STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Pretty sure Freya Fenris is secretly a wolve. Love the TIE pilot and the Rodian!

58 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I figured the show title gave that away.

No, Rick was just a completely insufferable doof half the time.

Oh I agree but I'd still take that over the main character in this show. Maybe he won't be as annoying as he looks but I doubt that. One of his personality traits says he is clumsy so it's safe to say the bumbling idiot routine will last for far too long.

31 minutes ago, TechnoGolem said:

Oh I agree but I'd still take that over the main character in this show. Maybe he won't be as annoying as he looks but I doubt that. One of his personality traits says he is clumsy so it's safe to say the bumbling idiot routine will last for far too long.

You don't know any more about Kazuda than anybody else does and haven't seen the character in action, but you're already making judgement? Why can't people wait to see the finished, released product before making such calls?

Does anyone have pics/description of the new ships? I'm at work and can't watch the video...

8 minutes ago, Ikka said:

Does anyone have pics/description of the new ships? I'm at work and can't watch the video...

I can't get you good quality images that would really do any of the ships justice, but they're all really quite interesting.

We all know about Kazuda's ship. Clearly an Incom model. Very cool. Very ugly in a good way.

Torra Doza's ship is interesting. Looks like a McClaren made into a sleeker R-41, but clearly has a pair of J-77s on it (R-22 style.)

Hype Fazon is cool, and he has a cool green fighter that looks like an ARC-170 dryhumped an E-Wing. It's a very cool ship, and apparently Fazon is the best pilot there. And very, very full of himself, very in it for the fame. Voiced by Turk's actor from Scrubs, btw.

Griff Halloran flies a ship eerily similar to old ETA-5 art, including the astromech slot. Which not all, but most of the Ace Squadron have..! Pretty interesting. His fighter's all monochrome, he's a TIE Pilot veteran who's clearly taken his old stuff and uh, gotten a LOT of work done to it.

Freya Fenris' fighter is a bit of an enigma but it's DEFINITELY related to the Delta-7 and RZ-1. Very very probably a Kuat Systems Engineering design that I don't think has been modified much. She also seems pretty cool.

Bo Keevil's fighter, man, this thing is cool. Got four wings with REALLY variable configuration- like, you think the X-Wing has variable wings? Hoohooo~! This thing..! It's something else dude. Anyway, it's almost buggy? Seems incom-ish but I genuinely can't be sure! Bright yellow, very cool.

I love all of these ships. They're wholly unique and have as much personality as their pilots- Which is A LOT.

6 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Griff Halloran flies a ship eerily similar to old ETA-5 art, including the astromech slot. Which not all, but most of the Ace Squadron have..! Pretty interesting. His fighter's all monochrome, he's a TIE Pilot veteran who's clearly taken his old stuff and uh, gotten a LOT of work done to it.

I think there is a lot of Striker parts in that thing, the general shape suggests it and it would make sense in the setting, since there is so much atmospheric flight.

1 hour ago, Admiral Deathrain said:

I think there is a lot of Striker parts in that thing, the general shape suggests it and it would make sense in the setting, since there is so much atmospheric flight.

Very probably.

With each of these little snippets we find out more and more about this station. Case in point, the racing is done for fun, but the Aces are contracted for defense.. what I gather is the Colossus is a very large independant refuelling station, which goes to why the First Order would both want access to it and why they don't simply attack - as with much entertainment media, fuel is very explosive. I'm also assuming that since the world is ocean, it would take a lot of time, credits, and effort to rebuild. Now this is all conjecture on my part of course.

We will see how the Aces interact with each other. While Hype will be fun, I'm curious about Griff.. the View of how a former TIE pilot sees the First Order will be interesting - my hope is that he will have an story similar to Dyna-bot in Transformers Beast Wars, where he is constantly battling his conscience with who to be fully allied to. That would make me happy.

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange
5 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

You don't know any more about Kazuda than anybody else does and haven't seen the character in action, but you're already making judgement? Why can't people wait to see the finished, released product before making such calls?

You right, I don't know any more about the character than the rest of us. But I do know what I like and what I dislike. I can form an opinion on the character based on what I do know about him. Anyone can watch a trailer and form an opinion on if it looks like something they would enjoy or not.

The idea that you can't make any kind of judgements on something without trying it first is silly. You can judge something based off of your experiences and knowledge. You don't need to be in a car accident to make sure that is something you wouldn't enjoy.

That said, I am going to give the show a chance. There are things I like about it but the main character is not one of them.

Some images from the trailer. Not everything.

Starting with the best, because Hype is.

