STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Well, it's got an AT-AT strapped to the top, so pretty big!

resistance pirate ship.png

Edited by Sir Orrin
5 hours ago, RuusMarev said:

Ezra finally comes out of Hyperspace and crashes the Chimera into Hux. :D :D :D :D

Now THAT would be entertaining! 😂 🤣

I wonder if a Deus Ex Machina moment has ever happened because of a previous instance of Deus Ex Machina?

46 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Well, it's got an AT-AT strapped to the top, so pretty big!

resistance pirate ship.png

That makes it slightly smaller or about the size of a Gozanti?

Just now, Forresto said:

That makes it slightly smaller or about the size of a Gozanti?

Aha! This is what the next scum epic ship is going to be!

49 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Aha! This is what the next scum epic ship is going to be!

That moment X-Wing gets an AT-AT sculpt before Legion! 😂

1 hour ago, Sir Orrin said:

Well, it's got an AT-AT strapped to the top, so pretty big!

resistance pirate ship.png

58 minutes ago, Forresto said:

That makes it slightly smaller or about the size of a Gozanti?

52 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Aha! This is what the next scum epic ship is going to be!

Doubtful. The dimensions for an entire AT-AT is 20 m long by 22.5 m high (2 can fit under the "wings" of the Imp Gozanti without extending outside of their silhouette). The Falcon is over 30m long... If anything this is a fairly heavily armed "light freighter" slightly larger than the Falcon. Barring that just being the nose that is, then you're looking at a largish corvette or frigate.

Just now, Hiemfire said:

Doubtful. The dimensions for an entire AT-AT is 20 m long by 22.5 m high (2 can fit under the "wings" of the Imp Gozanti without extending outside of their silhouette). The Falcon is over 30m long... If anything this is a fairly heavily armed "light freighter" slightly larger than the Falcon. Barring that just being the nose that is, then you're looking at a largish corvette or frigate.

Theres' a later shot that shows the whole thing, and it's much bigger (or at least longer) than what is shown in this shot.

I see it now. At 0:39 of the preview. Hmm. Guestimate via eyeballing using AT-AT dimensions as a baseline. AT-AT cockpit section is roughly 3.75m by 5m by 5m. Using that as a frame of reference and looking at both images the prow of the pirate vessel is roughly 20m wide (not including the fins) and 15m high with the section outside of the cloud from the screen cap being about 15m without the prow cannons, 20m with. Looking at 0:39 again, it looks to be about 2.5 to 3 times the length of the prow without the cannons. So depending on how the stern is shaped, I'd say 45m to 50m long including the prow cannons. Width wise about 25m (from tip to tip of the lower fins). Over all height (from tips of lower fins to top of mast) about 40m, 20m without the mast and fins included. If it is added and does end up as the new Scum Epic, it will definitely be the smallest of the huge ships. The Hound's Tooth (YV-666) is about the same size in Canon...

Used this for visual reference for the dimensions of the AT-AT cockpit:


Edited by Hiemfire
32 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

I see it now. At 0:39 of the preview. Hmm. Guestimate via eyeballing using AT-AT dimensions as a baseline. AT-AT cockpit section is roughly 3.75m by 5m by 5m. Using that as a frame of reference and looking at both images the prow of the pirate vessel is roughly 20m wide (not including the fins) and 15m high with the section outside of the cloud from the screen cap being about 15m without the prow cannons, 20m with. Looking at 0:39 again, it looks to be about 2.5 to 3 times the length of the prow without the cannons. So depending on how the stern is shaped, I'd say 45m to 50m long including the prow cannons. Width wise about 25m (from tip to tip of the lower fins). Over all height (from tips of lower fins to top of mast) about 40m, 20m without the mast and fins included. If it is added and does end up as the new Scum Epic, it will definitely be the smallest of the huge ships. The Hound's Tooth (YV-666) is about the same size in Canon...

