STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

3 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

Hype's Astromech, R4-G77. It is slightly frustrating with it having  the R4 there since it clearly isn't related to any R-Series astromech  but whateves 

An R-series isn't the shell but what the shell contains in my opinion. If it uses the same processors and base programming while retaining a physical resemblence it's an R-series. :)

22 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

An R-series isn't the shell but what the shell contains in my opinion. If it uses the same processors and base programming while retaining a physical resemblence it's an R-series. :)

That is a very fair point, and considering the old Legends explanation for R4-P17 and the R4-P 'series' it perfectly fits.

I'm still just salty about Clone Wars CG changing the droid naming system...

5 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I'm still  just  salty about Clone Wars CG  changing the droid na  ming  system...


There never was, technically, any naming system for the droids.

George just did what George wanted.

You guys should seriously understand that by now.

1 hour ago, Captain Lackwit said:

There never was, technically, any naming system for the droids.

George just did what George wanted.

You guys should seriously understand that by now.

Of course he did, he established a naming scheme that others ran with all the way up to TPM when he decided to change it at which people had to reconcile the two until we get to Clone Wars where it is just all thrown right out. Just having the R# there at the start helped tell more about that droid right off the bat, and sort of goes towards world building with like how we see iterations of items in the real world.

I figured you'd likely have more fun with the info dump on the last page. All this stuff below.

9 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

Some new concept art stuff, so great fun.

First up is BB-8, gives us the first real good look at all his droid arms and tools. Still say that the R-Series has alot more that they bring to the table, but that is me.

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Hype's Astromech, R4-G77. It is slightly frustrating with it having the R4 there since it clearly isn't related to any R-Series astromech but whateves. The design was based on designs from concept art ideas from the OT where it looked like it was floating so they leaned into it. Apparently it is a one of a kind droid that Hype had built since his racing won him fame, glory, and tons of credits so he got it to really show off and stand out.


droid concept art in question they referred to.

Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance. Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance. Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance.

Torra's starfighter, Blue Ace. The ship was apparently designed from 'kitbashing' older concept art bits from the OT to make a 'unique' starfighter the likes we have never seen before. I guess that kills the idea of it being a R-41 Starchaser or a successor to the line, especially as they go on to mention that is is a custom built ship that is one of a kind that Torra had built due to being born into wealth. He astromech is similarly custom built just for her so it would be more rounded rather than being an off the shelf model.

designing-resistance-finals-08.jpg designing-resistance-finals-60-1.jpg

Ship concept art they were referring to

Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance. Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance. Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance. Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance.

Griff's Black Ace. It was designed around the idea of Griff being a TIE test pilot with this being a next generation TIE prototype that he flew. Granted, that is where they started the design of the ship rather than it being its exact background which is still up in the air since this is all they gave us.

designing-resistance-finals-68.jpg designing-resistance-finals-01.jpg

Buggles, so we get a name for it now, it is a Voorpak. They based it off this sketch in The Wildlife of Star Wars. The main differences being that the sized it up to be more dog than rabbit sized and reduced the leg count from 8 to 6 to make the design less busy and save the animator's sanity.

Concept art used to inspire Star Wars Resistance.

So, just saw the season finale. Spoilers below.

Well, glad to see that they did give Kaz a little more time to reflect and deal with the surprise of his whole past life, family, friends, and everything else being wiped out. Still sort of hoping that they will go with his father or family having been part of the group supporting the First Order just to have stuff to let him explore his character more, I doubt it but would be interesting. The storm trooper grunts still seem rather eyerolling stupid at times, Kaz screaming out and the trooper just shrugging it off being one, but I guess that is comparable to how OT storm troopers were made into a joke in Rebels.

Tam did also join the First Order, thankfully, that could help set her up as a good rival and villain for the show that Kaz has to deal with. With the time they spent with her seeming to debate the matter I thought they might chicken out for a second, but this is great for her character moving forward.

The Colossus got some time showing off being a ship, I can easily imagine it becoming a key mobile base for the Resistance moving forward or that would be a good thing to explore with it. They did jump it to lightspeed from inside the planet's atmosphere which is ugh... Its really almost like writers don't know what a gravity well is or how far a planet's gravity extends. TFA treated it as a deadly maneuver to get past Starkiller Base's shields and was done by someone who was known to both be risky and a great pilot, Rogue One did it in a very 'do it or die' situation and now it was just as if it were normal now.

