Imperial Census (Spoilers for Kyotei Castle)

By Tonbo Karasu, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

  • So, there were so many people mentioned in the recent fiction, that I think we need to start a list of who's who, and who's what.
  • The RPG rulebook introduced a large number of bit characters, meaning that I have decided to make this slightly less complete on here.

There's also @Manchu 's thread about the fiction here

The below is an excerpt from the complete census which is on this spreadsheet , along with some charts showing family relationships.

This list includes all modern characters that have appeared in fiction and those presented in factual parts of RPG books, but not ancestral characters or ones merely mentioned in RPG backstories or fluff paragraphs.

Imperial Families

Hantei Family

  • Hantei XXXVIII (Jodan) (m) - Emperor - existing character - WE, BA, CG, TBFotWG, HotG, AST, TSHP, CotE, TM, VotF, BtET
  • Hantei Daisetsu (m) - prince - modified character - TSwT, HotG, TSHP, CotE, BtET
  • Hantei (?) Hochiahime (f) - Empress - modified character - TSwT
  • Hantei Sotorii (m) - Crown Prince - existing character - WE, SF, TSwT, WaDT, AST, TSHP, CotE, VotF, BtET

Miya Family

  • Miya Boshin (m) - EE
  • Miya Bunji (m) - TSoTB
  • Miya Chinatsu - Imperial Scribe - EE
  • Miya Kotsumi (f) - Emerald Magistrate - ItPotEC
  • Miya Satoshi (m) - Daimyo, Imperial Herald - Existing character - WE, TSoTB, FCS, TBFotWG, BtET
  • Miya Tetsua (m) - Governor of Toshi Kaeru - EE

Otomo Family

  • Otomo (Bayushi) Mikuru (f) - Bayushi Yojiro's sister - WE, HLD, TBFotWG
  • Otomo Hiroshige (m) - Saneda's son - DT
  • Otomo Koryusai (m) - Otomo Mikuru's husband - WE
  • Otomo Saneda (m) - Hiroshige's father -DT
  • Otomo Seno (m) - Ryoko Owari Emerald Magistrate - WoSaS
  • Otomo Sorai (m) - Daimyo - existing character- WE, BA, FCS
  • Otomo Utoshi (m) - AST

Seppun Family

  • Seppun Hirohide (m) - Emerald Magistrate - ARP
  • Seppun Hokuto (m) - Emerald Magistrate - ItPotEC
  • Seppun Ishikawa (m) - Captain of the Honour Guard - existing character - card, SF, AMST, F, BtET
  • Seppun Masayo - BtET
  • Seppun Michiko - VotF
  • Seppun Motome (f) - Royoko Owari Emerald Yoriki - WoSaS
  • Seppun Sanosuke (m) - Daisetsu's yojimbo - HotG

Crab Clan

Hida Family

  • Hida Amoro (m) - existing character - card
  • Hida Goroharu () - TTC
  • Hida Etsuji(m) - Watchtower of the Iron Hammer Commander - S
  • Hida Hachiro (m) - Taisa- MotO
  • Hida Hiromichi (m) - 3rd Tower Commander - ARP
  • Hida Kayo (m) - deceased - ARP
  • Hida Keinosuke (m) - former ronin - ARP
  • Hida Kisada (m) - Champion - existing character - card, DHoH, TWaS, BBB, GiD, ACtI, VotF
  • Hida Kiyosue (f) - S
  • Hida Kotoe (f) - S
  • Hida Kurumi (m) - MotO, KT
  • Hida Masuo (m) - Gunso - S
  • Hida Mikoro () - Shiro Yogasha representative - ItPotEC
  • Hida Nanako (f) - Taisa - S
  • Hida O-Ushi (f) - Champion's child - existing character - DHoH
  • Hida Sukune (m) - Champion's child - existing character - DHoH
  • Hida Tomonatsu (f) - deceased - card, ARP DHoH
  • Hida Tsukiko (f) - ARP
  • Hida Tsuru (m) - Cavalry Master - existing character - card, BbC
  • Hida Yakamo (m) - Champion's heir - existing character - card, DHoH, ADoL

Hiruma Family

  • Hiruma Gakuto (m) - S
  • Hiruma Kagehiro () - TTC
  • Hiruma Kenjiro (m) - Shizuyo's son, dead - BbC
  • Hiruma Kogoe (f) -Scout - card and TtS, A
  • Hiruma Izumi (m) - S
  • Hiruma Motoko (m) - S
  • Hiruma Shigeki (m) - Emerald Magistrate - ItPotEC
  • Hiruma Shizuyo (f) - BbC
  • Hiruma Yoshino (f) - Daimyo - modified character? - DHoH
  • Hiruma Yukito (m) - ARP

Kaiu Family

  • Kaiu Masae (f) - ARP
  • Kaiu Riko (f) - MotO
  • Kaiu Shihobu (f) - Daimyo - DHoH
  • Kaiu Shuichi (m) - Engineer - card, TtS, A
  • Kaiu Suzue (f) - S

Kenru vassal Family

Kuni Family

  • Kuni Ayame (f) - GiD
  • Kuni Daigo (m) - existing character? - GiD
  • Kuni Haruna (f) - Witch-hunter - EE
  • Kuni Hatsu (m) - Witch-hunter - S
  • Kuni Heki (m) - shugenja - TtS, A
  • Kuni Kayo (m) - EE
  • Kuni Ritsuko (f) - card, S
  • Kuni Takeko (f) - MotO
  • Kuni Terumi (f) - ARP
  • Kuni Turiko (f) - S
  • Kuni Utagu (m) - existing character - GiD
  • Kuni Yori (m) - Daimyo - existing character - card and DHoH, GiD, ACtI

Takumi vassal Family

Ugawari vassal Family

Yasuki Family

  • Yasuki Fuzake (m) - Shugenja, modified character - card
  • Yasuki Hatsu (m) - ARP
  • Yasuki Hikaru (f) - deceased? - KV
  • Yasuki Ippei (m) - MotO
  • Yasuki Jun (m) - TTC
  • Yasuki Keiji (m) - MotO
  • Yasuki Narumi (f) - S
  • Yasuki Nobuko (f) - EE
  • Yasuki Oguri (m) - Daimyo's child - existing character - card, DHoH, ACtI, VotF
  • Yasuki Suzaku (f) - deceased - DT
  • Yasuki Taka (m) - Daimyo - existing character - card, DHoH, ADoL, BBB, CG, ACtI, VotF


