Discord SWRPG Assistant Bot. (dice roller, destiny pool, character tracker, Initiative tracker)

By SkyJedi, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

A new and fancy tool for online games of Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, or Force and Destiny! The bot can do SWRPG dice rolls, D100 rolls, manage your destiny pool, and roll/manage Initiative rolls for the entire group.

Three ways to use the SWRPG Assistant Bot

Dedicated Discord server

Invite D1-C3 to your discord server

Download and host your own instance of the bot.


  • !roll: rolls any combination of SWRPG dice and returns the cancelled results.
  • !destiny: rolls, sets, and manages the Destiny Balance for the group.
  • !crit: rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the critical hit.
  • !shipcrit: rolls a d100 with optional modifier and displays result of the ship critical hit.
  • !char: simple character stat manager.
    • Works over DM for GM NPC tracking
  • !ver: displays bot version
  • !init: initiative tracker
  • !gleepglop/!species: Picks a random species
  • !swrpg: use swrpg dice
  • !genesys: use genesysdice
  • !help: displays help for topics.
  • !prefix: changes the prefix for the server



Edited by SkyJedi
v 1.8.0

You are a god among mere men. Thank you very much for setting this up! The emojis are wonderful too! This has been a huge boon to my game.

-moved all config data to config.js
-setup one click update
-added a node_modules check to start.bat/command

-moved server ID for emoji to config.json

-can now use emoji in DM channel with D1
-Removed all fix commands
-moved storage to firebase

-use external emoji check
-botstats now needs 'daily' 'weekly' 'monthly' 'alltime'
-added !char modify


-@D1-C3 no longer requires users to upload emoji

-added Crit lookup command ie !crit ?12

-added !species/!gleepglop

-added !poly

!Char Crit CharacterName +X/-X: adds/removes critical injuries for characterName

-added !char crit
-reformated crit module to allow use of crit table elsewhere

- fixed a help file break
- changed admin command to !stats
- fixed the wound/strain incap to OVER threshold.
- moved version number to JUST package.json

- added !char remove to help command
- added stop for trying to add 2 characters named the same

- Polyhedral die rolls are now anything !dXXX
- fixed triumph and despairs

ver 1.7.2
- fixed !init set bug that reset Init order on new round

ver 1.7.1
- fixed !rr select

ver 1.7.0
- recoded !roll into functions
- redid modules
- added polyhedral
- added !reroll

! Reroll Same : rolls the same pool again

! Reroll Add DiceIdentifiers : roll additional dice and adds them to the pool

! Reroll Remove DiceIdentifiers : remove random dice of the designated color

! Reroll Select DiceColor / DicePositon : rerolls specified dice

ie ! Reroll Select Y3 P1 : rerolls only the 3 rd yellow die and the 1 st purple die in the current dice pool






ver 1.6.7
- added result symbols to DiceIdentifiers in rolls
Success/Suc/ * = success
Advantage/Adv/V = advantage
Triumph/Tri/! = triumph
Failure/Fail/- = failure
Threat/Thr/T = threat
Despair/Des/$ = despair
Light/L = lightside point
Dark/N = darkside point




ver 1.6.6
- destiny roll now uses !roll module.
- space fix: !roll yyy ggg rr now rolls all dice
- tweaked !init roll a bit

ver 1.6.5
-cleaned up console.log
-slimmed down !roll

ver 1.6.4
- fixed desc (for reals)

ver 1.6.3
- added mid round roll for !init

reset !init again

ver 1.6.2
- fixed an init error with the offline memory

Sorry i had to wipe !init with this fix. you'll have to reroll or re-set

ver 1.6.1
- fixed desc

ver 1.6
- added restart memory. !destiny, !Char, !init no longer reset after crash or restart.

SWEotE-Discord-Dice-Roller/data/ is where all the data is stored. Re-Run RUN THIS BEFORE FIRST LAUNCH.bat after update, before launching. When updating make sure you don't copy over it.

ver 1.5.1
- emoji defaults to on, new emoji disable instructions

ver 1.5.0
-added !init module


ver 1.4.8
- added some simple admin commands

!server - displays # of servers bot is currently on

YOU WILL NEED TO UPDATE config.json in this update.

- add !r and !d for shorter !roll and !destiny

version 1.4.7
- fixed formatting in !help

- Updated the "SWRPG Assistant Bot" discord server to be dedicated to D1-C3. https://discord.gg/G8au6FH There are dedicated help and game channels now.

version 1.4.6

- added warning if server doesn't have the correct custom emoji

version 1.4.5

- added !char remove, list, and reset

version 1.4.4

- module-ized the whole monty

version 1.4.3
- added background emojiID lookup

version 1.4.2
- added/fixed !help

version 1.4.1
- Made a Changelog
- Fixed the one word error in the descriptor
- added !ver command

version 1.4.0

-Added !char

- !char (Simple character stat manager)
- !char setup characterName [maxWound] [maxStrain] [credits] (Setup a new character)
- !char wound/w characterName +X/-X (Increases/Decreases wounds for characterName by X)
- !char strain/s characterName +X/-X (Increases/Decreases Strain for characterName by X)
- !char credits/c characterName +X/-X (Increases/Decreases credit balance for characterName by X)

OG topic









Screen Shot 2017-03-31 at 10.42.25 AM.png

Edited by SkyJedi

Nice! Looking forward to trying this out with my regular group.

