STAR WARS: RESISTANCE Discussion Thread!

By That Blasted Samophlange, in X-Wing Off-Topic

7 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

on the CR-90 he's coming down off stress from nearly being killed, and fanboying hard over being on a ship that helped win the rebellion

I have to admit that I almost mirrored his reaction to the CR-90 coming on screen...I tend to forget just how cool that ship is!

I'm a bit disappointed so far. The plot lines have nothing to do with Star Wars other than in the first 10 minutes of the first episode. If this didn't have Star Wars in the title it would just be some random sci-fi cartoon.

I love the animation. The new TIE looks cool, like an updated Interceptor with missiles or torpedoes. The new scum ships look ok. I wonder if the racers will make an appearance in the X-Wing Miniatures game.

Keenu? Keeku? Neeku? Is super annoying.

I think the connections to the bigger Star Wars will get reinforced but to say it doesn't have anything to do with it feels wrong.

The pirate attack was planned by the First Order, that's a direct connection to what's going on in the bigger picture. Kaz's father being a Senator in the New Republic is another tie. Both of these are going to get paid off, I'm fairly sure. I also think the jerk "friend" that Kaz made (the racer who's ride blew up) is already or will be recruited by the FO.

Edited by CaptainIxidor

It’s also the first few episodes during relative peace time

all of the early cartoons start off a bit off

a bit more kiddy

and with relatively annoying or frustrating characters

Ahsoka and Ezra were beyond annoying in their first few episodes, now look at them

give it till the second half of season one. Once it’s characters have all been established and some ideas of relationships has been set up we will get the first shake ups to the plot.

remember the two bumbling guards in Rebels?

remember what happened to them?

overall it’s startinf pretty okay

ep 2 is my favorite thus far and I do really like all the characters around Kaz but he has some growing to do

i also LOVE how the ships look and move on screen and I think the reason ep 3 was the weakest in my mind was because it had the least ship fun which is definitely a strength in this series thus far

1 hour ago, Skitchx said:

I'm a bit disappointed so far. The plot lines have nothing to do with Star Wars other than in the first 10 minutes of the first episode. If this didn't have Star Wars in the title it would just be some random sci-fi cartoon.

I love the animation. The new TIE looks cool, like an updated Interceptor with missiles or torpedoes. The new scum ships look ok. I wonder if the racers will make an appearance in the X-Wing Miniatures game.

Keenu? Keeku? Neeku? Is super annoying.

I'm a little confused.. what is a Star Wars plotline? Considering Star Wars has always been, at its base, taken the idea of the classicheroes journey’. What would make it more Star Wars?

14 hours ago, drail14me said:

This mech goes back to the originals and it captured me. Unfortunately, it didn’t follow him to the resistance.

Yea, I'm sort of hoping that once the show catches up with the events of the films he will get his old astromech back, seeing as Poe will have to have BB-8 with him by that point and I think one of the writers said the show up run up against TFA. Though, they might end up giving him Bucket instead, but from the little we saw between the two I rather liked the two's back and forth and the R2's personality.

As long as Ahsoka doesn't show up, I can put up with irritating BB-8. That dumbass kid ditched his cool blue astrodroid though, the moron.

His personality is all over the **** place, though. One minute he's a sort of competent pilot, the next he's being an arrogant prick to a cute girl, the next he's an insecure weenus. What gives?

I love that he flies a Crimson Skies fighter, though.

3 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

I'm a little confused.. what is a Star Wars plotline? Considering Star Wars has always been, at its base, taken the idea of the classicheroes journey’. What would make it more Star Wars?

TIEs, bad guys, good guys, space battles, Resistance vs FO, a sense of impending peril or urgency, intrigue and subterfuge. I understand that it was mentioned that the FO is in relative anonymity right now in the show and is building up. There is subterfuge from the FO

The opening sequence was great. Something awesome was dangled in front of us - Kaz was already a pilot for the New Republic being chased by an elite TIE pilot. Then Kaz goes to an old fuel refinery/gas station planet to be a spy. Ok cool, let's see what he can find out. He has to become a racer to fit in, awesome, let's see what he can find out.

