STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Pretty sure he will end up being either a loner of person posing as one.

One thing I definitely hope is that even if he ends up being nostalgic for at least certain aspects of the GE, he won't be at all interested in the FO. It's too obvious. I really hope they go for nuance there.

The big question is when Hondo shows up, we know he is still alive post TLJ since the Falcon ends up going to Disneyland and Disney World's Galaxy Edge expansion of Batuu and he is the one giving the mission for the Falcon ride.

Just now, Animewarsdude said:

The big question is when Hondo shows up, we know he is still alive post TLJ since the Falcon ends up going to Disneyland and Disney World's Galaxy Edge expansion of Batuu and he is the one giving the mission for the Falcon ride.

Boy how old would that make Hondo?

23 minutes ago, Sir Orrin said:

Boy how old would that make Hondo?

Assuming he is what 30 during the Clone Wars...then 3 years for Clone Wars, 19 between PT and OT, 3 years between ANH and ESB, 2 years between ESB and ROTJ and then 30 years between ROTJ and around 87. How long do W  eequay  live for?

Edited by Animewarsdude
4 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

Assuming he is what 30 during the Clone Wars...then 3 years for Clone Wars, 19 between PT and OT, 3 years between ANH and ESB, 2 years between ESB and ROTJ and then 30 years between ROTJ and around 87. How long do Niktu live for?

He's Weequay. We don't have a canon source but legends says average was 90, so he could be above-average if he gets much older.

13 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

He's Weequay. We don't have a canon source but legends says average was 90, so he could be above-average if he gets much older.

Thanks for the correction.

I know not everyone likes Hondo, but I love him as a character. I would love to see him again.

What if Doza is Pallaeon?

Nice to get a better look of how the First Order is operating at the moment.

Found these two art references, I don't think they were posted here to my knowledge.



Looking at the Sheathipede here it is pretty clear that they used the Phantom 2, altered the spine/fin, and added two winglets onto it and called it a day.

Edited by Animewarsdude

The "lambda ugly" was said in one of the episode guides to be made of old imperial parts given to the pirates, assumedely at least the cockpit and the dorsal "wing base" from a Lambda. Seems like they stripped armor in favor of speed. Maybe super-charged it as well? The stuff just behind the cockpit certainly seems like it's supposed to remind of some types of hot rods. I'm not clear on why the extra wings were added from an in-lore perspective other than "it looks cool." All the weapons would surely make this a 4 attack ship in XWTMG2 if it ever came into the game, or a 3 attack with cannon slot at the very least. Also, those appear to be ramming spikes in the front. A ship that has a chance to deal damage when it hits enemy ships in it's forward firing arc would be kind of neat. The dorsal wing looks like it had most of a lambda dorsal wing removed and then had that cannon inserted. The lower wings and middle wings don't look quite right for lambda wings, I think there either stripped down versions of those wings or sourced from elsewhere. The Nu-class had the little jut forward but not in such a thin profile. The more I look at this ship the more enigmatic it seems, other than the most obvious parts from a Lambda.

@Animewarsdude is spot on as far the Sheathipede changes. It's either a new model or a custom model but it's still basically the same class of shuttle.

Honestly, Kaz seems to continue to be the worst element of the show, filling in for the 'oaf' in a cast of fairly likable characters. Really hoping like Ezra he will get some major growing up throughout the series, the events of TFA should hopefully fill that role.

"hhhmmm... yes, yes. 'What can go wrong' indeed."

22 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

Honestly, Kaz seems to continue to be the worst element of the show, filling in for the 'oaf' in a cast of fairly likable characters. Really hoping like Ezra he will get some major growing up throughout the series, the events of TFA should hopefully fill that role.

For me, Kaz is a bit more than bearable and actually great at times. Neeku is consistently the worst part of the show and offers nothing of value in my opinion.

On another note, for everything I hated about episode 4 and thought it was completely pointless and a waste of time, episode 5 was great. The First Order was finally a large part of the episode and a lot of story elements I thought were absent in the show happened.

Edited by Skitchx
On 10/29/2018 at 9:20 AM, CaptainIxidor said:

There are some interesting looking toys and models in Torra Doza's room. T-16, Z95, the Fireball, and some weird things that look a bit like a z95 but different (one of them could be Green Ace the other one doesn't look any of the ships we've seen AFAIK), a pod-racer, and a TIE Interceptor.


just going from this, i'm guessing.. from right to left..
Row 1: Taun-Taun, Bantha, Puffer-pig (inflated), Tooka, Ewok.

Row 2: Kintan Strider , Ortolan , Puffer-pig (normal), Ithorian(?), some sort of bat?
row 3: T-16 airspeeder, Z-95, The Fireball, Hype Fazon's ship, is that a BSG Viper?, Sebulba type pod-racer, TIE interceptor
row 4: Boush, Storm Trooper. (and a boot..)

43 minutes ago, mithril2098 said:

just going from this, i'm guessing.. from right to left..
Row 1: Taun-Taun, Bantha, Puffer-pig (inflated), Tooka, Ewok.

