Three Word Story

By Crabbok, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Said carrot into

Edited by clontroper5

(accidental post)

Edited by clontroper5

the almighty Sarlac

. The Sarlac belched

up Boba Fett

Edited by Robin Graves

who emerged, holding

wave six boxes

Edited by Robin Graves

and a few

miscellaneous body parts,

and a carrot.

But, don't forget

to peel it

before you eat

it, otherwise the

Sarlac stomach acids

leave a nasty

acid reflux response.

Boba Fett removed

his helmet, revealing...

he had puked.

Wiping his mouth,

proved difficult because

commas are hard.

The carrot said "...

"I'm your father!"