O2MwU8C.png ua1Lz3H.png

His ships looks very much like an Incom craft with its fuselage and the wings that as can be seen with the pictures are moveable. Considering his personality I could see the craft even being given to him by a sponsor or the like so it could more likely show up in X-Wing as a ship class rather than like a fair number of the ships being uglies. As for the droid, not sure on it yet, sort of don't like it but sort of do at the same point too. Though, I have to wonder if with its build it might not have been made to be something that could show up in the Disney parks.


The astromech is obviously as R series one with a new head, interesting seeing an Imperial use one in a fighter craft though.


The ship is obviously an ugly, cobbled together craft rather than a production run one, with it looking like it has a Tie Defender back, with a T-65 engine on the top. Don't know if we'll see this in X-Wing, if we do though does it go to the Empire, the Resistance or Scum? Guess it depends on his character in the show but if it is the Resistance I guess FFG is Oprea: "You get a Tie, you get a Tie, you get a Tie!" Also would mean that every faction aside from PT era ones have a Tie Fighter in one shape or form.


Actually rather like the look of this Starchaser like ship, hopefully it will be a main production craft so we get it in X-Wing. Better yet give it to the Resistance and give the actual Starchaser to the Rebels.


Here we can see the Keldor pilot, with his droid and ship outline in the background. We can see the wings move in the trailer so I guess if we get that it will come with a configuration card and moveable wings that will make it rather toyetic. As for the droid, if it is to a BB unit what a R5 is to a R2 is I can get behind it I guess. I'd just like to see the astromech lines gets more fleshed out than having tons of uniques showing up.

These last two are possible FO craft since they are attacking the heroes.

ZGuOlZP.png nKWIrcw.png

Now, I do have to wonder how they will represent this series' stuff in the game. As it is it looks like each ship is unique with one pilot to it, the main ship from the logo could easily have other pilots thrown onto it via Kaz, Yeager, Tam and with either the last slot being a generic or Neeku, but for many of the others I have to wonder how they might do it. Do they try to release mostly ships with production runs or do they go the Phantom route and try to stick mechanics and other random people from the station onto the craft to fill out the four pilot slots?

17 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

I am


These characters.

I feel like you and I are always on the same page! ?

Also, someone mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a kihraxz fighter in a few shots. I would pause when it was onscreen but the motion blur in those shots made it hard to ID. It was black/grey so it might have just been the imperial guy's ugly.

That's like the only thing I would change, why can't the imperial guy have a modded TIE/LN or TIE/Interceptor? Would've been cooler than an ugly.

Anyway, this trailer sold me, loving the concept, most of the characters, and SO MANY SPACESHIPS!!!

19 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

I feel like you and I are always on the same page! ?

Also, someone mentioned it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a kihraxz fighter in a few shots. I would pause when it was onscreen but the motion blur in those shots made it hard to ID. It was black/grey so it might have just been the imperial guy's ugly.

That's like the only thing I would change, why can't the imperial guy have a modded TIE/LN or TIE/Interceptor? Would've been cooler than an ugly.

Anyway, this trailer sold me, loving the concept, most of the characters, and SO MANY SPACESHIPS!!!

I would think that Griff, the imperial guy, has the ugly because he was either shot down or defected at Jakku and had to add on other components such as an astromech slot, shields and hyperdrive. Not to mention increasing speed. There is always the chance, though not likely, that this is(was) a production line TIE craft. I don't think it is a likely possibility though, but it could be a new TIE scout. More likely however is griff was shot down in a TIE, likely over Jakku, and had to rebuild his ship from other parts around. He wouldn't be the first canon imperial to do so - Terrex from the Poe comic did just that, and rather than join the first order he went merc.

Just now, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I would think that Griff, the imperial guy, has the ugly because he was either shot down or defected at Jakku and had to add on other components such as an astromech slot, shields and hyperdrive. Not to mention increasing speed. There is always the chance, though not likely, that this is(was) a production line TIE craft. I don't think it is a likely possibility though, but it could be a new TIE scout. More likely however is griff was shot down in a TIE, likely over Jakku, and had to rebuild his ship from other parts around. He wouldn't be the first canon imperial to do so - Terrex from the Poe comic did just that, and rather than join the first order he went merc.

I understand the logic, and it's a cool concept. All i'm saying is a tricked out racing Interceptor would be so sick! ?

2 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

Some images from the trailer. Not everything.

Starting with the best, because Hype is.

O2MwU8C.png ua1Lz3H.png

His ships looks very much like an Incom craft with its fuselage and the wings that as can be seen with the pictures are moveable. Considering his personality I could see the craft even being given to him by a sponsor or the like so it could more likely show up in X-Wing as a ship class rather than like a fair number of the ships being uglies. As for the droid, not sure on it yet, sort of don't like it but sort of do at the same point too. Though, I have to wonder if with its build it might not have been made to be something that could show up in the Disney parks.