  • Katsuo (m) - KV
  • Tomoko (f) - KV

Crane Clan

Asahina Family

  • Asahina Atsushi (m) - EE
  • Asahina Ichikawa () - flavour text
  • Asahina Maeko (f) - TaT
  • Asahina Tadane () - representative to Shiro Yogasha - ItPotEC
  • Asahina Takako (f) - card, WE, TaT
  • Asahina Takamori (m) - Daimyo - card, WE

Daidoji Family

  • Daidoi Aki (m) - TSoTB
  • Daidoji Chitose () - Clan Magistrate - ACfD
  • Daidoji Hideaki (m) - MotO
  • Daidoji Nerishma (m) - card, HFD
  • Daidoji Netsu (m) - ACTF
  • Daidoji Uji (m) - Daimyo - existing character - RPG, TSoW, VotF
  • Daidoji Utsugiri (m) - formerly married to Akodo Matoko - modified character - SaS

Hiramichi Vassal Family

  • Hiramichi no Daidoji Asahi (m) - CoS

Doji Family

  • Doji Chiyoe (f) - Proposed wife for Sotorii - WE, VotF
  • Doi Hatsuhina (f) - assistant Seneschal of Kyudne Doi - WE
  • Doji Hotaru (f) - Champion - modified character - card, WE, RPG:C, ASoW, HFD, TPoW, TWaS, AMST, TFoF, SaS, CG, TBFotWG, TSoW, ACTF, TSHP, TWaKC, AST, ACfD, VotF
  • Doji Kumiki (f) - card
  • Doji Kuwanan (m) - Hotaru's brother - existing character - AEiT, ASoW, HFD, TFoF, TFoJ, CG, ACTF, AST, VotF
  • Doji Kuzunobu (m) - Hotaru's husband, formerly Fox - modified character - ACTF, TWaKC, ACfD, TM, VotF
  • Doi Miyuki (f) - CoS
  • Doji Murashige () - TTC
  • Doji Satsume (m) - Emerald Champion, deceased - existing character - CotE, TTC, ItPotEC, ASoW, HFD, TWaS, TFoF, ADoL, CG, WaDT, ACTF
  • Doji Shigeru - (fluid) - new? character - card, RPG, WE
  • Doji Shizue (f) - Hotaru’s adoptive sister - existing character - card, HFD, TSwT, ACTF
  • Doji Takeaki (m) - bushi, deceased - AEiT
  • Doji (Kakita) Teinko (f) - Hotaru's mother, deceased - existing character - HFD, TSwT, CG, ACTF

Tsume Vassal Family

  • Tsume no Doji (Shiba) Itsuyo (f) - Daimyo - WAKC
  • Tsume no Doji Kotonoha (m) - Guard Captain - WAKC
  • Tsume no Doji Retsu (m) - deceased - existing character - WAKC
  • Tsume no Doji Takashi (m) - deceased - existing character - WAKC
  • Tsume no Doji Yemon (m) - Priest - WAKC

Kakita Family

  • Kakita Amano (m) - DT
  • Kakita Asami (f) - daughter of Yuri - existing character - card, ASoW, CG, ACTF, TM
  • Kakita Kaetatsu (m) - Governor of Tsuma - TTC
  • Kakita Kaezin (m) - card, ASoW, TM
  • Kakita Naomori (?) - TTC
  • Kakita Riku (f) - TTC
  • Kakita Ryuko (f) - novellist - card, WE, TSoTB, EE, TM
  • Kakita Sakura (f) - EE
  • Kakita Shijin (m) - EE
  • Kakita Sukenobu (m) - (Former) steward of Toshi Ranbo - RPG
  • Kakita Toshimoko (m) - The Grey Crane, Hotaru’s uncle - existing character - WE, TTC, HFD, SaS, CG, TBFotWG
  • Kakita Yoshi (m) - Daimyo, Imperial Chancellor, Hotaru’s uncle - existing character - card, HFD, TWaS, ADoL, CG, TSHP, BtET
  • Kakita Yuri (m) - existing character - card, ASoW, CG, HLD, VotF

Iwasaki Vassal family


  • (Daidoji) Hirotaka - Tea farmer - EE
  • Kotomi - Tea Farmer - EE
  • Noriko - Tea Farmer - EE

Dragon Clan

Agasha Family

  • Agasha Kaito () - card
  • Agasha Kiori (f) - EE
  • Agasha Saigen () - Shoji Master - FCS
  • Agasha Shunsen (m) - modified character? - card
  • Agasha Sumiko (f) - Ruby Champion - SF, ItPotEC, TBFotWG, WaDT, TSoW, VotF, BtET
  • Agasha Susumu (m) - EE

Seiya vassal Family

  • Agasha no Seiya Fukuai (f) - LSotW

Kitsuki Family

  • Kitsuki Daisaku (m) - Governor - CoS
  • Kitsuki Jusai (m) - Daimyo - card, WoSaS
  • Kitsuki (Matsu) Kagi (m) - Chief Emerald yoriki - Modified character - ItPotEC, TSoW
  • Kitsuki Obo (m) - deceased - WoSaS
  • Kitsuki Shomon (f) - in Ryoko Owari - Modified character - card, ItGoL, LSotW
  • Kitsuki Taiki - deceased - TSoTB
  • Kitsuki Ti Yu () - TTC
  • Kitsuki Tomo (m) - deceased - Emerald Yoriki - ItPotEC
  • Kitsuki Tomoyo (f) - Jusai's youngest daughter - TSoTB
  • Kitsuki Yaruma (m) - in Imperial court - Existing character - card, flavour text, TRW, SF, WaDT, TSoW, VotF
  • Kitsuki Yuikimi (f) - Topaz Champion - card, TTC, BtET

Mirumoto Family

  • Mirumoto Akitake (m) - BTL
  • Mirumoto Chiaki (f) - ARP
  • Mirumoto Hinata () - TTC
  • Mirumoto Hitomi (f) - Daimyo’s hatamoto - existing character - card, TRW, BTL, ACtW, VotF
  • Mirumoto Hyogin (m) - LSotW
  • Mirumoto Kazuya (m) - TSoTB
  • Mirumoto Masashige (m) - Daimyo - TRW, SnaSu
  • Mirumoto Raitsugu (m) - card
  • Mirumoto Tanetsu () - representative to Shiro Yogasha - ItPotEC

