Gwanum said:
Congrats John. I am still bummed I did not have the time to participate in the Winter League. I will work on building some decks this weekend and hope to be out there on Monday.
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you again bro!
Gwanum said:
Congrats John. I am still bummed I did not have the time to participate in the Winter League. I will work on building some decks this weekend and hope to be out there on Monday.
Awesome! Looking forward to seeing you again bro!
imrahil327 said:
Congratulations to DeathJester26 on winning the SoCal Winter League! He narrowly defeated Bronson in a Martell-Maesters vs Stark-Maesters, 11 plot, 2 hour, 15-14 power count final. The balance of power swung back and forth several times during the game- a LOT of fun to watch
Sadly my ability to play a wide variety of decks decently didn't help me come anywhere near winning the League. Thanks to DeathJester for all the work he put into the league setup and stat-keeping!
Good show, btw. Rookie of the Year honors are yours!
Aww, thanks
Can't wait to start working on Regionals decks!
So does number of different decks played mean that decks are changed every week or it just implies small tuning?
"Different" was defined by House/Agenda combo. HOW different it was varied from person to person and deck to deck. For instance, it's pretty easy to switch Baratheon alliance to Martell to Baratheon Treaty to the South to Martell Alliance to Baratheon and include most if not all of the same cards. Speaking personally, the majority of my combinations were pretty different from each other, though.
Yeah, that's what I kinda wanted to know. Because it's interesting to see if those bad match-ups are really bad or if it's just coincidence of a decks changing from match to match.
So another question, how do people counter Lannister Intrigue Rush in your meta?^___^
It's not super-popular but all the stuff folks have said so far seems to match up okay against it. Ghaston Grey out of martell. Stark murder with lots of ally hate. Maesters with Lead Link + black iron link (kneel to lower strength of a low cost intrigue weenie and then remove stronger character's int icon). You've probably already noticed, but there's a separate thread discussing this here:
Are you local? In San Diego we play on Monday nights at Game Empire and folks have started a semi-regular meetup on Thursdays at the Comic Bug in LA. Feel free to come by some time! Otherwise, hope that helps.
Rains of Autumn is always a good anti-Lannister plot against those going for the super gold route.
Lol. Can't join your games, since I'm as far from San Diego as is possible within the US. I'm in MD right now. So I joined your discussion just because I saw your meta's awesome thread about stats and wanted to see what are your thoughts about Lannis.
Pair-A-Dice Games in Vista is hosting an LCG game day this Saturday starting at 11am, with door prizes being given out at 5pm. Bronson and I are planning on arriving at 11, and some LA folks are coming down later. Come join us for some sweet Thrones action!
"February 18th - Game of Thrones and Warhammer Invasion Game Day-
We've seen that you love these games and to show you how much we love that you love them we are holding a game day for these games to get ready for tournaments in the coming months. With a 5 dollar door charge bring your deck for either or both of these games and enjoy the day. Door Prizes will be handed out at 5pm and games will be allowed to continue till 8pm. If the crowd for these games are large enough we're looking to run monthly events for them."
Kingdom-Con information is up in the General Forums!!!
Check out this link, and post your comments there.
It's less than 2 months away!!
Tournament this Saturday at Game Empire Pasadena! Winner gets a badge for KingdomCon!
Is there still a group that meets at Game Empire in San Diego?
cakewalk said:
Is there still a group that meets at Game Empire in San Diego?
Yes, there is! We meet every Monday night, usually from around 6 PM until they close.
2012 SoCal AGoT Summer League will be starting up. Here are the details:
May 14th – August 6th, 7pm – 10pm Monday Nights @ Game Empire in San Diego
Deck Building Rules
• Players may play with a variety of decks throughout the league, but each deck must follow the standard deck building rules found in the rule book, FAQ, and in the LCG Tournament Rules.
• Players that make the finals will be allowed to play with only one deck during the final tournament.
League Rules
• Each player will be given a score sheet to record their league games.
-Score Sheets must be turned in at the end of each Monday night session.
-Players may play league games any time during the week. Just report all games played the following Monday night.
• Each player is allowed to record up to 3 games per opponent.
• The last night for league games will be Monday, July 23rd.
• Players will be ranked based on number of wins.
-The first tie breaker will go to the player that has played more games.
-The second tie breaker will go to the player with the highest strength of schedule.
-A minimum of 12 games must be played to qualify for the finals.
• On July 30th and August 6th players will be seeded, and play a single elimination tournament over the two nights to determine the Summer League Champion!
For those up in LA, we will be allowing people to play games via OCTGN. However, you must be present at the finals if you wish to participate.
Legacy Trophy
• Bronson has priced-out the cost to construct a one-of-a-kind AGoT League Trophy for about $100. Donations are not required, but gladly accepted. This trophy will remain on display at Game Empire and list All Summer and Winter league Champions.
