Sorry About The Mess: Arena B

By Richardbuxton, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Omega had hoped to find an alley that would allow meetings for the alliance that would go unnoticed, he was thinking that this one might work, that was about to be proved wrong...

Omega looked up just in time to get partially out of the way of a wave of blaster fire coming at him, from the Wookiee now closing the gap between them. But, Omega had come to prepared in case things went wrong. Pulling the device that the Alliance engineers had designed from his belt he dropped it, the device had been designed to deliver an electrical shock to stormtroopers through their armor so it was questionable what effect it would have on a Wookiee. After placing the device, Omega ducked out of the Wookiees grasp and leaped up to the 2nd floor of a nearby fire escape. Hoping that the device worked as planned.

Action is Cunning Snare, then one maneuver to disengaged then 5(2+3) strain to leap to medium range.

Not pausing to understand what happened, he shakes off the effects and climbs expertly up the ladder after the Kyuzo, firing his weapons once he's within range.

// Taking 1 or 2 maneuvers, if needed, to get within short range. Dodge talent again? //

Edited by awayputurwpn
16 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

// I believe the Failure means he takes 1 wound //

Actually it's my cunning plus failures so 4 wounds no soak.

16 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

// Taking 1 or 2 maneuvers, if needed, to get within short range. Dodge talent again? //

Dodge 1 and a DP flip so still two upgrades. Not sure if it will matter, but how many maneuvers are needed @Nightone ? Also will there still be a setback for shooting at a higher target?

// Yeah just let me know how many Setbacks there are for this @Nightone , and if I need to take any strain for moving. //

// I'll just go with suffering 2 strain for two maneuvers (one to engage with the ladder, one to climb it one range band) and treating the fire escape as imposing a setback to ranged combat checks between levels, sound alright? //

Shooting once more at Omega (aiming as incidental) : 2eP+2eA+2eB+1eC+1eD+2eS 2 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-a.png a--.png b-a.png b-s.png c-th.png d-th.png s-th.png s-f.png

// That's 13 damage, Pierce 1. +1 Advantage from Bantha's Eye for a total of 2—will use 1 Advantage to heal 1 strain, and the other to give myself a Boost die for next turn. //

Grrawryyhl fired again at the Rebel operative through the bottom of the grated fire escape, catching some of the fire escape but also some of the Kyuzo with his blasterfire. His opponent was good at avoiding any real damage; that much was obvious.

//Ok, that puts me at 17 wounds, I'll use 1 maneuver to take cover then suffer 2 strain to pull out my energy bow, and fire//

That volley had come dangerously close to Omega, so he dropped down behind some sheet metal and pulled out his energy bow. This had better work, or I'm in a lot of trouble Omega thought to himself. He as quickly as he could Omega leaned over the makeshift cover and fired at the Wookiee below hoping that his shot stopped his opponent.

Firing at Grrawryyhl : 4eP+1eA+1eB+1eD+3eS 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-s.png p-a.png a-a-a.png b-a.png d-th-th.png s-f.png s-th.png s-th.png

//One boost for being above you, +1 advantage from Blind Spot. so 11 damage with pierce 5, and 4 advantage. I'll spend two to trigger knockdown, and the other two to recover 2 strain.//

// I'll be making another combat check—Dodge? //

On 30.10.2017 at 5:34 AM, awayputurwpn said:

// Yeah just let me know how many Setbacks there are for this @Nightone , and if I need to take any strain for moving. //

Hi Guys, sorry for late reply (I am on vacation this week and the I-net isn't the best here...)
since you already figured it out this is only for clarification:
you were rigth in using 2 Strain. since the Kyuzo leaped to medium on a high ground you would still need one move to get to the ladder and then one lv up to end at short ^^

11 hours ago, awayputurwpn said:

// I'll be making another combat check—Dodge? //

Oops, I had figured it out too, but I forgot to put it in my post. I'll be dodging twice and flipping my last DP, so 3 upgrades.

Also I almost forgot I think my cover adds another setback, and it adds 1 soak (not that the soak matters much if I'm hit I think I'm dead).

Edited by Imperial Stormtrooper

// Taking a maneuver to apply my easily-accessible stimpack and healing 5 wounds—just in case. //

Attacking Omega with LBR : 2eP+2eA+2eB+2eC+3eS 4 successes
p-s-s.png p-a-a.png a-s.png a-s.png b-s-a.png b-a.png c-th.png c-th.png s-th.png s-th.png s-f.png

Grrawrhyyl jumps back to his feet and roars defiantly at the Kyuzo. The Rebel is too quick to close in on, but he can't escape a blaster bolt. The Wookiee bounty hunter pours indiscriminate fire into the fire escape, blasting most of it away and sending hot fragments of durasteel flying in every direction.

// That's 15 damage, Pierce 1 //

That's game, I think the lack of stimpacks, more soak, or some other defensive means has really hurt me so far.

Since someone said in the main thread that if I don't plan on using the thermal grenades I could exchange them, I might look around for something defensive to use.

I also think the fact that there's only a 1-3 chance of getting long range also hurts, in addition to low initiative, this character just can't survive at engaged or short range. At least without time to prepare.