Kobori vassal Family

  • Kobori no Mirumoto Sozan () - Masashige's clerk - TRW

Zurui vassal Family

  • Zurui no Mirumoto Chikako (f) - EE

Togashi Family

  • Togashi Gaijutsu (m) - Tatooist - existing character - TRW
  • Togashi Kazue (f) - card, TRW
  • Togashi Mitsu (m) - selected heir - existing character - TRW, BTL, ACtW, VotF
  • Togashi Tadakatsu (m) - heretic - card, TTC
  • Togashi Umu (f) - EE
  • Togashi Yokuni (m) - Champion - existing character - card, TRW, VotF


  • Sanjiro (m) - Tall Pines Headman - TRW
  • Yuki (f) - Sanjiro's wife - TRW


  • Kanbei (m) - merchant, Perfect Land heretic - SuaSn

Lion Clan

Akodo Family

  • Akodo Arasou (m) - Toturi's brother, deceased - existing charater - WE, TPoW, TFoF, TFoJ, SaS, CG, TSoW, ACtL, VotF
  • Akodo Daio (m) - Arasou and Toturi's father, deceased - existing character - flavour text
  • Akodo Eiko () - TTC
  • Akodo Gendo () - flavour text
  • Akodo (Isawa) Kaede (f) - daughter of Ujina, married to Toturi, Spiritual Advisor to Hantei XXXVIII - existing character - card, SF, AMST, SaS, TBFotWG, F, TSoW, TSHP, ACtL, ACfU, VotF, BtET
  • Akodo Kage (m) - existing character - card, SaS, TM
  • Akodo Kozue (f) - Arasou and Toturi's grandmother, deceased - flavour text
  • Akodo Maeda (f) - born Damasu - TWaKC
  • Akodo Matoko (f) - retired sensei, formerly married to Daidoji Utsugiri - existing character - card, SaS
  • Akodo Mikiu (f) - Akodo Matoko and Daidoji Utsugiri's daughter, just passed gempukku - SaS
  • Akodo Minami (f) - ruler of Lion quarter of Kaeru Toshi - EE
  • Akodo Toshiro (m) ? - card
  • Akodo Toturi (m) - Champion, Emerald Champion, married to Isawa Kaede - existing character - card, TPoW, TFoF, TFoJ, SaS, TBFotWG, F, TSoW, ACTF, TSHP, AST, ACtL, VotF, BtET
  • Akodo Yokutsune (?) - Arasou and Toturi's great-grandparent, deceased - flavour text

Damasu vassal Family


Ikoma Family

  • Ikoma (Asako) Akari (f) - wife of Ikoma Anakazu - CB
  • Ikoma Anakazu (m) - daimyo - existing character - card, CB, FCS, TBFotWG, TSHP, VotF, AtBS
  • Ikoma Eiji (m) - card, ASoW, TM, BtET
  • Ikoma Ikehata (m) - flavour text, card, TTC
  • Ikoma Rumiko (f) - WE
  • Ikoma Tsanuri (f) - existing character - card, BtL, ACtL
  • Ikoma Ujiaki (m) - Imperial Ambassador - existing character - card, WE, AMST, SaS, CG, TBFotWG, VotF, BtET

Hosokawa vassl Family

  • Hosokawa no Ikoma Tesshu (m) - ASE, TSHP

Kitsu Family

  • Kitsu Chiemi - Commander of the Imperial Legions - VotF
  • Kitsu Motso (m) - existing character - flavour text, TPoW, TFoF, TFoJ
  • Kitsu Sokori (f) - DT, MotO, KT
  • Kitsu Tsubasa (m) - TTC
  • Kitsu Tsuguri (m) - representative to Shiro Yogasha - ItPotEC

Matsu Family

  • Matsu Agetoki (m) - existing character - TPoW, TFoJ
  • Matsu Beiona (f) - card, ASoW
  • Matsu Gohei (m) - existing character - TPoW, ASW, AtBS
  • Matsu Mitsuko (f) - deceased? - FD, TBFotWG, ASE,
  • Matsu Nioko (f) - EE
  • Matsu Seishin (m) - TM, VotF
  • Matsu Tsuko (f) - Daimyo - existing character - TPoW, TFoF, TFoJ, SaS, TBFotWG, TSoW, TSHP, ACtL, VotF

Goseki vassal Family



  • Reiha - Brewmaster - EE

Phoenix Clan

Asako Family

  • Asako Azunami (f) - Master of Water - card, RftF, TSaTS
  • Asako Haruki (f) - Togama's cousin - TSoTB
  • Asako Hayate (m?) - modified character? - Flavour text
  • Asako Himeya (?) - TTC
  • Asako Kokka (f) - EE
  • Asako Maezawa (m) - card, TSaTS, O, TWaKC, ACfU, VotF
  • Asako Taishi (f) - EE
  • Asako Takahiro (m) - Inquisitor - EE
  • Asako Togama (m) - family daimyo - existing character - RDNCF
  • Asako Tsuki (f) - former Imperial Ambassador - card, VotF

Chukan vassal family

  • Chukan Nobue (f) - card

Isawa Family

  • Isawa Atsuko (f) - card, SF
  • Isawa Eju (m) - Master of Air - existing character - RftF, TSaTS
  • Isawa Iwahaki (f) - deceased - TSaTS
  • Isawa Kaito (f) - ancestral - TSaTS, O
  • Isawa Masahiro (m) - card
  • Isawa (Doji) Ninube (f) - deceased - 1st wife of Ujina - existing character - SF, DoS
  • Isawa Nobu () - Void apprentice - SF
  • Isawa Tadaka (m) - son of Ujina, Master of Earth - existing character - card, RftF, F, RDNCF, O, ACfU, VotF
  • Isawa Tsuke (m) - Master of Fire - existing character - RftF, TSaTS
  • Isawa Ujina (m)- Master of Void - existing character - RftF, SF, SaS, F, TSaTS, RDNCF, DoS, TSHP, ACfU
  • Isawa Uona (f) - existing character - card
  • Isawa Yoshiko (f) - TSoTB

Kaito Family

  • Kaito Hinowa (f) - EE
  • Kaito Kosori (f) - Daimyo - card, TSaTS, O
  • Kaito no Isawa Nobukai (m) - deceased - card, TSaTS
  • Kaito Uwazuru (m) - TSaTS

