STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

9 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

not even a pre-made cover story

I think this really hurts the story. I'm honestly surprised the FO didn't immediately question why a former Republic pilot and son of a senator is on this station of all places. If they did question it and I merely forget it happening, then I have to think they didn't question it enough.

9 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

it is worth noting that his "bumbling" has been largely in specific situations.. by halfway through the series we see him doing fairly mundane things and he's not 'bumbling' at all.

he gets clumsy, anxious, and inarticulate in the following situations..

when he's nervous

when he's scared

when he's doing something he wasn't trained to do.

(and when he's excited, but that tends more towards a "hyper" variant)

as someone who has much the same issues IRL, i can sympathize.

which is why he did it so much in the beginning of the series.. he's in a strange place, with strange people, with social rules and conditions he doesn't know. this would make anyone nervous and scared. especially when he commits a social faux pass or accidentally antagonizes someone and he's facing down

he is also been asked to spy on the people of the platform.. something he was not trained to do at all. he was not trained to sneak around, so he gets nervous and scared and as a result he is constantly screwing up his efforts to be stealthy. though notice that in the more recent episodes he's been able to follow Synnara and First order troops without them noticing him or much in the way of knocking stuff over except when he's suddenly surprised by something. he wasn't trained to lie and maintain a false identity, so his efforts to do so in early episodes often fail rather spectacularly. but notice that recently he was able to actually pose as a First Order stormtrooper without them immediately realizing he was a fake, despite ignorance of how the first order does things. we see similar character development through the season. notice that he's no longer quite as inept at doing repairs and maintenance work now as well? some of it is obviously "on the job training" but it is also clear that he's gotten a lot more comfortable around his coworkers and with when the job is

kaz 'bumbles' because he grew up in a sheltered life and then got trained to be a pilot. and he's very good at being a pilot. then he got yanked outside his familiar environment and mad a spy in what is to him a completely alien world, with no training and no support, not even a pre-made cover story. not even another resistance member to give him advice on how to do the job or what to look for. (and no, BB-8 doesn't really count here.)

as the season has progressed, he's gotten a lot better at both living on the platform including dealing with its residents, but also the whole spy gig. and as a result he's gotten a lot less clumsy, anxious, and inarticulate most of the time. at least until something new happens that makes him nervous or scared, at which point he's back to 'bumbling'. which to be fair, is how this sort of thing happens IRL as well.

That is a very good character breakdown, and reading it, gives a different insight.

I think it is important to have characters that show these less ‘heroic’ traits in their personality. It makes them relatable, perhaps not to me personally, but others, certainly.

These traits of being a bumbling buffoon, selfish street urchin, or whiny farmboy, all disappear after a while as the characters grew. They change over time.

If your character profiling rings true, and looking back, I think it does, we will see Kaz grow past all if it and become a true leader as the seasons progress.

On 2/19/2019 at 2:47 PM, RuusMarev said:

Dude, I understand, and agree. just saying its a kids show.. sometimes you get Batman: The animated series, Clone Wars, ect. Sometimes you dont.

Right, so why are we defending the fact that this is a show that does it badly when we know that it can be done well?

This is a BAD SHOW for kids. And the fact that it's for kids doesn't absolve it of being bad.

21 hours ago, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

This character is insufferably and implausibly obnoxious and clumsy and over-reactive and makes Jar-Jar Binks look like a ballerina. To people saying that it's a kid show made by Disney on the Disney network so obviously they have to cheese up the character for kids,

Also, Disney also makes Gravity Falls and the new DuckTales, which are INFINITELY better shows than this that are presumably aimed at the same age group.

Edited by DarthEnderX
2 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

Right, so why are we defending the fact that this is a show that does it badly when we know that it can be done well?

This is a BAD SHOW for kids. And the fact that it's for kids doesn't absolve it of being bad.

The way I see it, it is Better than Paw Patrol for kids..

2 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

The way I see it, it is Better than Paw Patrol for kids..

That's a Nick Jr. show, that's not for kids, it's for toddlers that don't even go to school yet.

Even Resistance isn't targeted that young.

Edited by DarthEnderX
On 2/22/2019 at 9:58 AM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

That is a very good character breakdown, and reading it, gives a different insight.

I think it is important to have characters that show these less ‘heroic’ traits in their personality. It makes them relatable, perhaps not to me personally, but others, certainly.

