Nevermind your right @Richardbuxton
Edited by TheShardJailbird and the Desperadoes OOC
No stress, just trying to help you out learning the rule. So assuming they have a speed of 2 as well, because their silhouette is 3 they only upgrade the check once for a difficulty of DC.
Speed five
They are screaming towards you
Actually I should be clear, those rules are for when the chase is in a dense area of terrain. If it's clear open space then the difficulty is set by the GM, something between Simple and Average. So I was assuming we have terrain to dodge, if not then you can set everyone's difficulty.
Ok 2 purple, because of slight rain, will increase next round because you'll be in the storm to 2 and a challenge.
Dispair will be hit by lightning
Piloting check
2 successes, 2 advantage
Don't forget handling is included in this roll too, as well as any talents
Ah yes hold on handling +3
So sorry about the confusion y'all I got it now, but alas I'm out so well have to pick this up in a week... I'm headed or of town.
Enjoy your trip
So are you back @TheShard ?
I'm headed back, quick break at a rest stop, i might be out for part of next week, but i'll post some responses tomarrow!!
ok i got at least a couple of days. so @Richardbuxton i just read the rules on the way back into town. So far i just see competitive check, nothing about silhouette or speed influencing the check. Does that appear somewhere else or in another splatbook?
The Silhouette and Speed comes in if the chase happens in Difficult terrain, it's referenced in the chase section but the rules themselves are on the previous page. It's your choice if this is difficult terrain, or just a set difficulty, depending on the needs of the scenario.
keep in mind that with the difficult terrain rules in play the competitors are better to keep speeds low to win the chase.
ok so first round will be against easy with a setback for weather, but its also open skies at this point.
next 3 rounds we'll use the nebula adv/dis table and we'll use the difficult terrain rules.
second round +upgrade and a setback, due to clouds and rain and wind.
third round + upgrade and 2 setbacks
fourth round +2 upgrades and 2 setbacks
does that make sense?
after the 4th round you'll get above the clouds and it'll be easy again, unless you've destroyed a tie or two then it'll be using the debris table and using the difficult terrain rules.
Edited by TheShardYep.
Tie pilot roll
First chase roll
2 successes, 3 advantage
I think that @DJCrazee is the one making our piloting roll.
Don't we also need to do the astrogation roll to determine how long we have to hold off to jump?
Make the astrogation roll, or piloting to move things along, and roll astro and we'll just add it in as if it was done immediately after take off.
It will take at least 5 rounds before you can jump. As you need to break atmosphere (4 rounds) and another to get out of gravity well.
The astrogation was going to be handled by the droid, with Jaycen assisting.