
By amphillips, in Agrabah Bazaar

Minor updates 8/3/09

More minor updates 8/4/09

Minor edits to include pending trades. Not looking for many cards now (just 3 if all trades go through as they should).


I wanted this one! You can only get this by being very lucky within one of the Break of Dawn booster packs.

I should be getting another box of BoD any day now. Just thought I'd let you all know :-)

If you get any suspicious cards, please consult me first...

More minor updates.

More set 4 to be added this evening.

Major updates to include the new quantities of set 4 stuff I have for trade.

Minor updates to tade levels

Minor updates 8/17/09

Thanks for the offer, but since I am getting Behemoth SR from Set 4 from GTrogi, I no longer need any cards besides the 2 special ones that DW has which aren't really out yet. So sorry, but as of right I wouldn't trade anything I only have 1 of unless it were for a card I didn't have (NF Event Card, Sora lvl 3 promo). Thanks again though.

I e-mailed you. >_>

i would like the base set Genie LV3 SR and the promo Simba LV1 holo for the "X" card

jacoby915, that a deal. Please e-mail me at [email protected] to finalize the details.

Just making some minor updates.

I just e-mailed you. ^^

Major updates to my wants list.

In addition to my e-mail, do you have any Spears and/or Dusks available? If so, how many?

Spirit, sorry I have been slow to respond to you. I will check when I get home. I've had company for the past few days and not much time to do updating or anything. I'll let you know this evening then.

Updates to wants/haves 8/25/09.

Minor updates to the wants/haves section.

Wow...the irony! Aladdin lvl 1 SR was the last card I needed to...I'm not sure if it is yours also, but it was the last one I needed until I got every card out at the time that was out to everyone. That still doesn't include Snow Whites, Sora lvl 3's, or nf Event Cards, since those aren't out to everyone. Just basically Gencon attendees.

Yeah, it's absolutely killing me trying to find one of those. I have scoured the internet and everyone's trade threads and no one seems to have one. Very surprising to be honest with you. I have better luck finding Sephiroths, Clouds, and The King.

Blah, blah, blah. Hopefully this is long enough to make updates. . . .