L5R Miniatures game

By XTrueFinale, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

So going by FFG's IP and product line record, I'm guessing we'll probably see an L5R game involving miniatures sometime in the future. Either a wargame like RuneWars or possibly a dungeon crawler like Imperial Assault, but probably less likely as L5R is harder to adapt into a co-operative campaign game.

What do you guys think?

I'd be super interested as a player in an L5R minis game, but as a store manager, not interested at all. There are a lot of good minis games out right now, and with Star Wars throwing it's hefty brand into the ring soon with Legion, I don't see there being room for a new minis game. In my experience, convincing players to play a new minis game when they're already invested in another one is a difficult ask. It would have to be presented in a very expansion-light, single-box product, and then I fear it would lack depth and long-term viability.

I would expect a Descent style game if we see an L5R minis game from FFG. It could eventually lead to Runewars style expansion but I would expect that to be a fair ways down the road.

I can't see FFG doing it right now, simply because they've already started expanding in to it with other franchise. Well, I guess I can see FFG doing it because they seem to love cannibalizing their own games, but it feels like a dumb idea in the near future.

I mean the Clan War miniature game WAS a thing by AEG. They could even use the same mechanics as Runewars and i think it would still be pretty successful... I actually have a few of the old minis and they are quite nice.

I think they will make a L5R miniature game that will replace Runewars and will use similar rules to XWing/Runewars.

8 hours ago, cerealkiller195 said:

I mean the Clan War miniature game WAS a thing by AEG. They could even use the same mechanics as Runewars and i think it would still be pretty successful... I actually have a few of the old minis and they are quite nice.

Don't get me wrong I loved the AEG mini's game (heck I still have a Yoritomo's Alliance, Lion and Shadowlands force for it) but a full mini line like we saw from AEG is difficult (and expensive) to launch and this is the type of fan base where you need to have all 7-9 expected factions ready to go if not at release than within about 6 months of. Starting with something smaller like a descent style game where you do a few Clan specific characters and neutral opponents (whether its Shadowlands or generic Ronin that the PC's can fight) and tieing it into the Role playing game would make more sense as a general release model. You can than expand by adding Clan specific expansions that allow you to flush out some generic soldier figs (archers, spear and katana) along with hero models that can be used as either additional PC or antagonists, than in a years time once you have base sculpts for every clan you introduce a Skirmish/Mass Battle rule set that uses the existing range as a base and expand the Clan troop choices from there. Its a slow build but it would allow you to grow the range and game at a reasonable level.

I still have my l5r disc wars ffg produced back in the day. I still use my False Hoturi and Kachiko for random game counters.

Considering Legion and Rune Wars are just getting started is does seem like an unwise business decision to push out another mini war game onto the market though FFG seems to like to put a version of each of their game types out for all their primary licenses. Mini war gamers usually want more diversity in the games they currently play rather than more different games to play. If I was FFG I would be exploring making the current war games wider (more factions and more options per factions) if they want Legion and Rune Wars to have staying power.

I'd much rather a Descent style game for L5R. Would be more narrative and for me that would hit the table easier. Also it feels like that stands less a chance of cannibalizing one of their other games considering Descent seems more or less done updating and Mansions Of Madness updates but infrequently. Imperial Assault updates still, but I'm not sure that is enough to put people off trying an L5R dungeon crawl style game.

Edited by phillos
19 minutes ago, phillos said:

Imperial Assault updates still, but I'm not sure that is enough to put people off trying an L5R dungeon crawl style game.

Imperial Assault has the Star Wars license behind it so I don't think there's any fear of L5R cannibalizing sales there. As for L5R supporting sales of its own if they launch it correctly and tie it into the RPG and give enough connection to existing Descent products that it is seen as an extension of the game rather than a whole separate entity I think it could have a good chance of succeeding.

I know there is a segment of the population that is put off by apps in board games, but the new app run version of Mansion of Madness is a great game. It would be nice to see them leverage that for something like L5R.

Edited by phillos

If the game was in same design space as Imperial Assault, Descent of Mansions of Madness. It could be Imperial Coup, where the players are all ninj.....I mean shinobi. Attacking a palace to get a target. Or even better, Defend the Wall. Where the players each have a leader and say like 5 to 10 guys stopping the incursion of the shadowlands.

Minis for L5R are being done through Privateer Press in their Mini-Crate subscription.

That doesnt rule out a L5R miniatures game in the future, though

As Battlelore starts to have some years a 3rd edition themed on L5R could be fun and have a clear appeals, so it can detach from " yet another terrinoth themed battle game", but that's about all I see as far L5R minis go for the moment.

If FFG knows what they are doing, they will make a skirmish game. War Games are not sustainable for FFG long term, especially with the prices they are charging for quality that is below the market leaders.

16 hours ago, GM Hooly said:

Minis for L5R are being done through Privateer Press in their Mini-Crate subscription.


The Privateer Press minis seem to be a finite collection. Nothing related to a game.

I would be thrilled if they would develop a wargame (like runewars) or a dungeon crawler (like Imperial Assault) based on Rokugan. Miniatures would also be useful for my L5R rpg sessions.

The article suggests these are meant to be roleplaying aids. I wouldn't get too excited about this spinning out into a minis game. Though I'd love an L5R game in the style of Imperial Assault. I feel like that's begging to be made considering how narrative L5R historically has been. Also RPGers would probably pick it up for the minis alone (like many of us are considering now with this mini-crate offer).

3 hours ago, Hos said:

Well there is already a great minis game for samurai skirmishes, dont really need an L5R one. But would be nice to use these new minis in it:


Most people here, including myself, don’t want a samurai game. We want a L5R game.

7 hours ago, Tabris2k said:

Most people here, including myself, don’t want a samurai game. We want a L5R game.

If you're playing an L5R roleplaying game, I'd expect combat to be fairly minimal. If your sessions are 85% plot and politics, what do you even need minis for?

2 minutes ago, twinstarbmc said:

If you're playing an L5R roleplaying game, I'd expect combat to be fairly minimal. If your sessions are 85% plot and politics, what do you even need minis for?

Did you quoted me by mistake? I haven’t said anything about roleplaying...