Are you going to implement some sort of combat tracker as well? If you are, it would be awesome if it could keep track of dice-pool modifications and modify rolls on-the-fly. Might not be simple, but being able to tell the bot to remember that character A gets a boost die, character C gets an Upgrade, initiative slot 4 gets a Setback, next PC gets a Boost, etcetera would be a huge boon. Players would then only have to worry about their base pool (because we all know that we forget to add these modifications to our dice pools "occasionally") and the bot could do the rest.

Also, how about a ReRoll option? For those times we did forget to add a modifier? Some command that lets you change the previous die roll without actually re-rolling all the dice, just the ones that needed changing or adding to the pool?

Again, this bot looks awesome! Thanks for all your work on this!

30 minutes ago, admutt said:

Are you going to implement some sort of combat tracker as well?

Also, how about a ReRoll option? For those times we did forget to add a modifier?

Again, this bot looks awesome! Thanks for all your work on this!

Probably not to #1 I want the bot to be more of a companion than a platform you depend on. the combat tracker seems like it would be more of a hinderance requiring a lot of commands every turn. also if the bot crashes (which i does) all of the inputs are gone and you'd need to reinput everything.

the reroll might be interesting to try something. something like !reroll +b or !reroll -p and redo the previous. hmmmm. I'll add that to the wishlist

1.4.0 is working awesomely! This is easily becoming the #1 SWRPG bot companion!

The !help command crashes the bot but, obviously, it's still a WIP. Other than that, this risk-taker is definitely implementing this version for our game this weekend.

Edited by Boisterous Bothan
10 minutes ago, Boisterous Bothan said:

1.4.0 is working awesomely! This is easily becoming the #1 SWRPG bot companion!

The !help command crashes the bot but, obviously, it's still a WIP. Other than that, this risk-taker is definitely implementing this version for our game this weekend.

ver 1.4.2 has a working !help command. To update just copy the bot.js file from the new download to the working folder

9 minutes ago, SkyJedi said:

ver 1.4.2 has a working !help command. To update just copy the bot.js file from the new download to the working folder

Well, then I rescind my previous issue.

You are doing Space God's work my friend. You're amazing.

updated to 1.4.4

Lots of backend stuff. Big take away, you don't have to code in emoji any more. Just upload the png to the Discord Server.

Brilliant, thank you! We just switched to Discord because one of our players had trouble understanding the audio in Hangouts. Discord worked well for us with a separate web based dice roller. Having one in the Discord window will make things easier!

On 3/31/2017 at 11:54 AM, admutt said:

Are you going to implement some sort of combat tracker as well? If you are, it would be awesome if it could keep track of dice-pool modifications and modify rolls on-the-fly. Might not be simple, but being able to tell the bot to remember that character A gets a boost die, character C gets an Upgrade, initiative slot 4 gets a Setback, next PC

Also, how about a ReRoll option? For those times we did forget to add a modifier? Some command that lets you change the previous die roll without actually re-rolling all the dice, just the ones that needed changing or adding to the pool?

Again, this bot looks awesome! Thanks for all your work on this!

Glad to help, let us know of any issues/suggestions you have

I just figured out that !Char works over DM to the bot. It'd make a good tool for GMs to keep track of NPCs away from the prying eyes of players


- added !char remove, list, and reset

Dammit... now I'm gonna have to make a bot that chats with this bot... muahahah

version 1.4.6

- added warning if server doesn't have the correct custom emoji

Updated the "SWRPG Assistant Bot" discord server to be dedicated to D1-C3. https://discord.gg/G8au6FH

there are dedicated help and game channels now.

version 1.4.7
- fixed formatting in !help

- add !r and !d for shorter !roll and !destiny

ver 1.4.8
- added some simple admin commands

!server - displays # of servers bot is currently on

YOU WILL NEED TO UPDATE config.json in this update.

ver 1.5.0
-added !init module



Fixed a issue that crashed the bot sporadically...I think I did at least.  Emoji is now defaulted to on and to disable you'll need to replace a file in /modules
ver 1.5.1
- emoji defaults to on, new emoji disable instructions

ver 1.6
- added restart memory. !destiny, !Char, !init no longer reset after crash or restart.

SWEotE-Discord-Dice-Roller/data/ is where all the data is stored. When updating make sure you don't copy over it

ver 1.6.1
- fixed desc

ver 1.6.2
- fixed an init error with the offline memory

Sorry i had to wipe !init with this fix. you'll have to reroll inits

Edited by SkyJedi

ver 1.6.3
- added mid round roll for !init

reset !init again