Shiba Family

  • Shiba Itsuyo (f) - TWaKC
  • Shiba Miku (f) - Deceased - TSoTB
  • Shiba Sono () - Emerald Ambassador - ItPotEC
  • Shiba Sukazu (m) - Hatamoto of Shiba Castle - RftF
  • Shiba Tetsu (m) - existing character - card, RftF, TSaTS, RDNCF, O
  • Shiba Toya (m) - TTC
  • Shiba Tsukune (f) - Champion - existing character - card, RftF, SaS, TSaTS, RDNCF, O, TWaKC, ACtU, VotF
  • Shiba Ujimitsu (m) - Deceased Champion- existing character - RftF

Nasu vassal Family

  • Nasu no Shiba Shizuma (m) - General - WAKC

Sesai Vassal Family

  • Sesai no Shiba Yasuhide (m) - Yojimbo to Tadaka - RDNCF

Scorpion Clan

  • Nagori (?) - sensei - Flavour Text

Bayushi Family

  • Bayushi Ago (m) - Emerald Magistrate - ItPotEC
  • Bayushi Aramoro (m) - Champion's brother - existing character - card, HLD, TBFotWG, ACTF, AST, TSHP, WoSaS, BtET
  • Bayushi Dairu (m) - Champion's son - modified character - card, TWaS, CotE
  • Bayushi Gensato (m) - duellist - ItGoL
  • Bayushi Goshiu (m) - existing character
  • Bayushi Iwane (m) - TM
  • (Shosuro) Bayushi Kachiko (f) - Champion’s wife - existing character - WE, TSoTB, RPG:C, HFD, TWaS, ItPotEC, BA, CG, HLD, TBFotWG, ACTF, TSHP, AST, WoSaS, VotF, BtET
  • Bayushi Kiriko () - TTC
  • Bayushi Masanao (m) - ItGoL
  • Bayushi Mei Lin (f) - TTC
  • Bayushi Moriko () - TTC
  • Bayushi Naizu (m) - junshin - DT
  • Bayushi Negi () - representative to Shiro Yogasha - ItPotEC
  • Bayushi Shoju (m) - Champion - existing character - TWAS, CG, HLD, TBFotWG, TSHP, AST, WoSaS, ACtD, CotE, VotF, BtET
  • Bayushi Shunzo () - Flavour Text
  • Bayushi Sugai (m) - existing character - TTC
  • Bayushi Tsubasa (m) - MotO
  • Bayushi Yojiro (m) - Emerald Magistrate of Toshi Ranbo - existing character - card, HLD, TBFotWG, AST, WoSaS, ACtL, ACfD, ACtD, ACtI, TM, VotF, BtET
  • Bayushi Yunako (f) - commander of Bayushi Guard - card, TWaS, BtET

Aotora vassal Family

  • Aotora no Bayushi Akira (m) - EE

Shosuro Family

  • Shosuro Denmaru (m) - Commander of Thunder Guard - modified character - WoSaS
  • Shosuro Hametsu (m) - Daimyo, Champion’s brother-in-law - existing character - HFD, ItPotEC, ACTF, DoS
  • Shosuro Hatsuko (f) - Kachiko's favourite geisha spy - modified character - SaS, HLD
  • Shosuro Hyobu (f) - Governor of Ryoko Owari - existing character - card, ItGoL, WoSaS
  • Shosuro Jocho (m) - Hyobu’s son - existing character - EE
  • Shosuro Koharu (f) - Magistrate - ItPotEC
  • Shosuro Miyako (f) - card, ItGoL, SnaSu
  • Shoruro Sanae (f) - Go Master - EE
  • Shosuro Takao (m) - card, WoSaS
  • Shosuro Takeru (m) - Kachiko's retainer - CotE, BA
  • Shosuro Tomoe () - TTC
  • Shosuro Sadako (f) - character - card, DoS

Soshi Family

  • Soshi Aoi (f) - deceased? - card, WoSaS
  • Soshi Ezo (m) - deceased - WoSaS
  • Soshi Ozuro () - TWaKC
  • Soshi Shiori (f) - Daimyo - TWaS

Yogo Family

  • Yogo Asami (f) - Aramoro's wife - existing character - AST, BtET
  • Yogo Hiroue (m) - card, ItGoL, SnaSu
  • Yogo Junzo (m) - Daimyo - existing character - TWaS
  • Yogo Kikuyu (f) - card

Unicorn Clan

Ide Family

  • Ide Nominari () - ACtS
  • Ide Riku (m) - CoS
  • Ide Ryoma (m) - AtBS
  • Ide Tadaji (m) - Daimyo, Ambassador to Imperial court - existing character - AMST, CG, FCS

Iuchi Family

  • Iuchi Daiyu (m) - Daimyo, father of Altansarnai's children - existing character - card, CB, AMST, FD, FCS, HotG, VotF
  • Iuchi Rimei (f) - Shinomen Wayfinder, shugenja - TtS, A, ACtS
  • Iuchi Shahai (f) - Daughter of Daiyu, Imperial hostage - existing character - card, AMST, FD, HotG, ACtS, VotF, BtET
  • Iuchi Shichiro (m) - ruler of Unicorn quarter of Kaeru Toshi
  • Iuchi Takeya (m) - shugenja - modified character? - O

Moto Family

  • Moto Altani (f) - RfH
  • Moto Ariq (m) - Scarlet Banner - RfH
  • Moto Batbayar (f) - TTC
  • Moto Chagatai (m) - Noyan of the White Guard, Khan's heir - RfH, AtBS
  • Moto Guyuk (m) - White Guard - RfH
  • Moto Juro (m) - Governor of Hisu Mori Mura - card, flavour text, VotF
  • Moto Khojin (f) - Khan's daughter - RfH
  • Moto Nergui (f) - card
  • Moto Ogodei (m) - Khan - EE, RfH, AtBS
  • Moto Rurame (f) - Noyan of the Scarlet Banners - EE, RfH, AtBS
  • Moto Sorghaghtani (f) - Scarlet Banner - RfH

Ujin vassal Family

  • Moto no Ujin Hogelun (f) - Khojin's Mother, witch of the Lords of Death - RfH

Shinjo Family

  • Shinjo Akiba () - representative to Shiro Yogasha - ItPotEC
  • Shinjo Altansarnai (f) - Champion - card, CB, FD, FCS, TBFotWG, HotG, ASE, TSHP, ACtS, ACtL, RfH, VotF, AtBS
  • Shinjo Haruko (f) - Champion's 2nd child - modified character - CB, FD, HotG, AtBS
  • Shinjo Kazue () - EE
  • Shinjo Shono (m) - Champion's youngest and heir - modified character - card, CB, FD, HotG, ASE, ACtS, RfH, AtBS
  • Shinjo Tatsuo (m) - Shinomen Wayfinder - card, TtS, A
  • Shinjo Yasamura (m) - Champion's 1st child - modified character - flavour text, CB, FD, HotG, AtBS