Neeku flubbed the hyperspace coordinates to D'Qar so that means that the Colossus group got to skip out on the events of TLJ, and not get wiped out with the rest of the Resistance. I'm really hoping that season 2, especially early season 2, will explore a post TFA and TLJ galaxy, how is the galaxy operating now without the Republic and how are people treating the takeover of the First Order and whether or not the galaxy, save for the area held by the FO, falls into lawlessness or is maintaining the status quo without the Republic and the Resistance seemingly wiped out. I wonder if we might not also see the Resistance operating out of the Colossus or if they will break it off so it is its own cell so as to not step on the toes of the ST era main characters and do their own thing despite making it less connected to everything. Sort of a Agents of Shield when compared to the MCU films situation.

Lastly Vonreg, man they gave him the Inquisitor treatment without ever really making him intimidating. I don't think we ever learned anything about him, and he had what maybe 10 lines throughout the whole season? Pyre has been pretty much nothing more than a Stormtrooper commander too, at least Tierny seems competent, manipulative, and in control and Tam has potential as a villain so hopefully season 2 will have more impactful villains.

34 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

but I guess that is comparable to how OT storm troopers were made into a joke in Rebels.

ANH was any different? :D

1 minute ago, Hiemfire said:

ANH was any different? :D

I know you are joking, but they at least had the reason to miss considering they wanted to let them get away and track the Falcon back to the Rebel base. ROTJ on the other hand...

Just watched the finale.

Will say that I really enjoyed it. The show has had some stumbling, but it has great potential going forward. The dogfight finale was great, something I want to see more of.

Neeku putting the coordinates in wrong was a plot necessity. We know that almost immediately after starkiller is destroyed D’qar is evacuated and the resistance falls.

With the rumour of the time jump in episode IX, it leaves resistance season two a lot of room to explore. We know two things, the resistance keeps fighting, and that they do get a fleet back and attack the first order - as seen in the teasers for the redistance ride at Galaxy’s Edge. I am curious where the colossus fits in. To me there are two major options. both interesting in their own right;

Number 1: If Neeku’s coordinated are close, then the colossus becomes a hub/base for the resistance to fight from. Gives a place to hide, place to launch attacks, and coordinate the fleet. Rest, heal, etc. Now, a slight deviation to this point is to be expected I think. The movies and the show will tie in at some point.

The second option: Neeku’s coordinates are VERY far. We get a kind Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek Voyager long voyage back. This could be fun, and an interesting potential as a few other characters we know of are lost in the unknown. Perhaps we will get Thrawn and Ezra joining and leading the Resistance fleet. This has a very good chance of being the case. Thrawn and Ezra disappeared along similar lines, unknown coordinates/destination, along with Sabine and Ahsoka going to find Ezra. We could get a tie in of everything. This idea seems, again, likely as the pirates aces are going to be at odds with each other, but have to work together to keep the colossus safe.

Other musings;

Vonreg had to die, I think for no other reason but for Tam to take his place.

The colossus is a cool ship.. bit, honestly I love ships designed from vertical standpoint as opposed to the traditional horizontal.

I've enjoyed more of the show than I've disliked. I look forward to the second season.

Well **** that was a really strong ending. Way stronger than I expected! You guys have already said quite a bit that I was going to, so there's nooooot a lot I can add, other than...

Hey, I told you it'd be worth it!

Huh, I really liked the finale. Seeing the Colossus flying was really cool. Actually no, that whole dogfight segment was awesome to watch.

Vonreg is a bit sad to see go but I think he was really there to show improvement on Kaz's part. And man, he is really shaping up to be a great pilot, if not already, which I would agree to. Hope that interceptor type makes a apperance again though.

The Colossus seems to have some pretty strong shielding, what with the pounding it was taking from that Star Destroyer. The station will definitely become a base for the Resistance I think.

Can't say I blame Tam, people that she trusted lied to her and she didn't know what to believe, she didn't immediately pick the FO though so there is hope she will come around.

Looking forward to the return of Resistance.

Also, bring on the Fireball, T-85, FO Interceptor, and Pirate Uglies FFG.

1 hour ago, KiraYamatoSF said:

Vonreg is a bit sad to see go but I think he was really there to show improvement on Kaz's part. And man, he is really shaping up to be a great pilot, if not already, which I would agree to. Hope that interceptor type makes a apperance again though.

