STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

On 12/5/2018 at 1:55 PM, Animewarsdude said:

Hopefully Phasma will actually be able to do something.

LOL, nope. This is Phasma we're talking about, she's doomed to utter pointless futility. The Sisyphus of Space.

I mean, the 'shoot outs' in these series has about as much tension as a Paw Patrol rescue. Someone should count how many blaster shots have been fired at an out in the open Poe or Kaz this season. It's gotta be dozens.

I also like how Phasma and gang retreated entirely, rather than hang around to finish off the T70s after the explosion. She has as keen a tactical mind as Hux and "I'll Shoot the Base First" Admiral Grumplestilkin, which is clearly what let's her raise through the ranks of the First Order.

This is, in my opinion, far and away the worst of the Star Wars animated series, even giving it a wide bearth for "First Season Growing Pains." If it weren't for my son's pseduo interest, I'd have bailed awhile ago. I don't know why Disney cannot seem to tell an interesting story in the ST-Era or why they can't make the First Order even a little cool. Like... are you really going to repeat "drop your weapon" to Poe for nearly 90 seconds while he keeps backing away even though you're telling him to stop while he is also clearly pointing his blaster at a giant bomb by your ankles?

Characters in Resistance :
Accuracy when shooting at a tiny door-control panel: 100%
Accuracy when shooting at a human in the open a few feet away: 0%

Edited by AllWingsStandyingBy
On 12/8/2018 at 12:08 PM, That Blasted Samophlange said:

However, I don't want them to leave the Colossus. I want them to be defending it from the First Order. I want the entire station to work together for this, for their home. While the resistance is getting tromped elsewhere, I want the people of the Colossus to band together when the First Order comes and say to them, ‘NO!’ In a unified voice.

How in the world could the Colossus achieve such a resistance? It's got a half-dozen starfighters, a few turbolaser batteries that rarely work, and a bunch of civvies. Four poorly maintained pirate uglies pose a serious risk to the Coloussus , to the point that it has to look to outside help from the First Order for assistance. If one Resurgent- class Star Destroyer couldn't come into orbit and take over the Colossu s in under 15 minutes, then the First Order is even more of a joke than they are already made out to be.

57 minutes ago, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

How in the world could the Colossus achieve such a resistance?

Because Disney levels of plot armor cannot be overcome.

3 hours ago, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

How in the world could the Colossus achieve such a resistance?

Well, yeah, I agree but I also wouldn't be surprised at all when the Colossus will actually lower doors over its bays and things and take off. Remember the Imperial base in Rebels? It did explain pretty well how the Empire was able to just drop an occupation base everywhere it wanted to, and the big C kind looks like a ship, complete with a flyin bridge tower.

On 12/13/2018 at 2:27 PM, KiloFiX9 said:

Are there any good space battles in this series?


On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 4:18 PM, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

Characters in Resistance :
Accuracy when shooting at a tiny door-control panel: 100%
Accuracy when shooting at a human in the open a few feet away: 0%

To be honest, Phasma shooting at Poe and missing from a pathetic range annoyed me more than anything else.

That shouldn't have been a hard shot, and "comedy dodging" shouldn't work. I get jedi and sith dodging (or reflecting) gunfire, and I accept plot armour meaning characters can run across a battlefield or not get hit from across a big hangar or shaft. That looked like Phasma missing from...what?...three paces?

On ‎12‎/‎14‎/‎2018 at 4:18 PM, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

I don't know why Disney cannot seem to tell an interesting story in the ST-Era or why they can't make the First Order even a little cool.

The most annoying thing is that I really, really like the Black Squadron comics. It feels like a redone version of Rogue Squadron and - even though he does lose a lot because "bad guy", Agent Terex actually feels competent . The I guess "banter"? he has with the stormtroopers is perfect.

" Have I ever mentioned, trooper, that I used to be one of you? "
" Yes, sir. Many times. "
" It was a long time ago, but things haven't changed that much. I still remember what it's like inside that helmet. Ambition is forbidden. Conformity is everything. That's the job. "

On 12/14/2018 at 2:18 PM, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

Characters in Resistance :
Accuracy when shooting at a tiny door-control panel: 100%
Accuracy when shooting at a human in the open a few feet away: 0%

This. ^

On 12/17/2018 at 3:22 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

To be honest, Phasma shooting at Poe and missing from a pathetic range annoyed me more than anything else.

That shouldn't have been a hard shot, and "comedy dodging" shouldn't work. I get jedi and sith dodging (or reflecting) gunfire, and I accept plot armour meaning characters can run across a battlefield or not get hit from across a big hangar or shaft. That looked like Phasma missing from...what?...three paces?

The most annoying thing is that I really, really like the Black Squadron comics. It feels like a redone version of Rogue Squadron and - even though he does lose a lot because "bad guy", Agent Terex actually feels competent . The I guess "banter"? he has with the stormtroopers is perfect.

