Which preview will be out today?

By Mu0n729, in X-Wing

27 minutes ago, GrimmyV said:

Fooled you, Sabine’s GUNBOAT is Imperial. So (sadly?) her ability will be totally different

For me, sadly. Though she might have an interesting ability for ordnance.

32 minutes ago, SabineKey said:

For me, sadly. Though she might have an interesting ability for ordnance.

Once per round, after performing a [missile] or [torpedo] secondary weapon attack, choose 1 enemy ship at Range 1 of the Defender. That ship suffers 1 damage.

This on a gunboat? :D Amazing

4 minutes ago, Commander Kaine said:

Once per round, after performing a [missile] or [torpedo] secondary weapon attack, choose 1 enemy ship at Range 1 of the Defender. That ship suffers 1 damage.

This on a gunboat? :D Amazing


Seems like it's FAQ season.

For SWTCG this time.

If we get a X-Wing FAQ this week, is that gonna be enough time for people to adjust for Worlds?

Not sure to be honest. Also it is going to depend on what is in the FAQ as well.

If we get one; that means it's only been 3 month since last; which is solid going tbh. If it becomes one a quarter that's great news.

It's Tuesday. You know what THAT means...

16 minutes ago, FTS Gecko said:

It's Tuesday. You know what THAT means...

Crushing disappointment? Also X-Wing night at local game store. PewPew

4 minutes ago, the1hodgy said:

X-Wing night at local game store. PewPew

yeah baby!

And a L5R news, forget it, not today !

I'm betting we will get an FAQ this week... everyone else is getting one... and we need one. no silly reddit leaks delaying it... so fingers crossed!

2 hours ago, SabineKey said:

If we get a X-Wing FAQ this week, is that gonna be enough time for people to adjust for Worlds?

I think so, anyone that's going to Worlds isn't a newbie, they can adjust. They know how to adjust and they know what has an FAQ target on it's back, wink-wink. Plus, it will create real excitement in list-building which is top heavy.

4 minutes ago, Wiredin said:

I'm betting we will get an FAQ this week... everyone else is getting one... and we need one. no silly reddit leaks delaying it... so fingers crossed!

Me too, I just know it's coming. They want to make $$$ and the FAQ will promote that; they've sold the lions share of the most recently received reprints of K-Wings, plus the Deci reprints are soon on the boat = sales!

At some point FFG will run out of Lord of the Rings/Legion/SW LCG/ GoT/ect games news/FAQs.


At some point in the distant future.

4 hours ago, Wiredin said:

I'm betting we will get an FAQ this week... everyone else is getting one... and we need one. no silly reddit leaks delaying it... so fingers crossed!

I hope so as well. So far they have been touching a different Star Wars game each day since Thursday, it only makes sense that X-Wing would get one... and be saved for last.



9 minutes ago, Andr_oss said:

I hope so as well. So far they have been touching a different Star Wars game each day since Thursday, it only makes sense that X-Wing would get one... and be saved for last.

oh hi A.O.

7 hours ago, Wiredin said:

oh hi A.O.

Hello there L.K.

Going to be hilarious when the FAQ releases on the last possible day to be legal for worlds... FFG doing it just to ride down the river of salty tears.

FFG announced yesterday that the TIE Reaper article will be released Friday per the current schedule.

Just now, Celestial Lizards said:

FFG announced yesterday that the TIE Reaper article will be released Friday per the current schedule.

Source? I mean, other than FFG of course.

Good news if true.

14 minutes ago, thespaceinvader said:


I'm not sure, my friend who does distributing for them heard it somewhere

Sounds pretty dubious tbh. I'll believe it if there's an article on Friday.