Sorry About The Mess: Arena D

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Forgive my intrusion, but do you guys think Arissa should be able to use her lightsaber to free herself? It's already in her hand.

2 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Also I will use that threat on the Environmental table -

One Threat - Grease Patch: Character either suffers two strain or becomes prone

AH HA take that!2 strain @SavageBob

Kinda wish you'd have made Pango go prone. Not sure how I'd have narrated that when he's shaped like a beetle. :)

Crit Roll - 1d100 : 4 [1d100=4]

HAHAHAHAHA I take one strain from the auto crit!!! @SavageBob

2 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Forgive my intrusion, but do you guys think Arissa should be able to use her lightsaber to free herself? It's already in her hand.

Do you mean use Lightsaber in lieu of Athletics? Maybe at an upgraded difficulty to represent the danger of cutting herself with it?

8 minutes ago, SavageBob said:

Do you mean use Lightsaber in lieu of Athletics? Maybe at an upgraded difficulty to represent the danger of cutting herself with it?

Yeah something like that. Like R2-D2 cutting through the rope net with his circular saw, but with ferrocrete and a lightsaber :)

Just now, awayputurwpn said:

Yeah something like that. Like R2-D2 cutting through the rope net with his circular saw, but with ferrocrete and a lightsaber :)

I'd be cool with that. It's up to @SithArissa if she wants to try!

18 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Crit Roll - 1d100 : 4 [1d100=4]

HAHAHAHAHA I take one strain from the auto crit!!! @SavageBob

Also, the Crit Roll only happens once the suffocations causes you to exceed your strain threshold.

7 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Also, the Crit Roll only happens once the suffocations causes you to exceed your strain threshold.

so I am at 15/15 and if I fail I once again pass out like a cheap high school date?

Edit - But I'm taking 3 strain at the beginning am I not?

Edited by SithArissa
6 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

so I am at 15/15 and if I fail I once again pass out like a cheap high school date?

Edit - But I'm taking 3 strain at the beginning am I not?

Oh right, your call on how you guys wanna handle that. (I would suggest that a player could mitigate anything that happens at the beginning of that player's turn with an incidental; they essentially happen simultaneously...fits in with my idea of cinematic heroism in RPGs. But I'm not the ref here so it's up to you guys & @Nightone !) Apologies for butting in previously :)

Edited by awayputurwpn
Just now, awayputurwpn said:

Oh right, your call on how you guys wanna handle that. (I would suggest that a player could mitigate anything that happens at the beginning of that player's turn with an incidental; they essentially happen simultaneously...fits in with my idea of cinematic heroism in RPGs. But I'm not the ref here so it's up to you guys & @Nightone !)

If @SavageBob agrees to it I'll flip the last destiny got to 11/15 then 15/15, make a Saber check at (1 Challenge 1 Difficulty? Add my own defensive rank in Setbacks since I'm targeting myself? an additional Difficulty?) to free myself THEN he can knock me out himself.

Ah, sorry — I misread the bit about the autocrits. @awayputurwpn is right; no crits till you exceed Strain Threshold, so you should restore the strain that crit cost you and remove the crit completely from your sheet if you haven't already.

So, yeah, I think you can flip that second DP to get back up to 11/15 using Intense Presence but you'll take 3 strain immediately once your turn starts, which will put you back at 14/15. But at least you get to try the Lightsaber check! I'd rule that you're targeting the glop, not yourself per se, so I wouldn't add the Defense setbacks. The Challenge die is enough to account for the difficulty of surgically removing yourself while entangled in hardened foam. @Nightone is, of course, welcome to overrule any of these ideas.

Glop Sliceroo

1eB+2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD : 4 successes, 1 advantage [1eB=-] [2eP=A/A, S/S] [2eA=S/A, S] [1eC=Th] [1eD=Th]
b--.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-s-a.png a-s.png c-th.png d-th.png

So I guess I'm out, spend that advantage to recover one strain cause that's important(!). I will also use the environmental thingie to get behind cover

"General Properties

1. Taking cover may be performed as an incidental"

I'll let you decide what that entails, another Setback on ranged checks maybe?

I'm also going to go prone with my manoeuvre (if I have one?) to add an additional Setback to ranged attacks that target me.