If you would like to sing up, you can email us at agotsocal[at]gmail
Summer (league) Is Coming!
More Summer League action tonight at GE. We should have some guests from LA with us. If you enjoyed the LA on SD massacre that took place elsewhere, we'll be able to continue the fun!!!
I'll start posting stats once we have enough data in.
Some stats after 3(?) weeks of Summer League
Name W-L (W%) [sTR]
1. Joe 7-5 (0.58) [49]
2. Ryan 7-4 (0.636) [50]
3. John K. 7-3 (0.700) [31]
4. James 6-4 (0.600) [48]
5. Chris 6-3 (0.667) [39]
6. Alex 4-5 (0.444) [46]
7. John B. 4-1 (0.800) [22]
8. Kaitlyn 1-4 (0.200) [30]
9. Eric 1-1 (0.500) [10]
10. Troy 0-7 (0.000) [45]
11. Matt 0-3 (0.000) [20]
12. Ross 0-3 (0.000) [18]
Players are ranked by:
1) Number of wins
2) Number of games played
3) Strength of Schedule
House Stats
House [RPI] W-L (W%
Martell [0.576] 2-1 (0.667)
Targaryen [0.562] 15-8 (0.652)
Lannister [0.533] 10-3 (0.769)
Baratheon [0.521] 6-3 (0.667)
Greyjoy [0.465] 5-12 (0.294)
Neutral [0.453] 0-3 (0.000)
Stark [0.431] 5-13 (0.278)
Agenda Stats
Agenda W-L (W%)
Alliance 1-0 (1.000)
CoS 2-0 (1.000)
PBtT 6-2 (0.750)
KoHH 11-5 (0.688)
TMP 8-4 (0.667)
KoS 3-2 (0.600)
SoW 1-1 (0.500)
KoW 4-4 (0.500)
None* 4-14 (0.222)
KotR 2-7 (0.222)
Wild 1-4 (0.200)
*A lot of the no agenda decks are running The Kindly Man.
Deck Stats
Deck [RPI] W-L (W%)
Baratheon/Alliance [0.724] 1-0 (1.000)
Martell/TMP [0.724] 1-0 (1.000)
Baratheon/TMP [0.615] 2-0 (1.000)
Stark/TMP [0.581] 2-0 (1.000)
Targaryen/KoS [0.575] 3-2 (0.600)
Stark/SoW [0.573] 1-1 (0.500)
Lannister/PBtT [0.572] 6-2 (0.750)
Lannister/CoS [0.536] 2-0 (1.000)
Greyjoy/KoW [0.527] 4-4 (0.500)
Targaryen/KoHH [0.493] 10-4 (0.714)
Targaryen/TMP [0.449] 2-2 (0.500)
Baratheon/Wild [0.449] 1-1 (0.500)
Greyjoy/TMP [0.435] 0-1 (0.000)
Lannister/None [0.417] 1-0 (1.000)
Martell/KoHH [0.412] 1-1 (0.500)
Neutral/Wild [0.397] 0-3 (0.000)
Baratheon/KotR [0.388] 2-2 (0.500)
Stark/none [0.384] 2-7 (0.222)
Stark/KotR [0.376} 0-5 (0.000)
Greyjoy/none [0.290] 1-7 (0.125)
Lannister/TMP [0.215] 1-1 (0.500)
Summer League Updated Stats
Player (RPI) W-L [W%] {STR}
Joe (0.491) 12-8 [0.600] {128}
John B (0.603) 12-4 [0.750] {116}
Ryan (0.559) 11-6 [0.647] {138}
James (0.510) 10-6 [0.625] {104}
Chris (0.521) 10-4 [0.714] {93}
John K (0.486) 9-8 [0.529] {121}
Alex (0.491) 6-9 [0.400] {132}
Eric (0.529) 3-1 [0.750] {25}
Troy (0.447) 2-10 [0.167] {116}
Ram (0.631) 2-0 [1.000] {12}
Matt (0.393) 1-12 [0.077] {116}
Ross (0.393) 1-6 [0.143] {59}
Kaitlyn (0.485) 1-4 [0.200] {53}
Christian (0.556) 0-2 [0.000] {14}
House (RPI) W-L [W%]
Targaryen (0.542) 23-14 [0.622]
Martell (0.541) 7-4 [0.636]
Lannister (0.526) 14-6 [0.700]
Baratheon (0.520) 12-8 [0.600]
Stark (0.475) 10-17 [0.370]
Greyjoy (0.453) 13-25 [0.342]
Neutral (0.419) 1-6 [0.143]
