Which preview will be out today?

By Mu0n729, in X-Wing

Today they will announce the Heroes of Scariff expansion, containing a huge hammer head corvette, a blue squadron T-65, and Raddus and K-2S0 crews.

You Rebels already got your T-65, now go be happy.

If you are going to do Heroes of Scariff then it should be a blue squadron t-65 and a grey squadron y-wing.

Now for the Hammer Head Corvette, how about a Prototype colored B-Wing with it?

R Z 2 A W I N G

10 minutes ago, Wiredin said:

R Z 2 A W I N G

I’d like to see scum get done love. Rebels seem too powerful right now.

18 minutes ago, Pooleman said:

I’d like to see scum get done love. Rebels seem too powerful right now.

scum could use some new toys (no more large base ships or all the upgrades possible ships please)... but... a-wings!

Or Han Solo annoncement would be cool too. Would amazing if ffg did nothing for the movie !

I'm hoping a preview of the new meta is out today as the FAQ drops the cure on the cancer of our beautiful game.

And... Legion just got a fun thing.

come on FFG! I just want people to play and like X-Wing again! Is that too much to ask?!?

Seen that one coming actually. Was kinda surprised it wasn't last week as the pre-order was already up for it.

Are there any other Worlds-goers that die a little each day we go without a new FAQ?

They almost always release one article at 12:50 US Mountain Time and another at 3:30 US Mountain Time. So they're done now. Another X-Wingless day.

I'm actually just done being hopeful. I would say let's wait and see tomorrow at noon, but now I'm just thinking they want X-Wing to die.

X-Wing is next on the chopping block, right? With the LCG gone, X-Wing's the oldest FFG Star Wars game. I guess they're hoping we'll all leave and play Legion or something.

I just can't do it. Almost my entire local community has switched over to Armada/Legion/Mansions of Madness. And I can't play those games like I do X-Wing. They're too long and intense. I can play one or two games of those things, but not every week or at a tournament. I just don't have the mental energy for a game longer than 75 minutes right now.

And I don't have the money. And I can't bring myself to sell my X-Wing stuff. Dang it FFG, I need you to do something cool so that my local community decides X-Wing is worth playing again!

55 minutes ago, Kieransi said:

They almost always release one article at 12:50 US Mountain Time and another at 3:30 US Mountain Time. So they're done now. Another X-Wingless day.

I'm actually just done being hopeful. I would say let's wait and see tomorrow at noon, but now I'm just thinking they want X-Wing to die.

X-Wing is next on the chopping block, right? With the LCG gone, X-Wing's the oldest FFG Star Wars game. I guess they're hoping we'll all leave and play Legion or something.

I just can't do it. Almost my entire local community has switched over to Armada/Legion/Mansions of Madness. And I can't play those games like I do X-Wing. They're too long and intense. I can play one or two games of those things, but not every week or at a tournament. I just don't have the mental energy for a game longer than 75 minutes right now.

And I don't have the money. And I can't bring myself to sell my X-Wing stuff. Dang it FFG, I need you to do something cool so that my local community decides X-Wing is worth playing again!

A LOT of the X-wing community locally, including most of the core players (new and old) have bought into legion. In fact it's such a cross over that Friday nights have turned into an xwing/legion night where half play legion, the other does x-wing, and we kinda switch off. I'm not sure how long that will last... I do know after the last tournament on Saturday we all hung out for 30-60 minutes after and talked legion and even got a couple of wafflers to jump in.

BUT, we all agreed as fun as Legion is, it will not replace X-Wing in our community because of the pace of play. Legion is hard on the brain, after a 2 hour game I'm mentally exhausted. We all talked about how a 3-4 round tournament day would just be brutal. It looks like they are going for a "league" format for the OP, or at least leaning towards that with the kit releases.

I think right now we have some X-Wing burnout happening and the meta is "stale" as there hasn't really been anything (aside from genius/trajectory) that has shaken the meta for us locally for a few months. We all prepped pretty hard for Calgary which was in January. A lot of us are playing fun stuff now and playing around with different combos, but you don't see Ghost Fenn around every corner (which is very nice).

I for one just cannot wait for T65 news and a new FAQ to give the game a little kickstart. but I'm also drinking up Legion pretty hard and really enjoying the game. the hobby is getting a little tiring as I'm getting my troops painted up tho...

I do not think X-wing is in any threat of dying. I just think they need to push the new toys and hotness a little bit.

theory - no previews due to FAQ changes for the new releases. no FAQ because solo story stuff which does not have a media lift yet.

Edited by Wiredin
1 hour ago, Wiredin said:

but I'm also drinking up Legion pretty hard and really enjoying the game. the hobby is getting a little tiring as I'm getting my troops painted up tho...

I do not think X-wing is in any threat of dying. I just think they need to push the new toys and hotness a little bit.

Yeah, I think we've seen each other on that forum, so you know that I definitely like painting Legion! I just totally am in the boat you describe, where I can't imagine a tournament for that. And honestly, I think the gameplay is a lot simpler than X-Wing and the games are longer, so I have a hard time understanding why I'd play it instead of X-Wing. In addition to X-Wing? Sure. But instead of?

