STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

So I just binged the first 8 episodes of this.

A show that's all about starfighter pilots instead of Force users? I should be all about this!

I do not like this show so far. It's got all the problems of Season 1 of Rebels, but worse.

The main character is just...INtolerable. He's everything wrong with a *****y cocky young protagonist.

But it's also infuriating watching other characters keep telling him to do stuff they KNOW he can't do! He clearly knows nothing about being a mechanic, but they keep telling him to fix things he doesn't have any idea to fix. And I never see them actually TEACHING him how to be a mechanic, so he's not getting any better at it. And then they get mad and him for breaking something when THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FIX IT!


That First Order Interceptor is cool.

And I want to know more about that ace who is CLEARLY a former Imperial pilot.

It doesn't help that there's only been, like, 2 episodes with starfighting in it. I hope this gets better the way Rebels did.

2 hours ago, Odanan said:

Would it hurt if they used some Legends ships instead of creating dozens of those meaningless designs?

The racers all seem to use custom built ships, and the pirate ships all seem to be uglies, so it wouldn't make sense for them to use existing ship designs, Legends or otherwise.

Edited by DarthEnderX
28 minutes ago, DarthEnderX said:

It doesn't help that there's only been, like, 2 episodes with starfighting in it. I hope this gets better the way Rebels did.

The racers all seem to use custom built ships, and the pirate ships all seem to be uglies, so it wouldn't make sense for them to use existing ship designs, Legends or otherwise.

The next episode will likely deal with some spy shenanigans and then we get an episode that will have Poe and Phasma in it so that might hopefully have some star fighting in it near the tail end of it. Though note these are episodes 10 and 11 so you still have Yeager's family reunion/race before then.

We know that Black Ace is completely a custom built ship, with the verdict out though leaning towards the case for most of the other racers with Torra's Blue Ace actually likley being a super charged version of a ship since her room has a poster advertising that type of ship. I have to wonder if Filoni was working more directly on the show if we wouldn't see more legends or legends inspired ships like how we got the World Devastators and Dark Troopers adapted for Rebels. Considering the reason he isn't working as closely on this show as the last is due to him working on Clone Wars things might get a little stronger next season if at the cost of more wolf stuff being forced in.

3 hours ago, Odanan said:

Would it hurt if they used some Legends ships instead of creating dozens of those meaningless designs?


Because if any of those ships did something we know they can't do, the same people asking for them would throw a fit that they got them wrong.

2 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

To many, the legends stuff is meaningless..

Nobody really cares about the Pinook or A-9 Vigilance, after all.

1 hour ago, DarthEnderX said:

I do not like this show so far. It's got all the problems of Season 1 of Rebels, but worse.

The main character is just...INtolerable. He's everything wrong with a *****y cocky young protagonist.

But it's also infuriating watching other characters keep telling him to do stuff they KNOW he can't do! He clearly knows nothing about being a mechanic, but they keep telling him to fix things he doesn't have any idea to fix. And I never see them actually TEACHING him how to be a mechanic, so he's not getting any better at it. And then they get mad and him for breaking something when THEY KNEW HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO FIX IT!


I wish I disagreed.

I'm really really hoping Resistance improves.

Like really.

You know when they said Resistance would be anime inspired I'm pretty sure most people were thinking something like this.

"Of course I'm not a spy, that would be stupid."

You're right Kaz, quite a few of us agree. :P

On 11/27/2018 at 11:15 PM, DarthEnderX said:

The main character is just...INtolerable. He's everything wrong with a *****y cocky young protagonist.

Not only that, but his constant hyper-extreme slapstick reactions are insufferable. Like, someone says "Hey Kaz, did you finish that repair?" and he grimaces in a way that would make Jim Carey's the "Mask" go "dude... stop overdoing it" and then falls over with his feet sticking way up in the air. It's like the worst over-exaggerated anime trope in a show that is otherwise mostly devoid of that stuff, which makes it especially jarring.

I almost feel bad for Kaz's voice actor, because all he does is scream, grimace, over-groan, and gasp.

I mean, I would give it a pass as 'being for little kids,' but even my seven year old who loves everything Star Wars can't get onboard with this one.

6 hours ago, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

Not only that, but his constant hyper-extreme slapstick reactions are insufferable. Like, someone says "Hey Kaz, did you finish that repair?" and he grimaces in a way that would make Jim Carey's the "Mask" go "dude... stop overdoing it" and then falls over with his feet sticking way up in the air. It's like the worst over-exaggerated anime trope in a show that is otherwise mostly devoid of that stuff, which makes it especially jarring.

I almost feel bad for Kaz's voice actor, because all he does is scream, grimace, over-groan, and gasp.

I mean, I would give it a pass as 'being for little kids,' but even my seven year old who loves everything Star Wars can't get onboard with this one.

I feel like they were going for the anime aesthetic for Kaz but well it seems like he is the only one that does the over exaggerations so as you said it comes across as jarring. And the thing is that I dislike the characters, they are rushed at times like with Yeager and his brother but by and large they are fine...its just that you have to deal with a main character who ends up doing lots of Jar Jar like antics, likely as an attempt to keep younger children entertained. My hope is that Kaz will get more reigned in moving forward, especially since the show will likely deal with the events of TFA, it would be even more jarring acting as he does when his father and the capital is vaporized. Or since this IS Star Wars maybe his father will end up being someone working with the First Order so as to have a 'shocking' reveal for the show.

