Is there a program or tool you'd recommend for combining a couple of the individual .jpgs?
Edited by FightwookiesImperial Assault Printable Skirmish Map Project
13 hours ago, Fightwookies said:Is there a program or tool you'd recommend for combining a couple of the individual .jpgs?
The Python source code for the groups I make is on the GitHub project page. If you clone the project you can edit just a line or two to make your own custom groupings.
16 hours ago, Kelbesq said:At PixArtPrinting, if you stick to 2" height, you can print up to 5'4" wide for the same price. So there isn't any reason to print only 1 map.
I already have Anchorhead and Jabba's Palace. Are there any other maps folks would recommend? I'd expect the next rotation to have a new map that isn't out yet.
Maybe I can find some other people locally and split some maps.
Thanks for the print info. I'll add it to the FAQ
If you want extras I think that a map from the recent Droid reinforcement wave has a chance of entering rotation at some point. Either 0-0-0 or the Jawa map probably as Chopper's map is huge. is a pretty neat imaging tool which could work for splicing the images together. I think I'd go the python route though.
I have used ImageMagick in the past. It's a command line utility but pretty simple to use.
For example, this stitches 25, 26, 27 and 28 together into one image.
convert +append 25.jpg 26.jpg 27.jpg 28.jpg 25_28.jpg
I put together the Endor Defense Station map from Captain Terro 's pack today!
With that complete, the entire Jabba's Realm wave is now available to print. You can find lots more info and printing instructions on the GitHub project page .
Thanks again to @evadgonzo for the image-editing help!
Also: the 4-player map from Jabba's Realm is still in the works, but just when I have some more free time to work on it.
Edited by nickv2002Fixed Missing Shield Marker on Minimap
I just wanted to say thank you to all the people involved in this project.
I really appreciate the work you guys put into this project. Now the question. I'm having trouble when uploading to pixart. They tell me that the file is enormous. Any ideas? I feel like I'm downloading the correct file but it downloads as 72 dpi.
Any input welcome. Thanks!
Edited by SlowCometThank you very much for your hard work and dedication to the project! Really looking forward to the 4-player map.
17 hours ago, SlowComet said:I really appreciate the work you guys put into this project. Now the question. I'm having trouble when uploading to pixart. They tell me that the file is enormous. Any ideas? I feel like I'm downloading the correct file but it downloads as 72 dpi.
Any input welcome. Thanks!
@SlowComet Please send me some more info about what you're trying to print via a direct message on here. I link to the file you downloaded on the GitHub page and a direct quote of the info PixArt sent you would be helpful to diagnose.
7 hours ago, robertpolson said:Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication to the project! Really looking forward to the 4-player map.
Thanks @robertpolson I'm busy with work for now but I hope to get back to working on the 4-Player map soon.
Edited by nickv2002Very excited:
"But the expansion's units and form cards aren't all it brings to shake up your skirmishes; it also introduces new skirmish maps and missions, command cards, upgrades to three of the game's most iconic characters, and a new map for the four-player skirmishes you can enjoy either as team battles or chaotic free-for-alls."
Hi to Everyone, first good job and thanks for the maps, its a noble work ;D
I am from Spain, I was looking forward to playing the 4maps player of jabba, and yesterday work on it.

Unfortunately I am missing 3 pieces, in spain has not yet come the expansion of Jabba in my language. If someone could help me by passing these three pieces, I could finish the map in a few hours, thanks
Edited by Oslatir5 hours ago, Oslatir said:Hi to Everyone, first good job and thanks for the maps, its a noble work ;D
I am from Spain, I was looking forward to playing the 4maps player of jabba, and yesterday work on it.
Unfortunately I am missing 3 pieces, in spain has not yet come the expansion of Jabba in my language. If someone could help me by passing these three pieces, I could finish the map in a few hours, thanks
Thanks @Oslatir . I've solicited help from the community from the beginning so I'd be happy for your contributions. I'll be in touch via DM to share some more info with you.