Sorry I'm not RP-ing this much. The situations too funny. @SavageBob

Edited by SithArissa

No sooner had Pango lobbed the stun grenade than he noticed his forward momentum stalled. His locomotor gears switched forward, reverse, forward, reverse, but the treads just spun in place. Finally, the droid found he could move again, and he spotted what had caused the problem: a grease spot on the ground. Never mind; he was free now, and he still had to put the Twi'lek woman out of her misery...

But what was that? Turning his photoreceptors back on his target, Pango saw the woman break free of the foam, laser-sword in hand! She dropped down behind a crate. Pango's logic algorithms couldn't process what was going on—why didn't she just give in and let this end? The droid fired up his targeting subroutine once more and prepared another stun grenade.

Alrighty: One maneuver to draw the grenade, one to aim (-2 strain), and then throwing! Lots of upgrades to worry about, so also flipping a Destiny Point...

Stun grenade for the win? : 5eP+1eB+1eC+1eD+2eS 4 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p-s.png p-s-s.png p-s.png p-s.png b-s-a.png c-th-th.png d-f-th.png s-f.png s-f.png

That's 12 Stun damage, minus your soak. Should be game? Just in case, the Triumph will be that all these blasts have damaged the ship's life support systems. Per the arena rules, that means an upgrade of 1 to your checks next turn, then 2 after that, then finally 3. (As a droid, I'd be immune.) Threat's to you, assuming you have some way to get back above your strain threshold! :)

Edited by SavageBob

I'm finally awake and see: you guys are already done with everything. No need to overrule anything!

Fair sport @SavageBob for letting Arissa use her LS to get free since her Brawn/Coordination is so low.

Good sportmansship @SithArissa for tagging along until the end under the worst circumstance possible.

Thanks @awayputurwpn for helping out with the ruling while I was deep asleep. The OOTI before/ at the same time as the suffucation is exactly how I see this.

And yes Arissa is down even if she use the ooti to flip a destiny point (somehow lost track how many black and white are in play rightnow) (bringin her to 9strain) and the use reflect (up to 12 again) she would still get 6 Stun Damage which puts her at 18 of 15. So this fight was totally yours @SavageBob

The deep voice of the Hutt coming over the speakers is the last think the incapitated Twi'lek hears, before passing out:

"MUHAHAHA GOOD, so many explosions the people will love this recording. They love it to see the struggle of helpless creatures like this girl.

Pango show her the way out, I think one of the pods should still function, if not... well life's a gamble! MUHAHAHA. Oh yeah may be I'll allow you to see the sullustian girl tonight, finally you've done something right!"

Technical Engeenering defeated the Darkside of the Force,
while showing mercy at his opponent PANGO wins this match with an explosive finale,
poor Arrissa is totally overwhelmed and send to the land of dreams,
may her dread soul find some relief and peace within the sleep that was forced on her!

Thanks again to you both @SavageBob and @SithArissa for this explosive match!

Completely dominated. Gig @SavageBob even starting at short range my defense just isn't built for that kind of firepower.

4 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Completely dominated. Gig @SavageBob even starting at short range my defense just isn't built for that kind of firepower.

Yeah, it wasn't a very conducive arena to you, either. You might have taken Cheevil's tactic and tried to crit me on your first attack (rather than use Sense), but even that would have been a gamble. I think hoping for Despairs on my part was just as valid a tactic. Nice slapsticky match, and thanks for the hilarious commentary!

Heat 4D @SithArissa with Arissa vs @LordBritish with Tanson Stryder


4 = Detention Block without Droids

Initative Skill:

6 = Cool (you both are aware off each other)

Starting Range:

56 = Medium

Destiny Pool: @SithArissa choose high or low, then @LordBritish shall roll the d100 winner decides on color.

You also may roll initative any time.

The detention block of a imperial high security facility on Felucia. the Air is steril, the ground is a grid pattern of shining black tiles. Just enough space between the waals for two Stormtroopers to walk next to each other. The corridor is flanked by lot of cells but on this floor there was only one person hold captive... a pale twi'lek that was found in the wrecks of an old frighter floating in Space know to be owned by a crime hutt lord.

Well thanks to an attack of a crime syndicate (to free prisoners on another floor) The twi'lek is able to escape her cell.