Bokudo vassal Family

  • Shinjo no Bokudo Naosuke (m) - AtBS
  • Shinjo no Bokudo Naotaka (m) - AtBS

Ganzu vassal Family

  • Ganzu Hama (f) - khutun of the Hidden Valley

Utaku Family

  • Utaku Kamoko (f) - modified character - CB, FCS, ACtS, VotF
  • Utaku Hisako (f) - deceased - FD
  • Utaku Oichi () - TTC
  • Utaku Sabuteki (m) - EE
  • Utaku Takeku (f) - EE
  • Utaku Tetsuko (f) - existing character - card
  • Utaku Yumino (f) - card, FD, AtBS

Minor Clans

Badger Clan (Ichiro)

Bat Clan

Boar Clan (Heichi)


Cat Clan (Nekoma)

Centipede Clan (Moshi)

Deer Clan (Shika)

  • Shika Hisatsugu (m) - CoS
  • Shika Yuki (f) - TSoTB

Dragonfly Clan (Tonbo)

  • Tonbo Kuma (?) - ruler of Dragon quarter of Kaeru Toshi - EE

Falcon Clan (Toritaka)

  • Toritaka Dairoku (m) - S
  • Toritaka Hatsue (f) - Daimyo - S

Fox Clan (Kitsune)

  • Kitsune Gohei (m) - Champion, existing character -TM
  • Kitsune Itsuki (m) - TM

Hare Clan (Usagi)

Mantis Clan

  • Takarabako no Aguri (f) - Seer - EE
  • Takarabako no Byakko (m) - Captain - EE
  • Fuu () - TaT
  • Susano-o no Hitoshi (m) - unknown son of Toshimoko - TTC
  • Susano-o no Izen (m) - Captain - WE
  • Shimakage no Kai (m) - navigator - RPG:M
  • Koharu (f) - mercenary - EE
  • Tsuraikaze no Kudaka (f) - card, BBB, TaT
  • Hurricane no Kuzo - WE
  • Magami (f) - Yoritomo's niece, potential wife for Sotorii - WE
  • Uranaishi no Manami (f) - EE
  • Kinushima no Miaka - RPG:M
  • Shimakage no Shio (f) - captain - RPG:M
  • Tokigogachu no Toya- RPG:M
  • Umi () - TaT
  • Yoritomo (m) - Champion - existing character - WE, RPG:M, HFD, ADoL, BBB, TaT

Moth Clan (Kaikoga)

Snake Clan


Sparrow Clan (Suzume)

  • Suzume Hinagiku (f)

Tortoise Clan (Kasuga)

  • Kasuga Michiko (f) - DT
  • Kasuga Mikoto (f) - Clan Magistrate of Slow Tide Village - DT
  • Kasuga Mugatsu (m) - Governor of Slow Tide Village - DT
  • Kasuga Nagato (m) - Harbourmaster of Slow Tide Village - DT
  • Kasuga Toru (m) - DT
  • Kasuga Yumiko (f) - DT

Wasp Clan

  • Tsuruchi (m) - Core


  • (Mirumoto) Akihiro (m) - on Warrior's Pilgrimage, Akodo Kage's yoimbo - TM
  • Fubato (m) - DT
  • Gaku (m) - DT
  • Hade (m) - DT
  • Hatsuichi (?) - TTC
  • Michiru (f) - Maho-tsukai - new charcter - ARP
  • (Mirumoto) Ichiro (m) - child of Masashige, Perfect Land heretic - SnaSu, LSotW
  • Kujira (m) - Leader of Warriors of the Boar, Dead - TFoF
  • Masao (m) - AST
  • (Utaku) Morito (m) - existing character - flavour text
  • (Isawa) Rujo (m) - former Master of Earth
  • Satto (f) - Perfect Land heretic - ItGoL, SnaSu, LSotW
  • (Iuchi) Shoan (f) - expelled by Shono - AtBS
  • Shibito (Kaiu Tsuneko) (f) - Possessed? - EE
  • (Utaku) Tokei (m) - existing character - flavour text
  • (Crab) Uchida (m) - EE


  • Aiko (f) - priestess of Inari - flavour text
  • Dai (f) - chief monk of Plains Wind monastery - EE
  • Dori (f) - Grand Master of the Four Temples - EE
  • (Hida) Gakuto (m) - retired - ARP
  • Hige (m) - Perfect Land heretic - SnaSu, LSotW
  • Hinoki (m) - Chief Priest of the Shrine of the Ki-Rin - EE
  • Jun (f) - Monk of West Temple (Four Temples) - EE
  • (Isawa) Kaiyoko (f) - former Master of Water, retired - existing character - TSaTS
  • Kawana (m) Assistant Priest of Benten Seido - EE
  • Kichi () - lay priest - O
  • (Lion) Kusuburu (m) - Master Sensei of Shinden Kasai
  • Murata Hisao (m) - Priest of Shrine of Four Gifts - EE
  • Ojo (m) - chief priest of Jikoju in Slow Tide Harbour - DT
  • Seijin (m) - disgraced Fortunist and Perfect Land heretic - SnaSu
  • (Kitsu) Shizuka (f) - Chief Monk of Temple of Listening Ghosts -EE
  • Shu (m) - Monk at temple of Listening Ghosts
  • (Crab) Takeshi (m) - Sohei of Osano-wo
  • Tsubaki (f) - Chief Priest of Benten Seido
  • Yoji (m) - EE
  • Yoshi (m) - Head Monk of Western Temple


Qamarist Caliphate


  • Azif (m) - Smuggler - DT
  • Hamid (m) - Spy - RfH
  • Haroun al-Hakim (m) - Caliph - ft, AtBS
  • Izad (f) - Captain of the Caliph's guard - AtBS
  • Mandana (f) - sheikha - AtBS
  • Nestor (m) - Father - AtBS
  • Rashid (m) - sheikh - AtBS




  • Abdul Rahim (m) - Emir of Mozedu, AtBS
  • Saadiyah Rahim (f) - daughter of Abdul, AtBS