After seeing the new episode have to say that clip was pretty poorly chosen based on when it happens. Still find Kaz too animated even among more animated characters like Hype and Torra. Doza seems to have some interesting stuff that can be explored, I just wish Kaz was more bearable. Also, considering that Kaz was the son of a high up senator from what we know where money wasn't a worry at all his whole reaction while at the Ace's Lounge seemed odd.

Personally I find Kaz far more bearable then Ezra.

The show frustrates me and it's barely keeping my interest. For a show about pilots, the early days of the Resistance and First Order, and spying... there isn't a whole lot of that happening. I keep hoping for... SOMETHING to happen. Well, something meaningful to happen. Rebels had a rocky start for me, but after a few episodes, I was hooked and it ended up being one of my favorite animated shows... Resistance is about 2 episodes away from dropping off my radar.

I think i'm in the minority here... but I like Kaz. He's a little goofy, but he's a good kid trying to do the right thing, and I think his voice actor does a good job. I like the fact that he has to actually learn how to be a spy and get used to life on the Colossus. It's a fun ride. Also, Torra is freaking cute.

Yeah, Kaz doesn't really bother me that much.

The story is moving a bit slow. It was ordered for 22 episodes, so I'm curious if the entire first season will be before episode 7, and with how slow this is going, I think we might not see the real rise of the First Order happening until very late in the season, maybe in a final two-parter or something like that.

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1 hour ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Yeah, Kaz doesn't really bother me that much.

The story is moving a bit slow. It was ordered for 22 episodes, so I'm curious if the entire first season will be before episode 7, and with how slow this is going, I think we might not see the real rise of the First Order happening until very late in the season, maybe in a final two-parter or something like that.

I know they said that we would see cross over or the show running parallel with TFA at somepoint, hopefully that will be sooner rather than later but I could see them just pushing that to the season finale with most of the first seasons events not having much of any real impact or importance. Considering the show was billed about lying hopefully we will see more of that soon too.

On 11/26/2018 at 10:57 AM, Animewarsdude said:

Notes about the episode:

The original plan for the episode was for Han Solo to show up but they decided to instead have someone of importance to Yeager's past.

Oplock is a Mountain Nikto.

That's interesting to know. Watching the episode, we can see that changed it a little late in the story writing.

Oplock is Chewie (and why he doesn't speak but just growl), Speedstar when dealing with the Death gang has the same attitude as Han, giving some background to Han owing to the Guavian Death Gang...

I certainly hope that we'll still get to see Han eventually...

Edited by Red Castle
7 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

Looks like it was inspired by the old E4 Baron series battle droid mixed with old school pulp evil robot. Not that I'm complaining.

Baron Droid:


Edited by Hiemfire

A small note about the episode we learn the name of Doza's protocal droid, 4D-M1N, or as the episode note remarks its the leet spelling for Admin. Based off that and L3-37, have to wonder if someone over at Lucasfilm is rather fond of leet speak.

1 hour ago, Hiemfire said:

Looks like it was inspired by the old E4 Baron series battle droid mixed with old school pulp evil robot. Not that I'm complaining.

Baron Droid:


Wow, thats a throwback, haven't seen that since the second Esential guide to droids. But I could see that, and honestly if that is the case the Security Droid looks fair better in my opinion.

On one hand, cool. Doza was an Imperial Officer. Go figure, that's surprising.

On the other hand... I'm mad that what looked like an episode of potential intrigue had been previewed by using something from the last three minutes.

Yes, thank you. Please, show me the end of the episode to be interesting, not early. No, don't show me what the episode will actually consist of, god, why would I want that?

Maybe the story will pick up pace with the deal with the FO possibly happening soon. Both Doza and his daughter are getting pretty curious/ suspicious of Kaz, might be causing a chain of events soon. What also interesting is Yeager used to be a Rebel and Doza an Imperial, question is does the other know about the other's past.

Kaz is in the middle for me, I dont hate him but I don't particularly love him either. Also I am chalking his excitement in the pilots lounge due to him being broke and probably getting meager food on his own.

I think Yeager and Doza probably both know about each other's past, and I bet if Kaz asks Yeager about it, Yeager will tell Kaz that it's not important. But then Kaz will be hot-headed and keep looking down that path only to find it doesn't lead to any information but does lead to plenty of trouble and then Yeager has to bail him out or something.

2 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

I think Yeager and Doza probably both know about each other's past, and I bet if Kaz asks Yeager about it, Yeager will tell Kaz that it's not important. But then Kaz will be hot-headed and keep looking down that path only to find it doesn't lead to any information but does lead to plenty of trouble and then Yeager has to bail him out or something.

Yeah, that's what I figured to.

Well looks like we might get a bit of action next episode. Hopefully Phasma will actually be able to do something.

I like Torra. I wish we could get some more time with the rest of the aces.

2 hours ago, Sithborg said:

I like Torra. I wish we could get some more time with the rest of the aces.

Or anything outside of the **** station.

4 minutes ago, Jo Jo said:

Or anything outside of the **** station.

Looks like we'll get that next week again, based on the most recent teaser.

I'm really not surprised they've focused on the Colossus so much. They've built a big digital set and I'm sure it's cheaper to re-use that resource repeatedly than to build a new set for each episode. I wonder if this show is working out to be more or less per episode than TCW and Rebels because of that. Caveat: I don't know enough about animation to really know if this makes any sense but I've seen it stated elsewhere that it may be cheaper.

Clearly, it is cheaper to make character models, given that we have a wide variety of characters. Even of alien species.