STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Yes please, more episodes like this? Please.

More. Episodes. Off the station. Away from badKaz

Lemme' explain.

Kazuda Xiono isn't a bad character or a bad guy, or even that incompetent. The problem is, Kazuda has to pretend to be somebody he isn't. Yet, every time he can drop the act... He actually pulls through really well. He's a competent- above competent, Starfighter Pilot (I4 minimum!) and can get by pretty well when he's doing what he knows.

He constantly has to play the stupid mechanic act- because not only is he a poor mechanic, but he has to pretend he has any idea what's up. Only issue is, we get that Kazuda way too frakkin' much. I hate that KAzuda.

Everybody hates that Kazuda.

So I wanna' get away from that. I want these Aces and Kazuda off the Colossus and I want them taking on The First Order. I want to see this squadron of rogues come into the Resistance's fold and I want to see how they make a difference in the galaxy.

Not more of... Whatever the last half dozen episodes have been.

3 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

So I wanna' get away from that. I want these Aces and Kazuda off the Colossus and I want them taking on The First Order. I want to see this squadron of rogues come into the Resistance's fold and I want to see how they make a difference in the galaxy.

Not more of... Whatever the last half dozen episodes have been.

Heh, I personnally like it this way. I like that it focus on the Colossus. I like that we have a show that doesn't focus entirely on the grand conflict of the Galaxy but just a little part of it. Not every show has to be about making the characters into big heroes of their time (like Clone Wars focusing on heroes of the war and Rebels on the birth of the Rebellion). I'm pretty sure that it will eventually shift and the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order will be the main focus, but for now I appreciate that they are taking their time to set all the characters.

6 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Yes please, more episodes like this? Please.

More. Episodes. Off the station. Away from badKaz

Lemme' explain.

Kazuda Xiono isn't a bad character or a bad guy, or even that incompetent. The problem is, Kazuda has to pretend to be somebody he isn't. Yet, every time he can drop the act... He actually pulls through really well. He's a competent- above competent, Starfighter Pilot (I4 minimum!) and can get by pretty well when he's doing what he knows.

He constantly has to play the stupid mechanic act- because not only is he a poor mechanic, but he has to pretend he has any idea what's up. Only issue is, we get that Kazuda way too frakkin' much. I hate that KAzuda.

Everybody hates that Kazuda.

So I wanna' get away from that. I want these Aces and Kazuda off the Colossus and I want them taking on The First Order. I want to see this squadron of rogues come into the Resistance's fold and I want to see how they make a difference in the galaxy.

Not more of... Whatever the last half dozen episodes have been.

I agree with this outlook on Kazuda.

However, I don't want them to leave the Colossus. I want them to be defending it from the First Order. I want the entire station to work together for this, for their home. While the resistance is getting tromped elsewhere, I want the people of the Colossus to band together when the First Order comes and say to them, ‘NO!’ In a unified voice.

Now more episodes involving fighter battles, yes please, but I want them defending their home, with the occasional mission to get supplies/accomplish a goal.

I feel the family/home ideas have been teased and I would like to see more of this.

14 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Yes please, more episodes like this? Please.

More. Episodes. Off the station. Away from badKaz

Lemme' explain.

Kazuda Xiono isn't a bad character or a bad guy, or even that incompetent. The problem is, Kazuda has to pretend to be somebody he isn't. Yet, every time he can drop the act... He actually pulls through really well. He's a competent- above competent, Starfighter Pilot (I4 minimum!) and can get by pretty well when he's doing what he knows.

He constantly has to play the stupid mechanic act- because not only is he a poor mechanic, but he has to pretend he has any idea what's up. Only issue is, we get that Kazuda way too frakkin' much. I hate that KAzuda.

Everybody hates that Kazuda.

So I wanna' get away from that. I want these Aces and Kazuda off the Colossus and I want them taking on The First Order. I want to see this squadron of rogues come into the Resistance's fold and I want to see how they make a difference in the galaxy.

Not more of... Whatever the last half dozen episodes have been.

Hit the nail on the head, as usual.

Edited by Sir Orrin
11 hours ago, Red Castle said:

Heh, I personnally like it this way. I like that it focus on the Colossus. I like that we have a show that doesn't focus entirely on the grand conflict of the Galaxy but just a little part of it. Not every show has to be about making the characters into big heroes of their time (like Clone Wars focusing on heroes of the war and Rebels on the birth of the Rebellion). I'm pretty sure that it will eventually shift and the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order will be the main focus, but for now I appreciate that they are taking their time to set all the characters.