  • Kanidoko Itte - EE



  • Ha Iwa - RPG


  • the Apieshu - deceased - A
  • the Ishikibal - deceased - A
  • the Shushual - A


  • Iht-zyk - RPG



  • Airi (f) - ItPotEC
  • Sojobo (m)


  • Kasai - RPG



  • Baku - Dream Spirit
  • Fushicho - phoenix - card
  • Hadakayama - specific volcano - ACtD
  • Jann (Gaiyuki) - type of djinn - O
  • Kami - Guardian and Unleashed - card
  • Kami of Hoseki Pond - O
  • Lady Mazoku - S
  • Ma'aruf - Ifrit, type of dinn - AtBS
  • Mujina - trickster spirit from sakaku
  • Nodeppo - blood-drinking bat spirit - TM
  • Tsukumogami - spirit of an item - card
  • Ukabarenai - lost souls - SM


  • Air Dragon - RPG
  • Amaterasu - Sun - RPG
  • Benjo - King of **** - RPG
  • Benten - Romantic Love - RPG
  • Bishamon - Strength - RPG
  • Byodo - King of **** - RPG
  • Daikoku - Wealth - RPG
  • Earth Dragon - RPG
  • Ebisu - Honest Work - RPG
  • Ekibyogami - Pestilence - RPG
  • Emma-O - Death - RPG, SM
  • Fire Dragon - RPG
  • Fukurokujin - Wisdom and Mercy - RPG
  • Gokan - King of **** - RPG
  • Hachiman - Warfare - RPG
  • Hamanari - Fish and Generous Meals - RPG
  • Hofukushu - Vengeance - RPG
  • Hotei - Contentment - RPG
  • Inari - Grain - RPG
  • Isora - Shore - RPG
  • Jade Dragon - RPG
  • Jikoju - East Wind - RPG
  • Jiro - RPG
  • Jizo - Mercy - RPG
  • Jotei - Morning Dew - RPG
  • Jurojin - Longevity - RPG
  • Kagutsuchi - Ceramics and Meatallurgy - RPG
  • Kamashi-Okara - Sorrow - RPG
  • Kan-o - Sakura trees - RPG
  • Kaze-no-Kami - Wind - RPG
  • Kenro-Ji-Jin - Soil - RPG
  • Kirako - Torture - RPG
  • Kisshoten - Happiness and Fertility - RPG
  • Komoku - West Wind - RPG
  • Koshin - Roads - RPG
  • Kuroshin - Agriculture - RPG
  • Kyofuki - Earthquakes - RPG
  • Megumi - Heroic Guidance - RPG
  • Miyuki - Snow - WE
  • Mujoki - Ghost of Impermanence, ruler of Toshigoku - RPG
  • Musubi - Bonds - RPG
  • Nagameru - Sakura trees - RPG
  • Onnotangu - Moon - RPG
  • Osano-Wo - Storm - RPG
  • P'an Ku - RPG
  • Sadahako - Geisha and Artists - RPG
  • Sarutahiko - Strength and Purity - RPG
  • Sengen - Mt Sengen - RPG
  • Shinko - King of **** - RPG
  • Soko - King of **** - RPG
  • Sotai - King of **** - RPG
  • Suijin - Sea - RPG
  • Taisen - King of **** - RPG
  • Tamon - North Wind - RPG
  • Tenjin - Stories and Secrets - RPG
  • Tenrin - King of **** - RPG
  • Thunder Dragon - RPG
  • Toshi - King of **** - RPG
  • Uzume - Dancing - RPG
  • Void Dragon - RPG
  • Water Dragon - RPG
  • Xing Guo - Steel - RPG
  • Yama-no-Kami - Stone - RPG
  • Yamakaze - Mountain Wind - TSoTB
  • Zocho - South Wind - RPG



  • Moto Tsume
  • The Obsidian Flower - Demon Bride of Fu Leng


  • Atsumari's
  • Daikutsu no Majo
  • of Desire
  • of Feathers
  • Hajimeno Tatakai's
  • Kabuto
  • Kazanagan
  • Kanu's
  • Neiru's
  • Obsidian Bone
  • Parasitic
  • Renjiro's
  • Shadow
  • Skull-cleaving
  • The First Oni
  • The Maw
  • The Watcher (of Daylight Castle)


  • The Siren
  • The Wounded Bushi


  • A - Awakening
  • ACfD - A Call for Diplomacy (2018 Crane Letter)
  • ACfU - A Call for Unity (2018 Phoenix Letter)
  • ACTF - A Crane Takes Flight
  • ACtD - A Call to Duty (2018 Scorpion Letter)
  • ACtI - A Call to Investigate (2018 Crab Letter)
  • ACtL - A Call to Leadership (2018 Lion Letter)
  • ACtS - A Call to Stewardship (2018 Unicorn Letter)
  • ACtW - A Call to Witness (2018 Dragon Letter)
  • ADoL - A Difference of Lanterns
  • AEiT - An Empire in Turmoil
  • AMST - A Most Suitable Teacher
  • ARP - A Ronin's Path (RPG Beta Scenario)
  • ASE - A Swift End
  • ASoW - A Season of War
  • AST - A Simple Test
  • AtBS - Across the Burning Sands
  • BA - Blind Ambition
  • BBB - Beneath, Below, Beyond
  • BtbC - Better to be Certain
  • BtET - Behind the Empty Throne
  • BtL - Between the Lines
  • CB - Curved Blades
  • CG - Court Game
  • CotE - Children of the Empire
  • DHoH - Dark Hands of Heaven
  • DoS - Dreams of Shadow
  • DT - Dark Tides (RPG GM Pack Scenario)
  • F - Fireflies
  • FCS - Flying Chariot, Standing
  • FD - Family Duty
  • GiD - Gazing into Darkness
  • HFD - Her Father's Daughter
  • HLD - Honour, Loyalty, Duty
  • HotG - Heart of the Garden
  • ItGoL - In the Garden of Lies
  • ItPotEC - In the Palace of the Emerald Champion (RPG DLC Scenario)
  • KT - Knotted Tails (RPG DCL Scenario)
  • KV - Kurosunai Village
  • LSotW - Like Seeds on the Wind
  • MotO - Mask of the Oni (RPG Scenario)
  • O - Outsiders
  • RDNCF - Repentance does not come First
  • RfH - Rule from Horseback
  • RFtF - Risen from the Flames
  • RPG:C - RPG Core intro fiction
  • RPG:M - RPG Mantis DLC intro fiction
  • S - Shadowlands Sourcebook
  • SaS - Service and Sacrifice
  • SF - Smokeless Fire
  • SM - Small Mercies
  • SnaSu - Snow and Sun
  • TaT - Tempests and Tides
  • TBFotWG - The Bright Flame of the World's Glory
  • TFoF - The Fate of Flames
  • TM - Tactical Maneouvers
  • TPoW - The Price of War
  • TRW - The Rising Wave
  • TSaTS - The Sword and The Spirits
  • TSHP - Tiger Stalks His Prey
  • TSoTB - The Scroll or the Blade (RPG DLC Scenario)
  • TSoW - The Spectres of War
  • TSWT - The Stories We Tell
  • TTC - The Topaz Championship (RPG Beginner Box Scenario)
  • TtS - To the South
  • TWaKC - The Wedding at Kyotei Castle (RPG Convention Scenario)
  • TWaS - The World a Stage
  • VotF - Visions of the Future (May 2019 Clan Letters)
  • WaDT - Wildcats and Dragon Teeth
  • WE - Winter's Embrace (RPG Scenario)
  • WoSaS - Whispers of Shadow and Steel

