STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

14 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I was there when West End Games created this ship. Like in the editorial office. There were some who said no one would care, I was in the camp that someone, somwhere would notice one day.

And here we are 😂

Watch ECHenry's vid. It was in ESB before you guys put it in the RPG. :) Piett's shuttle's wings are canted outwards and is dual hulled like the bomber.

Edit: Or did I miss that that is what you meant in the first place?

Edited by Hiemfire
1 minute ago, Hiemfire said:

Watch ECHenry's vid. It was in ESB before you guys put it in the RPG. :) Piett's shuttle's wings are canted outwards and is dual hulled like the bomber.

Edit: Or did I miss that that is what you meant in the first place?

Right, Captain Needa’s TIE shuttle was seen in the movie and even predates TIE Interceptors and the Lambda class in Canon.

The discussion was whether or not the ship had to be included in a game manual that was trying to be ‘complete’ for it’s time. (It was the complete Movie Trilogy Source book.)

Would someone notice? Sure enough people did.

27 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

Right, Captain Needa’s TIE shuttle was seen in the movie and even predates TIE Interceptors and the Lambda class in Canon.

The discussion was whether or not the ship had to be included in a game manual that was trying to be ‘complete’ for it’s time. (It was the complete Movie Trilogy Source book.)

Would someone notice? Sure enough people did.

Thank you, I got the two captain's mixed up. :)

1 minute ago, Hiemfire said:

Thank you, I got the two captain's mixed up. :)

Well if you believe Rebel propaganda, they both died on board the Executor .


On 4/16/2019 at 5:24 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

I was there when West End Games created this ship. Like in the editorial office. There were some who said no one would care, I was in the camp that someone, somwhere would notice one day.

And here we are 😂

Just how deeply ingrained in Star Wars are you, Advisor..?

11 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Just how deeply ingrained in Star Wars are you, Advisor..?

Well my loving Grandfather took me to see the first movie in 1977.

When will someone finally put an R2 casing on Bucket? And how the **** did that helmet stay on his naked head during a freaking DOGFIGHT?

1 hour ago, BenderIsGreat said:

When will someone finally put an R2 casing on Bucket? And how the **** did that helmet stay on his naked head during a freaking DOGFIGHT?

I think he likes it this way.

And skill, I guess.

2 hours ago, BenderIsGreat said:

When will someone finally put an R2 casing on Bucket? And how the **** did that helmet stay on his naked head during a freaking DOGFIGHT?



On 4/16/2019 at 7:15 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

What's the official name of his ship?

6 hours ago, Odanan said:

What's the official name of his ship?


On 4/26/2019 at 8:56 AM, Odanan said:

What's the official name of his ship?

I remember it being redder in the show but looking up screen shots, that's pretty close.

It really feels possible that this and the one in IX are actually the same model with some changes for visual style and maybe some personal modifications. The colors are different but that doesn't mean much. Weapons are different as well (like the inside of the wing cut-out). plus the back of the wings is a bit different on Vonreg's but they could be related. They're close enough that if XWTMG2 has Vonreg in the same fighter as what's in the film, I wouldn't be that upset.

Ugh. Where's the Blu?

6 minutes ago, Demon4x4 said:

Ugh. Where's the Blu?

More importantly, where’s the link for a store in Canada..

Not sure how that's more important. You can at least import this other version if you want. :P
Meaning... if The Resistance [and Freemakers season II...] were only on Blu Ray in Canada, I'd find a way to get them. lol

Any Bonus features?

I've watched about four episodes now and have lost all enthusiasm for it.

My daughter gave up after half an episode.

It's just so dull and irrelevant. No reason for BB8 apart from to let you know which age of the universe you're watching.

Is there anything that makes it worth continuing? Rebels, although terrible at first, at least had Jedi and Jedi hunters to keep you going with the idea that it was going to get interesting (which it did - although the final season was poor bar Obi vs Maul).

I can't see any reason to keep watching it. It's got to be poor if they can't inspire a nine year old who loves cartoons and S.Wars to watch more than one episode!

Edited by Larky Bobble
13 hours ago, Larky Bobble said:

I've watched about four episodes now and have lost all enthusiasm for it.

My daughter gave up after half an episode.

It's just so dull and irrelevant. No reason for BB8 apart from to let you know which age of the universe you're watching.

Is there anything that makes it worth continuing? Rebels, although terrible at first, at least had Jedi and Jedi hunters to keep you going with the idea that it was going to get interesting (which it did - although the final season was poor bar Obi vs Maul).

I can't see any reason to keep watching it. It's got to be poor if they can't inspire a nine year old who loves cartoons and S.Wars to watch more than one episode!

Sadly this. I tried the first three episodes.

Didn't make a conscious decision to stop. I just... didn't.

17 hours ago, Larky Bobble said:

I've watched about four episodes now and have lost all enthusiasm for it.

My daughter gave up after half an episode.

It's just so dull and irrelevant. No reason for BB8 apart from to let you know which age of the universe you're watching.

Is there anything that makes it worth continuing? Rebels, although terrible at first, at least had Jedi and Jedi hunters to keep you going with the idea that it was going to get interesting (which it did - although the final season was poor bar Obi vs Maul).

I can't see any reason to keep watching it. It's got to be poor if they can't inspire a nine year old who loves cartoons and S.Wars to watch more than one episode!

I doubt I will change your mind, but I offer the counterpoint opinion in that I really enjoyed it. Yes, there are a LOT of stumbling blocks.. but there is, near the end, some more character development with Kaz and Tam especially.

The lack of what kept you interested in Rebels (Jedi, force powers) is what keeps me invested. I want stories about non-super powered beings in Star Wars. There is lots of room and not every person needs to be a Jedi, especially for main protagonists.

My 6 year old son enjoys the show, the new movies, as well as the old. Part if why the sequels are special to me is the Force Awakens was my sons First theatre experience and he watched it enraptured.

Now, as I said, Resistance has a lot of stumbling blocks.. it is very slow paced early on. Seems to drag and reemphasize the situations around Kaz and his mission without getting much done. Really this season was a setup for more creative freedom down the road, it needed the sequel films finished so it can find it’s place in the overarching story.

There is the ineptitude of the villains.. but this is a thing when it comes to ALL heroic fantasy media. The average goon/bad guy trooper has to miss. The main characters have plot armour, but the execution if it could be better, I admit. As well, some slapstick is overdone in frequency and exaggerated style.

But there are things I do like or even love; namely the overall animation. Now the art style is not something everyone will love, but the actual animation I find quite good - especially when they do vehicles and fighter stuff. Also, I think this is the most lively setting for an animated show. There are always plenty of background characters milling about in places where people will congregate.

There IS character development for Tam and Kaz, Style aside, the animation is quite good with characters movement, but the facial animations are a little stiff.

The series left off with a great potential for story, and the the villain for season two is likely to be more personal for Kaz. The big issue is the pacing.

Season 2 trailer has been posted

FO bombers showing up outside the poster. Some interesting scum-style ships.

And the final season.