Used this for visual reference for the dimensions of the AT-AT cockpit:


You shouldn't. Take a closer look at this AT-AT's canopy.

latest?cb=20151022143330 latest?cb=20151022025352 2x983y9ucfvz.png

It's the AT-AT from Rebels. Which is actually taller/larger than the one we ended up with, hilariously.

Edited by Captain Lackwit
5 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

You shouldn't. Take a closer look at this AT-AT's canopy.

latest?cb=20151022143330 latest?cb=20151022025352 2x983y9ucfvz.png

It's the AT-AT from Rebels. Which is actually taller/larger than the one we ended up with, hilariously.

About 1.5m is the average for Imp pilots? If so my numbers stand for my guestimate...

1 minute ago, Hiemfire said:

About 1.5m is the average for Imp pilots? If so my numbers stand for my guestimate...

Point is, the AT-AT in Rebels is larger. Its cockpit is the one used.

1 minute ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Point is, the AT-AT in Rebels is larger. Its cockpit is the one used.

I caught your point and noticed the pilot at the bottom of the right most image, between the walkers, that was placed there by the artist for scale reference... IF that scale figure is supposed to be 1.5m then the AT-AT from Rebels is the same exact size as the Legends dimensions and the proportions of cockpit to the rest of the chassis have not changed... My guestimate is based off of the known Legends dimensions and referenced the proportions of the components in relation to those dimensions. My ref image, as should be obvious from just looking at it since it seems you mirrored and then overlaid the top portion on the image from the Rebels cell art to make your point, did not have a reference figure. It didn't in the original publication of that image either, I owned the book it is from.

4 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

IF   that scale figure is supposed  to  be 1.5m

That would be a SHORT pilot. 1.5 meters is less than 5’ tall. Typical human is more like 1.8 meters.

5 minutes ago, Forgottenlore said:

That would be a SHORT pilot. 1.5 meters is less than 5’ tall. Typical human is more like 1.8 meters.

I was off on the average height then, though I could have sworn I remember 1.5 m being the listed average in SW. Still, thanks. Going to check something with the image using 180 cm as the reference height for the pilot.

Going by both 1.5 m and 1.8 m


  • Overall height of AT-AT from Rebels = 21m + the height of the pilot's foot (sole to top of foot)
  • Overall length of AT-AT from Rebels = 24.75m with cannons, 23.5m without
  • Cockpit Height of Rebels AT-AT = 3.75m
  • Cockpit Length of Rebels AT-AT = 7.5m including cannons, 6m + a short boot without the cannons


  • Overall height of AT-AT from Rebels = 25.2m + the height of the pilot's foot (sole to top of foot)
  • Overall length of AT-AT from Rebels = 29.7m with cannons, 27.9 without
  • Cockpit Height of Rebels AT-AT = 4.5m
  • Cockpit Length of Rebels AT-AT = 9m including cannons, 7.2m + a short boot without the cannons

The width of the cockpit looks to be 1.3 times the height (per the following image) so at 1.5m scale it would be 4.87m, at 1.8m scale it would be 5.85m.


Back to the pirate ship Sir Oriin was kind enough to share the still of.

Prow: Roughly 4 AT-AT cockpit widths wide, 5 high and 3 long without including the cannons on the ship. So at 1.5m scale: 19.48m wide, 18.75m high, 18m long. At 1.8m scale: 23.4m wide, 22.5m high, 21.6m long.

Estimated overall dimensions:

  • 1.5m scale: Length : 45m - 54m (same unknown since no profile or aft shot, estimating 2.5-3 times the length of the prow). Width : 48.7m (including the fins appears to be about 2.5 prow widths when looking at the vid). Height : 73m (from what I can tell from Sir Oriin's shared image and 0:39 of the preview, the mast to tips of lower fins is half again the width including the fins).
  • 1.8m scale (same qualifiers as the 1.5m scale): Length : 54m - 64.8m . Width : 58.5m . Height : 87.75m .

