The Off-Topic Garbage Thread

By Nimsim, in Dark Heresy General Discussion

Nonono Human tetris isn't nearly painfull enough. This is better.

Like they said on the simpsons: "you reward knowledge. We punish ignorance."

Now me i like myself some Tokusatsu (japanese live action) series. And those have gotten weird weird WEIRD!

Super sentai (power rangers) had a megazord with an erection , and kamen rider gaim was about breakdancing teens with weapons and armor based on fruit.- Say what?

Running man or Smash TV . Actually I could grow to like that last one. (Compete for toasters!)

Ah, Smash TV. So many memories; so very many quarters.

I know dat feel. Well not with smash tv (I had the console version)

For me it was that Terminator II shooting game Arcade. (**** you Skynet! Y U NO DIE ?)

Awesome game. First time i played it I got so hyped up i couldn't falla sleep untill 2 oclock at night.

Shinobi for me. :)

Ok, has my web browser gone wonky or did they recolor this site??

It's the site. luckily you can at least reset it to the old theme for the forums. ("Change themes" button next to the orange rss button)

Yep. At first I thought it failed to load properly.

Maybe it's just me being a creature of habit, but ****, that new theme was a pain on the eyes. So ... light .

I suppose it could look less wonky if they'd also recolour the remaining buttons in some other way, for better contrast? For now, I'm just lucky the old theme still exists. :P

Ah, thank you! Much better!

too white for my taste, but at least it loads fast, so I'll tough it out..

hrm. I feel left out. I had to manually experience the new theme. Prefer good ol' blue though.

Wow this thread actually came to the rescue! I was coming on to complain about the new theme and low and behold not had I only been beaten to the punch but the solution has already been posted!

You're a life saver Robin, much more of that bright white theme and I would have gone permanently blind!!!

I found this hilarious, be advised though, LOTS of swear words used.

More episodes to be found.

Edited by Gridash

Not recomended for Ultramarine fans. :D

Or Grey Knight fans. :P

Edited by Gridash

In other words...Matt Ward. :P

the admech was also awesome: "where are the toasters you promised us?

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s recap. The EM Drive is a hypothetical form of propulsion that uses m icrowaves in an enclosed chamber to create forward thrust

So a flying microwave oven? :D

Now that that’s out of the way, let’s recap. The EM Drive is a hypothetical form of propulsion that uses m icrowaves in an enclosed chamber to create forward thrust

So a flying microwave oven? :D

That's what it sounds like.

My request is definitely off-topic from DH2E specifically, though our group had a really good game with it just after it came out. I didn't see anything in the FFG boards that would accommodate this request, but I could use some help.

I'm writing a paper on religion and Tabletop Role-Playing Games and I'm trying to collect data on themes players and GMs tend to associate with the various genres of RPGs. If you would be willing to help me out, please click the link below to get to the survey I've created for this purpose.

If you would like the survey results once they're compiled, I'd be happy to provide those to you; just send an email to [email protected] and I'll forward you the results once I have them.


--John Dulle

I do not know if Age of Sigmar is the right product to invest in for Games Workshop, I know very little of modelling and table top war-gaming. So I won't comment on that.

That aside I can't really see how the owners will grow fat and rich on this company, seems they are struggling to keep a profit, by cutting down all the extra stuff they obviously must have lost money on in the past. A lot of businesses have failed in the past by overextending into areas they know little about. If they don't want to make computer or roleplay games, but can manage to license out the IP to others who can, its fine in my book.

So as a business I can't really see why the author of that article would call it a profit-machine - how does Games Workshop performance compare to the performance of banks for instance?

Disclaimer: I dont know anyone in that company nor do I know the details of their accounts. :-)

Here's a rather jaw-dropping article about GW's recent shareholder's meeting:

Yikes. people have been complaining about GW's business practices for several years now, but none of those complaints are as damning as GW's own words...

Nothing new here. The only jaw dropping thing is that the author seriously debated whether his son would enjoy Ass of Sigmar or X-Wing more.

GW has been on the fast track to the model train ghetto, and as the author says, management refuses to deviate from this course.

These are the same people who admitted that the silly rules in the AoS war-scrolls were a deliberate move to make people too embarrassed to want to run their old minis in public so they'd have to buy new ones, so this doesn't really surprise me at all.

That aside I can't really see how the owners will grow fat and rich on this company, seems they are struggling to keep a profit, by cutting down all the extra stuff they obviously must have lost money on in the past. A lot of businesses have failed in the past by overextending into areas they know little about. If they don't want to make computer or roleplay games, but can manage to license out the IP to others who can, its fine in my book.

I think the problem for that is that it's all connected. GW would not lose money on their extended portfolio if they'd just manage it better, but their focus has always been too narrow, and the interesting experiments they tried were launched with little long-time support and thus eventually crashed into a deep niche. Right now, they are in the process of throwing out most of what established them as a brand in the first place.

It's like you have an airplane that is too heavy to fly, but the first thing the pilot throws out is the engine. Sure, now they'll glide a bit longer, but ultimately they've just prolonged the crash, and at the same time made it inevitable.

For example, who will actually be interested in those outsourced licenses in, say, ten years from now, if GW fails to recruit the next generation of potential gamers because they've overspecialised into catering only to the upper 1% who can afford to buy miniatures for $20 a piece just so they can paint them? Not to mention that those hobbyists are going to die out at some point, too.

And whilst a kid who got into Warhammer when it was still affordable might continue to put money into it, compensating price hikes by their own increased budget, I doubt the company can attract new customers if the hobby becomes exclusive to well-off adults. Because few 30 year olds will suddenly decide they like Warhammer if they weren't able to get into it when they were young.

It's like you have an airplane that is too heavy to fly, but the first thing the pilot throws out is the engine. Sure, now they'll glide a bit longer, but ultimately they've just prolonged the crash, and at the same time made it inevitable.

For example, who will actually be interested in those outsourced licenses in, say, ten years from now, if GW fails to recruit the next generation of potential gamers because they've overspecialised into catering only to the upper 1% who can afford to buy miniatures for $20 a piece just so they can paint them? Not to mention that those hobbyists are going to die out at some point, too.

It is not impossible that GW are heading for a crash. I can't predict the future. Gaming is a luxury product, which is one of the few categories for which a free market actually works.

Everything is getting more expensive these days, but it is not because small businesses are greedy. It is because the buying power of the middle class is going down. The upper %1 are seeing an increase in buying power, so maybe GW is not so stupid after all? ;-)

I deeply hope that this increased inequality problem we have will be fixed, though that discussion is probably too off topic for this forum.