Deck (RPI) W-L [W%
Martell/TMP (0.792) 3-0 [1.000]
Stark/TMP (0.627) 2-0 [1.000]
Baratheon/TMP (0.624) 2-0 [1.000]
Lannister/CoS (0.566) 4-1 [0.800]
Lannister/PBtT (0.565) 8-3 [0.727]
Baratheon/KoS (0.565) 1-0 [1.000]
Greyjoy/KoW (0.557) 4-4 [0.500]
Stark/SoW (0.549) 3-1 [0.750]
Targaryen/KoHH (0.535) 18-7 [0.720]
Baratheon/All (0.510) 3-1 [0.750]
Martell/KoS (0.487) 1-0 [1.000]
Targaryen/KoS (0.484) 3-2 [0.600]
Stark/CoS (0.478) 0-2 [0.000]
Targaryen/TMP (0.477) 2-2 [0.500]
Greyjoy/TMP (0.469) 0-1 [0.000]
Baratheon/KotR (0.466) 3-2 [0.600]
Lannister/None (0.466) 1-0 [1.000]
Baratheon/Wild (0.456) 1-3 [0.250]
Stark/none (0.451) 5-9 [0.357]
Stark/KotR (0.406) 0-5 [0.000]
Neutral/Wild (0.394) 1-6 [0.143]
Baratheon/None (0.344) 0-2 [0.000]
Martell/KoHH (0.337) 2-4 [0.333]
Greyjoy/none (0.327) 9-20 [0.310]
Baratheon/TwtI (0.299) 1-0 [1.000]
Lannister/TMP (0.294) 1-2 [0.333]
Targaryen/HttIT (0.165) 0-3 [0.000]
Stats update through 7/2 (3 more weeks of league before the finals!!!)
House [RPI] W-L (W%)
Martell [0.551] 18-8 (0.692)
Targaryen [0.531] 30-20 (0.600)
Baratheon [0.522] 16-12 (0.571)
Stark [0.497] 22-27 (0.449)
Lannister [0.494] 19-14 (0.576)
Greyjoy [0.465] 21-36 (0.368)
Neutral [0.388] 1-10 (0.091)
Agenda W-L (W%)
TwtI 1-0 (1.000)
KoS 14-5 (0.737)
KoHH 29-14 (0.674)
PBtT 9-5 (0.643)
SoW 5-3 (0.625)
KoW 5-4 (0.556)
TMP 12-11 (0.522)
KotR 7-8 (0.467)
CoS 4-5 (0.444)
All 3-4 (0.429)
None 35-52 (0.402)
Wild 3-13 (0.188)
HttIT 0-3 (0.000)
Deck [RPI] W-L (W%)
Martell/TMP [0.687] 4-0 (1.000)
Stark/TMP [0.596] 2-1 (0.667)
Targaryen/KoHH [0.564] 23-10 (0.697)
Martell/None [0.559] 3-1 (0.750)
Targaryen/TMP [0.548] 3-2 (0.600)
Greyjoy/KoW [0.546] 5-4 (0.556)
Lannister/PBtT [0.544] 9-5 (0.643)
Baratheon/KotR [0.544] 5-2 (0.714)
Stark/SoW [0.527] 5-3 (0.625)
Targaryen/KoS [0.510] 4-2 (0.667)
Lannister/KoS [0.500] 4-1 (0.800)
Martell/KoS [0.492] 4-2 (0.667)
Lannister/CoS [0.491] 4-3 (0.571)
Stark/none [0.479] 13-16 (0.448)
Martell/KoHH [0.468] 5-4 (0.556)
Baratheon/None [0.440] 1-3 (0.250)
Stark/KotR [0.440] 1-5 (0.167)
Baratheon/Wild [0.437] 1-3 (0.250)
Greyjoy/none [0.413] 16-26 (0.381)
Baratheon/All [0.412] 3-4 (0.429)
Greyjoy/TMP [0.406] 0-6 (0.000)
Targaryen/None [0.394] 0-3 (0.000)
Neutral/Wild [0.373] 1-10 (0.091)
Lannister/TMP [0.364] 1-2 (0.333)
Lannister/None [0.323] 1-3 (0.250)
Targaryen/HttIT [0.208] 0-3 (0.000)
*Baratheon/KoS [0.000] 2-0 (1.000)
*Baratheon/TMP [0.000] 2-0 (1.000)
*Martell/KotR [0.000] 1-1 (0.500)
*Stark/CoS [0.000] 0-2 (0.000)
*Baratheon/TwtI [0.000] 1-0 (1.000)
*Stark/Wild [0.000] 1-0 (1.000)
*RPI value not included due to the low number of games played
Final League Standings!
Our finals tourney will begin tomorrow night at Game Empire. See you there at 7pm! NO PROXIES in your finals deck!!!