I agree. I think it'd be awesome to have some sort of contest to determine range. Or maybe start all combats at Medium range, and you get one action. It could be Stealth to hide, or Athletics to try and put some distance between you (or close the distance), or Knowledge (Warfare) to get some sort of tactical edge in the first round, or your Cunning Trap thing :)

I dunno. Spitballing.

The Hunter gets his mark, again, mowing it down with his extrem targeting lightrepetierblaster

While the Kyozu trailblzer once again get defeated in an dark alley out of Sight the Wookiees is happy smiling at his bankaccount.

Congratulation to the victorious @awayputurwpn all glory and 5 EXP to you!

Good Luck in the finals @Imperial Stormtrooper you earned 10 EXP this match! (let us know for what you are switching those TDs in the mainthread)

Edited by Nightone
On 8/4/2017 at 1:53 PM, SithArissa said:


On 8/4/2017 at 2:13 PM, SithArissa said:


On 8/4/2017 at 2:35 PM, SithArissa said:


On 8/4/2017 at 3:22 PM, SithArissa said:


Ah! Ahhhhh! Oh, the pain!

........ What?

@SithArissa Yaccarus has trouble with the most wrongly spelling for our full fured berserk friends.

Most of us spell it Wookie

while correct would be Wookiee with a double ee at the end.

To be Honest it is an msitake most do (including myself much to often ^^)

Well he can go WOOKIE himself.

14 minutes ago, SithArissa said:

Well he can go WOOKIE himself.

:D :D :D :D

I so will steal this for the next round tomorrow ^^

Edited by Nightone
2 hours ago, SithArissa said:

Well he can go WOOKIE himself.

I see why you call yourself a Sith, then.

Quarter Finals!

@awayputurwpn with Grrwalryyhl vs. @TheShard with Drez'n the Green Knight " Attack of the Furry s "
" Attack of the Furrys !"

Location = D25
17 = Volcanic Canyon without the Trandoshian Hunter (once again)

Range = D3 (1= short / 2= Medium / 3= Long)
1 = Short
Initative = D2 (1= Cool / 2= Vigilance)
2 = Vigilance

Destiny = D2 (1= Player 1 gets White / 2= Player 2 get White)
1= Grrwalryyhl gets to use White, Drez'n Black

You may roll Initative and Destiny Points any time!

Location :

On the northern countinent of the planet Drall, in the Kaz'nrian Volcanic-Glacier Mountainrange, close to the arcticcycle, Drez'n is meditating over his past losses, he has to focus his inner self and finding his path of light, not nowing that the Empire had put a bounty on his head, and that a predator has already arrived.

The Mountainside is part volcanic and part glacier, thois results in an warm and cold enviorment, while the temperature is comfortable, the are a lot of icy places on the ground while on other parts the lava streams errupt from the walls and grounds. Steam geysirs and small trickels of water make this place a hideous one.
A short groundslide and in the next moment the Wookiee stand next to the Drall, both quite perplex...

Enviormentals Specials:

Altidude! - This place is nuts, no straight lines, no good ground - to get away more than Short, the character has to
a) use one extra maneuver (to climb up)
resulting in a boost while he has the higher ground (and a setback for the enemy )
b) use no extra maneuver (jumping down)
resulting in a setback for lower ground ( and a boost for the higher ground enemy )
Clarification: The boost/setback remains until the end of the turn both characters re-engaged again. (so a character climbing up after another will still have a set back if he attacks in this turn - since it is still harder to attack directly after climbing, while a character that goes down to engage a character has the oppurtunity to use his velocity from jumping down to get the boost within the same turn (like a charge attack).

3 Threats Watch your Step - the character steped on an icy spot and is gliding away, resulting in 3 non-Soakable Strain , and beeing Prone and increasing or reducing the rangeband by one (if engaged the character will disengage as result)

Despair Frost Bite, Heat Burn - the character got to close to a lava stream resulting in 10 damage (pierce 3) before soak , and the actual weapon or gear gets damaged one step

3 Advantages - Small Avalanch - The attack also will cause a rock and snowfall that goes down on the enemy - Resulting in a Ensnare 2, further if engaged the characters will disengage as result.

Triumph I am the Nature, the nature is me! - The Character catches a refreshing breeze and for a short moment everything is clear as glass in the silence of the mountains - resulting in Regaining 5 Strain and 1 Boost on the next check

Furthermore you may use the enviomental table

Edited by Nightone

Is that table in the core rule book?

I still have to spend the awarded xp but ill get things rolling with Destiny we initiative.

Destiny roll : 1eF 1 Dark Side

Well i shouldn't have rolled 2 yellow should i re-roll or just eliminate over yellow since they are the same?

Initiative : 1eA+2eP 2 successes, 3 advantage
a-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png

4 minutes ago, TheShard said:

Well i shouldn't have rolled 2 yellow should i re-roll or just eliminate over yellow since they are the same?

Initiative : 1eA+2eP 1 successes, 2 advantage
a-a.png p-s-a.png

All fixed ^^