STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

9 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I genearlly saw it as the first 2 digits being the series number while the remaining 2 were just a part of the model number or batch number. I strongly suspect there were hundreds of R2-D2s, but were likely painted differently, and spread throughout the galaxy. Droids like ships and items do not start unique, they become unique over time and by those who they are around. That is unless someone you know custom builds a droid or whatever. Your car might be important to you, but is likely not to someone else, in fact that is one of the reasons that Anakin was treated as weird since the other Jedi had the mentality that if their droid was damaged or destroyed they just got a new one.

CB is still a BB unit, her name in the script was BB until they thought that might be confusing for the audience so they changed her name.

That is probably the case and how they decided to explain it (also what I personnally believe to actually make sense out of it), but that is not what the movies suggest, that there is more digits following the unit designation.

CAPT. PANAKA : ...An extremely well put together little droid. Without a
doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives.
AMIDALA : It is to be commended...what is its number?

The LITTLE BLUE DROID lets out a series of bleeps.CAPTAIN PANAKA leans over
and scrapes some dirt off of the side of the DROID and read the number:

CAPT. PANAKA : R2-D2, Your Highness.
AMIDALA : Thank you, Artoo Detoo. You have proven to be very loyal...Padme

Now you know me, I personnally don't care about (and actually like) explanations in books outside of the movies, but from someone that only watch the movies, it looks kinda stupid.

As for CB still being considered a BB unit, if we don't care about the original script (using an original script to explain something is even worst than using a book that actually extend the universe if you ask me), is there a in-universe reason why she's still considered a BB unit even though her appellation start with CB?

1 hour ago, Animewarsdude said:

Out  of c  urisoity, does anyone sort of find it weird that all BB units seem to look different from BB-8? Like they all have altered/different head pieces, just seems a bit odd when the R series clearly follows a model of them all being the sam  e bas      e  but wit  h different paint  schemes.  

The thing is, that was all made up after the original movies. There were all sorts of droids with the same body and different heads in the original films, it was only after Star Wars became super popular that some authors decided that indicated they were different models and assigned meaning to it.

7 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

That is probably the case and how they decided to explain it (also what I personnally believe to actually make sense out of it), but that is not what the movies suggest, that there is more digits following the unit designation.

CAPT. PANAKA : ...An extremely well put together little droid. Without a
doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives.
AMIDALA : It is to be commended...what is its number?

The LITTLE BLUE DROID lets out a series of bleeps.CAPTAIN PANAKA leans over
and scrapes some dirt off of the side of the DROID and read the number:

CAPT. PANAKA : R2-D2, Your Highness.
AMIDALA : Thank you, Artoo Detoo. You have proven to be very loyal...Padme

Now you know me, I personnally don't care about (and actually like) explanations in books outside of the movies, but from someone that only watch the movies, it looks kinda stupid.

As for CB still being considered a BB unit, if we don't care about the original script (using an original script to explain something is even worst than using a book that actually extend the universe if you ask me), is there a in-universe reason why she's still considered a BB unit even though her appellation start with CB?

Panaka: *looks at the serial number* Yea, I'm not saying all that. "R2-D2, you highness."

Because since the Clone Wars droid name/serial numbers generally are whatever the writer wants to throw out there. There are tons of clearly R series astromechs in Clone Wars, Rebels, and the ST that ignore the standard R naming scheme. I think it was a Lucas didn't care about it sort of thing, considering someone tried to point out R4 astromechs were the ones with cone shaped heads but Lucas didn't care which is why in the old Legends they had to make the excuse that R4-P17 was an R4 astromech that had been damaged and rebuilt with a R2 dome.

4 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

The thing is, that was all made up after the original movies. There were all sorts of droids with the same body and different heads in the original films, it was only after Star Wars became super popular that some authors decided that indicated they were different models and assigned meaning to it.

Exactly, and actually not supported by the movies.... or R2 units can actually have a different dome. In a new hope, Luke refer to the red droid as a R2 unit and not a R5 unit:

4 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

Panaka: *looks at the serial number* Yea, I'm not saying all that. "R2-D2, you highness."

