By jeddy158, in Dark Heresy

We are in need of another brave soul for our tabletop Dark Heresy group, which meets every other Saturday night (more or less) in Elkridge, Maryland. We currently number five (four players and a GM).

If you’re in the area and are interested, let me know here or email me or our GM, Guillaume (


AnyBody in Cork, Ireland with room in a tabletop game of DH,RT,DW give me a shout. Preferably in the city or Cobh.

Hello again. I've posted here before, but I figure i'd update.

I'm still looking for anyone who wants to play or GM in, or near Waterford, Mi.

Right now there are only 3 of us, and although i've been running the games with only 2 players, i'd much rather have more.

Thanks for your time!

Hey everyone,

I am looking for some good, reliable players for Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, or Deathwatch in my area near Williamsport, PA. Hit me up on here oremail me at Thanks.

philadelphia, pa

sgtnasty at gmail dot com

looking to run a dark heresy campaign

Recently moved to Royce City TX ( just east of Dallas TX in Rockwall county ) due to getting engaged gran_risa.gif . Would love to find a gaming group...i have all the first run books ( pre Ascension ) both core and game modules for DH as well as the modules for Rogue trader as well. I am an experienced player and GM. Anyone who is interested in a game who is nearby ( within say 30min(ish) ) feel free to email me so we can talk and see if it will work.

I am interested in joining an online campaign as well. I also like mechwarrior as a fill in game in between.


hive_angel at

Long running Dark Heresy campaign in need of a replacement character. We play at 9PM EST/EDT on Sunday evenings. Face-types preferred over combat monkies.

The plot, as suits a game that's been running for a long time, is somewhat detailed. Your character will likely come from the Inquisitor's existing retinue and will know these general details: The characters and the Inquisitor were recently rescued from a massive warp storm by a strange Psyker of undesignated rank with a Writ of Authority. She hijacked the ship for her own purposes - the recovery of the shattered pieces of an unknown artifact. She subsequently disappeared after a botched mission and the Inquisitor, after some inquiry, has appointed one of the characters as a Legate Investigator and given them a ship to recover more pieces of this artifact. During this hunt, they've uncovered evidence of Eldar interference, are being themselves hunted by a Genetor experiment gone wrong, and accidentally released an Abominable Intelligence. They're currently in the middle of investigations on a Feudal world, attempting to suppress a militaristic uprising with links to mysterious ruins scattered about the planet's surface.

We've been playing since the beginning of the year and have a somewhat large cast of NPCs and events, very little of which you'll have to familiarize yourself with in advance. The group's slanted towards roleplay and the opportunity to get information in-character will present itself often. We don't run a lot of combats, but when we do, they tend to be grand affairs.

The group is currently at rank 6 (on the revised Ascension charts) you'll have to create a character near that level. Most character creation options are available, including new homeworlds from Into The Storm.

I can be reached at

I should mention that my game is an ONLINE game.

Limba Pasarilor said:

I should mention that my game is an ONLINE game.

mIRC based? I might be intrested, depending on how long you run a session: I got work next day so I can't always stay around until 1-2 AM

I would like to join a game if one is available, not real solid on online/pbem style playing yet but until I find a new job I got lots of time. haha

Near Dover, Delaware

We use Maptool because of GM impersonation (for better RP flow) and hard map positioning.

However, we usually play 'til 12:30-1 AM EST.

What days do you guys normally play? And voice chat is a concern since my IP at my in-laws house is terrible and even yahoo tends to not make good voice calls.

I'm looking for 1-2 players to come into my already-running PBP online game (an FFG forum regular is already a player hi Snidesworth!).

Careers and backgrounds are somewhat circumscribed due to the nature of the scenario, Inquisitor, and me not wanting to duplicate other players' roles. The game is heavily on the Horror and Investigative side, but with no lack of combat. If two players are interested, if possible I would like to incoporate their backgrounds (further info to be disclosed upon personal communication!).

Anyway, if interested, please contact me! A good time will be had by all.

Inquisitor sapiens potensque said:

I'm looking for 1-2 players to come into my already-running PBP online game (an FFG forum regular is already a player hi Snidesworth!).

Careers and backgrounds are somewhat circumscribed due to the nature of the scenario, Inquisitor, and me not wanting to duplicate other players' roles. The game is heavily on the Horror and Investigative side, but with no lack of combat. If two players are interested, if possible I would like to incoporate their backgrounds (further info to be disclosed upon personal communication!).

Anyway, if interested, please contact me! A good time will be had by all.

And so I see that nobody loves me. :(

Hey I am interested about joining. I want to purchase the book, but be honest I want to join and like the game for justification purposes.

Can you email me your information to my email please? Post a reply when you email me so I know. I would Pm you here, but I think you have to be my friend first which sometimes no one notices the friend requests here.

hive_angel @


Ah, perhaps that is the problem. :) My email is

I would be interested as well. I'd like to see how your game is running if possible.

Chuckachu said:

I would be interested as well. I'd like to see how your game is running if possible.

They're currently being besieged by crazed cherubim:

We had a dropout a while ago to to slow pacing, but things have picked up since then.

I think I've found one player, so I can take one more.

I should specify that the choice of careers and backgrounds is somewhat limited, because I'm trying to avoid duplication between characters and create the kind of group that an Inquisitor would actually form (no more than 1 of each career or the more excotic homeworlds).

I assume that Tech-priest is available? And if so are you using acension ranks or normal book?

Chuckachu said:

I assume that Tech-priest is available? And if so are you using acension ranks or normal book?

Normal book starting characters. Tech-Priest is possible but might be boring for player given the scenario,

After flipping through the electro book I can't find any other class than techie that interests me in DH, if you ever start a RT/DW game count me in for a Techie or a navigator!

Chuckachu said:

After flipping through the electro book I can't find any other class than techie that interests me in DH, if you ever start a RT/DW game count me in for a Techie or a navigator!

No such luck, sorry! :( Mainly we're looking for a Guardsman or Adept.

I wouldnt mind giving it a shot. Guardsmen. I am a noob though. PM me if interested

Inquisitor sapiens potensque said:

Chuckachu said:

After flipping through the electro book I can't find any other class than techie that interests me in DH, if you ever start a RT/DW game count me in for a Techie or a navigator!

No such luck, sorry! :( Mainly we're looking for a Guardsman or Adept.

For some reason I cant PM? My email is . As far as my noobness, I had a few sessions with my char and roughly read through the core and some other books and I know the 40k universe from playing warhammer 40k.