Sort of, I think what we've seen so far is that he can take advantage of his surroundings to a good extent. Him surviving that one explosion by hiding in/on an asteroid, and again here he uses the cover of the station to hide his approach. I know he does a few other things with them just none come to mind right away. Really hoping that when FFG add him as a pilot his ability is something that deals with obstacles in some shape or form.

1 hour ago, KiraYamatoSF said:

Can't say I blame Tam, people that she trusted lied to her and she didn't know what to believe, she didn't immediately pick the FO though so there is hope she will come around.

It certainly sets her up well to be a compelling character/villain, and to have a good dynamic with Tierny. Really hoping to see her, Tam, to be a series long villain rather than them just having her be one for a season and then get saved/redeemed by Kaz.

1 hour ago, KiraYamatoSF said:

Also, bring on the Fireball, T-85, FO Interceptor, and Pirate Uglies FFG.

I think the Fireball and T-85 are shoes ins for the Resistance. I think there might be a very good chance that we don't see the other racer ships though, what with them all being one off crafts with only one known pilot. I wonder if they will end up keeping their ships moving forward or if they might end up getting T-70s or the like when they formally join the Resistance.

FO Interceptor is another shoe in, its what one of four ship options with the other three all being one form of shuttle or another (Troop Carrier, Xi Shuttle, and TIE Echelon). I do wonder if it will keep the red paint scheme, part of me really hopes that we see the FO Interceptor in standard colors for season 2 for the FFG model, mostly because it stands out as odd compared to the other mainline fighters.

Pirate Uglies I'm not sure if they will get the model treatment, the faction is already rather large and they are competing with PT era ships, and anything else introduced in episode 9. Weird as it is with the end of the season there might be a case for them ending up being used by the Resistance, or the uglies might be left behind to let the Pirates turned Resistance/ally use ships more normally used by that faction. Just another reason to look forward to season 2 news I guess.

My main pet peeve was: when Tam was about to board the shuttle, why did Kaz not scream out to her that the first order had destroyed an entire solar system, including his own world!?

Surely it would give her pause, even if the FO told her not to believe it. The only possible reason is that they want to use that revelation as a plot device later. Either way, it bugged me a bit.

Edited by takfar
2 minutes ago, takfar said:

My main pet peeve was: when Tam was about to board the shuttle, why did Kaz not scream out to her that the first order had destroyed an entire solar system, including his own world!?

Surely it would give her pause, even if the FO told her not to believe it. The only possible reason is that they want to use that revelation as a plot device later. Either way, it bugged me a bit.

Because, believe it or not, sometimes when you're in an emotional situation, like you're friend joining the first order, you don't think straight?

Granted the real reason is the drama of her likely being a villain/foil for Kaz.

At this point, I fear for Yeager.. father figures don't last long in the star wars galaxy.

I echo everything so far, Colossus, dog fight, Tam, ect.

Something new: I have a feeling that the Colossus will probably end up at Batuu, since a lot of the new canon either refers to or revolves around this planet.

On 3/16/2019 at 11:17 PM, Hiemfire said:

ANH was any different? :D

Ask the crew of the Tantive IV just how effective Stormtroopers are.

1 hour ago, RuusMarev said:

I echo everything so far, Colossus, dog fight, Tam, ect.

Something new: I have a feeling that the Colossus will probably end up at Batuu, since a lot of the new canon either refers to or revolves around this planet.

Part of me wants to think it won't but then again they do have that Star Wars hotel they are building...

2 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

I echo everything so far, Colossus, dog fight, Tam, ect.

Something new: I have a feeling that the Colossus will probably end up at Batuu, since a lot of the new canon either refers to or revolves around this planet.

37 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

Part of me wants to think it won't but then again they do have that Star Wars hotel they are building...

I kind of wonder if the Batuu being the setting for Galaxy's Edge actually causes them not to use it as much, unless they add her there as part of one of the attractions. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised to see Resistance stuff there at some point but I don't think it's been mentioned much in the previews.

2 minutes ago, CaptainJaguarShark said:

I kind of wonder if the Batuu being the setting for Galaxy's Edge actually causes them not to use it as much, unless they add her there as part of one of the attractions. I suppose we shouldn't be surprised to see Resistance stuff there at some point but I don't think it's been mentioned much in the previews.

