Sorry About The Mess: Arena D

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

32 minutes ago, SavageBob said:

Hi, sorry! I'm in a country with unreliable Internet access at the moment. (The hotel is supposed to have wifi, but it's not working...) I may be a bit touch-and-go as we finish the bout.

Yeah, Darth Lectus hit it. With his damaged logic centers (due to the Intellect crit), Pango wants to destroy the lightsaber rather than attack Cheevil directly. If the saber is in a pile of hardened foam (or even semi-hardened), that gives a good target for a grenade with blast on it, I'd think. So the roll would be to hit that target, not Cheevil himself. How would that work? And how would damage to the saber be resolved?

//Don't worry, there's no need to rush this. Lightsabers per basic rule are immune to Sunder so I think the only RAW way to destroy one is to spend a double Triumph on it. But a blast could send it flying and you can come up with a multitude of ways to make it inaccessible instead of destroying it. Add more glop to fully encase it, etc.

Why am I helping you???//

Edited by Darth Lectus
7 minutes ago, Darth Lectus said:

Why am I helping you???//

Hahaha! :) I don't have any more glop, alas. And, yeah, I can see the immunity to sunder as indicative that even a thermal detonator wouldn't destroy the saber without double Triumph, RAW. But there is lava all about...

3 hours ago, SavageBob said:

But there is lava all about...


2 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Hahaha! :) I don't have any more glop, alas. And, yeah, I can see the immunity to sunder as indicative that even a thermal detonator wouldn't destroy the saber without double Triumph, RAW. But there is lava all about...

You might be able to open up a hole in the ground, if you were able to score a Triumph on a Successful Ranged (Light) check with a high-explosive weapon (not stun or inferno grenade). You also must spend at least 1 maneuver aiming for a "called shot," incurring 2 setbacks (or 1 setback for 2 maneuvers spent aiming). The good news there is that you benefit from your True Aim talent.

Alternately, you could use your action to activate your Improvised Detonation talent, and if successful you could engage with the lightsaber and make an Opposed Coordination check next round (against Cheevil's Coordination) to set the charge.

Either of these attempts, if pulled off, will result in the ground giving way and the lightsaber being lost for at least a little bit (the quality of the check will determine for how long). Lava isn't out of the question, but will require more than what I've stated above as minimum requirements.

OK, I think it would be the first scenario (the called shot). Just to clarify, the damage done by the explosive doesn't matter? So a heavy frag grenade has the same chances as a thermal detonator would at achieving these effects, since it all comes down to Triumphs and Advantages?

Yes, and it's not a combat check, so doesn't deal damage at all.

OK, heavy frag grenade it is. I'll flip 1 Destiny Point to upgrade my check to start. Short range, so 1 difficulty. I'll Aim twice (no strain due to the free maneuver I earned last turn), which upgrades my check again thanks to True Aim. That leaves 1 Setback for the called shot, plus 3 Setbacks for the volcanic atmosphere. (Yikes!) Here goes:

heavy frag grenade vs. lightsaber (Ranged (Light)) : 5eP+1eD+4eS 3 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a-a.png p-tr.png d-th.png s-f.png s--.png s-th.png s-f.png

So there's that Triumph. :) With that, I can open a hole in the ground and drop the lightsaber inside?

And if I were really crazy and rerolled (using my Natural Marksman talent), what would be the difference for rolling two Triumphs?

10 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Natural Marksman talent), what would be the difference for rolling two Triumphs?

Two Triumphs is enough to destroy any item outright.

The lightsaber has indeed fallen underground and out of sight for both combatants.

What would you like to do with the Advantage?

30 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

Two Triumphs is enough to destroy any item outright.

The lightsaber has indeed fallen underground and out of sight for both combatants.

What would you like to do with the Advantage?

OK, we won't get crazy and reroll. Let's use 2 Advantage to inflict 2 Strain on Cheevil, and 1 Advantage to give me a Boost Die on my next check.

It shouldn't have been possible. With the Chadra-Fran breaking free of the hardening glop and leaping back furiously, PNG0-LIN ordered a diagnostic scan to see if his photoreceptors were malfunctioning. But then he noticed something: The glowing force sword the combatant had used to attack him was still in the pile of disintegrating foam. The little creature swung at Pango in vain, his arms merely glancing off the droid's chassis. Still compromised from the damage the light sword had done just moments before, Pango's logic circuits strained to decide how to stop this threat. His photoreceptor shifted from the Chadra-Fan to the sword, the Chadra-Fan to the sword... And decided it was the sword that had caused the damage, so the sword needed to be destroyed.