If anyone else is interested in helping, please get in touch before you start so that we don't inadvertently duplicate work.
For everyone eager to get the 4-player map: I've been traveling for work and vacation for the past few weeks but I'm back now and with help from @Oslatir and @evadgonzo I think we can finish up the 4-Player map soon.
Edited by nickv2002more details and info
I need a sale, I can't fit these jabba maps together and it's going to cost quite a bit to get them all
Since these aren't "official maps", can they be used in store championships and the like? Or are they purely for practicing and saving wear and tear on the tiles? Just curious - kudos to everyone who has put time and energy into this project, well done.
In my area we have played tournaments using these maps printed on vinyl. We all get them from the same source, so the community usually accepts them. I've used them at one of our regionals, but it all depends on the TO.
I usually have the map tiles separated out and bagged up if I'm going to a place where I haven't used the mats before, but I haven't had any issues with the mats yet. That said, I wouldn't plan on using these mats at an event like worlds or nationals.
As @nickv2002 pointed out in an earlier response, python is the way to go for creating custom groups of maps that you may want to print.
On 7/29/2017 at 10:29 AM, nickv2002 said:The Python source code for the groups I make is on the GitHub project page. If you clone the project you can edit just a line or two to make your own custom groupings.
He has done a ton of leg work, but if you are like me you don't know much about python so that is a bit intimidating. Well don't be, the work he has done has made it incredibly easy to build your own sets for printing. I am a windows user, so I am writing these directions from a windows 7 user perspective.
Windows 7 custom map set directions:
**Note: when choosing a file to download be sure to download the right version 32 vs 64. Right click on My Computer and select Properties. Find System type**
Download and install python 2.7 - (one of the first 2 links)
Download and install Pillow for Python 2. - (3rd link)
Download nickv2002's github project -
- select bright green Clone or download button, and then "Download ZIP"
Unzip the project to a location you desire
Open the directory
I like to make a copy of the original, but you need to edit the python script ( )
In a text editor (I prefer Notepad++ where you can chose the language as Python), open the python script "" (or the copy you made).
Find the section that looks like:
# build a dictionary of all groups of maps to print mapDict = { 'Core': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], 'TwinShadows': [11,12,13,14], 'ReinforcementWave1WookiesHiredGuns': [15,16,17], 'ReturnToHoth': [18,19,20,21,22], 'ReinforcementWave2BanthaSmuggler': [23,24], 'BespinGambit': [25,26,27,28,29], 'ReinforcementWave3ObiGreedoGI': [30,31,32], 'JabbasRealm': [33,34,35,36,37], 'ReinforcementWave4Droids': [38,39,40], 'TournamenRotationAnchorheadJabbaNalHutta': [30,37,35], }
Put a # in front of each green row from above and add a new row with the group you desire. Example:
# build a dictionary of all groups of maps to print mapDict = { # 'Core': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], # 'TwinShadows': [11,12,13,14], # 'ReinforcementWave1WookiesHiredGuns': [15,16,17], # 'ReturnToHoth': [18,19,20,21,22], # 'ReinforcementWave2BanthaSmuggler': [23,24], # 'BespinGambit': [25,26,27,28,29], # 'ReinforcementWave3ObiGreedoGI': [30,31,32], # 'JabbasRealm': [33,34,35,36,37], # 'ReinforcementWave4Droids': [38,39,40], # 'TournamenRotationAnchorheadJabbaNalHutta': [30,37,35], 'CustomGroup': [1,7,20,35], }
The numbers refer to the files in the IA_300_DPI_Skirmish_Maps folder. You'll have to open each one to figure out which you want, but the groups above should give you a decent idea which numbers to look through.
