Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

I would think making it like the ability of the Chimera:


Protecting the "passengers" inside. Not sure how that would work for opentopped vehicles such as the DE raider, tough.

I've also noted the landraider doesn't have the transport trait. But it's ability is similar to that of the chimera. (Ill guess they'll get around to printing a land raider Crusader card with the transport trait)

What do you think they could end up doing with the 'Transport' keyword, do you think? Is there a comparable trait from another game that shows active use?

Currently there isn't all that much done with the traits. In all honesty I think it's there more for fluff reasons. Which is a good thing.The same is true for the Craftworld traits on Eldar, Blood Angel/Ultramarines/White Scars traits on the SM cards, (non-Nurgle) Chaos god traits and many more cards.

In the far future they might do something with it but currently each faction only really has a few cards who care about it (and most of these are Warlords actually).

- Ragnar + signature cards carring about Space Wolves

- Aun'Shi + signature cards carring about Ethereals

- Zogwort + signature cards carring (somewhat) about Oddboyz

- Urien + signature cards carring (somewhat) about Tortures

PS it is funny to see that the Steel Legion Chimera lacks the Steel Legion trait. While the Mordian Hellhound is actually Mordian.

Traits by themselves have no innate meaning. They are basically a way to split the card pool into separate design spaces. While "transport" doesn't mean anything, it dose allow that trait to become a target. It is the grouping of targets that define what the trait "is about".

So in short it may not mean anything it is just good planning to keep the design space as open as possible

Traits by themselves have no innate meaning. They are basically a way to split the card pool into separate design spaces. While "transport" doesn't mean anything, it dose allow that trait to become a target. It is the grouping of targets that define what the trait "is about".

So in short it may not mean anything it is just good planning to keep the design space as open as possible

Also, wouldn't bee suprised if we ever (in the far future) got an Event that allows you to put AM Vechicles on the last planet for (much like Death From Above).

I think something like "Steel Legion Reinforcements" an Event for Cost 2 or 3 (Deploy Action) with 1 shield: Put target non-Elite Vechicle from your hand onto the last planet would be very interesting .

Well I know they don't always mean anything - I was just wondering if you guys had any speculation as to whether, IF they 'activated' that key word like they have Soldier, Cultist, and soon-to-be ones like Ethereal etc... , what to you envision that becoming?

An event card perhaps that allows you to move two units to another planet, provided one of them is a transport? An event card that allows you sacrifice a transport unit from your hand to deploy another unit from your hand for free?

A support that works much like the Steel Legion Chimera. but interacts with any Transport card to provide protection to non-vehicle units?

Come guys, use your imagination :P

Come guys, use your imagination :P

Have you seen this ;) :P

Come guys, use your imagination :P

ok... I'll give it a try :)

Rapid Deployment (event)

• 1 Shield

• 2 Cost

• Deployment Action : Select a transport and all army units but one at the same planet. You must move the transport to an adjacent planet depositing a single army unit from the original selection until the the selection runs out.

Combat Evac (Support)

• 2 Cost

• Limited

• Reaction : After a unit would receive damage exceeding its health, exhaust this unit to move 1/2 (rounded up) of that damage to a transport unit at the same planet and then move both the unit and the transport to HQ exhausted.

Edited by booored

Come guys, use your imagination :P

Have you seen this ;) :P

Okay here's a card designed following FFG's logic:

Extra Armor.

Cost 2


Attached unit gains Mobile.

:P :D :P

What do you think they could end up doing with the 'Transport' keyword, do you think? Is there a comparable trait from another game that shows active use?

Yeah I agree I think transport should be...play 1 additional unit 2 or less from hand to HQ.. And some transports can be a little better? Like the Land Raider.

I think an Transport that would look for cheap units would be really cool aswell, in the same way Staging Ground looks like Ambush Platform a heavier costed "ECT" that looks for army units with cost 0,1 or 2 would be really cool.

