Sorry About The Mess: Arena B

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Ahh sorry should have formulated that better... the intend is to put the enemy one MOVE maneuver away or closer. So you both are at long+1 range.

Set backs for you @awayputurwpn are: 4 defense, 3 heat and air, and 1 since you move downwards two times the disadvantage of beeing on the lower ground

b) use no extra maneuver (jumping down) resulting in a setback for lower ground ( and a boost for the higher ground enemy )

and since you just send your enemy prone to ground one more for enemy on ground for ranged attacks. (only unarmed attacks get herefore a boost)

a Total of 9 Setbacks

//Hmm...okay, on that note I will spend my turn aiming :) //

Grrwalryyhl curses the snow, the heat, and the drifting glaciers. He waits patiently for a better shot, trying to line up his prey in his scope...

(Ok so long +1 is what 5 manuevers to engaged?)

1 moving maneuver = long

2 further = reaching medium

1 further for short

and 1 to engage

... yes 5 maneuvers

Drez'n broke free of the snow pack and spotted his enemy in the distance.

Wookiee meet justice! Or are you running now?

He trudges forward towards his foe (2 move manuevers) swinging his saber in a wide arc but the wind and snow causes him to slip and slide the saber dragging, burning large swathes in the ice, throwing sparks and boiling droplets forward from the blade. Chunks of frozen landscape are loosed, tumbling in front of Drez'n gathering speed as the whole landscape in front of him becomes an avalanche (3 adv on ensnare please :) I'll spend the other two on a boost and recover 1 strain). Rising down it eventually reaching out burying the Wookiee in a cloud of white.

Drez'n tumbles forward before he catches himself, stabbing the lightsaber into the ground. He uses it to pull himself up straight, steadying himself... pulling the blade out he marches on.

Edited by TheShard

// Defensive Circle doesn't target me... //

(Ok so is it just advantages spent from combat checks?)

Edited by TheShard
19 hours ago, TheShard said:

(Ok so is it just advantages spent from combat checks?)

// Just going off what @Nightone specified a few pages ago, yeah. "The attack..." //

Should have written action, (Bad wording on my part, apologies therefore)

I think in this case the narrative is plausible for a avallance (since Grrwalryyhl is lower than Drez'n)
and defnsive circle IS a combat check:

So I'll allow it to proc!

next Drez'n is prone and needs a maneuver to stand up and can then move one time for 2 strain.

So now you two are at exact long range,

Grrwalryyhl suffers of Ensnare 2
Drez'n gains a boost for his next check

This is the roll (can't see it in the thread for some reason):

2eP+3eA+3eD : 2 failures, 5 advantage [2eP=S/A, A/A] [3eA=S/A, A, A] [3eD=F/F, F/F, Th]
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-s-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d-f-f.png d-f-f.png d-th.png

And at last: Sorry for the delay of my answer @awayputurwpn and @TheShard : The holidays had me thire vicious family grip...

Oh and Happy new Year to you!

// Defensive Circle is not a combat check...for example it works with Supreme Parry. For another example, if it's a combat check then shouldn't it account for my Defense rating...? It doesn't target me, so how can it be an attack with Ensnare??

Oh and Happy New Year :) //

Edited by awayputurwpn

// I'll get a turn up in the morning, just put my kid back to bed, it's been a long night. //

Attacking Drez'n with LRB from downhill, long range : 2eP+2eA+3eB+2eD+7eS 3 failures, 6 advantage
p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-a-a.png b-s.png b-a-a.png b-s-a.png d-f-f.png d-th-th.png s-th.png s-f.png s-th.png s-f.png s--.png s-f.png s-f.png

// Aimed twice last round for two Boost dice, in addition to the Accurate 1 rating. I'd like to spend 3 Advantages on the attack to force my target to drop his lightsaber, and then 3 more to ignore the penalizing environmental effects on my next check (both standard options in the CRB) //

Grrawrhyyl gets a couple shots off as soon as he sees D'rezn stand up, but is thwarted in the attack by his superior position and defensive nature. But then—success! His quarry's lightsaber spirals out of his grip. It's not until The wookiee backs off of his scope that he realizes there's an avalanche heading straight for him. <Oh, ****...> Thinking quickly, he blasts the ground in front of him with autofire to create a pocket of melting snow, causing some of the cascade to flow harmlessly into the pocket and not bury him alive. As it is, now he's stuck in waist-high powder, but has a clarity afforded by his quick-thinking. The confluence of heat and cold has abated for the moment!