No, you're right. But I did sign up for a show about starfighter pilots, y'know? Not Kazuda playing Rey on The Colossus (which is to say, scavenging and fixing things and getting into hijinks all the while, for an employer that pays him far too poorly.)

But, that's fair.

9 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I agree with this outlook on Kazuda.

However, I don't want them to leave the Colossus. I want them to be defending it from the First Order. I want the entire station to work together for this, for their home. While the resistance is getting tromped elsewhere, I want the people of the Colossus to band together when the First Order comes and say to them, ‘NO!’ In a unified voice.

Now more episodes involving fighter battles, yes please, but I want them defending their home, with the occasional mission to get supplies/accomplish a goal.

I feel the family/home ideas have been teased and I would like to see more of this.

I would like the Colossus to be defended too... And have them be completely unable to save it. I want The First Order to feel more and more like a threat as time goes on- Starkiller Base destroying The Republic definitely helped with that (Seriously! That never gets talked about in the right light!) but my goodness, I just want to see proper bad guy threat and competency here.

If nothing else, The First Order is scarier in the first ten episodes of The Resisance than The Empire was in the first ten of Rebels. I gotta' give them that.

1 hour ago, Sir Orrin said:

Hit the nail, on the head, as usual.

I live surrounded by such negativity in my life that you have no idea how relieving it is to read this. Thanks dude.

Just now, Captain Lackwit said:

I live surrounded by such negativity in my life that you have no idea how relieving it is to read this. Thanks dude.

You got it dude! I always appreciate the thoughts you bring to the discussion! 👍

Edited by Sir Orrin


That was really good.

That was really, really good.

Frakkin' FINALLY.

4 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:


That was really good.

That was really, really good.

Frakkin' FINALLY.

You talking about episode 11 (Station Theta Black)?


Just now, Odanan said:

You talking about episode 11 (Station Theta Black)?


**** yeah! It was actually really good!

Yeah, it was really good! There were some things about it I didn't like (a caveat that seems to go without saying in this series) but overall it was fantastic, possibly the best of the season so far.

First Order Star Destroyer


Ello Asty


First Order Sentry Droid, small note it is from TFA though its folded out form was designed for Resistance but was first used in Battlefront 2 (EA), shows how long some of this stuff has been in development.


Space Bouy


One small note from the episode mentions how hyperdrives are an advancement throughout the franchise in reference to the FO Ties having hyperdrives with them mention that OT era ones were too small to have a hyperdrive onboard. I kind of find that suspect considering the Defender, Advanced, and Advanced Prototype could fit them.

I especially enjoyed the asteroid shield maneuver. Kaz may be a bit of a spaz, but he can think in his feet.

I really loved this episode, I hope as the show goes on it will become more and more about the true Resistance, kind of like how Rebels went.

So between this episode and sector six I think Kaz should have an ability regarding obstacles if he comes to the game. Maybe:

I4-5 While defending, if there is an obstacle at range 0-1 add 1 evade result to your dice results.

On 12/4/2018 at 3:17 AM, KiraYamatoSF said:

Maybe the story will pick up pace with the deal with the FO possibly happening soon. Both Doza and his daughter are getting pretty curious/ suspicious of Kaz, might be causing a chain of events soon.

They'd have to be mentally handicapped not to think he's some kind of spy by now.

In fact, the only thing that makes sense for this series is that there's another ACTUAL Resistance spy on the base, and Poe put Kaz there to draw the attention of every person who might be looking for spies.

10 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

They'd have to be mentally handicapped not to think he's some kind of spy by now.

In fact, the only thing that makes sense for this series is that there's another ACTUAL Resistance spy on the base, and Poe put Kaz there to draw the attention of every person who might be looking for spies.

As a great a twist that would be, I doubt that, I think Poe really sees something in Kaz.

Speaking of Poe, can we just take a second to appreciate how awesome Poe is. He's always been my favorite sequel trilogy character but after seeing him in this show so far he is getting up there on my list of favorite star wars characters period.

17 hours ago, DarthEnderX said:

They'd have to be mentally handicapped not to think he's some kind of spy by now.