Pango's targeting subsystems took over—these, at least, were undamaged—and his optics got a bead on the laser sword. The droid took careful aim and then lobbed a heavy frag grenade at the rival's weapon. Boom! After the smoke cleared, the lightsaber was nowhere to be seen. Only a smoldering hole stood in its place.

Pango saw his opponent flinch at the sound. But Pango was a demolitionmech. That sound was what he'd been built for.

2 strain on Cheevil isn't an option since you didn't target him with the check, but you can use the 2 advantage for yourself! For example to give you a second boost die.

You could also make the area surrounding the hole difficult terrain.

5 minutes ago, awayputurwpn said:

2 strain on Cheevil isn't an option since you didn't target him with the check, but you can use the 2 advantage for yourself! For example to give you a second boost die.

I wondered about that. I was thinking it would be narratively appropriate to cause strain damage, since Cheevil is likely to be freaked out that his lightsaber is now in a hole. Does that make sense? If you still think it's not in keeping with the rules, I like the idea of difficult terrain.

12 hours ago, SavageBob said:

//May I just say, "oh boy."

So I currently cannot take maneuvers unless I make the roll to break the Ensnare, but getting to the saber is a double maneuver because of the difficult terrain. And I assume I would have to roll perception to find the saber? What would be the difficulty for that?

@awayputurwpn where are we with Destiny points just now?

Hm messed up and ended up double posting. Sorry about the mess.//

Edited by Darth Lectus
31 minutes ago, Darth Lectus said:

So I currently cannot take maneuvers unless I make the roll to break the Ensnare, but getting to the saber is a double maneuver because of the difficult terrain. And I assume I would have to roll perception to find the saber? What would be the difficulty for that?

Didn't you break the Ensnare with your Triumph on the Coordination roll?

2 hours ago, SavageBob said:

I was thinking it would be narratively appropriate to cause strain damage, since Cheevil is likely to be freaked out that his lightsaber is now in a hole.

That makes total sense. Let's roll with it.

Cheevil takes 2 strain as he sees his lightsaber—his life and protection—disappear into a hole in the brittle crust.

Cheevil is not immobilized and so is free to take maneuver. However, remember that he will have to disengage from the droid before moving , if you wish to take that route, @Darth Lectus .

1 hour ago, Darth Lectus said:

And I assume I would have to roll perception to find the saber? What would be the difficulty for that?

I'll let you know when you get to the hole ;) It's impossible to know from where you're standing.

Destiny Point totals: 2 light, 2 dark.

//Sorry for the delay, had a terribly busy weekend. I'll write my next post at some point during today.//

Just checking in :) you guys good to get back to it, @Darth Lectus and @SavageBob ?

5 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

Just checking in :) you guys good to get back to it, @Darth Lectus and @SavageBob ?

I'm on a layover en route back home, but I should be good to go!

//Once more, sorry for the late reply. Should be fine from here on.//

As Cheevil's short blade came down at the end of the jump, to rain death on the droid's sturdy chassis, he had to draw back the last second before impact: his saber was not in his hand! Momentarily forgetting his opponent, he whirled around, blinking away the last of the foam and warm water sprayed in his eye, and saw that while he was lucky enough to be free from the trap, his weapon was not. It was still there, firmly lodged in the colourful mound of glop, right where he just leapt away from. Before he could react to the unexpected turn of events, something small, heavy and globular went wooshing past his ear - and the next moment, a detonation engulfed glop, hilt and all. A crater was where his treasured weapon had been just a second ago, and the shock of the explosion shook the ground looser at the same time, so now new streams of magma and steam were erupting everywhere.

Oh no, this isn't how it ends! the Chadra-fan thought, and simply turning his back on the droid, trusting the Force to protect him, went running to find the lightsaber.

// Spending my maneuver to disengage, then downgrading my action to move towards the weapon. This will require another maneuver to reach in my next turn.

