Shrine World gives the Willpower aptitude, so that's good for a Sister (thematically at least, and I do plan to take WP advances).
Edited by Servant of Dante2 Sisters of Battle Looking for a play by post Game
You'll have to if you plan on taking the Sister of Battle Advancement path. It requires 40 WP if I believe correctly.
You are correct. Also, 50 Ifl
I made a 2E excel character sheet last night. Stayed up too late, didn't get up as early this morning. It's great, unless you're playing a filthy witch, since I left off the psychic powers section. Also, when you take a skill in a skill group, you have to add in a row to type it in manually. I didn't include rows for that so that it looks cleaner and saves space. Here it is:
Edit: I think I'm ready to roll up my character, just let me go grab my black dice with the gold numbering that I got in preparation for playing a Sister . . .
Edited by Servant of DanteGah! The 2nd Aptitude for WP is Psyker. Heresy!
Now remember we are using the point buy characteristic generation.
But there are plenty of other things you can roll for.
We do roll for wounds and the like, correct?
Well, no Emperor's Blessing on Fate for me. I rolled a 1
And a 1 for Wounds
This should be interesting.
Maybe you accidentally picked Black Legion dice.
Doc, if you want, roll those values for me
Maybe you accidentally picked Black Legion dice.
Doc, if you want, roll those values for me
Sure let me know World, Background, and Role and I'll do it tomorrow.
And a 1 for Wounds
This should be interesting.
Faith is certainly a shield. Let's hope it's a thick one.
And a 1 for Wounds
This should be interesting.
Faith is certainly a shield. Let's hope it's a thick one.
The Emperor Protects! And so does a decent Ag score and Dodge +10
Anyway, do you think it would be un-thematic for my character to have the Jaded talent from the get go? It could play in to the narrow mindset the Novices have (ie. that corpse obviously belongeed to a heretic, so why should I care if it's guts are all over the floor). I'm unsure though.
Edit: Oh, and of I where to get the Counter Attack talent, I could make said counter attack with a pistol, correct? It says "with the weapon you parried with" and I will be using dual pistols. The Parry skill just mentions using a weapon or your hands to deflect the attack.
Edited by Servant of DanteNo not really. The only unthematic things I find are something outlandish like your character being a unique sole survivor of a necron incursion or some such thing.
There's nothing wrong with having the hardness of the universe indoctrinated into you. Honestly a Sister being jaded makes sense. Their organization has had a rough life, and is prone to sacrifice, they aren't scared of it. They accept it head on for what it is.
There's only war, and they fight it as best they can. They aren't the genetically enhanced space marines, nor the warp conduits of battle psykers nor even the hypno indoctrinated chemed up assassins. They're the peak of the human condition and the highest of faith.
Edit: Oh, and of I where to get the Counter Attack talent, I could make said counter attack with a pistol, correct? It says "with the weapon you parried with" and I will be using dual pistols. The Parry skill just mentions using a weapon or your hands to deflect the attack.
I don't think you can parry with a ranged weapon, unless it has a melee attachment. Or maybe it is that you can't parry with a non Basic weapon? I'm not sure I'll have to look into it if you don't find it yourself.
Look at the full description of Pistols, Parry, and Counterattack if you haven't already.
And the errata too if it mentions it in there.
If you don't find anything, and I don't when I look tomorrow I'll get together what I can from the info available and make a call from there.
Edited by ThenDoctorAnd I suppose that just because she doesn't gain Insanity Points form those guts doesn't mean she isn't shocked/nauseated.
Edit: Oh, and of I where to get the Counter Attack talent, I could make said counter attack with a pistol, correct? It says "with the weapon you parried with" and I will be using dual pistols. The Parry skill just mentions using a weapon or your hands to deflect the attack.
I don't think you can parry with a ranged weapon, unless it has a melee attachment. Or maybe it is that you can't parry with a non Basic weapon? I'm not sure I'll have to look into it if you don't find it yourself.
Look at the full description of Pistols, Parry, and Counterattack if you haven't already.
And the errata too if it mentions it in there.
Pistol (pg144): ". . . can be used in close combat" Note that it does seem to be talking about firing pistols while in close combat.
Parry (pg112): "Parry is the ability to block attacks in close combat, deflecting them using one's hands or weapons" It says it can only be used while engaged in melee, but I see no requirement that you even have any weapon at all in your hands.
Counter Attack (pg125): "Once per turn, after successfully Parrying an opponent's attack, this character may immediately make a Standard Attack action as a Free Action against that opponent using the weapon with which he Parried. The character suffers a -20 penalty on the WS test for this attack ." This implies that you can only parry with a melee weapon, which seems to directly contradict the Parry skill. On to the Errata.
Errata (page 13) "Question: If a pistol weapon is used in melee combat, can the defender make an Evasion reaction using Parry (page 220)?
