Anarchy Trades( looking to SELL EVERYTHING)

By Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy, in Agrabah Bazaar

Ok real life has just set in for me and though im not looking to jump out of the game instantly but i want to gradually sell my cards, im not going to individually price everything i have ideas of what i will except and dont expect anything extravagant make offers if you want to buy off me maybe we can work out deals. ALSO IF YOUR INTERESTED I WILL SELL EVERYTHING I HAVE(EXTRA COMMONS AND UNCOMMONS INCLUDED) FOR TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS IF ANYBODY IS INTERESTED. IT IS SIGNIFICANTLY LESS THEN WHAT I PUT INTO IT SO IT IS A DEAL. also i only want cash if thats not too much trouble








Panicx2(not trading big for these)

Chip and Dale(really want)

Goofy lvl4

Hundred acre Wood


simba lvl3

tinker bell lvl2

halloween town lvl1


Stealth Sneak







King Triton x1

Genie lvl1x2

Ultima Weaponx1

The Kingx1 ( gonna be a tough one to get)

End of The Worldx1


Flag Sora foilx1

Flag Sora Non foilx2

Riku lvl2 holo x1

Kairi holo x1

Tinker Bell lvl 1 non holo x1

Event Promo foilx1

Base Set

Aladdin lvl 3 x1

Ariel lvl1 holo x1

ariel lvl2 holo x1

ariel lvl3 holo x1

ariel lvl3 non holo x1

Simba lvl2 non holo x1

simba lvl4 non holo x3

Genie lvl2 holo x1

Bambi lvl4 holo x1

Dumbo lvl2 holo x1

Dumbo lvl3 holo x1

Tinker Bell lvl2 non holo x1

Thundaga non holo x1

Oathkeeper x1

Wight Knight x2

Wonderland lvl2 x1

Agrabah lvl2 x1

A Darkness Awakened


Riku lvl3 holo x1

Riku lvl3 non holo x2

Jack lvl3 non holo x1

Beast lvl3 non holo x1

Hercules lvl3 holo x1

Hercules lvl3 non holo x1

Peter Pan lvl3 non holo x1

Winnie the Pooh lvl0 non holo x1

Leon lvl4 non holo x1

Moogle lvl1 non holo x1

Mushu lvl4 x1

Tinker Bell lvl3 non holo x2

Tinker Bell lvl4 holo x1

Tinker Bell lvl4 non holox1

Graviga x1

Queen of Hearts holo x1

Jafar holo x1

Oogie Boogie x1

Hook x1 foil

Olympus Coliseum lvl2 x1

Light and Darkness

Dark riku non holo x4

Kairi non holo x1

Aladdin lvl4 holo x2

Aladdin lvl4 non holo x 3

Alice holo x2

Alice non holo x4

Cheshire Cat holo x2

Cheshire Cat non holo x3

Jasmine non holo x2

Pinocchio non holo x2

Wendy holo x1

Wendy non holo x2

Winnie the Pooh lvl1 non holo x3

Owl non holo x3

Tinker Bell lvl0 holo x1

Tinker Bell lvl0 non holo x3

Aeroga holo x1

Aeroga non holo x2

Lord fortune non holo x3

Crescendo holo x1

Crescendo non holo x4

Trickmaster x4

Agrabah lvl1 non holo x1

Agrabah lvl3 holo x2

Agrabah lvl3 non holo x3

Monstro lvl2 holo x1

Monstro lvl2 non holo x4

Neverland lvl2 non holo x2

Fairy Godmother non holo x3

Set 4

To Save alot of time I'm just going to say I have ONE of every rare and SR card in this set and multiples of certain commons and rares. I will be hesitant to trade these cuz i dont want to break up a complete set but given a good off ( VALOR FORM SORA! CAPTAIN PETE! KINGDOM KEYS! AURON ) I would trade em... I now have two phantoms...just incase some one wants a phantom....

Hey, I see you have The King SR from set 3, I'm interested. Please check my list to see if there is anything you'd like. Otherwise I'd buy it if you have PayPal, or add some according to what you'd want from my list. Let me know please, thanks.

The king sadly is a friends or else I'd trade it for cloud or triton in a heart beat I will ask him though i think he was looking for triton aswell

Well do you have PayPal, I could buy it from you if that's alright. How does $25 sound? Let me know please.

I talked to my friend about it he doesnt want to sell it unfortunatly hes holind out for soem cards he still wants chip and dale two cages triton a soul eater i believe i'm sorry

Gah.. I have all of those but unfortunately I want to keep them. You know, with the money you could use it to buy the cards you want? Anyway, if you change your mind please let me know by posting on my thread. Thank you.

like i said if it was up to me id trade it but since me and my friend share a book of the cards i posted his stuff too. i might be abke to convince him but hes working on a deck and needs that stuff

R Disney Castle x 2 for SR Yuffie lvl 2?

I am also interested in your holo Cid, could you take a look at my list to see if you'd like anything for it?

yeah i will do the castles for yuffie email me your stuff please

What would you want for:

Mersora non-foil

Kairi promo non-foil

Daisy Duck promo

Cid promo non-foil

Jafar holo

Dark Riku holo

Herucles lvl 3 holo

Ariel lvl 2 holo

Riku lvl 3 holo

Tinkerbell lvl 0 holo

King Mickey

I probbly can't get all of them, but look at my trade list, and I can pay cash.

I dont have your email but mine is

I'm guessing you saw nothing for the foil promo Cid?

no i'm sorry but is my sn I will send you the intel asap

Hey, I didn't notice in your previous messege that your friend needed King Triton Lv 2. I will trade that for The King, alright?

TheChampIsHere said:

What would you want for:

Mersora non-foil

Kairi promo non-foil

Daisy Duck promo

Cid promo non-foil

Jafar holo

Dark Riku holo

Herucles lvl 3 holo

Ariel lvl 2 holo

Riku lvl 3 holo

Tinkerbell lvl 0 holo

King Mickey

I probbly can't get all of them, but look at my trade list, and I can pay cash.

Is there anything you would want?

ok champ this is what I want from You

Soul eater
and Disney castle

Now I will trade good for Sephiroth and Triton, real good

Did you see my previous messege? I wasn't aware you needed King Triton. I'll trade you him for The King.

I was consulting my friend again he doesnt want to do it for just triton by itself i know hes very difficult but he never usually pulls good cards like the king let alone draft it so hes being maticulous

Well I'll add more then, just let me know what you want off my list. I'll try and add what I have from the other sets soon too.

id have till wait till then because i have everythin g on your list right now

Srry, I have yet to see Triton on Ebay or anything, his want is slowly rising. As for Sephiroth, let me many Soul Eaters did you want again?

my king triton your foil level 2 riku and sr aladdin level 3

by the way are all your wants super rares

Ok drum i will trade you my riku lvl2 for triton and no not all my wants have to be super rares but itd be nice if i could get them like that but i will take them either way. Now champ id like three soul eaters non have to be super but itsd be nice if i could get them super, please think aboput sephiroth though hes high on my list

I made a new list with everything I have from the other sets on it. Please check that one to see what you would want, besides King Triton, for The King.

sorry i traded my king triton for Aerith yesterday cause he replied 1st

oh too bad still trade you the riku if you want