I'm fairly certain it won't be part of the rides. Rise of the Resistance has you in the Intersystem transport which is captured by the FO and then you are in a little transport for the rest of the ride up to the point where it takes you into an escape pod to drop you back down to the planet. Flight of Millennium Falcon will take place aboard the Falcon obviously and maybe could have a cameo of it showing up at somepoint but likely doubt it. The hotel could work as being it, though it could just be a generic Resistance ship too.

I know one of the big points about Batuu is supposedly they worked out its history during the Clone Wars up through to the ST, likely so they could modify the land as needed in the future, though I don't expect it to be rethemed from the ST anytime soon. I mean the original Star Tours was meant to be able to be changed around regularly and only was once they redid the whole ride, pre-show, queue, etc rather than just the ride itself. Besides these rides won't have sponsors and Disney had a habit of not wanting to spend tons on a ride that works, RIP original EPCOT Center.

3 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I'm fairly certain it won't be part of the rides. Rise of the Resistance has you in the Intersystem transport which is captured by the FO and then you are in a little transport for the rest of the ride up to the point where it takes you into an escape pod to drop you back down to the planet. Flight of Millennium Falcon will take place aboard the Falcon obviously and maybe could have a cameo of it showing up at somepoint but likely doubt it. The hotel could work as being it, though it could just be a generic Resistance ship too.

I know one of the big points about Batuu is supposedly they worked out its history during the Clone Wars up through to the ST, likely so they could modify the land as needed in the future, though I don't expect it to be rethemed from the ST anytime soon. I mean the original Star Tours was meant to be able to be changed around regularly and only was once they redid the whole ride, pre-show, queue, etc rather than just the ride itself. Besides these rides won't have sponsors and Disney had a habit of not wanting to spend tons on a ride that works, RIP original EPCOT Center.

I don't think the Colossus will be the hotel. To my knowledge, guests to galaxy edge can choose their allegance by how they do certain things in the park. For the immersive feel, it doesn't make sense to have everyone stay on a Resistance ship.

Plus, there is a chance the Colossus will be destroyed.

2 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I don't think the Colossus will be the hotel. To my knowledge, guests to galaxy edge can choose their allegance by how they do certain things in the park. For the immersive feel, it doesn't make sense to have everyone stay on a Resistance ship.

Plus, there is a chance the Colossus will be destroyed.

The hotel certainly seems to be themed to the Resistance far more than the FO. I know it is true that you can buy appropriate clothes for both factions and earn reputation and the like but looking at the concept art it rather looks rather Resistance focused.

dims?quality=85& swh34982340-624x321.jpg star-wars-resort-room-depiction.jpg

Concept art time

Some various Pirate models

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The Colossus, seems it was always intended to be a ship during the scripting phase, and they included hints to it throughout the season including some lights being noticeable from under the water. The final shape and design of the ship though wasn't finished/decided upon until the season finale. It was also made to fly vertically to have it stand out from Star Destroyers since they are both wedge shaped.


1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:

Concept art time

Some various Pirate models

resistance-122-concept-art-gallery-3_5d3e8c88.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1440%2C1440 resistance-122-concept-art-gallery-4_f006229a.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1240 resistance-122-concept-art-gallery-5_b537b2c0.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1428

The Colossus, seems it was always intended to be a ship during the scripting phase, and they included hints to it throughout the season including some lights being noticeable from under the water. The final shape and design of the ship though wasn't finished/decided upon until the season finale. It was also made to fly vertically to have it stand out from Star Destroyers since they are both wedge shaped.


So now that we've seen it out of the water, I have to wonder why it needs to fly in that orientation, or even why it needs to be in that orientation at all. There's not many ships in Star Wars that function that way and I think none in the Imperial fleets (that we knew of before this one).

8 minutes ago, CaptainJaguarShark said:

So now that we've seen it out of the water, I have to wonder why it needs to fly in that orientation, or even why it needs to be in that orientation at all. There's not many ships in Star Wars that function that way and I think none in the Imperial fleets (that we knew of before this one).

Flying iceberg that doesn't have to change its internal gravity or deck alignment between flight and landed.

1 hour ago, Hiemfire said:

Flying iceberg that doesn't have to change its internal gravity or deck alignment between flight and landed.

I mean even why it needs to have this orientation in water. I'm talking about the design choice to have it vertical at its core, not just how it would fly considering that it was already decided it was vertical. I guess the fact that it's also capable of spaceflight might have been a little more obvious that way, as it might have looked more like the wedge design of an SD that way.