STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Rucklin's fighter


Thanks for posting that. I really liked that design (probably my favourite of all the racer ships so far) and wanted to see more of it. It feels sufficiently Star Wars in its asthetics, without going too far, and importantly has a nice simple silhouette. It's basically what the Z-95 should have looked like.

3 hours ago, redxavier said:

Thanks for posting that. I really liked that design (probably my favourite of all the racer ships so far) and wanted to see more of it. It feels sufficiently Star Wars in its asthetics, without going too far, and importantly has a nice simple silhouette. It's basically what the Z-95 should have looked like.

Isn't it possible that this started as a Headhunter? There's been implication of multiple models and regular updates to the production version. Maybe they had a racing variant? They didn't talk much about the ship in the episode, IIRC.

8 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Isn't it possible that this started as a Headhunter? There's been implication of multiple models and regular updates to the production version. Maybe they had a racing variant? They didn't talk much about the ship in the episode, IIRC.

You mean a Z-105 or Z-195? It actually would be interesting to see Incom make some updated Z-95 meant more for a civilian/defense fleet use to be used against pirates while the New Republic gets its fancy new X-Wings.

12 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

You mean a Z-105 or Z-195? It actually would be interesting to see Incom make some updated Z-95 meant more for a civilian/defense fleet use to be used against pirates while the New Republic gets its fancy new X-Wings.

Even with just Z95 Headhunter, there's the Clone variant, which is a good bit different in appearance. It could be a pretty varied ship based on that thought.

7 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Even with just Z95 Headhunter, there's the Clone variant, which is a good bit different in appearance. It could be a pretty varied ship based on that thought.

It is, I think the one that is used by the Resistance in the Poe comic, might be wrong, is the variant with only 2 'turbine' variant instead of the 4 'turbine' look we have in X-Wing.

8 hours ago, Animewarsdude said:

It is, I think the one that is used by the Resistance in the Poe comic, might be wrong, is the variant with only 2 'turbine' variant instead of the 4 'turbine' look we have in X-Wing.

Looks like it's the Clone z95, which would make since as everyone else is flying a GR ship.


There's also this nutty version, which I think is the only canon version other than the Clone Z95.


EDIT: Although, it does look a bit like this variant from Legends:

Sadly, most of the variants in Legends did not have artwork, at least on the wookiepedia.

Edited by CaptainIxidor
12 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Looks like it's the Clone z95, which would make since as everyone else is flying a GR ship.


is this set post TLJ? because the Resistance having to fly whatever old relics they can beg, borrow, or steal is a fun idea. though maybe Poe should have been in the Eta-2, i bet his skill would offset the lack of force sensitivity. (though if get Rey in an Eta-2, that would be awesome. since the Falcon ought to be Chewie's now.)

1 hour ago, mithril2098 said:

is this set post TLJ? because the Resistance having to fly whatever old relics they can beg, borrow, or steal is a fun idea. though maybe Poe should have been in the Eta-2, i bet his skill would offset the lack of force sensitivity. (though if get Rey in an Eta-2, that would be awesome. since the Falcon ought to be Chewie's now.)

I believe it's just before TLJ, but they might still have access to some old fighters like this after the fact. Z95 seems incredibly likely, even if it's not this specific one. As this is almost definitely just a fun call-back to the prequel era ships, I doubt we'll get any of this in game but it's a fun thought.

wasn't thinking X-wing so much as the general SW expanded setting story stuff. post TLJ resistance going back to their Rebellion roots and making use of antiques and stolen hardware while building up a core of supporters and gear would make for some interesting storylines in comics and novels. especially since the Resistance wouldn't have supporters like Bail Organa this time around, who supplied the Rebellion with so much of its early equipment and intel. so they'd be rather more desperate for equipment, and would have to take more risks to obtain decent stuff, or find ways to make Clone Wars and Civil War Era gear hold up against the First order.

On 10/25/2018 at 6:57 AM, Animewarsdude said:

Rucklin's fighter


Move the cannons into the fuselage and it'd be a **** good atmospheric fighter and a decent starfighter.

4 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Move the cannons into the fuselage and it'd be a **** good atmospheric fighter and a decent starfighter.

Yep. Guns in the tip of the wings are very impractical in every ways...

3 hours ago, Odanan said:

Yep. Guns in the tip of the wings are very impractical in every ways...

It also is very star wars, though. X-Wings, B-Wings, Interceptors, Z-95s, ARCs, and many more feature them.

Star Wars fighters don't have to make real-world sense. :D

6 hours ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Star Wars fighters don't have to make real-world sense. :D

No they don't but that little specific is one I can point to and honestly present it as evidence that designers at Seinar didn't have their heads completely up their asses when they designed the TIE/LN. Just mostly...

Did not expect to see the FO show up so soon.