These traits of being a bumbling buffoon, selfish street urchin, or whiny farmboy, all disappear after a while as the characters grew. They change over time.

If your character profiling rings true, and looking back, I think it does, we will see Kaz grow past all if it and become a true leader as the seasons progress.

we're already seeing him grow past much of it. i suspect that the events of TFA/TLJ that hit in the finale will see him grow even more.

and yeah, we see this in many of the characters in SW.. Ezra was super cocky and self-centered in season 1 of Rebels, and while he still had elements of that even in the final episode, by season 2 he'd grown a lot less self-centered and had grown a lot less cocky as well.
and we see Luke progress from whiny farmkid to idealistic warrior to nihilistic hermit over the course of four movies and a lot of comics.

this sort of character development is common in shows aimed at younger audiences. especially those that are intended to have the characters grow with their audience. both Ezra and Kaz have personality traits common in pre-teens. in Ezra these seemed natural, because he was that young. in Kaz they feel more out of place on the surface, since he isn't a kid. but it is also clear, on deeper analysis, that the creative team has been trying to give the traits a reason to exist that fits Kaz's age. and i would expect that some of kaz's issues will remain even after he grows as a character. it did with Ezra after all.

actually, much of kaz's behavior feels to me like he could be on the Spectrum, perhaps Aspergers syndrome. he experiences difficulties in basic social interaction, including difficulty in making and keeping friends. he has a narrow range of interests on which he is fixated (flying and fighters/fighter pilots) on which he can talk endlessly, while often having trouble understanding broader topics outside those interests. Socially he misses behavioral cues in others that he is annoying them or antagonizing them. he also seems to have some bodily motor coordination issues unrelated to how nervous he is, yet at the same time he clearly has excellent hand-eye coordination given his flying skills.

i'm not saying that he is on the spectrum of course. probably isn't meant to be. but it does make for an interesting perspective on the character. and given that they've added a character that has some elements of other syndromes on the spectrum in Neeku, i wouldn't be surprised if the similarities weren't intentional to some degree.

The Disappeared was a decent episode. Kaz was still bumbling but perhaps not quite as badly. Definitely had to suspend my disbelief a little when he told Torra to stay out of sight and then immediately made an incredibly loud noise, which really should have drawn the attention of someone.

I was worried CB-23 would be too similar a character to BB-8 but it hasn't been that way so far. The FO ball droid also has it's own bits of character.

I'm excited about hearing Takodana. We know Maz is doing something dangerous during the events of TLJ but it didn't seem like she was fighting the FO. Would be interesting if she and her crew show up, somehow manage to drive the FO out, and then the pirates start attacking again- that could be the scene we see in TLJ. I'm not really expecting it at all, though. Also, Maz is a "pirate queen." Would be neat to see if these pirates have any relation to her.

While I know it goes all the way back to the original trilogy, I'm always a little startled by stormtroopers admiring things. Feels like a break from their "character." The one 'trooper admiring Hype's ship felt odd to me. Something about 'troopers makes me feel that they have no reasonable expectation of retirement, where they might be able to enjoy frivolous luxuries such as that.

Curious to see if the arrest at the end has to do with Kaz's family relations or if they were seen helping the prisoners take transport.

Edited by CaptainJaguarShark

Original trilogy Stormtroopers were just soldiers, recruited from the general populace and trained in the job. (at least, once the clone trooper units were retired) i suspect most of them were attracted by promises the Empire made, promises likely not much different than in real life. promises of both adventure and things like good pay, learn new skills, and probably promise of retirement/veterans benefits once mustered out.

that said, the First Order troops are not volunteers, but rather abducted kids that have been brainwashed their whole lives. so it would feel a little out of place for them. but i personally take such humanizing moments as proof that the FO indoctrination process is flawed, and that their basic humanity remains, no matter how often the FO tries to 'brainscrub' and reprogram them into basically organic battledroids.

32 minutes ago, mithril2098 said:

That said, the First Order troops are not volunteers, but rather abducted kids that have been brainwashed their whole lives. so it would feel a little out of place for them. but i personally take such humanizing moments as proof that the FO indoctrination process is flawed, and that their basic humanity remains, no matter how often the FO tries to 'brainscrub' and reprogram them into basically organic battledroids.

