38 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:A second passanger a snoring child on your ship
How he managed to get up to the upper deck of the ship, particularly without the droids noticing will be an interesting story.
38 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:A second passanger a snoring child on your ship
How he managed to get up to the upper deck of the ship, particularly without the droids noticing will be an interesting story.
Bind (opposed)
1 threat, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
Hey, @Stormbourne , which direction are you headed? Across the hall, forwards towards the cockpit, of aft?
well i don't really know the interior of the ship so mostly just away from you
Well, you’re currently on the upper deck in one of the two forward holds set mid ship, one port, one starboard. There’s only one set of double doors for each hold, so you actually have to run past Korath to get out of the hold. Once that’s done (which we can conclude you did), you have three choices, across the hall to the other hold, forward or aft. Which direction you head will determine what you see.
Edited by Tramp Graphicswell if i can't escape without you seeing me i'll edit the IC
Edited by StormbourneThere aren’t any maintenance shafts in the holds. This isn’t a capital ship. It’s a transport. You only have one exit and three directions you can head after that.
Edited by Tramp GraphicsWell then how did i get in here
Well, either you hacked the main ramp, one of the two side air locks and climbed in, or climbed up on top of the ship (which itself is a feat) and hacked the top hatch. All of them would have required getting past the ship’s security systems and past three droids. Given that the ship was being resupplied at the time, the main hatch would have been down to allow for the loading crews to load the ship.
For the record, this is the ship you snuck onto:
Basically, any “maintenance ducts” would be under the floorboards of the lower deck, along the keel.
okay this should work IC changed
Edited by Stormbourne11 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:Well, either you hacked the main ramp, one of the two side air locks and climbed in, or climbed up on top of the ship (which itself is a feat) and hacked the top hatch. All of them would have required getting past the ship’s security systems and past three droids. Given that the ship was being resupplied at the time, the main hatch would have been down to allow for the loading crews to load the ship.
For the record, this is the ship you snuck onto:
A deckplan would be more helpful
5 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:A deckplan would be more helpful
Yes, but given that he hasn't ever been in the ship, his character wouldn't know the deck plan. He would only know what he actually sees with his own eyes.
Now, @Stormbourne , This is what you intitially saw in the cargo hold (I'm assuming Starboard hold).
Exiting the hold, you see this accross the hall:
THis to the fore:
And this Aft:
@Tramp Graphics , or the loading ramp was left open when Hacker was overseeing the refueling of the ship. Also a deck plan would be helpful if only so we know where stuff is for later rp.
Just now, Rabobankrider said:@Tramp Graphics , or the loading ramp was left open when Hacker was overseeing the refueling of the ship. Also a deck plan would be helpful if only so we know where stuff is for later rp.
Yeah, I'm keeping the full deckplan a secret for now. If you want to see it, I can PM you the links.
Ok, why are you keeping the ship deck plan a secret?
3 minutes ago, Rabobankrider said:Ok, why are you keeping the ship deck plan a secret?
Basically they wouldn't have knowledge of the ship if they had never been on it before. Also so that when they do get a "tour" of the ship, and everything that has been done with it, their reactions are genuine.
Edited by Tramp GraphicsRight, but you never have been to Kafrene and I just made you do a streetwise check rather than go through this charade. Also the YZ-900 is not a particularity unique design.
2 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:neat
Yeah, but it doesn't really help with what you tried to do with your previous edit. ?
i know
3 minutes ago, Stormbourne said:i know
However, I'm guessing that those screen caps do.
screen capture what am i a savage nah just downloaded them
So, @Rabobankrider , how long's the preflight gonna take?