Because since the Clone Wars droid name/serial numbers generally are whatever the writer wants to throw out there. There are tons of clearly R series astromechs in Clone Wars, Rebels, and the ST that ignore the standard R naming scheme. I think it was a Lucas didn't care about it sort of thing, considering someone tried to point out R4 astromechs were the ones with cone shaped heads but Lucas didn't care which is why in the old Legends they had to make the excuse that R4-P17 was an R4 astromech that had been damaged and rebuilt with a R2 dome.

That's only you assuming that he don't want to read more numbers. Stricly speaking, from the movie, R2-D2 serial number is R2-D2, not R2-D2D5T7R2AQY7....

6 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Exactly, and actually not supported by the movies.... or R2 units can actually have a different dome. In a new hope, Luke refer to the red droid as a R2 unit and not a R5 unit

And X-Wings and Y-Wings are never named on screen until TLJ. I can understand stuff not being firmly in place for the first film, I mean Leia being Luke's sister was just a matter of Lucas wanting to resolve that plot point rather going through with a sequel trilogy where Luke would have sought her out and together they would have defeated the Emperor. However, Star Wars has changed a good bit in terms of the depth of its lore since 1977 and now, all I want is to see more cool droids and so far outside of the R series we don't really see a series of droid and with BB units clearly being the new hotness it would make sense to expand the line to make the universe feel more lived in.

7 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

That's only you assuming that he don't want to read more numbers. Stricly speaking, from the movie, R2-D2 serial number is R2-D2, not R2-D2D5T7R2AQY7....

The Panaka bit was just meant to be a joke...

2 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

And X-Wings and Y-Wings are never named on screen until TLJ. I can understand stuff not being firmly in place for the first film, I mean Leia being Luke's sister was just a matter of Lucas wanting to resolve that plot point rather going through with a sequel trilogy where Luke would have sought her out and together they would have defeated the Emperor. However, Star Wars has changed a good bit in terms of the depth of its lore since 1977 and now, all I want is to see more cool droids and so far outside of the R series we don't really see a series of droid and with BB units clearly being the new hotness it would make sense to expand the line to make the universe feel more lived in.

The Panaka bit was just meant to be a joke...

Not true. X-wings were named in Empire. The imperial mentioned to Vader about a single ship, x-wing class.

4 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Not true. X-wings were named in Empire. The imperial mentioned to Vader about a single ship, x-wing class.

Then my mistake on that matter, I know they weren't name on screen in ANH but everyone knew what they were from the material associated with the film like the toys and info books.

17 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

all I want is to see more cool droids and so far outside of the R series we don't really see a series of droid and with BB units clearly being the new hotness it would make sense to expand the line to make the universe feel more lived in.

And with their different domes, I think they are doing a good job to expend the line instead of making them all look alike.

As I said earlier, it could be simply a different assembly line (like cars body being different each production year: same name different look). Or it could be different options, the FO one being the more militaristic dome. There could be different reasons for the difference in look.

Pablo Hidalgo (Internet Content Provider for answered this conclusively in Q&A in Star Wars Insider #58 (Page 97)

He said that 4-letter robot names are just fragments of long serial numbers . And some droids don't even have a shorter 4-letter name for some, who instead get a real nickname (e.g. Corran Horn's Wistler).

On a side note can we maybe get someone to change Poe's title to Kowakian Monkey Hater on a fan alt art or an official one? Okay the official will never happen but I can dream. If Crumb is ever made a crew card maybe Poe can shoot and remove him from a ship.

This last episode was Awesome! I love Poe, I think this series is really gonna give us a lot of great time with his character. Also, this show is beautiful, loved watching the Xwings in action.

So my guess is it will be a case of the racers leaving, Synara calling in the pirates, the pirates attack the station, Tam feels betrayed and they somehow drive off the pirates.

On 11/15/2018 at 9:07 PM, Animewarsdude said:

So my guess is it will be a case of the racers leaving, Synara calling in the pirates, the pirates attack the station, Tam feels betrayed and they somehow drive off the pirates.

Almost entirely correct!