Name {RPI} W-L (W%) [sTR]
1. James {0.495} 21-13 (0.618) [336]
2. Chris {0.552} 21-5 (0.808) [298]
3. Joe {0.531} 20-12 (0.625) [370]
4. John K {0.516} 16-11 (0.593) [329]
5. Ryan {0.560} 16-9 (0.640) [352]
6. John B {0.581} 16-5 (0.762) [242]
7. Alex {0.518} 15-11 (0.577) [338]
8. Eric {0.464} 7-7 (0.500) [182]
9. Troy {0.452} 6-14 (0.300) [289]
10. Christian {0.463} 5-7 (0.417) [102]
11. Ross {0.413} 3-17 (0.150) [291]
12. Matt {0.361} 1-25 (0.038) [359]
DNQ Ram {0} 3-0 (1) [26]
DNQ Kaitlyn {0} 2-8 (0.2) [187]
DNQ Tiny {0} 2-1 (0.667) [15]
DNQ Michael {0} 0-6 (0) [84]
DNQ Jesse {0} 0-3 (0) [57]
House Stats
House {RPI} W-L (W%)
Targaryen {0.538} 33-20 (0.623)
Martell {0.538} 19-11 (0.633)
Baratheon {0.525} 20-14 (0.588)
Lannister {0.502} 27-17 (0.614)
Stark {0.490} 26-35 (0.426)
Greyjoy {0.471} 26-40 (0.394)
Neutral {0.414} 3-17 (0.150)
Agenda Stats
Agenda W-L (W%)
None 43-63 (0.406)
KoHH 30-15 (0.667)
TMP 16-14 (0.533)
Wild 5-20 (0.200)
KoS 15-5 (0.750)
KotR 8-8 (0.500)
KoW 11-4 (0.733)
PBtT 10-5 (0.667)
SoW 7-6 (0.538)
CoS 5-6 (0.455)
All 3-4 (0.429)
HttIT 0-3 (0.000)
TwtI 1-0 (1.000)
NW 0-1 (0.000)
Deck Stats
Deck {RPI} W-L (W%)
Targaryen/TMP {0.579} 4-2 (0.667)
Lannister/KoS {0.577} 4-1 (0.800)
Targaryen/KoHH {0.570} 24-10 (0.706)
Martell/TMP {0.566} 5-2 (0.714)
Lannister/PBtT {0.554} 10-5 (0.667)
Greyjoy/KoW {0.545} 5-4 (0.556)
Martell/KoS {0.521} 4-2 (0.667)
Baratheon/KotR {0.518} 6-2 (0.750)
Targaryen/KoS {0.514} 5-2 (0.714)
Martell/None {0.511} 3-2 (0.600)
Baratheon/None {0.507} 4-4 (0.500)
Lannister/CoS {0.492} 4-3 (0.571)
Stark/SoW {0.492} 7-6 (0.538)
Lannister/KoW {0.489} 6-0 (1.000)
Martell/KoHH {0.474} 5-4 (0.556)
Stark/none {0.469} 14-20 (0.412)
Stark/KotR {0.458} 1-5 (0.167)
Greyjoy/TMP {0.436} 2-7 (0.222)
Greyjoy/none {0.429} 19-29 (0.396)
Baratheon/All {0.415} 3-4 (0.429)
Neutral/Wild {0.409} 3-17 (0.150)
Lannister/None {0.352} 2-5 (0.286)
Stark/CoS {0.000} 1-3 (0.250)
Baratheon/Wild {0.000} 1-3 (0.250)
Stark/TMP {0.000} 2-1 (0.667)
*Targaryen/None {0.000} 0-3 (0.000)
*Lannister/TMP {0.000} 1-2 (0.333)
*Targaryen/HttIT {0.000} 0-3 (0.000)
*Baratheon/KoS {0.000} 2-0 (1.000)
*Baratheon/TMP {0.000} 2-0 (1.000)
*Martell/KotR {0.000} 1-1 (0.500)
*Baratheon/NW {0.000} 0-1 (0.000)
*Baratheon/TwtI {0.000} 1-0 (1.000)
*Stark/Wild {0.000} 1-0 (1.000)
*No RPI value due to the low number of games played (below 5).
Congrats to our SoCal Summer AGoT League Champ, Chris!!!!
Thank you all for coming our and getting some games in. We'll have another league this winter.
SoCal Winter League will be starting up on Nov. 5th
Stop by Game Empire in San Diego on Monday nights 6-10pm to get more info., or ask here!!!
Hi guys, I'm going to be in the Burbank area for work Dec 2-14th. I was wondering if there are any game stores in the area where I could play some cards?
badash56 said:
Hi guys, I'm going to be in the Burbank area for work Dec 2-14th. I was wondering if there are any game stores in the area where I could play some cards?
We play at Game Empire in Pasadena on Wednesdays which is 10-25 minutes from Burbank depending on traffic. Also sometimes on the weekends but its more irregular but we can keep you updated. Feel free to email me at and we can keep in touch