MacrossVF1s corner of paint and plasticard

By MacrossVF1, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

You...gah. Where do you get the time to do this?!?! This is professional level work, and this is a hobby?? Macross please tell me that FFG has you on as a consultant. If not they really need to bring you on like yesterday. For the past few years your work has been progressively the "mad crazy" level. You are the MacGyver of modeling.

If I recall, Macross models all of his work in physical media, not 3D design and printing. Painstakingly more work, but with far crisper details against anything printed in less than a high end SLA printer. I shudder to think at how much fixing a ship printed in 1/270 scale needs in order to look as clean as a ship that was made by hand. Even parts of certain production ships still have print lines or CNC lines visible on them, especially if the paint is stripped off.

As much as I like praise, you are giving me too much credit here. That's a 3D-printed model, though I have spent considerable time polishing and smoothing it out in order to make it look better.

Those tweaks on the B-wing are subtle. Looks perfect. Great job as always Macross!

Well still your previous work (the scratch built freighters) is phenomenal.

As much as I like praise, you are giving me too much credit here. That's a 3D-printed model, though I have spent considerable time polishing and smoothing it out in order to make it look better.

3D printed or not, that's still one beautiful-looking paint job on the short hauler Macross! How did you go about smoothing the model?

In the The Force Awakens artbook, there's actually a pretty neat concept for a tri-lobe TIE shuttle with folding lambda style wings. I'll post if I can find it online.


The editor won't let me post the image, but here's the URL:

I get a blank page. Can anyone post it please?

Strange, I used to be able to click that link without problem, now I only get a greyed out 'No entry for vehicles' sign.

I am guessing it's this?


Given that there are two people dressed in red on either side of the ramp, and the way the wings are taller above the chassis I would guess this was an early version of Kylo Ren's shuttle. We never saw him fly, but he has an impressive pedigree when it comes to pilots. It is a nice variation on the T.I.E. line of space craft. If FFG released this and called a ***boat, it would give me much mirth.

Next time you have 10 minutes, Macross, maybe dash off some elevations of this B-29esque tie variant?

As much as I like praise, you are giving me too much credit here. That's a 3D-printed model, though I have spent considerable time polishing and smoothing it out in order to make it look better.

3D printed or not, that's still one beautiful-looking paint job on the short hauler Macross! How did you go about smoothing the model?

I mostly just used my assortment of sanding sticks to smooth down any irregularities and hints of 3D printing (I think it's called stepping). Of course, due to the shape of the model and the placement of certain details, it is impossible to reach every nook and cranny. Thankfully most of those places are on the belly or to the rear of the ship, which means they are thankfully not terribly visible.

Time for another repaint! This time Hera's A-wing from Star Wars Rebels.



Edited by MacrossVF1
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Such a clean paint job, and I love the touch of yellow at the back!

Wow. A-mazing craft.

Will you adopt my ships? They'll be in a better home with you as their Daddy.

Such a clean paint job, and I love the touch of yellow at the back!

That yellow engine glow was a PITA to get right. Of course ask any painter and they'll tell you that yellow is the most difficult/worst colour to paint so it's no wonder I hate painting the damned colour.

Another Star Wars Rebels ship, the Mining Guild TIE Fighter!



Edited by MacrossVF1
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Holy Moses, Macross! Do you ever paint badly? This is certainly a mod/repaint I'm going to have to try.

Seriously though, post a pic or two of some of your "bad" paint jobs, just to prove you're human. :P

Holy Moses, Macross! Do you ever paint badly? This is certainly a mod/repaint I'm going to have to try.

Seriously though, post a pic or two of some of your "bad" paint jobs, just to prove you're human. :P

Prove I'm human? That's a tall order actually, While I've been painting models for quite some time, I started as a wee lad building and painting plastic kits of aircraft, I only fairly recently (about 3 years back) started documenting my painting properly. Basically, even my 'worst' documented model will probably seem like masterpieces to you.

Let's just say you are gifted in the Force and leave it at that...

And now for a world exclusive; The first ever Rogue One repaint!

Well, it might not be the first ever, and it's not even certain the source model comes from Rogue One, but it sure sounds cooler!



Edited by MacrossVF1
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The smears! The streaks! The stains!

(No, I'm not talking about my underwear--thank you very much.)

Excellent work Macross. Your attention to detail, colors and especially execution really set you apart. That is a really good looking T-65 you have there.

Out of curiosity, have you done any ships that were inspired by Macross/Robotech? I remember seeing a Skull Squadron X-wing somewhere out there. I tried to do a Miriya Steriling inspired T-70, but it's got nothing on you.

**just checked** That Skull Sq. ship was yours.

Edited by Force Majeure

And you did TWO! "Rogue One" X-wings? I saw the second one in your photobucket.

That's it. I think I have to turn in my brush. You win the game...

Edited by Force Majeure


That t-65 is sexy....

The smears! The streaks! The stains!

(No, I'm not talking about my underwear--thank you very much.)

Excellent work Macross. Your attention to detail, colors and especially execution really set you apart. That is a really good looking T-65 you have there.

Out of curiosity, have you done any ships that were inspired by Macross/Robotech? I remember seeing a Skull Squadron X-wing somewhere out there. I tried to do a Miriya Steriling inspired T-70, but it's got nothing on you.

**just checked** That Skull Sq. ship was yours.

The commissioner wanted the ships (yes I've painted two of these, almost identical to each other) to be, in his words, 'absolutely filthy' and I think I've managed that look pretty well.

Did you ever make tutorials on some of your techniques? All of my work is quite juvenile and Fine Scale Modeler handles the large models and not small miniatures like we paint (you paint, I'm still finger painting). Between you and Barry I'm ready to go back to 1/72 scale and up!

Did you ever make tutorials on some of your techniques? All of my work is quite juvenile and Fine Scale Modeler handles the large models and not small miniatures like we paint (you paint, I'm still finger painting). Between you and Barry I'm ready to go back to 1/72 scale and up!

I like to think I'm a competent painter, but some of these guys make me feel like I'm painting with ketchup and mustard.

Well, I know this: as long as I'm pleased with what I can do to make my ships stand a hair or two above the factory repaints, I'm happy.

Anyways, here's MacrossVF1's website. You can find some tutorials in there if you root around.

Also check this "old" thread which is also on his site:

Edited by Force Majeure