Then episode 3 comes around and everything falls flat for me. Other than one or two tidbits at the end of the episode that inch the larger story forward the whole episode felt like a lesson of "be careful about who your friends are" and "mind your parents" and felt like a waste. I know some episodes are not going to be as good as others but this one felt like it was just

I thought the first episode was great, the second one was good. Maybe my disappointment is purely because of the third episode.

Another thing the RPGer in me finds interesting is, with Bucket, you can see just how much space for gear and other items there is in an Astromech.

I'm in an X-Wing FB group with people talking about the ships and I'm baffled how so many people can say 'there is nothing start wars about these'. Like, are they blind or something? 3 of the ships have an X-Wing style cockpit, one has an A-Wing style cockpit, and we don't need to start on the lovely TIE Trash-Striker. Then we have the weird Porsche-thing, which is literaly a Starchaser. I get not liking them, but saying there is nothing Star Wars about them is just objectively wrong!

(sorry, venting here because those people are hopeless)

I like all the droids so far.

Characters are simple caricatures thus far. Kept the plot moving at least.

The only thing that really bugged me was that the x-wings didn't link their cannons. So much easier to dodge 1 shot at a time than 2 or 4.

Always link your cannons!

...And with a 3v1 where the 1 is chasing the 3 and they don't spread out and try to flank? Kazoo is far from the best pilot in the galaxy.

40 minutes ago, Admiral Deathrain said:

I'm in an X-Wing FB group with people talking about the ships and I'm baffled how so many people can say 'there is nothing start wars about these'. Like, are they blind or something? 3 of the ships have an X-Wing style cockpit, one has an A-Wing style cockpit, and we don't need to start on the lovely TIE Trash-Striker. Then we have the weird Porsche-thing, which is literaly a Starchaser. I get not liking them, but saying there is nothing Star Wars about them is just objectively wrong!

(sorry, venting here because those people are hopeless)

The engines on the young girl racers craft are A-wing engines. I like the cobbled together look of the ships actually. I'm not sure if we will ever see them in X-wing as they are kind of one-offs. We are for sure getting T-85s and that FO Interceptor though.

I have a feeling that Disney won't be able to help itself and we'll get a Jedi or force user at some point.

Edited by Jo Jo
3 minutes ago, Jo Jo said:

I have a feeling that Disney won't be able to help itself and we'll get a Jedi or force user at some point.

Wasn't Leia in the first episode? :P

1 hour ago, Admiral Deathrain said:

I'm in an X-Wing FB group with people talking about the ships and I'm baffled how so many people can say 'there is nothing start wars about these'. Like, are they blind or something? 3 of the ships have an X-Wing style cockpit, one has an A-Wing style cockpit, and we don't need to start on the lovely TIE Trash-Striker. Then we have the weird Porsche-thing, which is literaly a Starchaser. I get not liking them, but saying there is nothing Star Wars about them is just objectively wrong!

(sorry, venting here because those people are hopeless)

It seems like there is no winning. Anything new is either too much like the old designs or isn’t “Star Wars Enough”.

1 hour ago, Jo Jo said:

The engines on the young girl racers craft are A-wing engines. I like the cobbled together look of the ships actually. I'm not sure if we will ever see them in X-wing as they are kind of one-offs. We are for sure getting T-85s and that FO Interceptor though.

I have a feeling that Disney won't be able to help itself and we'll get a Jedi or force user at some point.

We will likely get the Fireball, we have Kaz who seems to be the current pilot, Yeager who owns the ship and is a pilot, Tam who wanted to pilot it, and a free slot to either put a generic in there or they could throw Nikku in there as a Int1 pilot. Though unless they fix up the ship, I'm sure they will until like the Phantom it gets destroyed and replaced with something else, it will be a faulty ship known for blowouts which I'm not sure how FFG would implement into X-Wing.