Edited by Tonbo Karasu
Behind the Empty Throne
26 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

So, there were so many people mentioned in the recent fiction, that I think we need to start a list of who's who, and who's what.

Imperial Families

  • Hantei XXXVIII - Emperor - existing character - story

Crab Clan

Hida Family

  • Hida Kisada - Champion - existing character - card and story
  • Hida Yakamo - Champion's heir - existing character - story
  • Hida O-Ushi - Champion's child - existing character - story
  • Hida Sukune - Champion's child - existing character - story
  • Hida Tomonatsu - deceased - new character - story

Hiruma Family

  • Hiruma Yoshino - Daimyo - modified character? - story

Kaiu Family

  • Kaiu Shihobu - Daimyo - new character - story

Kuni Family

  • Kuni Yori - Daimyo - existing character - story
  • Kuni Osaku - ancestor - existing character - story

Yasuki Family

  • Yasuki Taka - Daimyo - existing character - story
  • Yasuki Oguri - Daimyo's child - new character - story

Crane Clan

Asahina Family

Daidoji Family

  • Daidoji Nerishma - new character - card and stor y

Doji Family

  • Doji Hotaru - Champion - modified character - card and story
  • Doji Satsume - Emerald Champion, deceased - existing character - story
  • Doji Shizue - Champion’s adoptive sister - existing character - story

Kakita Family

  • Kakita Yoshi - Champion’s uncle - existing character - story
  • Kakita Toshimoko - Champion’s uncle - existing character - story
  • Kakita Asami - new character - card
  • Kakita Kaezin - new character - card

Dragon Clan

Agasha Family

Kitsuki Family

  • Kitsuki Yaruma - in Imperial court? New character - story

Mirumoto Family

  • Mirumoto Masashige - Daimyo- New character - story
  • Mirumoto Hitomi - Daimyo’s hatamoto - existing character - story

Togashi Family

  • Togashi Yokuni - Champion - existing character - story and card
  • Togashi Mitsu - selected heir - existing character - story
  • Togashi Gaijutsu - Tatooist - existing character - story
  • Togashi Kazue - new character - story and card

Lion Clan

Akodo Family

  • Akodo Toturi - Champion - existing character - story and card
  • Akodo Arasou - Champion’s brother, deceased - existing charater - story

Ikoma Family

  • Ikoma Eiji - new character - card

Kitsu Family

  • Kitsu Motso - existing character - story

Matsu Family

  • Matsu Tsuko - daimyo? - existing character - story
  • Matsu Agetoki- existing character - story
  • Matsu Gohei- existing character - story
  • Matsu Biona - new character - card

Phoenix Clan

Asako Family

Isawa Family

  • Isawa Masahiro - new character - card
  • Isawa Atsuko - new character - card

Shiba Family

  • Shiba Ujimitsu - Champion?- existing character - story
  • Shiba Tsukune - Champion - existing character - card

Scorpion Clan

Bayushi Family

  • Bayushi Shoju - Champion - existing character - story and card
  • Bayushi Kachiko - Champion’s wife - existing character - story

Shosuro Family

  • Shosuro Hametsu - Champion’s brother-in-law - existing character - story

Soshi Family

Yogo Family

  • Yogo Hiroue - new character - card

Unicorn Clan

Ide Family

Iuchi Family

Moto Family

Shinjo Family

  • Shinjo Altanserai - Champion - new character - card

Utaku Family

  • Utaku Kamoko - existing character - story
  • Utaku Yamino - new character - card


  • Yoritomo - Pirate - existing character - story

Have I missed anyone?

You forgot Doji Kuwanan :)

Edited by Kuni Katsuyoshi

Also I believe Utaku Kamoko is a new character, presumably based on the Old Legend's O taku Kamoko.

Very helpful, thank you.

13 minutes ago, Ide Yoshiya said:

Also I believe Utaku Kamoko is a new character, presumably based on the Old Legend's O taku Kamoko.

po tay to, po tah to :P

At risk of cursing Shoju to the same fate as Arasou... Do we actually have confirmation that Shoju has a card...?

14 minutes ago, shosuko said:

At risk of cursing Shoju to the same fate as Arasou... Do we actually have confirmation that Shoju has a card...?

he has art. he was on the clan champion banners at that event in France.

So no...but yes

3 hours ago, Ide Yoshiya said:

Also I believe Utaku Kamoko is a new character, presumably based on the Old Legend's O taku Kamoko.

I think there might actually be a story about that in Old5r...

What is it with Utaku and Otaku? I never really understood the difference, or transition, or whatever it is... It's like the Berenstain Bears thing to me, one day I saw it and realized it was different and didn't know if I was just always wrong...

@Tonbo Karasu : like like like! Awesome idea. ::Bow::

8 minutes ago, shosuko said:

What is it with Utaku and Otaku? I never really understood the difference, or transition, or whatever it is... It's like the Berenstain Bears thing to me, one day I saw it and realized it was different and didn't know if I was just always wrong...

Shinjo-no-kami changed the family name when she returned during the Hidden Emperor arc to honor Otaku Kamoko

Mirumoto Raitsugu - card - Presumably new character?

2 hours ago, shosuko said:

What is it with Utaku and Otaku? I never really understood the difference, or transition, or whatever it is... It's like the Berenstain Bears thing to me, one day I saw it and realized it was different and didn't know if I was just always wrong...