Row 2: Kintan Strider , Ortolan , Puffer-pig (normal), Ithorian(?), some sort of bat?
row 3: T-16 airspeeder, Z-95, The Fireball, Hype Fazon's ship, is that a BSG Viper?, Sebulba type pod-racer, TIE interceptor
row 4: Boush, Storm Trooper. (and a boot..) 

There is some art with the assets colored.


9 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

just going from this, i'm guessing.. from right to left..
Row 1: Taun-Taun, Bantha, Puffer-pig (inflated), Tooka, Ewok.

Row 2: Kintan Strider , Ortolan , Puffer-pig (normal), Ithorian(?), some sort of bat?
row 3: T-16 airspeeder, Z-95, The Fireball, Hype Fazon's ship, is that a BSG Viper? , Sebulba type pod-racer, TIE interceptor
row 4: Boush, Storm Trooper. (and a boot..)

BSG Colonial Viper is the closest I've seen that resembles it. Maybe it was just meant as a subtle nod. However, note that the wings appear to be swept forward to a point here and not just small and swept back like the Vipers are. So maybe whatever ship this is has some inspiration from BSG but isn't actually a Viper.

This week's episode pretty much went where I expected it to go, looking at the episodes notes on the Star Wars website mentions that Kaz would have asked about the kids at a help desk before running into them. He just went from 'I'm gonna catch those kids for credits' to 'I'm going to help them get back to their parents/away from the first order' it just sort of felt that there was a scene cut so I guess that explains that.

Here is the new commander, have to wonder if the FO just has all its named troopers/storm trooper commanders wearing bright armor. We already have red, silver, and gold, at this rate we will have the might morphing storm troopers.


And here is the bling blaster.


Can't wait to get the Star Wars version of this. I guess that Snoke would be Zordon in that scenario and Leia is Rita but which is Alpha? Is it Kylo Ren or Hux?

Acceleration Compensators sounds like a fun modification upgrade for XWTMG2. Maybe giving a chance to remove stress after a difficult maneuver but perhaps being prone to issues, so maybe only works once, or stops working after a failure.

I like that they state the Colossus has four separate markets. I believe we've only seen the A quadrant marketplace so far. Gives some options for more variety by the end of the show, at least. Maybe the other markets have differing levels for how they look, less or more crude. Maybe they have different focuses, like this one seemingly is a lot about food. Maybe another has weapons and other equipment more commonly, etc.

The shellfolk are natives! That's neat. They also remind me of the Mystics from The Dark Crystal.

Edited by CaptainIxidor
3 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

BSG Colonial Viper is the closest I've seen that resembles it. Maybe it was just meant as a subtle nod. However, note that the wings appear to be swept forward to a point here and not just small and swept back like the Vipers are. So maybe whatever ship this is has some inspiration from BSG but isn't actually a Viper.

there was a proposal for a sequel to the original BSG (BSG; the second coming) that included a red FSW viper.

a short preview episode got made with Richard Hatch's help:

and we've seen that the Platform has a stratified social structure (with the commander and other richer people living in nicer conditions) so there being multiple markets makes some sense as well. why live in a gleaming tower away from the riff-raff if you have to go shop in the same grungy markets as them?

Edited by mithril2098
1 minute ago, mithril2098 said:

there was a proposal for a sequel to the original BSG (BSG; the second coming) that included a red FSW viper.

a short preview episode got made with Richard Hatch's help:

The wings even match! Nice info, thanks! I guess it's possible that this is a reference to that. Time will tell if we end up with a SW ship that looks like this.

2 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Acceleration Compensators sounds like a fun modification upgrade for XWTMG2. Maybe giving a chance to remove stress after a difficult maneuver but perhaps being prone to issues, so maybe only works once, or stops working after a failure.

they got frequently mentioned in the old EU, especially in the X-wing novels, where Wedge would often remark that pilots like to dial them back a bit so they could feel what their fighter is doing. the Death of Porkins over the Death Star was often attributed to his flying with the Compensators set to full (due to his weight), which meant he couldn't tell his fighter wasn't maneuvering properly. though it implies he died in a dive resulting in a crash, when it was shown in the film he was flying relatively straight and got shot.

1 hour ago, mithril2098 said:

they got frequently mentioned in the old EU, especially in the X-wing novels, where Wedge would often remark that pilots like to dial them back a bit so they could feel what their fighter is doing. the Death of Porkins over the Death Star was often attributed to his flying with the Compensators set to full (due to his weight), which meant he couldn't tell his fighter wasn't maneuvering properly. though it implies he died in a dive resulting in a crash, when it was shown in the film he was flying relatively straight and got shot.

I remember that part of the book, what I took from it was that Jek was trying to ease up instead of pitching hard and didn't notice that his X-Wing hadn't pitched enough to not crash due to the compensators on full. Wedge assumed that if they'd been turned down Jek would have been able to correct in time.

again though, in the film he isn't even descending (going by the background, he's actually slightly climbing the whole time), and gets shot.

the impression i get from the film sequence is that he was trying to turn/bank to avoid the ground fire, and didn't bank sharp enough. and that his problem wasn't failure to register what his craft was doing so much as he was having control issues that limited his maneuvering.

to be fair, the EU was notorious for writers not bothering to actually watch a film's footage when describing events from the films. though the new canon has had its moments of that as well.