Yeah, that is fair, actually. That's basically why Finn isn't working with the FO now, of course. I guess it depends on how effectively they've been conditioned.

Well, at least we can assume this one is right at the start of the episode.

General Hux to appear in Season I finale part I and Kylo Ren in part II.

On 2/28/2019 at 7:17 PM, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:

General Hux to appear in Season I finale part I and Kylo Ren in part II.

Hux likely will just be them reusing the audio from TFA that we've seen in the trailer, Kylo I'm less sure on. It runs parallel so we know exactly what he was doing, more or less, save for after he got off of Starkiller so he might not show up in person exactly but maybe in a holovid or some flashback.

My best guess is that the next episode's mid or end point if the Hosnian system being wiped out and then that spurring on the main cast to fight back and sink the colossus to keep it from the FO's hands.

So.. with Hype leaving the station, and the colouring of Kaz’s jacket, I'm wondering if Tam will get to fly the Fireball and Kaz will fly Hype’s ship.

I dunno. I feel like with the Fireball being part of the show's logo, it's probably going to be Kaz's ship. At least for awhile.

But I could see him becoming the new Green Ace.

9 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

I dunno. I feel like with the Fireball being part of the show's logo, it's probably going to be Kaz's ship. At least for awhile.

But I could see him becoming the new Green Ace.

Likely. But until they meetup or Hype returns, I can see Kaz flying it. Though Tam might, but to me, it feels more “right” that Tam flies it.

I knew sticking with this series would pay off eventually. This was a genuinely good episode.

If the entire series going forward can keep this pace up, Resistance will become a cornerstone series like Clone Wars and Rebels, no doubt.

I actually thought Bucket was gone for a second there.

I'm really curious to see how the Starkiller activation goes down as far as whether the characters will have tangible loss. Will Kaz's dad actually die? It's clear that the FO knows who and where Kaz is from. It would be something i they actually deal with Kaz's loss but I'm not sure they're willing to show that in such a straightforward way.

Leia gave them the coordinates of the next base. I'm assuming this isn't the base in TFA/TLJ but if it was, I could see Kaz and crew showing up in the system after the Resistance has already fled, and having to dig through the clues to figure out what happened. If it is truly a future base, then maybe they'll join them between TLJ and IX, if at all.

I originally thought that Tam would come around, now I'm not so sure. She never got to fly the fireball, was lied to by all her friends, abandoned to capture. I'm really wondering now if all this betrayel will allow her to overlook the destruction of the Hosnian system.

another side question. How will the galaxy at large react to the destruction of the hosnian system? With the resistance all but wiped out (save for who can fit on a yt-1300, or, and this is conjecture, who is on the colossus) could the First Order not paint the destruction of the Hosnian system as an attempt to overthrow the new republic by a non sanctioned extremist group run by the disgraced Daughter of none other than Darth Vader?

I mean, propaganda wise, that is what I would do if I was evil. No one likely knows WHO destroyed the Hosnian system (in universe), Starkiller was destroyed, the First Order was never seen as agressive.. they could step in to sieze control.. err.. offer assistance, that is, to protect the galaxy from the extremist group that is the resistance, who led by the daughter of one of the most evil men of the Galactic civil war, was willing to destroy a planet and government to sieze power. Luckily the first order tracked down the starkiller and destroyed it before the daughter of Darth Vader could destroy more.

Honestly, no one in the galaxy would know the truth, save the first order. Leia IS a pariah. Young folk will not have been around for the GCW, propaganda could sway them,

Back to Tam, with the hurt and confusion she feels, if the propaganda machine does as I suggest, she could join the first order to fly alongside Major Vonreg. The first order gives her a ship that her former boss never did - but that he gavd to Kaz, the first order spy.

Having Tam as the series villian going forth, conflicting with her emotions, while flying against Kaz could be very good story potential, IF that is the route the sequel trilogy went with episode IX.

We shall see, but if that (above conjecture) was true, the timing of the series Resistance is perfect.

The episode was likely the best of the season so far, it still feels abit kiddy in by not undoing any major stakes, like them shooting Bucket. I mean Bucket is heavily a background character and the death could have well served to show how serious the situation was, but then that might make some people sad or the like so better just bring him back. Yeager had a good outing for the most part this episode and at least Kaz wasn't bumbling around as much. I'm guessing next week either the pirates will come help the group take back the station or they will save some while the base sinks or is destroyed with the 'survivors' going on to join the Resistance formally in season 2.