1 hour ago, SabineKey said:

It seems like there is no winning. Anything new is either too much like the old designs or isn’t “Star Wars Enough”.

Can't help but remind me of this letter :P

'*Stolen from someone who stole it*
Dear JJ, we fans want to help you plan the last installment of the Star Wars trilogy trilogy. Here's the perfect formula:

Make it the same as the original trilogy, but also make it different. But dont change anything. Make sure to include surprises, but not surprises we dont want. In fact avoid surprises. But dont rehash anything. Also dont try something new, b ecause we wont like it. Make sure to do justice to the cast, but we wont say how. Just make sure to get it right. I want it to be exactly the way I want it. Just a bit different. And also the same. Make sure we know the back story to all the characters even the incidental ones (because we are all speculating and you better be reading my mind) but leave it mysterious at the same time. No CGI! Keep it practical. But make sure to expand the universe like the prequels did, you know, using CGI. Also dont do anything the prequels did. Or Force Awakens. Or the original trilogy. But make it like those films too. Give it some humour too. But dont make it too funny. Show us some new force powers! But not ones we havent seen before because new powers are ridiculous. Dont kill anyone! it betrays my childhood. But also make it unpredictable by killing off a few characters.

Clear? Good.'

2 hours ago, ViscerothSWG said:

I like all the droids so far.

Characters are simple caricatures thus far. Kept the plot moving at least.

The only thing that really bugged me was that the x-wings didn't link their cannons. So much easier to dodge 1 shot at a time than 2 or 4.

Always link your cannons!

...And with a 3v1 where the 1 is chasing the 3 and they don't spread out and try to flank? Kazoo is far from the best pilot in the galaxy.

Maybe I have to rewatch the episode but I don't think they are allowed to open fire on the First Order. One of them mentioned they can't touch them and in the Poe dameron comics they mention a few times they can't really openly fight the First Order. And since these are New Republic pilots they are behind more tape then the Resistance is.

8 hours ago, Admiral Deathrain said:

I'm in an X-Wing FB group with people talking about the ships and I'm baffled how so many people can say 'there is nothing start wars about these'. Like, are they blind or something? 3 of the ships have an X-Wing style cockpit, one has an A-Wing style cockpit, and we don't need to start on the lovely TIE Trash-Striker. Then we have the weird Porsche-thing, which is literaly a Starchaser. I get not liking them, but saying there is nothing Star Wars about them is just objectively wrong!

(sorry, venting here because those people are hopeless)

there are a lot of people who actively seem to be ignoring the star warsy nature of the recent stuff because it doesn't fit the narrow definition they wanted it to be. i recently had a similar issue win a discussion thread elsewhere about TLJ.. people arguing how stupid and un-star warsy it was because of various things.. none of which apparently bothered to pay attention to the film, because the stuff they complained about either never happened, or were actually explained in the film.

this show is very star wars.. young protagonist on a hero's journey, leaving the safe life he'd known on a mission to help defeat a big evil and protect others, experiencing hardships and encountering a totally new style of living in the process. only instead of it being a farmboy, orphan, or former slave going off to be a Jedi, it is a sheltered son of a senator who decides to join the resistance and is thrust into a mission and environment he is totally unprepared for. personalyl i am curious to see where they take some of the potential plot threads they've dropped in the episodes so far. kaz's father for example refers to the Resistance with language similar to the First Order sympathizers of other canon works.. and given he says his dad had a whole life planned out for his son, odds are high that his dad is going to send someone to find him. especially once kaz makes more of a name for himself as a racer, given that the races there are known throughout the galaxy and kaz isn't using an alias. likewise kaz left the new Republic military mid mission, with out (as far as we see) having asked for leave or resigning.. or even letting them know he survived . which means that his wingmen from the opener, who are presumably his friends, might think he is dead. along with the New Republic. which might be a reason for his father to send a bounty hunter or something after him, given his father knows he's with the resistance.

and honestly, i'm liking this shows initial episodes better than Rebels. Rebels also had a lot of world building to do for its era, but felt like it dragged the character development out a bit much at first in favor of said world building. Resistance feels like it is doing both at the same time.

