Anarchy Trades( looking to SELL EVERYTHING)

By Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy, in Agrabah Bazaar

all i saw were i few things i want actually nothing that my friend wants for the king. im inrtersted in the soul eaters and chip/dale if you want anything else from me

oh and your aerith

Why not just do my Aerith for The King then?

my friends king and he doesnt want aeirth thats one of my personal wants more so just to have it then anything

I know you have that black X card, I can give you one Soul Eater for it?

thats the best deal yet deal sir my email is

To update my wnat list im no longer in need of disney castles, I am looking for a sally though to complete the nightmare before christmas section of my book.

Rare Sally? I have a few of those I could add to our trade, I'm looking for a foil Cid to complete my foil FF characters. let me know.

You mean add to the yuffie trade we ahve in progress or a new trade for the Cid?

either or I can send the new cards with the cards alright in trade.

If you just wanna throw the sally in tahtd be nice I just want her for completness ya know

I guess I could, however I still ask you consider trading the Foil Cid, I'm kinda set on completing a foil FF set.

im looking there just isnt too much i want, is there anything you have thats not on the list

SR Oogie Boogie
SR Goofy lvl 3
SR Captain Hook
another SR Ursula
SR Pinnichio.
SR Fairy Godmother

im sorry theres nothing i see for the cid, im really focusing now on getting cloud or sephiroth, really any SRUs in general

updating my wants once more dragon maleficent is on the list

Lists of wants or haves?

its on my wants list

also want regular maleficent, hades and ursula

Are those foil or non-foils?

as always foils are greatly appreciated but it doesnt really matter id take non foil

I checked...srry, I don't have any extra of them...I have one of each and a foil of each except Usuala....which I want greatly...

Are you still looking for
R Halloween Town lvl 1 + R Maleficent + U Hades + R Ursula?

yes i am

R Alice lvl 0 + R Pinicchio lvl 1 + R Agrabah lvl 3 for those 4 after the other trade comes in? I really dont have another U I want but I would throw in a Clayton and Jafar for Oathkeeper