my pile of shame but now I’m back into 3D. Another reason is I’m working on a large project for someone the picture below only show a quarter of it:


Now after about 7 iterations I am happy to announce the dust fields are done. I have to say it’s the only model I’m not 100% satisfied with but it’s nearly impossible to make a cloud of particles 3D printable and realistic.

gjiuzc7.jpg ZZbzGIH.jpg hZ7d08n.jpg

I will also try to release my AF Mk1 collection on Thingiverse before christmas, it will include the type 1, 5 and 6! Some WIP pictures of the type 1 and 6 below:

ewx4Cd9.jpg JuZBsfR.jpg OSltYgT.jpg MJxxlHa.jpg

I will take this opportunity to announce something not related to Armada. If you are into D&D/Pathfinder I will start to make some stuff for it next year, the files will be available on myminifactory website.

Just to share some pictures of the printed Dust Fields and the Unarmed Station :)

QOsklzO.jpg eb39rvF.jpg F1gIhi0.jpg

Hi, I love the space station and dust clouds. Do you share them, I should have a 3D printer soon 😁

Edited by Malburet

@Malburet Hi, I'm sorry to give you this answer but I'm not sharing or selling the files for my obstacle set. I only provide printing services for them as it's the only way I can keep control over the files.

If you are patient here is a screenshot of my todo list. I have planned to release various station models on Thingiverse. I can't just not be precise about when they will be done.


Don't worry, and thanks a lot for the files that you share on Thingiverse. 🙂

Hi everyone! I have two announcements to make in this post.

The first one: I have got an increased demand for buying the stl files of my obstacles in the past year and so far my answer was no. Main reason, I want to keep control over the files. Another reason it’s because it’s hard to put a value on the time I spent on those models, some of them took me over a hundred hours to make.

So I didn’t change my mind about the existing obstacles models but I am ready to conduct an “experiment”. I have uploaded the files for the MC35 Frigate as a bundle on Etsy (search Onil Creations).

If the experience is successful I will start selling the STL file for my future obstacles set as well as keep offering 3D printing services for those who don’t have access to a printer!

The second announcement is about the Afmk1 type 5. My goal is to keep the model close to the depiction in the Rebellion video game. And this requires a bit more planning in the modeling to make it printable with minimum support.The model should be on thingiverse next week!

Now I think this will be my last post on this forum. I will miss this place, I was not the most active here but I quite enjoyed reading the various topics and stories. A huge thanks to all the members who show me support and bring me new ideas!

As some of you already know it I will have a presence on BBG and the new unofficial official forum ;)