1 hour ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I originally thought that Tam would come around, now I'm not so sure. She never got to fly the fireball, was lied to by all her friends, abandoned to capture. I'm really wondering now if all this betrayel will allow her to overlook the destruction of the Hosnian system.

another side question. How will the galaxy at large react to the destruction of the hosnian system? With the resistance all but wiped out (save for who can fit on a yt-1300, or, and this is conjecture, who is on the colossus) could the First Order not paint the destruction of the Hosnian system as an attempt to overthrow the new republic by a non sanctioned extremist group run by the disgraced Daughter of none other than Darth Vader?

I mean, propaganda wise, that is what I would do if I was evil. No one likely knows WHO destroyed the Hosnian system (in universe), Starkiller was destroyed, the First Order was never seen as agressive.. they could step in to sieze control.. err.. offer assistance, that is, to protect the galaxy from the extremist group that is the resistance, who led by the daughter of one of the most evil men of the Galactic civil war, was willing to destroy a planet and government to sieze power. Luckily the first order tracked down the starkiller and destroyed it before the daughter of Darth Vader could destroy more.

Honestly, no one in the galaxy would know the truth, save the first order. Leia IS a pariah. Young folk will not have been around for the GCW, propaganda could sway them,

Back to Tam, with the hurt and confusion she feels, if the propaganda machine does as I suggest, she could join the first order to fly alongside Major Vonreg. The first order gives her a ship that her former boss never did - but that he gavd to Kaz, the first order spy.

Having Tam as the series villian going forth, conflicting with her emotions, while flying against Kaz could be very good story potential, IF that is the route the sequel trilogy went with episode IX.

We shall see, but if that (above conjecture) was true, the timing of the series Resistance is perfect.

Based off the trailer I think it is highly likely that Tam will end up being taken away at the end of the season. Honestly, if she became a villain it might be for the best to give us a villain that we know and can understand as so far Phasma is just sort of there showing up rarely, we get Vonreg but he has yet to show any personality or real menace due to being another rare figure leaving us only with Pyre who just seemed like a more competent Stormtrooper than having much character of his own yet. Tierny seems like the most character we've gotten for a FO villain so far so hopefully she will continue to get more screen time, maybe even being there to sort of keep twisting Tam to be a part of the FO or join it.

Not sure if that is how they will go with Starkiller and the destruction of the Hosnian system, but it actually would be fairly smart and could be used for 9 to help explain why she isn't going around trying to attract potentials for the Resistance to an extent.

Now for stuff from the latest episode, the read out on Kaz read out as such:

Kaz’s service record, obtained by Agent Tierny, lists (in Aurebesh) Hamato Xiono as his family; Hosnian Prime as his home world; his rank as merely “pilot”; his service as New Republic Navy; and it does note he was “Recruited to serve in the Resistance.”


1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:

The episode was likely the best of the season so far, it still feels abit kiddy in by not undoing any major stakes, like them shooting Bucket. I mean Bucket is heavily a background character and the death could have well served to show how serious the situation was, but then that might make some people sad or the like so better just bring him back. Yeager had a good outing for the most part this episode and at least Kaz wasn't bumbling around as much. I'm guessing next week either the pirates will come help the group take back the station or they will save some while the base sinks or is destroyed with the 'survivors' going on to join the Resistance formally in season 2.

Based off the trailer I think it is highly likely that Tam will end up being taken away at the end of the season. Honestly, if she became a villain it might be for the best to give us a villain that we know and can understand as so far Phasma is just sort of there showing up rarely, we get Vonreg but he has yet to show any personality or real menace due to being another rare figure leaving us only with Pyre who just seemed like a more competent Stormtrooper than having much character of his own yet. Tierny seems like the most character we've gotten for a FO villain so far so hopefully she will continue to get more screen time, maybe even being there to sort of keep twisting Tam to be a part of the FO or join it.

Not sure if that is how they will go with Starkiller and the destruction of the Hosnian system, but it actually would be fairly smart and could be used for 9 to help explain why she isn't going around trying to attract potentials for the Resistance to an extent.

Now for stuff from the latest episode, the read out on Kaz read out as such:

Kaz’s service record, obtained by Agent Tierny, lists (in Aurebesh) Hamato Xiono as his family; Hosnian Prime as his home world; his rank as merely “pilot”; his service as New Republic Navy; and it does note he was “Recruited to serve in the Resistance.”