I play every single one of the FFG Star Wars games (and I'm not hyperbolizing there) but they're all either too simple (Empire vs. Rebellion, Destiny), too quiet (Imperial Assault, LCG), or too long (Rebellion, Armada, Legion, RPG). X-Wing is the only one that's simultaneously complex enough, shorter than 2 hours to play, and has anyone in a 50-mile radius playing it. Armada is now sort of the big one where I am. Which wouldn't be that bad of a thing if it weren't for the fact that I don't have enough Armada ships to build anything semi-competitive, and I haven't played a game yet where I didn't just get absolutely curbstomped by the ISD. I don't want to buy more Armada, and I don't want to have to learn enough about the game to win. I simply don't care enough. I'll be happy to play it casually, but since the people around me have a better grip on how the game works, it's no fun for anyone involved because I'm simply not competitive. I've never destroyed a single enemy ship in a game of Armada.

And it's not that the Armada folks aren't great - they're actually a lot nicer than the X-Wing folks on average, and they haven't stolen our fanbase. It's just that they're more consistent - Armada people keep playing through thick and thin, while X-Wingers randomly ragequit en masse and then return when an FAQ drops. So while the local X-Wing crowd has shrunk from about 20 t about 2-3, the Armada crowd has stayed constant at around 5. So if no X-Wingers show up, Armada's kinda all that's left locally. I really want to like Armada. But it's just too long.

So I guess my problem is that I'm too casual of a player to play any of the games except X-Wing with people outside the house. Because I simply don't care to become competitive with any other game.

1 hour ago, Wiredin said:

A LOT of the X-wing community locally, including most of the core players (new and old) have bought into legion. In fact it's such a cross over that Friday nights have turned into an xwing/legion night where half play legion, the other does x-wing, and we kinda switch off. I'm not sure how long that will last... I do know after the last tournament on Saturday we all hung out for 30-60 minutes after and talked legion and even got a couple of wafflers to jump in.

BUT, we all agreed as fun as Legion is, it will not replace X-Wing in our community because of the pace of play. Legion is hard on the brain, after a 2 hour game I'm mentally exhausted. We all talked about how a 3-4 round tournament day would just be brutal. It looks like they are going for a "league" format for the OP, or at least leaning towards that with the kit releases.

I think right now we have some X-Wing burnout happening and the meta is "stale" as there hasn't really been anything (aside from genius/trajectory) that has shaken the meta for us locally for a few months. We all prepped pretty hard for Calgary which was in January. A lot of us are playing fun stuff now and playing around with different combos, but you don't see Ghost Fenn around every corner (which is very nice).

I for one just cannot wait for T65 news and a new FAQ to give the game a little kickstart. but I'm also drinking up Legion pretty hard and really enjoying the game. the hobby is getting a little tiring as I'm getting my troops painted up tho...

I do not think X-wing is in any threat of dying. I just think they need to push the new toys and hotness a little bit.

theory - no previews due to FAQ changes for the new releases. no FAQ because solo story stuff which does not have a media lift yet.

this is actually a great point to bring up

I am personally of the opinion that Star Wars Armada is an objectively better game. A paradox? **** no, Armada doesn't have green dice.

But the reason it didn't take off like Xwing has is the same as what Wiredin brought up. Armada and similar games require far more investment than x-wing in terms of finances (unless you're not proxying, in which case it and Armada are surprisingly equivalent in cost), real estate (tablespace), and strategy. Armada has more set-up, more moving pieces, actual objectives, less swingy dice , and therefore eats much more of your mental energy and time despite being limited to six rounds

and it's this fact that keeps X-wing as popular as it is. For all the goings-ons about competitive this and competitive that, the game itself is far more casual than any other comparative (popular) miniature game which makes it very easy to play. This is a key advantage it will always have against Armada/Legion (v other games we also have to consider the License and the quality of the models)

Now for my money, I've heard Legion has defense dice

it is therefore about as appealing to me as a bloated, partially digested rat carcass tied to the end of a petrified **** stick

Edited by ficklegreendice

April 13th is Force Friday. Expect something then or the next week.

4 hours ago, Tbetts94 said:

April 13th is Force Friday. Expect something then or the next week.

Seems to be a bit of confusion over that, some places are reporting April 20th as the Force Friday.


Edited by FTS Gecko

My Guess is in for the most awsome ship in the galaxy

Yodas pod from episode 3


45 Points

Ps 12 Yoda

Like Palp, but 1 dice and 1 acction per round

Something that rebels need so much!

3 hours ago, FTS Gecko said:

Seems to be a bit of confusion over that, some places are reporting April 20th as the Force Friday.


Lucasfilm confirmed on Monday that it’s the 13th.

Prediction: Either one or two previews for Force Friday or new products announced for Solo

18 minutes ago, Tbetts94 said:

Lucasfilm confirmed on Monday that it’s the 13th.

Cool. Friday 13th, huh? As if the Solo movie wasn't already facing an uphill battle...

4 hours ago, IgotTargetlocked said:

My Guess is in for the most awsome ship in the galaxy

Yodas pod from episode 3


45 Points

Ps 12 Yoda

Like Palp, but 1 dice and 1 acction per round

Something that rebels need so much!

How about the escape pod that c3po and R2 used to escape to Tatooine

2 hours ago, Pooleman said:

How about the escape pod that c3po and R2 used to escape to Tatooine

Title: Droid Escape Pod

"As long as you do not have any living Crew assigned to this craft, the enemy can not fire at you because..... reasons."

2 hours ago, Pooleman said:

How about the escape pod that c3po and R2 used to escape to Tatooine

Doesn't that already come in the Rebel Aces pack?

34 minutes ago, Yakostovian said:

Doesn't that already come in the Rebel Aces pack?

It may. As a token, right?