Longshoremen into action.
Three Word Story
Initially the Longshoremen
where rather Shortshoremen
but cargo carrying
JOINED ALL OF THE THREE WORDS TOGETHER TO MAKE THE BELOW STORY (edited Capital letters and comers to make it flow, no words were harmed while editing this awesome story)
Han and Chewie bet with Porkins that he couldn't eat a whole bantha burger. Jek said "I can and I will."
I am a Rebel ", spoke a stranger, Not a Glutton". He approached them yammering about droids who wouldn't fix the food dispenser . Then everyone died. Suddenly Luke woke, f everish and disoriented.
He reached for his new lightsaber but missed and grabbed Leia's hair , kissing her passionately.
Nope, I'm out. GG, WW . ( What? Porkins is still alive (or was), so our little tale is clearly pre-ESB. Don't make this weird, bro)
Chewie roared because Han was angry at Lando's barber for mixing up shaving cream with Tatooine face jelly , which tends to dissolve facial hair and also turns skin blue. Fortunately... Twi'leks don't mind a clean shaven Wookie, who can look as good as Max Rebo in a tuxedo.
After shaving, Han got dressed and first shot Greedo as he recalled but Obi-wan disagreed , citing an ancient proverb with a reference to formidable gizka. Suddenly, he remembered that he had opened the closed box marked: 'YT1300 Expansion Pack'.
"But I wanted to go to the Mos Eisley gaming store, to buy a Decimator. He turned on the power converters and got in tuning the radio knob he smiled expecting to hear Figrin Dan's tunes.
...Darrhsidious was eavesdropping on Biggs' conversation with Wedge Antilles regarding Alderanian culinary secret hidden delights of Mon Calamari organs. They taste a bit salty, Meanwhile unbeknownst to all, danger was lurking on Yavin.
Something dark sinister was looking for love online when, master Yoda said: "Tonight, I am ..." feeling really fabulous , but this itch ain't gonna scratch itself, young padawan. Take this empty bottle of beer give it to a deranged Wampa loving senator, named Wiggity Mack Daddy, who MCs at that Rodian bar.
Meanwhile, Iron Man studied the blueprints for an amazing star spangled lightsaber... Too bad that the hilt/hand guard couldn't digitally sync. Han decided to approach Iron Man and ask for more booze, however he was repulsed. Iron-Man is C3PO's secret "special" companion for Life Day, also known as RWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR in Shyriiwook.
Suddenly, Mr. T and Jar-Jar Binks touched him in his ear. "Stop!!!!"... Padme cried out, starring at R2-D2 " Eat my shorts!" I like non-sequiturs in media res. Lando awoke. He looked at Leia knowing size matters especially for mustaches the twirly kind showed Leia his growling shaved Wookie but she already dreamed of Vader , therefore she couldn't kiss Luke again. Iron Man activated his phone, so he could check the shipping arrangements of Star wars: Armada and was disappointed On the boat but the harbor was deathly quiet. The blockade was infuriating. Players decided enough was enough . "Our Blockade..." spoke Crabbok, "has to use the force to stop you"...
Crabbok used the heavy, elongated, shiny ten foot pole to force the Longshoremen into action. Initially the Longshoremen where rather Shortshoremen but cargo carrying
Had lengthened them,
Edited by clontroper5to unbelievable proportions.
Twelve of them
were 2.5m tall,
but the remaining
six were wookies.
some even had
training with Nunchucks!
(Sidenote: Can you imagine a Wookie with Nunchucks?! Holy crap that'd be the coolest thing since Panthro)
Edited by Crabbok
Special Bowcaster Nun-chucks!
None were more
skilled at it
spelling "Wookiees" wrong
is no problem
. Suddenly there was
A flame war
in the kitchen
between Greedo and
Odo. Odo shapeshifted
into a carrot.
Greedo then threw