I really enjoyed Synara's Score, though it felt a bit like a filler. It mainly served to further the pirates+FO conspiracy. Doza is falling right into their trap. I'm still curious if there's something we're unaware of that the station provides access to that makes it a strategic asset for the FO or if it really is just a good refueling spot on a commonly used hyperspace traffic lane.

I'm sad that there are carbon copies of some of the pirates, or at least there seemed to be. Could have been really bad editing but I don't think so.

Aside, I have a feeling that the FO will turn on the pirates at some point, considering they seem to have continued the xenophobic traditions of the GE. The pirates are all non-human so far.

2 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

I really enjoyed Synara's Score, though it felt a bit like a filler. It mainly served to further the pirates+FO conspiracy. Doza is falling right into their trap. I'm still curious if there's something we're unaware of that the station provides access to that makes it a strategic asset for the FO or if it really is just a good refueling spot on a commonly used hyperspace traffic lane.

I'm sad that there are carbon copies of some of the pirates, or at least there seemed to be. Could have been really bad editing but I don't think so.

Aside, I have a feeling that the FO will turn on the pirates at some point, considering they seem to have continued the xenophobic traditions of the GE. The pirates are all non-human so far.

I felt that the episode had pacing issues, and Resistance as a whole, like it sort of felt like a fair bit of time was between this episode and last weeks so it sort of felt like maybe there should have been an episode between this one and the last one.

I think there are carbon copies due to a lack of budget overall, but they did note in an earlier episode that some of the armor was different, so there is at least an A and B variant of each pirate to help the matter a little bit.

Not tons of cool assets this week from what I could find but here are a few.

Pirate Speeder bikes




41 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

Pirate Speeder bikes


I was hoping to see some obvious Imperial speeder bike parts but the closest I ca find so far is the 614-AvA speeder bike looking a bit similar to the far front area. Rear area is a bit tougher as whatever it was looks to either be stripped or padded with extra armor.

New Resistance Rewind shows some more of the Pirate fighters, including the concept art for the other two types.

The image from the video that @CaptainIxidor linked.


I could understand the Mining Guild Tie, but does anyone really want these ugly Scum fighters added to the game? It does feel like the kind of thing that Shapeways might favor, if there was an interest there is a chance that @melminiatures might make them if he wants to.

15 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I could understand the Mining Guild Tie, but does anyone really want these ugly Scum fighters added to the game?

Exempting the speeder on the bottom left, I do. Especially if it means getting more fighters with their cannons in the correct positions on the chassis to actually hit something and a non-limited coordinate boat. The rat-rod aesthetic is just a bonus... :)

Edited by Hiemfire
28 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I could understand the Mining Guild Tie, but does anyone really want these ugly Scum fighters added to the game? It does feel like the kind of thing that Shapeways might favor, if there was an interest there is a chance that @melminiatures might make them if he wants to.

Oh yea, I'd love to see those in the game. Top left looks awesome, and the right side ones are pretty cool, too.

54 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

The image from the video that @CaptainIxidor linked.


does anyone really want these ugly Scum fighters added to the game?

Yes. All of them. Released in a box set together.

I just noticed that the one has a turret that looks like it would be operated by someone outside of the craft, which is a hilarious thought.

1 hour ago, CaptainIxidor said:

I just noticed that the one has a turret that looks like it would be operated by someone outside of the craft, which is a hilarious thought.

bottom left? that looks to be a heavily modified Ubrikkian Skiff, like jabba used. probably atmospheric only.

10 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

The image from the video that @CaptainIxidor linked.


I could understand the Mining Guild Tie, but does anyone really want these ugly Scum fighters added to the game? It does feel like the kind of thing that Shapeways might favor, if there was an interest there is a chance that @melminiatures might make them if he wants to.

Yes I do want them.

10 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

bottom left? that looks to be a heavily modified Ubrikkian Skiff  , like jabba used. probably atmospheric only.

While the wings are cut in a way that's reminiscent of those, they look like TIE fighter wings were cut up. Might use some parts from a skiff but I'm going to disagree that it's not space-worthy. Maybe operating the turret externally is (without a suit, at least) but the ship itself almost definitely came from space to attack the platform.