STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Good episode. Nice seeing Kaz doing some more good spy work.

This last episode was really solid. Good development of Kaz, still a Klutz, but reasourceful. Great to see him finally provide intel to the Resistance. (Ello Atsy!) Also liked the story of the two kids, good to see victims of the First Order, not really seen a lot in the films. Like I said, solid episode.

I am really liking the state of the galaxy that they are building.

Much like how Clone Wars really, really fleshed out the Clone Wars, I think Resistance is going to do well in fleshing out the time period around TFA and TLJ.

And I loved the reaction to the name Kylo Ren. Most were like "Who". But Ello was like "damnit, got to tell the General that her son is committing massacres".

Edited by Sithborg

I think this episode has taught is that Kaz should not play dodgeball.. since he can't dodge a wrench. Also, either he is really weak, or Tam is really strong.

i really likes the caretakers.. a race that it technically inclined that most overlook, but are likely everywhere.

9 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I think this episode has taught is that Kaz should not play dodgeball.. since he can't dodge a wrench. Also, either he is really weak, or Tam is really strong.

i really likes the caretakers.. a race that it technically inclined that most overlook, but are likely everywhere.

While he's been in the Resistance navy already, we don't know their requirement for physical fitness. We do know that he at least needed to fit in a starfighter, which are fairly cramped. I imagine their fitness requirements were based at least in part on that, for that position at least.

At the very least, he misjudges how much something will weigh and doesn't frame himself up properly to carry things.

But I think Tam may actually be stronger than him as well, because the way he drops it seems unlikely just for clumsiness, considering she handles it almost effortlessly. I'm curious to know if she's done anything other than being a mechanic before this or on the side. Maybe an athlete of some kind?

40 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

While he's been in the Resistance navy already, we don't know their requirement for physical fitness. We do know that he at least needed to fit in a starfighter, which are fairly cramped. I imagine their fitness requirements were based at least in part on that, for that position at least.

At the very least, he misjudges how much something will weigh and doesn't frame himself up properly to carry things.

But I think Tam may actually be stronger than him as well, because the way he drops it seems unlikely just for clumsiness, considering she handles it almost effortlessly. I'm curious to know if she's done anything other than being a mechanic before this or on the side. Maybe an athlete of some kind?

Move enough scrap and engine blocks around and your core is bound to be stronger than someone who just needs to be fit. Reflexes and situational awareness is more important to a pilot than being able to "manhandle" a compressor or shut down astromech around...

oh crap where have I been

Not sure if any of you guys have seen this (it might have been posted here) but this is really cool.

41 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Not sure if any of you guys have seen this (it might have been posted here) but this is really cool.

The Outrider this guy made looks AMAZING!

Looks like more Poe, more pirates, and T65s T70s next week.

Edited by CaptainIxidor
12 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Looks like more Poe, more pirates, and T65s next week.

Where were the T65s?

1 minute ago, Sir Orrin said:

Where were the T65s?

My bad, I was thrown off by the coloring on one of them. Those are T70s on a second look.

On 11/7/2018 at 6:28 PM, Sir Orrin said:

Not sure if any of you guys have seen this (it might have been posted here) but this is really cool.

The "realistic" T-85 positions the torpedo tubes in a way that the ship will shoot itself (the grey winglets on the nose stick out directly in front of them...) :D

Aside from that quibble, though, that's some pretty nice work, overall!

54 minutes ago, Freeptop said:

The "realistic" T-85 positions the torpedo tubes in a way that the ship will shoot itself (the grey winglets on the nose stick out directly in front of them...) :D

Aside from that quibble, though, that's some pretty nice work, overall!

Eject sideways then they ignite.

11 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Eject sideways then they ignite.

That would look so cool on the silver screen.

Well, I want a crew slot in the T-70 dammit.

5 minutes ago, Captain Lackwit said:

Well, I want a crew slot in the T-70 dammit.

Yeah I kinda wouldn't mind them doing that, would be cool for now especially with the Resistance's low ship count. But Poe with crew options scare me...and excite me all the same. Kinda feel giddy about it like how Poe got excited seeing the astroid belt.

Speaking of which this episode was cool, got to see Poe, kinda wish he was the star of the show. Hopefully we see more of him later on. Also what happened to Kaz's T-85 and droid? Were they sent back to the New Republic or something?

God this episode is reigniting my desire for the Resistance for the game.

As we have seen now, both trainer a-wing and x-wings (it seems), a generic small base upgrade could work.

10 hours ago, KiraYamatoSF said:

Also what happened to Kaz's T-85 and droid?

Yea that was something I wished they had addressed. I really liked that one astromech's personality off the little we saw of it. It also seems that BB-8 is just supposed to be the ladies man's droid considering his romance with the astromech with the one astromech in the comics and now the BB unit in this episode, though that might be me reading into it a bit more and it was just supposed to be Poe's loner droid gaining a respect for BB-8.