Answer: Yes, a pistol can be Parried in melee combat. It’s not the defender deflecting the shot so much as he is knocking the weapon away so the shot misses him, though. As an additional note concerning Parrying attacks, any melee weapon can be used with the Parry skill , not just swords. As a weapon with the Balanced quality, swords gain a bonus to making a Parry skill test, but you could try to Parry with an axe, a staff, or even the butt of an autogun for example ."
Huh. I thought that the first bold bit said I couldn't parry with pistols, but that second bold line makes me wonder. I guess since an autogun is a larger weapon, I could see a ruling that I cannot parry with a pistol.
Also, according to the first question under the Armoury heading on page 11, I can fire pistols from melee at targets outside my combat.
Edited by Servant of DanteHum. I'm going to wait on Lynata's input on the Jaded talent. I'm taking it for now, but if she feels it doesn't fit thematically, I may change it out for something else.
Edited by Servant of DanteYou can seemingly Parry with a pistol, but when counterattacking with the Pistol you are not firing the weapon.
You are beating them with the handle of the gun as an improvised weapon (at least I think that's what pistols are when you use them in melee).
However a pistol can be fired in close combat.
The key wording here is the WS and Melee terms being used which generally only are relevant to melee weapons.
But yeah, take all the time you need. I figure we'll have characters done by the end of next week. Since Lyn is away on a trip I don't expect them to be making their character while they're gone other than very tangential things about them.
Edited by ThenDoctorRolled a 65 on the expanded divination table, so now she has Catfall.
I also tend to allow my players to take the opposite of their roll as well (to allow for a little more choice)
So you could have 56 instead if you wanted:
Fear begets doubt, doubt begets heresy.
When this character would gain insanity points from a failed Fear test, they also gain 1 Corruption point.
However I think 65 is a bit more fitting for a hopeful Seraphim anyways. And Sisters eventually learn to convert corruption to insanity so I feel 56 is counterproductive.
Do you mind the expanded divination table? I'm always interested in opinions on them.
Edited by ThenDoctorI also tend to allow my players to take the opposite of their roll as well (to allow for a little more choice)
So you could have 56 instead if you wanted:
Fear begets doubt, doubt begets heresy.
When this character would gain insanity points from a failed Fear test, they also gain 1 Corruption point.
However I think 65 is a bit more fitting for a hopeful Seraphim anyways. And Sisters eventually learn to convert corruption to insanity so I feel 56 is counterproductive.
Do you mind the expanded divination table? I'm always interested in opinions on them.
It's neat! I like all the outcomes, but part of me preferred the more static bonuses of the original table (a few points of a characteristic), whereas now my character has an extra talent, which fortunately fits the character, but could have very easily been out of place. I don't know, but I still think it's interesting.
Also, the AS background already has us converting Corruption into that many Insanity points (minus 1).
I rolled her build, and got the one I would have choosen, so that's nice (I could have changed it if I had rolled something else, as noted in the character creation supplement), but I converted 50kg, 1.6m to 110lbs 5' 3", since that is much more meaningfull to me as a person in the States (why can't we all just learn the metric system grumble grumble). Not that I can't use the metric system, it's just that I don't have any esablished context as to what 50kg or 1.6 m really looks like. Well, for the meters, I can think "a little more than 1.6 yards," (1.6 yards being a bit less than 5 feet, whereas 1.6m is basically 5 foot 3 inches), but still.
Edit: I'm just choosing my age, since the youngest I could roll is 21, and that's older than what I was thinking.
Edited by Servant of DanteState side as well. I know what you mean about the metric system. I'd have preferred it as well.
Thanks for the kind words on the expanded system.
I've always felt that way about the normal divination table. Ending up with something weird. But I think it's a show of fate pointing us in weird directions, regardless of where we force ourselves to end up. That odd pull will still be there. It just requires the character to put it to use for their life situation.
Edited by ThenDoctorSure. I'd have to look closer, but I think it's the granting of talents that I was reacting to. Well, I like having more possible results, in any case.
Oh, and my character is all done except for her name, as far as I can tell. Here you go!
Neat I'll look at it when I can.
Yeah the talents are different, but the baseline divinations granted talents as well. So I went with those as my baseline for expansion.
I have two XP-related house rules I'd like to propose. They work well for our group and we could use them here too if you're interested.
Firstly, we let Leadership be used instead of Psyker for the purpose of buying Willpower advances. This helps the pure-hearted servants of the Emperor withstand the foul sorcery of the Warp.
Secondly, we reduce the cost of all Specialist skills by half. Since they are applicable in very specific situations, they are not worth as much XP as the more general skills.
I want to avoid complicating the game with too many house rules, but I feel these are simple enough to apply easily.
I'd like to keep specialist talents as they are, they are special for a reason.
But I'll propose on the aptitudes issue by saying if you get the willpower aptitude twice in character creation this will substitue for the psyker aptitude for willpower advancement.
The pay off of course being that you lose out on another caracteristic app for cheaper Will since it wont be substituted.
Sound agreeable?