Scaling reference image:

Edited by Hiemfire
removing attachments to try an free up space

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So, uh, z96 is a thing that exists now. Reaper Squadron used them at some point after the Clone Wars. They have markings that distinguish them from z95s.

Unless Kaz does not actually know his military history.

Edited by CaptainIxidor
21 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

So, uh, z96 is a thing that exists now. Reaper Squadron used them at some point after the Clone Wars. They have markings that distinguish them from z95s.

Unless Kaz does not actually know his military history.

Interesting. If not a scripting/editing oops it makes me wonder if Incom or Soro Sub decided to market them to system defense forces and only sell the X-Wings, if Incom, to the New Republic military.

3 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

So, uh, z96 is a thing that exists now.

They were mentioned in a Solo cut scene as well. The one where Han is flying a TIE brute and is like," the headhunters would have killed my wingman if I didn't do that" and he gets kicked out of the imperial academy. By headhunters I assumed they ment z95 headhunters. @Hiemfire correct me if I'm wrong.

Edited by JJH_BATMAN
55 minutes ago, JJH_BATMAN said:

They were mentioned in a Solo cut scene as well. The one where Han is flying a TIE brute and is like," the headhunters would have killed my wingman if I didn't do that" and he gets kicked out of the imperial academy. By headhunters I assumed they ment z95 headhunters. @Hiemfire correct me if I'm wrong.

I'll need to watch the clip to see which model designation they give if any. The original Headhunter was the Z-95 and those would have still been around when Han was in flight school.

On 1/10/2019 at 7:35 PM, Forresto said:

Now THAT would be entertaining! 😂 🤣

I wonder if a Deus Ex Machina moment has ever happened because of a previous instance of Deus Ex Machina?

Well, now that we know there are Kaiju living under the platform, it's only a matter of time til Ezra shows up! :D :D

12 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

So, uh, z96 is a thing that exists now. Reaper Squadron used them at some point after the Clone Wars. They have markings that distinguish them from z95s.

Unless Kaz does not actually know his military history.

I got this wrong when first commenting. Kaz actually corrects Neeku (who claims it was a z96), stating that it's Reaper Squadron markings and that "during the Clone Wars, they never used the z96, only the z95." So z96 actually could have existed during the Clone Wars but perhaps was never used by Reaper Squadron, unless "they" was meant to be a more generic statement about the militaries of the clone wars era. We can assume it came after the z95 fairly reasonably, at the very least. I also think it's somewhat safe to speculate that Reaper Squadron existed into the Imperial navy and used the z96 for a time before the GE discontinued the use of the line. I also would take a guess that "headhunter" and "z95" are likely used as a colloquialism for the entire line, though I think Neeku and Kaz are being more technical in this discussion.

9 hours ago, JJH_BATMAN said:

They were mentioned in a Solo cut scene as well. The one where Han is flying a TIE brute and is like," the headhunters would have killed my wingman if I didn't do that" and he gets kicked out of the imperial academy. By headhunters I assumed they meant z95 headhunters. @Hiemfire correct me if I'm wrong.

To be clear, z95 has been a thing in canon for awhile now. I was bringing to attention that an assumed follow-up or variant to the z95 exists, the z9 6 .





Some concept art and screenshots from the episode guide showing the Fireball and the salvaged z95, and a shot of a couple of aces from (I think) the Fireball's cockpit viewpoint.

7 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:



Some concept art and screenshots from the episode guide showing the Fireball and the salvaged z95, and a shot of a couple of aces from (I think) the Fireball's cockpit viewpoint.

From the engine style I think the recovered Z-95 is the Clone variant.


Aft end of the fuselage fits as well though the cannons are a little different. That makes me think that Reaper Squadron was a Clone Pilot squadron.

Edited by Hiemfire
7 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:





Some concept art and screenshots from the episode guide showing the Fireball and the salvaged z95, and a shot of a couple of aces from (I think) the Fireball's cockpit viewpoint.

Neeku might've been correct.. concept art identifies it as a Z96.