11 minutes ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

As we have seen now, both trainer a-wing and x-wings (it seems), a generic small base upgrade could work.

Maybe something that lowers Int by 1 in exchange for the crew slot?

Anyways, here is the concept art from the notable week.

The new BB Astromech, CB-23. Out of curisoity, does anyone sort of find it weird that all BB units seem to look different from BB-8? Like they all have altered/different head pieces, just seems a bit odd when the R series clearly follows a model of them all being the same base but with different paint schemes. I guess I'd prefer BB-8 to be a little less unique and that the line was more uniform so we could see additional droids in the line like BC/BD/etc droids similar to how the OT gave us R1s, R2s, R3s, R4s, and R5s.


Red T-70 for those who want to paint up their T-70 minis.


Kowakian Monkey Lizard and Kowakian Ape Lizard

resistance-concept-art-gallery-4_d731b67d.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1440 resistance-concept-art-gallery-5_e1a4b911.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1440

Damaged Cargo Hauler


Edited by Animewarsdude
22 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

The new BB Astromech, CB-23. Out of curisoity, does anyone sort of find it weird that all BB units seem to look different from BB-8? Like they all have altered/different head pieces, just seems a bit odd when the R series clearly follows a model of them all being the same base but with different paint schemes. I guess I'd prefer BB-8 to be a little less unique and that the line was more uniform so we could see additional droids in the line like BC/BD/etc droids similar to how the OT gave us R1s, R2s, R3s, R4s, and R5s.

Well, Poe did say to Finn in Episode 7 that BB-8 is one of a kind...

That's right. He's a BB unit! Orange
           and white: one of a kind.
6 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Well, Poe did say to Finn in Episode 7 that BB-8 is one of a kind...

That's right. He's a BB unit! Orange
           and white: one of a kind.

I took that to more mean in terms of personality, or that BB-8 meant alot to Poe rather than him being entirely unique. And if that is the case, then it doesn't help that all of the BB units aside from the First Order's, which are just mostly similar but might just be artistic difference between film and a comic, still all have different head units.

350?cb=20181112133725 350?cb=20171201224028 500?cb=20171201223614 350?cb=20171201224335 500?cb=20161108050455 latest?cb=20170902141845 500?cb=20180120215003 Emil Graf BB-00 concept art Image result for bo keevil 499?cb=20180415223033 301?cb=20180204002503

29 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I took that to more mean in terms of personality, or that BB-8 meant alot to Poe rather than him being entirely unique. And if that is the case, then it doesn't help that all of the BB units aside from the First Order's, which are just mostly similar but might just be artistic difference between film and a comic, still all have different head units.

Could just be that they're not part of the same assembly line and that the company that produce them continue to upgrade the model. Like a mazda 3 2010 is different from a 2004 or 2016 line: same name, different look.

Regarding droid appellation, I've always thought it was stupid in Star Wars that the first 2 digit in a astromech name was meant to differentiate the models anyway. Going by that logic, there would techically be only 260 R2 units in the entire galaxy... or is there more than one R2-D2? Or can they have a third digit to differentiate them but we never had one in the lore? Or is there really so few astromech in the galaxy?

So personnally, I think it makes more sense that all the BB units share the same appellation but might have different looks, than using the first 2 digits to differentiate the models which limits the number of droid in the galaxy. Now the question is: is CB-23 still a BB unit or is it a CB unit?

Edited by Red Castle

I have to wonder if it's really a trainer or if it was a plot-required-expansion. It kind of looked like Poe's had extra room in the back as well, which wouldn't surprise me if they just used the same models with different colors.

8 minutes ago, Red Castle said:

Could just be that they're not part of the same assembly line and that the company that produce them continue to upgrade the model. Like a mazda 3 2010 is different from a 2004 or 2016 line: same name, different look.

Regarding droid appellation, I've always thought it was stupid in Star Wars that the first 2 digit in a astromech name was meant to differentiate the models anyway. Going by that logic, there would techically be only 260 R2 units in the entire galaxy... or is there more than one R2-D2? Or can they have a third digit to differentiate them but we never had one in the lore? Or is there really so few astromech in the galaxy?

So personnally, I think it makes more sense that all the BB units share the same appellation but might have different looks, than using the first 2 digits to differentiate the models which limits the number of droid in the galaxy. Now the question is: is CB-23 still a BB unit or is it a CB unit?

I genearlly saw it as the first 2 digits being the series number while the remaining 2 were just a part of the model number or batch number. I strongly suspect there were hundreds of R2-D2s, but were likely painted differently, and spread throughout the galaxy. Droids like ships and items do not start unique, they become unique over time and by those who they are around. That is unless someone you know custom builds a droid or whatever. Your car might be important to you, but is likely not to someone else, in fact that is one of the reasons that Anakin was treated as weird since the other Jedi had the mentality that if their droid was damaged or destroyed they just got a new one.

CB is still a BB unit, her name in the script was BB until they thought that might be confusing for the audience so they changed her name.


I just really like this shot.