Sorry About The Mess: Arena B

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

// I'll be out of commission for the next couple days, apologies for the delay. //

No worries

Initiative (Vigilance) : 1eP+3eA 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png a--.png a--.png a-s-s.png

// I'll be shooting at you from short range for the first round—your character sheet is really confusing to read, so it's hard to see where the defense is coming from. Two questions @TheShard : 1) can you confirm 3 ranged/melee defense without your lightsaber in hand and 2) are there any other defensive bonuses I need to know about? //

Let me try and clear up the sheet so its easier to read.

On 11/27/2017 at 8:02 PM, TheShard said:

Let me try and clear up the sheet so its easier to read.

Any word on this and your defensive modifiers?

Yep sorry doining it today had long hours and ot this week at work.

Hopefully by separating or stipulating crafting rolls its easier to read.

I'll try and reorder talents to be more linear reflecting progress along the talent tree.

I could also email you the pdf.

I finished spending xp and i think we are ready to go!

Its 3 defense for both melee and ranged.

2 from the armor and the armor master improved talent makes it 3.

I wished we were using stacking rules like genesys or I'd have one more from the saber.

If i can flip a dp to gave my saber on and out?

Edited by TheShard
On 3.12.2017 at 10:04 PM, TheShard said:

If i can flip a dp to gave my saber on and out?

yes you can - we allowed it through out the hole tournament!

@awayputurwpn we ready?

Yes, apologies, I've been traveling these last several days and just got back home. Was planning on getting it going while on the road, but this site kept timing out when I was on mobile data :( anyway I'll have something up tonight soon as I get the kids to bed.

Sounds good!

Grrawlrhyyl shivered in the snow. What was it with these cold environments his targets kept picking? He knew he had seen the smoke from a recent campfire somewhere about here...the drall had to be close.

Then the sudden groundslide happened, and as Grrawlrhyyl tried to regain his footing he heard the snap-hiss of a lightsaber nearby. Great, I didn't even get one shot off before he was alerted, the Wookiee thought to himself. <Look's like we're doing this the hard way!> he roared into the frozen air as he whipped out his repeater.

Attacking Drez'n with LRB—free aim @ short range : 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eD+6eS 1 success, 2 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-s.png a-s-s.png b-a-a.png b--.png d-f.png s-f.png s-f.png s--.png s-th.png s-f.png s-th.png

// (+1 Advantage from Bantha's Eye for a total of 3 Advantage) That's 12 damage, Pierce 1, and for the 3 Advantage I'll activate the "Ensnare 2" option against Drez'n, and suffer 2 strain to maneuver down, putting us at medium range //

Lighting up the area around the small armored alien, Grrawlrhyyl managed to upset the delicate balance of glacier and steam vents, bringing some ice and water crashing down to freeze the Drall in. Then, grabbing a passing piece of sliding ice, the Wookiee launches himself down the mountainside to get some distance.

(I'll parry, so that's 1 dmg 3 strain... Darn that pierce!)

Edited by TheShard

@Nightone ( mr gm, do i need to make the extra maneuvers to close distance or just to move away from? It seems from the description it was just getting away that requires extra manuevers)

// you're no maneuvers for you for two rounds! //

(I know I'm just making sure of the rules)

Drez'n noticed the wookiee assailant just barely igniting his saber before he attacked, trapping Drez'n.

What is this! You walk a dark path wookiee! Beware!

// Shouldn't we also be rolling 3 Setbacks due to the environmental factors? //

(Well crap let me re-read those)

(Am i blind? I didn't see anything about 3 setbacks)