On an OOC level, "otaku" is a Japanese word that has several connotations, but the one most familiar to English speakers is its use for non-Japanese fans of anime and other Japanese things. So calling an entire family of the Unicorn "Otaku" was like calling them the Fanboy Family (or rather, given their matriarchal ways, Fangirl Family). I've always suspected the in-world decision to rename the family was because somebody at AEG finally couldn't take it anymore -- and that's why I'm glad FFG decided to make them Utaku from the start, to avoid the problem.

(L5R has several relics of this type, actually, where somebody -- usually John Wick, I think -- decided to slip a "funny" joke into the names. Otosan Uchi can be loosely translated to "Father's House" and Jama Suru, Iuchiban's right-hand man, has a name that more or less means "I'm being annoying.")

2 minutes ago, Kinzen said:

On an OOC level, "otaku" is a Japanese word that has several connotations, but the one most familiar to English speakers is its use for non-Japanese fans of anime and other Japanese things. So calling an entire family of the Unicorn "Otaku" was like calling them the Fanboy Family (or rather, given their matriarchal ways, Fangirl Family). I've always suspected the in-world decision to rename the family was because somebody at AEG finally couldn't take it anymore -- and that's why I'm glad FFG decided to make them Utaku from the start, to avoid the problem.

(L5R has several relics of this type, actually, where somebody -- usually John Wick, I think -- decided to slip a "funny" joke into the names. Otosan Uchi can be loosely translated to "Father's House" and Jama Suru, Iuchiban's right-hand man, has a name that more or less means "I'm being annoying.")


I'd never heard the Jama Suru bit before :lol:

Apologies beforehand, as I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I do have a question that might parallel the various families/personalities mentioned so far.

Can anyone hazard a guess as to the size of the population of the various families in Rokugan? (or, heck, how about overall population size of the various cities and population centers?)

In this vein, I have forgotten many facts that were raised on this topic in several other threads, with some posters citing roleplaying stats and knowledge, and others sharing information gained from reading the various L5R books. In any case, I honestly don't know where to find updated references, which is way too early since we haven't gotten the official updated L5R fiction from FFG.


9 minutes ago, LordBlunt said:

Apologies beforehand, as I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I do have a question that might parallel the various families/personalities mentioned so far.

Can anyone hazard a guess as to the size of the population of the various families in Rokugan? (or, heck, how about overall population size of the various cities and population centers?)

In this vein, I have forgotten many facts that were raised on this topic in several other threads, with some posters citing roleplaying stats and knowledge, and others sharing information gained from reading the various L5R books. In any case, I honestly don't know where to find updated references, which is way too early since we haven't gotten the official updated L5R fiction from FFG.


This is from 3rd ed. rpg.

Crab. 258,000 samurai

Crane 213,000 samurai

Dragon 101,000 samurai

Lion 292,000 samurai

Phoenix 88,000 samurai

Scorpion 102,000 samurai

Unicorn 203,000 samurai

MC and Imperials 143,000 samurai

3 minutes ago, Kuni Katsuyoshi said:

This is from 3rd ed. rpg.

Crab. 258,000 samurai

Crane 213,000 samurai

Dragon 101,000 samurai

Lion 292,000 samurai

Phoenix 88,000 samurai

Scorpion 102,000 samurai

Unicorn 203,000 samurai

MC and Imperials 143,000 samurai

:blink: Wow.

If these numbers hold true for FFG, and assuming that ~5% are samurai, then we are talking about a total population of over, what, 30 million??

4 minutes ago, LordBlunt said:

:blink: Wow.

If these numbers hold true for FFG, and assuming that ~5% are samurai, then we are talking about a total population of over, what, 30 million??

quick guesstimate from the book numbers says around 25 mil total pop

i can give the actual numbers if u wish

Edited by Kuni Katsuyoshi
20 minutes ago, Kuni Katsuyoshi said:

quick guesstimate from the book numbers says around 25 mil total pop

i can give the actual numbers if u wish

If you don't mind, sure. Thanks!

Just now, LordBlunt said:

If you don't mind, sure. Thanks!

From 3rd ed. rpg (numbers given as approximates)

Crab 4,610,000

Crane 3,820,000

Dragon 1,830,000

Lion 5,280,000

Phoenix 1,590,000

Scorpion 1,810,000

Unicorn 3,650,000

MC,Imperial,and unaligned lands 2,500,000

add 1,000,000 for Mantis Islands

On another note 3rd has one of the only maps with a distance scale :)

I've made several estimates of population numbers for RPG campaigns over the years. However, those are contradicted by canon in many places.

The population numbers that Kuni Katsuyoshi are the canon ones (credit to your scholarship, Kuni-san) but they're hard to reconcile with a plausible world. For example: the Crane possess large fertile coastal lands including numerous trading cities. The Crab do not. It seems odd that the Crane have a smaller peasant population than the Crab. Even the Scorpion, who dwell in the floodplain of a major alluvial river, should have a larger peasant population than the Crab.

I understand why it's done that way. It's "rule of cool" demographics, relying on the awesome clan schticks and glossing over the worldbuilding. This is probably the right decision, since people like me (who care about it) are in the minority.

2 minutes ago, Kitsu Seinosuke said:

I've made several estimates of population numbers for RPG campaigns over the years. However, those are contradicted by canon in many places.

The population numbers that Kuni Katsuyoshi are the canon ones (credit to your scholarship, Kuni-san) but they're hard to reconcile with a plausible world. For example: the Crane possess large fertile coastal lands including numerous trading cities. The Crab do not. It seems odd that the Crane have a smaller peasant population than the Crab. Even the Scorpion, who dwell in the floodplain of a major alluvial river, should have a larger peasant population than the Crab.

I understand why it's done that way. It's "rule of cool" demographics, relying on the awesome clan schticks and glossing over the worldbuilding. This is probably the right decision, since people like me (who care about it) are in the minority.

I tend to disagree here a little, but I don't want seem needlessly argumentative.

but if you want me go to go into it I can :)

1 hour ago, Kuni Katsuyoshi said:

On another note 3rd has one of the only maps with a distance scale :)

Heresy! :-)

4 minutes ago, Tonbo Karasu said:

Heresy! :-)

It's kind of a simple thing anyway :P

What gets me is that the population numbers are enormous . . . but then we get told that Otosan Uchi has a population of, what, twenty thousand? Which is absurdly low, especially for the amenities it's described as having.