as far as their opening battle goes.. i suspect you are right, KiraYamatoSF. their dialog is ambiguous on its own, though the idea that three top of the line X-wings are outmatched by a single FO TIE (even a fancy one) seems ridiculous, so odds are they had a strict rules of engagement they were following. the Poe comics established that the resistance was under orders to not engage first, only fighting if the FO shot at them first, so i could see the New Republic giving similar orders. especially when the mission is probably 'off the books', given the new republic wasn't officially supporting the resistance. i suspect the orders Kaz and his wingmen had might have been even more restricting than the resistance had, though, since the FO interceptor was already shooting at them. they might have been ordered to not engage at all, and kaz turning to engage in order to give his wingmen time to escape might have been a violation of orders.

Edited by mithril2098
20 hours ago, mithril2098 said:

as far as their opening battle goes.. i suspect you are right, KiraYamatoSF. their dialog is ambiguous on its own, though the idea that three top of the line X-wings are outmatched by a single FO TIE (even a fancy one) seems ridiculous, so odds are they had a strict rules of engagement they were following. the Poe comics established that the resistance was under orders to not engage first, only fighting if the FO shot at them first, so i could see the New Republic giving similar orders. especially when the mission is probably 'off the books', given the new republic wasn't officially supporting the resistance. i suspect the orders Kaz and his wingmen had might have been even more restricting than the resistance had, though, since the FO interceptor was already shooting at them. they might have been ordered to not engage at all, and kaz turning to engage in order to give his wingmen time to escape might have been a violation of orders.

It's a plausible and therefore acceptable answer until/unless we learn more in the future.

It doesn't excuse the unlinked cannons. ?

Edited by ViscerothSWG
2 minutes ago, ViscerothSWG said:

It's a plausible and therefore acceptable answer until/unless we learn more in the future.

It doesn't excuse the unlinked canons. ?

Not sure what you mean. The laser cannons fired the same way the T-65's at yavin did. From the perspective of hitting a mobile target, single fire makes some sense, as it gives you a greater number of chances to hit.

You fire slightly slower but hit much harder and hopefully pay more attention to your aim when you link cannons.

Best analogy i can make is that each of the 4 cycling cannons are a 1 die attack at that TIE. Not likely to hit and not going to do much damage if they do. Linking them together would give a 2 or 4 dice attack. The same target that straight jousted his weak attacks and took out his engine power might have broken off if the incoming fire could hurt him.

Edited by ViscerothSWG

I'm impressed by Polygon on this one. Characters seem a little floaty sometimes but the colors are great and the motions are fluid. They've come a long way from their earlier series.

On 10/10/2018 at 8:51 AM, ViscerothSWG said:

I like all the droids so far.

Characters are simple caricatures thus far. Kept the plot moving at least.

The only thing that really bugged me was that the x-wings didn't link their cannons. So much easier to dodge 1 shot at a time than 2 or 4.

Always link your cannons!

...And with a 3v1 where the 1 is chasing the 3 and they don't spread out and try to flank? Kazoo is far from the best pilot in the galaxy.

Having played the X-Wing PC games, there are definitely times when you prefer unlinked shots.

8 hours ago, JJ48 said:

Having played the X-Wing PC games, there are definitely times when you prefer unlinked shots.

There is also the possibility, with Kaz’s damaged t-85, that he couldn't even fire them linked.

While we are at it, we assume that the t-85 is a better craft. But it is designed for a heavily demilitarized government, as well as being more a jack of all trades type ship. It may not just be a straight improvement of the T-70

4 hours ago, That Blasted Samophlange said:

There is also the possibility, with Kaz’s damaged t-85, that he couldn't even fire them linked.

While we are at it, we assume that the t-85 is a better craft. But it is designed for a heavily demilitarized government, as well as being more a jack of all trades type ship. It may not just be a straight improvement of the T-70

Could be something like a B-Wing, a heavy fighter.

Edited by Odanan