The astromech is obviously as R series one with a new head, interesting seeing an Imperial use one in a fighter craft though.


The ship is obviously an ugly, cobbled together craft rather than a production run one, with it looking like it has a Tie Defender back, with a T-65 engine on the top. Don't know if we'll see this in X-Wing, if we do though does it go to the Empire, the Resistance or Scum? Guess it depends on his character in the show but if it is the Resistance I guess FFG is Oprea: "You get a Tie, you get a Tie, you get a Tie!" Also would mean that every faction aside from PT era ones have a Tie Fighter in one shape or form.


Actually rather like the look of this Starchaser like ship, hopefully it will be a main production craft so we get it in X-Wing. Better yet give it to the Resistance and give the actual Starchaser to the Rebels.


Here we can see the Keldor pilot, with his droid and ship outline in the background. We can see the wings move in the trailer so I guess if we get that it will come with a configuration card and moveable wings that will make it rather toyetic. As for the droid, if it is to a BB unit what a R5 is to a R2 is I can get behind it I guess. I'd just like to see the astromech lines gets more fleshed out than having tons of uniques showing up.

These last two are possible FO craft since they are attacking the heroes.

ZGuOlZP.png nKWIrcw.png

Now, I do have to wonder how they will represent this series' stuff in the game. As it is it looks like each ship is unique with one pilot to it, the main ship from the logo could easily have other pilots thrown onto it via Kaz, Yeager, Tam and with either the last slot being a generic or Neeku, but for many of the others I have to wonder how they might do it. Do they try to release mostly ships with production runs or do they go the Phantom route and try to stick mechanics and other random people from the station onto the craft to fill out the four pilot slots?

Honstly, I would pay good imperial credits for a racing game type mode as an expansion. A racing themed box set that offers a new way to play the existing ships - a race, as opposed to the standard death match. Pack it with those rings as a 3d obstacle that you have to fly through and it would be awesome.

edit: that being said.. I want FFG to take the time and get the ships and pilots correct, as opposed to rushing to cooncide with little to no info from the series.

Edited by That Blasted Samophlange


More of that Star Wars feel. Probably Poe and Kaz in the beginning, investigating a freighter attacked by an unknown enemy (FO).

5 minutes ago, redxavier said:


More of that Star Wars feel. Probably Poe and Kaz in the beginning, investigating a freighter attacked by an unknown enemy (FO).

Yo that's totally what that is.

22 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

Honstly, I would pay good imperial credits for a racing game type mode as an expansion. A racing themed box set that offers a new way to play the existing ships - a race, as opposed to the standard death match. Pack it with those rings as a 3d obstacle that you have to fly through and it would be awesome.

edit: that being said.. I want FFG to take the time and get the ships and pilots correct, as opposed to rushing to cooncide with little to no info from the series.

I could get behind this. I'd be ok with releasing it in a race pack with one (or two) unique pilots per ship, also.

Slight spoilers below, episode blurbs/summaries.

The Recruit Pt 1 + Pt 2 - X-wing pilot Kazuda Xiono is recruited for the Resistance, but finds himself in over his head when Poe Dameron assigns him to a remote fueling station to spy on the First Order. Then, after Kaz boasts about being the best pilot around, he is forced to compete in a dangerous sky race.

The Triple Dark - Kaz and BB-8 uncover information on an imminent pirate attack and must find a way to stop it. (Phasma has some sort of appearance)

Fuel for the Fire - Kaz befriends a sky racer named Rucklin who pressures him to take some rare and dangerous hyperfuel hidden in Yeager’s office. (Elijah Woods guest stars)

The High Tower - The First Order arrives at the platform for mysterious reasons and Kaz and BB-8 are determined to sneak into the tower to find out what they want. (Hype Fazon's first appearance, looks like he will be a guest star than part of the main cast, NOOOOOO!)

wonder if the rare and dangerous Hyper fuel is going to be coaxium?

@Animewarsdude was kind enough to put up the Episode Teasers.

Here are the first air dates as well, and Elijah Wood is confirmed to be in at least one Episode.

In The Clone Wars news, Episodes are slated to be at 22 minutes.

5 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

wonder if the rare and dangerous Hyper fuel is going to be coaxium?

Even if it is not, it should be ‘precious’.

The 7th! So excited!

7th of October? Neat. Also, Elijah Wood! I loved him in Tron Uprising, I think he's a great VA.

On 9/15/2018 at 8:26 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

More likely however is griff was shot down in a TIE, likely over Jakku, and had to rebuild his ship from other parts around.

He's Rey's father then.

6 hours ago, Rossetti1828 said:

He's Rey's father then.