I love the idea they step in to “help” desperate planets while the New Republic presumably is too distracted trying to stay together to offer any sort of support.


Even if it’s an aside I hope we get a glimpse of how the First Order was able to build such a significant and advanced military force, especially Starkiller Base.

We know they’ve been stripmining entire worlds out in the unknown regions. We also know from Bloodlines and the Last Jedi that plenty of resources, arms, and materials poured into the FO from allies in the senate or planets now technically under New Republic control. But i’d Like to see that expanded on.

The crawl for the Last Jedi indicates the First Order had enough ships to seize control of major systems.

Thirty years to build a fleet, army, and Starkiller Base in little less then thirty years. I’m willing to buy that if there’s a decent enough explanation but I need an explanation.

Edited by Forresto

Hype Fazon's ship is said to be a modified G30. We of course have no idea what a G30 is. Also, concept art for his fighter.


I have to wonder if Theed Palace Space Vessel Engineering Corps is one of his sponsors, or if the N-1 is used in some other logo.

G30 doesn't get any hits on Wookiepedia so I'm unsure if it's related to anything already in existence. The closest speculative idea I could find was the G59, which was a reverse-engineered copy of a Z95 Headhunter. Very speculative possibility there. :D

Edited by CaptainIxidor

There are some interesting looking toys and models in Torra Doza's room. T-16, Z95, the Fireball, and some weird things that look a bit like a z95 but different (one of them could be Green Ace the other one doesn't look any of the ships we've seen AFAIK), a pod-racer, and a TIE Interceptor.


Two droid art references

resistance-105-concept-art-gallery-5_09029079.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1440 resistance-105-concept-art-gallery-6_c480689d.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1793

And a better look of the room and her toys.

resistance-105-concept-art-gallery-8_b90b14a7.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1440 resistance-105-concept-art-gallery-7_62521e3d.jpeg?region=0%2C0%2C1920%2C1440

Now I'm even more confused as to what that now blue racer is. Maybe there was a previous Blue Ace? It's certainly not Green Ace with that coloring (unless there's a ranking system to the Ace Squadron, and repainting is required for moving between them). That red one is still completely confusing to me. Would be funny if it turns out looking like Yaeger's racer, if we ever see it, but I'm kind of expecting that to be a modified T-65. Now to ignore work for a bit and translate the Aurabesh.

EDIT: The Pod-racer one says Boonta Eve Classic, unsurprisingly. The one with the speeder bike is a bit stylized, I think. Hard to make out. The one with the ship taking off is even harder. Hopefully someone else takes a crack at it.

Edited by CaptainIxidor
34 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

Now I'm even more confused as to what that now blue racer is. Maybe there was a previous Blue Ace? It's certainly not Green Ace with that coloring (unless there's a ranking system to the Ace Squadron, and repainting is required for moving between them). That red one is still completely confusing to me. Would be funny if it turns out looking like Yaeger's racer, if we ever see it, but I'm kind of expecting that to be a modified T-65. Now to ignore work for a bit and translate the Aurabesh.

EDIT: The Pod-racer one says Boonta Eve Classic, unsurprisingly. The one with the speeder bike is a bit stylized, I think. Hard to make out. The one with the ship taking off is even harder. Hopefully someone else takes a crack at it.

I didn't post this earlier, here is LFL's bits for it. Based off these it looks like Sabine did more art work and that while the craft might be modified Blue Ace is pretty close to its actual production model.


Blue Ace

58 minutes ago, Animewarsdude said:

I didn't post this earlier, here is LFL's bits for it. Based off these it looks like Sabine did more art work and that while the craft might be modified Blue Ace is pretty close to its actual production model.


Blue Ace

I think you're on the money with that being a poster for it. They did call out in one of the things on that it was Sabine's artwork. A cursory glance shows the Aurabesh does match up with what they put in English, no surprises there. I was really hopeful that the poster with her ship would have the model name. Oh well!

Where did you find the additional concept art?

Edited by CaptainIxidor
3 minutes ago, CaptainIxidor said:

I think you're on the money with that being a poster for it. They did call out in one of the things on that it was Sabine's artwork. A cursory glance shows the Aurabesh does match up with what they put in English, no surprises there. I was really hopeful that the poster with her ship would have the model name. Oh well!

Where did you find the additional concept art?

You go to the episode guides, it has tons of info and art like simple scene concepts, art references, and trivia.

The Aces' Lounge

Also in the right corner we see the Keldor's astromech, I sort of hope that it is an alternate BB-series unit, or even have it where there is a B-Series droid line with BB, BC, BD astromechs like how we have R2s-R9s for the R-Series astromechs. Ditto with the droid that looks alot like T3-M4.

I wonder if we should read anything into the fact that Griff is by himself. Could just be that he's a loner but I wonder if he's disliked by the other aces. Really interested to see more of those characters.