Find the following text and put a # in front of it: mapDict['All2PlayerMaps'] = sorted(allMapsNums)
Before: mapDict['All2PlayerMaps'] = sorted(allMapsNums)
After: # mapDict['All2PlayerMaps'] = sorted(allMapsNums)
Save the file
Go to the location of the file you just edited and double click it which should open the python command prompt and tell you that your images are being created. Wait for the script to complete. My prompt disappears when its finished.
In the Combined_IA_Map_Sheets directory, you should see a folder with the Group you created (CustomGroup in my example) and inside will be your map image.
****Note: If you use the same group name every time you run the script, it will overwrite the previous version.*****
Hopefully this helps everyone further utilize the fantastic work that @ibsh and continued by @nickv2002 , New Order and Board Wars!
May your skirmishes be ever successful!
Edited by wannabepudge23 minutes ago, wannabepudge said:As @nickv2002 pointed out in an earlier response, python is the way to go for creating custom groups of maps that you may want to print.
He has done a ton of leg work, but if you are like me you don't know much about python so that is a bit intimidating. Well don't be, the work he has done has made it incredibly easy to build your own sets for printing. I am a windows user, so I am writing these directions from a windows 7 user perspective.
Thanks @wannabepudge ! Great Info.
For Mac or Windows users the steps are essentially the same except you probably already have Python 2.7.X and just need to get Pillow using pip (mentioned on the links above) or your system's package manger (e.g. Mac: Homebrew or Linux: yum or apt). You'll need to dip into the command line a bit to run Python too but the command is just python
Edited by nickv2002On 8/30/2017 at 2:31 PM, wannabepudge said:Go to the location of the file you just edited and double click it which should open the python command prompt and tell you that your images are being created.
In the Combined_IA_Map_Sheets directory, you should see a folder with the Group you created (CustomGroup in my example) and inside will be your map image.
Hopefully this helps everyone further utilize the fantastic work that @ibsh and continued by @nickv2002 , New Order and Board Wars!
May your skirmishes be ever successful!
Thanks for cracking the code for the rest of us python noobs @wannabepudge ! One thing I'll note was that i had to use the pythonw.exe in order for the script to run. When i tried to run it in python.exe, the command prompt opened and closed almost immediately without creating anything.
Edited by Fightwookies7 hours ago, Fightwookies said:Thanks for cracking the code for the rest of us python noobs @wannabepudge ! One thing I'll note was that i had to use the pythonw.exe in order for the script to run. When i tried to run it in python.exe, the command prompt opened and closed almost immediately without creating anything.
I was able to just double click the .py file that i had edited. I didn't select the pythonw.exe or python.exe, so i assume the programming did that for me. Glad to hear my directions were at least somewhat helpful!
@nickv2002 , I noticed the script has a max set of 10. Am I reading that correctly and is that because of simplicity, or because of a pixart limitation?
maxMapsInGroup = 10
Thanks to the huge help from @Oslatir (and tile-editing help from @evadgonzo ) the 4-Player map from Jabba's Realm is now complete!
With that done, I've added both the 4-Player maps to the GitHub project page and all maps are available!
Please note that the new 4-player map is huge so doesn't fit in the vertical size that all the other maps have. You can still order it solo or in a custom strip however.
@wannabepudge I linked your guide from GitHub. Thanks. The maxMapsInGroup is mostly to avoid unwieldily large files but is not a specific Pixart limit. Adjust as you please.
Edited by nickv2002
Nick thank you very much for this. It will make the upcoming cold days warmer for me an my friends while playing 2 vs 2
PixArtPrinting has 10% off site-wide for the next few days in the USA. Good time to put in an order for maps!
I'm unsure if this applies to other countries but it's worth checking. Deal details:
Quote*Offer is valid on all products from 9:00 am CST on Monday, September 4th to 11:59 pm CST on Wednesday, September 6th. Available only with 7-day shipping.
I've also added a 4-Player Maps Combined Sheet and made some other small updates to help printing the files.
Edited by nickv2002Added 4 player combined