So you can roll now if you want with 3 purples and 2 setbacks, or you can continue and see if you can rp yourself into negating the setbacks or earning a boost
Jailbird and the Desperadoes OOC
50 minutes ago, TheShard said:So you can roll now if you want with 3 purples and 2 setbacks, or you can continue and see if you can rp yourself into negating the setbacks or earning a boost
Response posted.
Actually, just thought of something. Can I slightly tweak that, and try a computer check on the ship's systems to pull up the clearance codes?
Edited by KungFuFerretYep, substantial changes will cost a Destiny point, otherwise go ahead.
Hard diff
3 hours ago, TheShard said:Hard diff
Hard diff for the computer check?
Yup basically you have to slice the computer to find a cache of the last transmitted clearance code... Its not the same as a transponder. Also hope that its recent. Which will be based on advantages on your roll, more recent the more they'll not shoot you.
Edited by TheShard
Slicing for codes
4 successes, 3 threat
Post adjusted for the change in plans.
Ok so you did find a code, It's an older code , but it checks out.
1 minute ago, TheShard said:Ok so you did find a code, It's an older code , but it checks out.
I see what you did there
Well Jaycen already posted that he had uploaded it.
Of course there's an escort ?
Well what else would i spend that delicious threat on?
Edited by TheShardSo I'm of the opinion that whoever has the best chance of plotting an astrogation jump, does so, and we just tear sky ASAP.
Yep definitely. Leave them wondering what happened and where we went... before any tractor beams get turned our way
I think our best astrogation roll would be Jaycen with skilled assistance from ω1. Assuming it's ok with our GM it comes out to a really nice dice pool. Otherwise I think that ω1 is our best solo astrogator.
Edited by Imperial StormtrooperSo is there really controversy, or interpretation about astromechs and skilled assistance?
I don't know, I wouldn't think so but I was just leaving it up to you.
As far as I'm concerned I don't see a reason to say no ao go ahead
@KungFuFerret ω1 has astrogation 3 for helping Jaycen with the astrogation check.
One thing I'm not sure about is where we are in the atmosphere at this point, so it could be a really hard jump from this point. We may need to get further away from the planet...
11 minutes ago, Imperial Stormtrooper said:@KungFuFerret ω1 has astrogation 3 for helping Jaycen with the astrogation check.
One thing I'm not sure about is where we are in the atmosphere at this point, so it could be a really hard jump from this point. We may need to get further away from the planet...
Let w1 do the check, and I will do the assist. I've done enough typing for now, someone else can have fun with the narrative. Jaycen will happily assist the droid with the check though.
So yes your still well within the atmosphere, I'm going legends, you have to out of the gravity well.
You have 4 tie fighters closing in, they are at long range.
I'm thinking, and this might change. Once you break atmosphere when will take 2 turns, you'll be medium distance from star destroyer and itll take you one turn to be outside the gravity well assuming your going top speed.
@Richardbuxton look over that, I'm gonna review rules later on chase, cause this will be a chase if you run... Also any guidelines better then the above for this sorta situation, a way to gauge how many rounds it'll take to gi from surface to outside of the gravity well?
Edited by TheShard9 minutes ago, TheShard said:So yes your still well within the atmosphere, I'm going legends, you have to out of the gravity well.
You have 4 tie fighters closing in, they are at long range.
I'm thinking, and this might change. Once you break atmosphere when will take 2 turns, you'll be medium distance from star destroyer and itll take you one turn to be outside the gravity well assuming your going top speed.
@Richardbuxton look over that, I'm gonna review rules later on chase, cause this will be a chase if you run... Also any guidelines better then the above for this sorta situation, a way to gauge how many rounds it'll take to gi from surface to outside of the gravity well?
I would just use the rules for planetary distances, given they go into several kilometers on the extreme end. So whatever time it takes to get to say, Long range band, or Extreme from the starting point (in this case the ground) would be how long it takes to get to orbit. I mean the ships in star wars basically ignore inertia and gravity, and can accelerate at crazy velocities in comparison to real world stuff. So getting to orbit likely doesn't take anywhere near as long as it does for us. And even for us, it only takes a few minutes for a rocket/shuttle to get to orbit.
As for where the "gravity well" of an object stops, in regards to hyperspace travel, I don't know if there is any hard rule on that? I would assume it would be the nebulous "outside of orbital range", though we see ships in all the movies jumping relatively close to the planets they leave. I think in one of the "improved" versions of New Hope, we see the X-Wing's jumping in the distance, from that one watchtower guy's spot. So personally, I would just rule it as "high orbit" at most, and go with that. But that's just me.
Ok I'm gonna pause this and read chase rules and other appropriate tables before setting this scene up.
For Astrogation the best I have heard is setting a number of rounds as the required time with each success reducing the number of rounds. So something between 6 and 10 rounds to start. A character can choose to do it in a hurry by suffering one sentback per round they want to reduce the total by. Failure just means it takes the full amount of time, threat and despair aware bad things come in.
EG: 10 rounds starting, reduced to 8 with 2 Setback, halve the time and remove 1 Setback using Galaxy Mapper: it will take 4 rounds maximum to succeed.
For running chases the final destination should not be a place that is given a distance to reach ("you need to get to Long range" doesn't work). Instead a set amount of time, or alternately a distance between the chaser and the follower.
EG: you need t last 5 rounds. Or You need to stay out of Close range from the Ties for 5 rounds. Or You have 5 rounds to reach extreme range.
Putting terrain of some kind in is important, debris, traffic, laser fire (as scenery not direct shots), asteroids, the trenches of a star destroyer.
Hey, if you want more help and have the time then take a listen to the Order 66 podcast episode 99. It's all about chases.
Now in this instance I would probably do a couple of things. First is the Astrogation check, pick a difficulty, pick a Maximum calculation time in rounds then roll (let's say 10 rounds). Second I would declare how long it will be before the Destroyer is at Extreme range (let's say 4 rounds) as they move to cut off our escape. If they get within Tractor Beam range as they move to cut us off then we will have to deal with that problem. We then need to survive a chase for anywhere up to 6 rounds until we can make the jump, with Ties on our tail and a Star Destroyer heading off our escape.
Throw a debris field in from a destroyed ship, some asteroids normally used as planetary defence, and a couple other fleeing ships (just as a way to use A/T/T/D and you have an encounter.
@TheShard Did @Richardbuxton 's suggestion help at all, and have you had a chance to look up what you needed?