I will say this again, I LOVE the first order aesthetic. That helmet is sexy.

25 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I will say this again, I LOVE the first order aesthetic. That helmet is sexy.

No argument on the helmet there, it does look cool. According to the Bucket's thing it was based on Kallus' helmet mixed with some of Vader's.

10 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I originally thought that Tam would come around, now I'm not so sure. She never got to fly the fireball, was lied to by all her friends, abandoned to capture. I'm really wondering now if all this betrayel will allow her to overlook the destruction of the Hosnian system.

another side question. How will the galaxy at large react to the destruction of the hosnian system? With the resistance all but wiped out (save for who can fit on a yt-1300, or, and this is conjecture, who is on the colossus) could the First Order not paint the destruction of the Hosnian system as an attempt to overthrow the new republic by a non sanctioned extremist group run by the disgraced Daughter of none other than Darth Vader?

I mean, propaganda wise, that is what I would do if I was evil. No one likely knows WHO destroyed the Hosnian system (in universe), Starkiller was destroyed, the First Order was never seen as agressive.. they could step in to sieze control.. err.. offer assistance, that is, to protect the galaxy from the extremist group that is the resistance, who led by the daughter of one of the most evil men of the Galactic civil war, was willing to destroy a planet and government to sieze power. Luckily the first order tracked down the starkiller and destroyed it before the daughter of Darth Vader could destroy more.

Honestly, no one in the galaxy would know the truth, save the first order. Leia IS a pariah. Young folk will not have been around for the GCW, propaganda could sway them,

Back to Tam, with the hurt and confusion she feels, if the propaganda machine does as I suggest, she could join the first order to fly alongside Major Vonreg. The first order gives her a ship that her former boss never did - but that he gavd to Kaz, the first order spy.

Having Tam as the series villian going forth, conflicting with her emotions, while flying against Kaz could be very good story potential, IF that is the route the sequel trilogy went with episode IX.

We shall see, but if that (above conjecture) was true, the timing of the series Resistance is perfect.

Holy s**t.

Talk about A+ Conjecture. I love every single thing about this. Nobody suspects The First Order of anything anyway, except Leia's Resistance! They're the ONLY ones who have any idea what the truth is.

It could absolutely be blamed on them! That is so brilliant! "The New Republic cast her out, so she struck back!"

God! That's such a good idea. That'd galvanize the people towards The First Order SO hard. That fits with their MO 1-1! I really hope this happens, duuuuuude it's way too good.

7 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I will say this again, I LOVE the first order aesthetic. That helmet is sexy.

Man forget the helmet, Tierny's hot! Right up there with Rae Sloane.

1 hour ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Holy s**t.

Talk about A+ Conjecture. I love every single thing about this. Nobody suspects The First Order of anything anyway, except Leia's Resistance! They're the ONLY ones who have any idea what the truth is.

It could absolutely be blamed on them! That is so brilliant! "The New Republic cast her out, so she struck back!"

God! That's such a good idea. That'd galvanize the people towards The First Order SO hard. That fits with their MO 1-1! I really hope this happens, duuuuuude it's way too good.

Man forget the helmet, Tierny's hot! Right up there with Rae Sloane.

Thanks! I just try to think what would make the best story, and the First Order blaming the resistance opens up so much to me. It also strikes me as a good allegory to how our media can be misleading and outright deceptive, but people want to believe things that are easy.

Leia is a pariah, and propaganda works. Makes good drama. It fits with the downfall of heroes we have seen. It is sad, but makes for a good story, I think. Perhaps If it doesnt pan out, I'll right my own sci-fi story one day.

personally though, I am a Ciena fan.

18 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Thanks! I just try to think what would make the best story, and the First Order blaming the resistance opens up so much to me. It also strikes me as a good allegory to how our media can be misleading and outright deceptive, but people want to believe things that are easy.

Leia is a pariah, and propaganda works. Makes good drama. It fits with the downfall of heroes we have seen. It is sad, but makes for a good story, I think. Perhaps If it doesnt pan out, I'll right my own sci-fi story one day.

personally though, I am a Ciena fan.

Ree is quite good.

Certainly seems that Tierny is looking to get Tam on their side here.