They could of made that 'transport' a only means of getting (extra)troops out keyword..which would of really made transports important. Not sure if it would make a better game or not but it would of been thematic like Staging Grounds is like Killax mentioned.

Edited by Silverhelm

Yeah that would be really cool. Or at least I do think a Transport that looks for Army units would make some sence. Much like Drop Pods gain "effectively" Ambush to units in your deck.

problem with those ideas is that the transport cards already exist, and do not have any effects like that. So it has to be some kind of event or w/e that targets the keyword.

Also, do we need another "cheap unit" enabler.. what we need is a way to get the game to be more viable for the expensive units.

I agree with you there booored. As suggested on cardgamedb I think it would be cool for FFG to print a mass remover for anything cost 0,1 and 2 sooner or later at the right cost.

hate CardGameDB... here are the images.

"STC foundings"


"Advancing Salamander Terminators"


"Ork Warwagon"




"Tyranid Swarm"


Names and type are still fully unknown. More to come on demand!

Ork Warwagon, Dominions, Tyranid Swarm are all by Ameeeeba @DeviantArt

Advancing Salamander Terminators is by Art of Justaman @DeviantArt

STC Foundlings is by Jub Jub Jedi @DeviantArt

These images do look legit... I didn't check them all but the Nids one has "My illustration for Fantasy Flight games." in the description.

Most have that in the discription, also there is more :D Don't hate CGDB my yankeefan!

They don't have a frickn search function on that site. lol That is pathetic. Someone like you who likes to make archive type threads why would you ever do that on cgdb when they will get buried and never even be found again with search!!

problem with those ideas is that the transport cards already exist, and do not have any effects like that. So it has to be some kind of event or w/e that targets the keyword.

Also, do we need another "cheap unit" enabler.. what we need is a way to get the game to be more viable for the expensive units.

Yeah it's waay to late to do it now. They should of let 'transports' do the play 2 or less units (only) and left other cards like events out of it except for rare circumstances like drop pod or a tella porta. Also since some transports are pricey to play the added add a army card for free would make them even better. Another thing they could of done with transports is if they had keyword 'mobile' then maybe they can be allowed to move some troops to another planet if already at a planet. As far as that Chimera ability I think all heavy tanks and none flying/mobile transports should get that, that would also make it feel more like what Staging Grounds does.

As far as saying saying "should have" well game plays fine so far so maybe not so much should have. But it would of made them cooler thematically. But I agree though they got to be careful with these things or the game will go down a path no one wants to see it go.

Edited by Silverhelm

As far as saying saying "should have" well game plays fine so far so maybe not so much should have. But it would of made them cooler thematically. But I agree though they got to be careful with these things or the game will go down a path no one wants to see it go.

Yeah, this is pretty much what I think as well. The LCG format is very ingrained now for veteran players and most of us know that the cycles packs are more than just "new cards". When a card is released in a single pack it is not as it appears to be, it is in fact part of the entire cycle. On a design point of view the card in pack 6 is designed at the same time as the card in pack 1. This game hasn't even formed yet. We are still in the middle of the first cycle so most of the planned card archetypes haven't even been given all the cards they require and this game hasn't even got 2 factions running yet. So the game is still in a fledgling state and it is WAY to early to make any real comments on if the game is "bad" or "good". There is no doubt the basic game is fun, but what most people on this form are talking about is the longevity of competitive play, which imo is a separate issue to "being fun". There are some worrying problems with this game, like the cost curve, rush speed and "richer get richer" problems for example, but there is no reason to panic. I think generally there are things to keep our eye on, but on the whole I am pretty positive about this game and think there is no reason to really complain to much. *yet* :)

Anyone notice that the artwork that depicts the two space marines shaking hands, that's the Deathwatch.

Just found out I can't collect my Ethereal Warpack today because my guy's delivery didn't turn up :(

*table flip*


Looks like a misspelling of missiles on the drone card. Great cards though. Thanks!

Looks like a misspelling of missiles on the drone card. Great cards though. Thanks!

Your welcome, also check out the art thread however, some interesting stuff was added again :)