In fact, the only thing that makes sense for this series is that there's another ACTUAL Resistance spy on the base, and Poe put Kaz there to draw the attention of every person who might be looking for spies.

Star Wars has NEVER made sense. Things are, indeed, nonsensical. They always have been. The setting is meant to be pulpy.

Star Wars is a setting we have laser swords, fluffy murder bears and where spinning is a good trick.

14 hours ago, Sir Orrin said:

Speaking of Poe, can we just take a second to appreciate how awesome Poe is. He's always been my favorite sequel trilogy character but after seeing him in this show so far he is getting up there on my list of favorite star wars characters period.

"I'd like to make it clear I am not engaging you. I'm just....pointing my these bombs......"

1 hour ago, Magnus Grendel said:

"I'd like to make it clear I am not engaging you. I'm just....pointing my these bombs......"

Exactly, Poe has already had so many great moments like this!

Reminds me of my favorite line in The Last Jedi, "Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?"

13 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Exactly, Poe has already had so many great moments like this!

Reminds me of my favorite line in The Last Jedi, "Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?"

My personal favorite regarding Poe is:

Finn: 'So the First Order's only tracking us from one Destroyer, the lead one.'

Poe: 'So we blow that one up!'

Finn: 'I like where your head's at, but no.'

Edited by Red Castle
4 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

"I'd like to make it clear I am not engaging you. I'm just....pointing my these bombs......"

Shoots bomb and it barely blows up the entire hallway. FO blows up a handful of bombs and they nuke the station to oblivion.

More nitpicking - Is it me or do the Starfighters seem kind of clunky when they are flying around? Maybe its the animation style but they don't seem to be super agile or like they are flying slowly when they were fighting each other.

Edited by Jo Jo
10 minutes ago, Jo Jo said:

Shoots bomb and it barely blows up the entire hallway. FO blows up a handful of bombs and they nuke the station to oblivion

That may be the difference between shooting a demo charge that's not "armed" and it detonating "properly", though.

I like to think the resistance bomber's cargo only went up like that in the dreadnought bombing run because it was hit in what should have been the few seconds between the bombs being armed and them being dropped. (Otherwise the bomber squadron were even less competent than I thought....)

You can shoot a nuclear warhead and worst case you'll set off a few kilos of plastique, whilst a proper sequenced detonation can devastate kilometres around just with explosive force.

There also could have been more bombs than we had seen in the episode. The station was already scheduled for demo, they might have installed some additional explosives before-hand, or the explosives might have a bigger impact if set to explode at a critical system (like a reactor or similar).

5 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

That may be the difference between shooting a demo charge that's not "armed" and it detonating "properly", though.

I like to think the resistance bomber's cargo only went up like that in the dreadnought bombing run because it was hit in what should have been the few seconds between the bombs being armed and them being dropped. (Otherwise the bomber squadron were even less competent than I thought....)

You can shoot a nuclear warhead and worst case you'll set off a few kilos of plastique, whilst a proper sequenced detonation can devastate kilometres around just with explosive force.

I mean you are right, the first Resistance Bomber we see light up doesn't make a big explosion, with the second one being the one that just primed its bombs when a wrecked TIE/fo was able to crash into it and set off another two. Of course they were also less competent since they armed the bombs as soon as they saw the nose of the Star Destroyer below them, meaning they had to travel over half of the length of the ship to get to where they needed to drop their bombs while being at their most vulnerable powdered keg state rather than just arming the bombs when they were closer to the drop zone.

Are there any good space battles in this series? I might just get the episodes with such and fast forward to them lol.

1 hour ago, KiloFiX9 said:

Are there any good space battles in this series? I might just get the episodes with such and fast forward to them lol.

Actual space battles have not made a huge appearance yet. There's some spots where ships are flying in space but we haven't seen a proper space dogfight, really. There are a few scenes in atmo as well.

Episode 1 has Poe and Kaz take on the FO interceptor piloted by Major Vonreg in a fairly short sequence. Later Kaz challenges one of the Aces to a race.

Episode 3 has pirates attacking the Collosus and the Ace Squadron defending against them.

Episode 7 has Poe teaching Kaz how to do a "backwards tail slide" in an asteroid field. Later in the episode they fight some pirates.

Episode 9 has a starfighter race sequence.

Episode 11 has starfighters from both Resistance and FO flying in space but they don't really engage each other.