On this floor also lies the vault of the facility where Arrissa just received her belongings while on the other Side of the corridor a black rodian, Tanson once again back in the crime buisness, appears...

Init check (So cool) : 4eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
a-s-a.png a--.png a-a-a.png a-s.png

(Tanson will use two ranks of rapid reactions to spend 2 strain for 2 success, final result 4 success 3 advantage.)

Two blaster blots scythed down the two technicians at the control panel, the Rodian strode into the block as the cold silver gaze of his visor swept around the control room,. Not sighting a living thing the slight shoulders of Tanson slouched as his blasters were tucked back within their holster with a click, his voice clicked out out of his helmet sounded young but firm.

"Just light resistance; the intel was right for a change boss. They seem "

He checked the panel and noticed a number of cells had been unlocked along with the storage bay; a strange action for any imperial to take, espcially as one of the cells were listed as classified. Perhaps they were "only" human in their final moments. A slight chuckle girgled under the visor as he stepped on.

"We got what we were looking for? Good. Just checking through detention block 1B, these imps seem to have classified cargo, might be worth a pretty cred to someone."

"Hmm. Doesen't seem to be anything here worth protecting- Wait."

The black laminate figure paused as his sliver illuminated orbs settled on a figure at the end of the corridor ; though through his mask no expression was visible as the gunslinger calmly held a gaze for a moment before he spoke again.

"Found a slight complication; one minute."

With a jerk of his head he snapped the com off; to the annoyance of the hired thug that brought him. Tanson wasn't hired for his good lingo as he stood firm at the end of the corrdor to stare down the person who moved into view; blasters firmly in their hoslters; to present the illusion of being defenceless. It would be Tanson who would speak first; even as the first step echoed down the hall.

"Are you a red saber or a Jedi?"

The Rodian paused and held up a hand and shook his head immediately, almost immediately dismissing the question as unimportant.

"Hang on, hold that thought, probably doesn't matter. I know enough to know ya are serious bad news; my brother told me that much. All I know is that force is apparently a mistress who would just as much hurt as please me. He was a bit of a masochist like that."

Tanson gestured with his hands in waving gestures as slowly strode down the prison block toward her, closing to a medium distance which for most would be a tactical error. it was difficult to tell whether the Rodian was a talkative chatterbox or a genuine buffion, though as she examined the Rodian she would notice another detail on a neckless that hung on his neck, a Kyber crystal that held the presence of a force user that indicated something more serious about this Rodian; and that his ruse of running his mouth off concealed a great amount of confidence despite having not lived over 20 Collerlia earth cycles, his never faltering gaze measured the distance with a casual calculated coolness.

"Still, never would have imagined the force would manifest itself in a foxy form like this so I could see why he's tempted, so for the sake of both of us lets make the question simple."

Tanson raised his hands and pointed his two fingers, like blaster points, yet his tone was anything but Joval as his glare narrowed; the last "Jedi" he had thought had almost killed him so getting into her Lakku was almost essential for his survival.

"What will you bring me luv, pleasure or pain?"

(OOC: I will roll force pips once you have chosen your colour. Best of luck. ^__^)

Cool Roll -

1eP+3eA : 5 successes, 1 advantage [1eP=S/S] [3eA=A, S/S, S]
p-s-s.png a-a.png a-s-s.png a-s.png

I'll Choose High for the Destiny roll. Please excuse my lack of any roleplay here I just don't have the will for it, and I think @LordBritish has it covered.

Edit- you have forgot to add the campaign to your roll @LordBritish not that it makes it any less relevant I just noticed it looking over the other rolls.

Edited by SithArissa

Oh nut's I've basically lost. XD I also kinda forgot my sig ability also applied to inti checks. Yeah, I really need to get a handle on what I do. Good luck!

Destiny : 1eF 1 Dark Side

One pip for me.

The reason I generally RP is that Tanson is a character who exists in the star wars universe; just basically giving my GM some material for a nemesis class character. XD

Edited by LordBritish

You need to roll the d100 first to determine who chooses light/dark, unless I've missed it?

Sith picked High : 1d100 29

I won the toss off, I will pick light, my mistake.

Sorry, had to rush my dog to the vet, typing this via phone.