// And that's all I can do :) //

(Would that negate ensnare or just the setbacks?)

(I wouldn't treat Ensnare as a "penalty," since it has no direct bearing on my dice pool)

(I'll spend a manuever to pick up the saber, I'll stay prone but continue to defensive circle I'll spend the two advantages to inflict a setback)

The avalanche continues to build iy buries his foe bit knocks him flat the saber coming loose. He grabs the saber and while still prone prepares a defensive circle against the next attack but he keeps slipping on the ice.

Blasted frozen wasteland!

Defensive circle : 3eD+3eS+2eP+3eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
d-th.png d-th-th.png d--.png s-f.png s--.png s--.png p-s-a.png p--.png a-a.png a-a.png a-a-a.png

On 1/3/2018 at 4:25 AM, Nightone said:

next Drez'n is prone and needs a maneuver to stand up and can then move one time for 2 strain.

So now you two are at exact long range...

// Drez'n had to stand up to move, so would have to drop as an incidental. I would also contend that you would at least take a setback while performing Defensive Circle while prone...wouldn't it require a full range of motion? //

Edited by awayputurwpn

(I didn't move)

// Last round you "trudged forward" and had to stand up from prone to do so, check the post I quoted (from @Nightone in response to your action last round) //

(I'm sorry your right. Forget being prone i would have had to get up and that's one move manuever not 2 from before so that's long+2?)

Edited by TheShard

// Just straight long range, see @Nightone 's post //

(Ok so now that we sorted through my confusion, thank your for your patience, its your shot right?)

On 3.1.2018 at 1:47 PM, awayputurwpn said:

// Defensive Circle is not a combat check...for example it works with Supreme Parry. For another example, if it's a combat check then shouldn't it account for my Defense rating...? It doesn't target me, so how can it be an attack with Ensnare??

By the games defenition everything that uses a combat skill (Meele, light range, heavy range, brawl, Lightsaber) is a Combat Check ,
[I once asked the Devs about it, since I had this confusion in regards of another talent at my home table].

Defensive Circle needs a "Lightsaber"-Skillcheck and thus is a Combat Check by the system rules (and in this case the narrative worked really well)

It is, however, not an targeting " attack ", so the defense isn't taken into account!

there is the difference between " Combat Check " and " Attack " (While every Attack is a combat Check, not every combat check has to be an attack - in the same way every pinkie is a finger but not every finger is a pinkie ^_^ )

13 hours ago, TheShard said:

(Ok so now that we sorted through my confusion, thank your for your patience, its your shot right?)

Yes looks right to me, thanks to his telescope scope he reduces the range difficulty of long and extrem shots by one (3 -> 2 purple) and we have your Defense of 3, 3 setbacks for enviorment and one setback for you being on the highground = 7 Setbacks in total.

the "aiming" boosts where applied last round before the ensnare.

So yes the shoot seems all right to me!

so you both are stil at long range right now.
This round the wookie will suffer a last time from ensnare and be free in the next round.

Attacking Drez'n with LRB from downhill, long range (again) : 2eP+2eA+1eB+2eD+4eS 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s.png a-a-a.png a-a-a.png b--.png d-th.png d-th.png s--.png s-th.png s--.png s--.png

// That's 14 damage, Pierce 1, with a total of 2 Advantage (thanks to Bantha's Eye). Are you using Reflect? //

This time, Grrawlryyhl waited for the opportune moment. His movement was hampered, but he had managed to clear a clean shot for himself. Water vapor escapes his mouth, condensing in the cold air as he exhales, and he squeezes the trigger...

(Yes I'll use reflect to cover all but 3 damage... I'm assuming pierce applies to the damage after reflecting correct?)

// Man sorry it took me so long to reply. Pierce just reduces your soak when determining damage, so it technically applies when factoring your soak in. Basically just treat your soak as lower by 1 point and away you go. Pierce doesn't add damage, so it doesn't interact at all with Reflect. //

The wookiee's quick blaster bolts are batted away by Jedi, who has to backpedal a ways to give himself room his defenses. Grrawlryyhl then pushes his way fully out of the snowdrift and looks menacingly up the mountain.

// I'll spend 1 Advantage to heal 1 strain and the other to give myself a Boost die on the next check. //