" Have I ever mentioned, trooper, that I used to be one of you? "
" Yes, sir. Many times. "
" It was a long time ago, but things haven't changed that much. I still remember what it's like inside that helmet. Ambition is forbidden. Conformity is everything. That's the job. "

Well have YOU tried using her gun in Battlefront II 2?

Just now, Captain Lackwit said:

Well have YOU tried using her gun in Battlefront II 2?


Have you noticed that it's more accurate when you hold down the trigger versus firing in bursts like you normally would to be accurate?

6 hours ago, Sir Orrin said:


Have you noticed that it's more accurate when you hold down the trigger versus firing in bursts like you normally would to be accurate?

Of course I noticed that. Not only does the game tell you that's the case but it's amazingly abusable. Try this.

Hold down that trigger... Now, overheat. Now, get a gold cooling state. Keep shooting. No, no, don't stop. Keep shooting. Now put that laser pointer wherever you want, like the head of whatever idiot walked next to your droid.

10 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Of course I noticed that. Not only does the game tell you that's the case but it's amazingly abusable. Try this.

Hold down that trigger... Now, overheat. Now, get a gold cooling state. Keep shooting. No, no, don't stop. Keep shooting. Now put that laser pointer wherever you want, like the head of whatever idiot walked next to your droid.


Do you play on Xbox? If so we should connect and play together sometime that would be so cool! 😃

On ‎12‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 3:18 AM, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

Characters in Resistance :
Accuracy when shooting at a tiny door-control panel: 100%
Accuracy when shooting at a human in the open a few feet away: 0%

This ^ ..... times infinity

5 hours ago, Sir Orrin said:


Do you play on Xbox? If so we should connect and play together sometime that would be so cool! 😃

Haha, yes, I do! Same name as well so hit me with that friend request. I mainly play starfighter assault. Maxed level 37 on Fighter, Interceptor and Bomber alike.

13 hours ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Haha, yes, I do! Same name as well so hit me with that friend request. I mainly play starfighter assault. Maxed level 37 on Fighter, Interceptor and Bomber alike.

Will do! I need to get better at starfighter assult, only level 10 on fighter and interceptor. I'll be on a bit today.

On 12/17/2018 at 4:22 AM, Magnus Grendel said:

To be honest, Phasma shooting at Poe and missing from a pathetic range annoyed me more than anything else.

What could've been a cool character with a cool costume is instead a series joke who found the one unused can of silver in the Emperor's vacant garage. (sigh) She's basically the After ROTJ Film Universe in a nutshell.

Midseason trailer is up

Looks like they're finally getting serous.

Edited by ravehnhuhrxt

Looks like first half of season was getting used to the characters, second half is seeing them actually do things when the FO takes over. I'm fairly excited for that second half now.

This looks great!

I liked the first half of the season a fair bit. The writing could be better but these things take time to develop.

The inclusion of Hux’s speech is awesome.

My only gripe. Filoni better not have a sea monster beat the First Order forces. With so many starship crippling monsters out there I’m shock galactic civilization actually exists.


This show is going places. I don't understand the lack of hype for this show.

Looks like the first season will end around TLJ. We see BB-8's replacement. I imagine that switch off will happen fairly quickly when it returns. Also looks like we will be getting confirmation of Starkiller Base moving, as I suspect they are investigating where it was originally built. Love how it seems to be leading up to and tying into TFA and TLJ. I wonder if we will actually see Kaz's dad before the events of TFA.

Oh good lord, I am definitely picking up the same feels when trailer for Rebels new seasons or mid seasons that kicked things into next gear.

Fireball seems to be getting more screen time and flying, looks like she gets fixed soon. Also sad that Kaz's old droid hasn't reappeared yet. Kaz also seems a little older at times or at least a different hair do...time skips? Hux's speech...yeah there is no doubt that things are really going to get intense, wonder if Kaz's dad will bite the dust soon.

After seeing it in this trailer a bit, yeah the Fireball will be a upcoming Resistance expansion I am betting.

I mean, his dad is a senator on Hosnian Prime. Which, ummm, if you've seen TFA...

There isn't too much of a time jump, they just gave Kaz some messed up hair in some shots.

His dad is a senator on Hosnian Prime... but will he be there on the last day of the Republic?

I wouldn't be surprised if the messed up hair is after the LDOTR, he could be an emotional mess for a bit assuming as most do that his father will have been there on that day.

It could also be after a bad crash or something. Or maybe he was under-cover somewhere.

On 1/9/2019 at 1:45 PM, Forresto said:

My only gripe. Filoni better not have a sea monster beat the First Order forces. With so many starship crippling monsters out there I’m shock galactic civilization actually exists.

Ezra finally comes out of Hyperspace and crashes the Chimera into Hux. :D :D :D :D

Given his dad's comments about the resistance, i'd say there is about a 90% chance his dad is a First Order sympathizer and will survive Hosnian and end up being part of season 2's list of enemies.

did anyone grab images of the Pirate's ship? i'm curious how large it is and if it is a type we know from the EU (well, under all the piratical mods)