I would like to flip one of my Destiny points and say that the eruptions that make the distance a difficult terrain offer enough cover even against Pango's alternate sensors like heat vision etc., to have him upgrade his next check's difficulty once. Because I don't want to be shot in the back as I go.//

9 hours ago, Darth Lectus said:

Oh no, this isn't how it ends! the Chadra-fan thought, and simply turning his back on the droid, trusting the Force to protect him, went running to find the lightsaber.

The lightsaber lay on the ground three meters below, surrounded by pieces of the hardened foam of the glop grenade. Surrounding this patch of ground was a lava flow. Cheevil could feel the intensified heat from where he stood.

9 hours ago, Darth Lectus said:

I would like to flip one of my Destiny points and say that the eruptions that make the distance a difficult terrain offer enough cover even against Pango's alternate sensors like heat vision etc., to have him upgrade his next check's difficulty once. Because I don't want to be shot in the back as I go.

Good deal.

Edited by awayputurwpn

PNG0-LIN's scanners track the Chadra-Fan as he moves toward the smoking hole where the laser-sword once rested. He is going for the weapon! The realization hits the droid's taxed logic processors and sets off his internal alarms. The light stick is dangerous. The Chadra-Fan must not be allowed to get it back.

The little droid's memory banks bring up an image: His master, the Sullustan girl Turee Yuun, loading explosives into Pango's storage compartments. "This one is a thermal detonator, Pango. Only use it if you're in really bad danger. It's dangerous. Be careful!" Pango's reasoning matrix agrees. The droid is in really bad danger. It's time for the thermal detonator.

(Flipping a destiny point here! Then I'll aim, twice, which will provide 1 Boost, plus upgrade the check thanks to True Aim:)

attacking with a thermal detonator : 5eP+1eB+1eC+3eS 1 success, 5 advantage, 2 Triumph
p-tr.png p-s-a.png p-tr.png p-a-a.png p-a-a.png b-a-a.png c-f-th.png s-th.png s--.png s-f.png

(Boom! That's 21 damage, plus 2 Triumphs! I think the detonator alone has brought Cheevil below wound threshold, but let me know if that's not the case. I'm thinking one Triumph, or both if necessary, will knock the Jedi into the pit, taking more damage from the fall.)

Cheevil saw a small, metallic ball sail over his head and land in the hole directly beneath him. It was a split second before he realized it was a thermal detonator. And he was much too far inside its blast radius.

I'm not sure there's anything Cheevil can do! @Darth Lectus ?

Almost there! Almost! He was focusing on making step after step without falling into a crack filled with lava or being engulfed in the gusts of hot liquid unexpectedly jetting from the ground here and there. But he reached the edge of the crater and spotted his weapon, intact, in the centre of it. All he needs to do now, is drop down, and....

With a thud, an orb with a single beeping red light landed inches from the hilt. A grenade! No...

As the realisation of what it truly was dawned on him, in the former Jedi's thoughts, there was place left for a single thought.

I hate droids! And then, light, sound, engulfing him, throwing him into darkness.

// Darn, those things hit like a truck. Well played, @SavageBob . This one goes to you. At least I do really deserve the Scar talent for the next round. But don't expect me to "like" that post. :P :D

Can I flip a DP to say I was thrown, not instantly evaporated? :D //

Edited by Darth Lectus
I failed at syntax

I'd just give you a single crit. Here you go ;)

Knockout crit roll (TD) : 1d100 7

I think you lose an arm or something on a "7," right...?

That was a tough battle. Good match, @Darth Lectus !

My post-mortem:

  1. The cortosis was key in this fight to preventing a round-one defeat by you. That first attack you landed was nasty.
  2. But the first attack also made me realize that the only way you could win was with critical hits. And you'd have kept getting them if I didn't disarm you, so that became my primary focus.
  3. Do you think you might have ignored the lost lightsaber and Ebbed me to death? I was actually worried about that.
  4. It is incredibly tough to shake a melee fighter once they're on you. I was probably foolish for not taking the Time to Go talent, as it would have let me use my grenades at Engaged range and then get to move to Short range for free.
  5. True Aim and a generous Destiny Point pool were the true stars of this battle. Rolling 5 yellows per attack is beastly.
  6. Those three auto-setbacks on each roll were also beastly. This was a tough arena!

Nice job again! I thoroughly enjoyed that battle.