Warhammer 40K Conquest Rumours and News:

By Killax, in Warhammer 40,000: Conquest

The Dome of Crystal Seers's gonna be awesome. Having 3 Earth Caste Technicians and 3 Swordwind Farseers you'll be able to set order of your 6 x 9 = 54 cards. Assuming that youll start with 43 cards in the deck that gives you 43/9= almost 4 ECT or Swordwind Farseers deployments to set the deck how you want it. With Eldar command that means that you'll dig to your prepared dream deck in turn 2 or three...

I can see Throne Of Vainglory having some synergy with Murder Cogitator. If it is a unit, Cogitator will fetch it. If it is not and it meets Throne's requirements, you can discard it to get the cultists in play. It can eventually work with Shrine Of Warpflame to return higher cost Tzeentch cards to the hand. Unfortunately, we have none of these cards right now. It's just one of those cards that has potential, but not the means to reach that potential just yet.

Love the new themes for each faction, specially the Inquisitorial one for the AM ^_^

Mmm... I already kanow that the nurgling damages themselves, but how they work with the warlord.

Do they damage the warlord and can he move the token after using both reactions in the most favourable order to the player?

In this case there is no ordering to worry about as the warlords reaction triggers after he attacks, but forced reactions must be resolved before non-forced reactions where they occur.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the new eldar warlord looks like, it will just a be a shame that there will be no non-signature eldar cards in that last pack.

Throne of Vainglory seems quite useful if you make sure you play with a High Cost deck, like a Calamity one. I agree it's quite costly, and depending on what you discard, you could even regret the move.

You could combine it with an "almost-Tzeentch" deck so you can retrieve what you just lost, or something like that. Still, two Cultists seem a little "low" exchange for loosing, let's say, a Vicious Bloodletter. I think this is one of those cards that will become really good once we start getting some "Graveyard Searching" cards.

The Dome of Crystal can be a two-edged sword, depends on the "verb" that is missing from the text. If it's "Reveal", then it's awesome. If it's "Get", you can be in a big trouble =P

The problem there is that a High Cost deck currently is not usefull/effective at all. The set up stage of the game is also to important and to big to really allow for it even with a single Core Set.

Even with the Tzeentch support I agree with you that two Cultists as a reward seem really low unless Chaos will be getting more recursion Event cards, which imho I don't really see happening. As you mentioned cards like the Bloodletters, Flesh Hounds and Possessed are to important for their strategy and we have no spoilers that really confirm this will change much after the first 6 War Packs.

I feel a 100% sure that Dome of Crystal will say: When you search your deck, search for an additional 3 cards. This makes the Swordwind Farseer essentially a tutor card, which for that cost and body is just beyond excellent. It still however should be supported more before I expect it to see in competative decks even with the possible Tau inclusions.

The Dome of Crystal Seers's gonna be awesome. Having 3 Earth Caste Technicians and 3 Swordwind Farseers you'll be able to set order of your 6 x 9 = 54 cards. Assuming that youll start with 43 cards in the deck that gives you 43/9= almost 4 ECT or Swordwind Farseers deployments to set the deck how you want it. With Eldar command that means that you'll dig to your prepared dream deck in turn 2 or three...

For sure it makes the Swordwind Farseer awesome but the ECT does only search for Drones or Attachments, while good there is a serious need of other good Eldar Attachments (besides the Banshee Sword) before I can see it being a staple Support in the Eldar deck. Promotions, while good, still are less needed in an Eldar deck. However this might ofcourse change...

I can see Throne Of Vainglory having some synergy with Murder Cogitator. If it is a unit, Cogitator will fetch it. If it is not and it meets Throne's requirements, you can discard it to get the cultists in play. It can eventually work with Shrine Of Warpflame to return higher cost Tzeentch cards to the hand. Unfortunately, we have none of these cards right now. It's just one of those cards that has potential, but not the means to reach that potential just yet.

There is some synergy... still I remain with my saying in that I feel Throne Of Vainglory is far to expensive for it to be truly good. In special if we look at the spoilers we see that there will not be a multitude of 3 drops to work with for Chaos.

Unless we get cost 5 Daemons that actually always cost less because we'd get another Event that drops a bunch of Cultists at HQ's I remain highly doubtfull you can actually play a deck that is constructed out of more than 50% 3 drops and actually be competative at the same time.

I say this because the more good early drops (you need to win the game) with good command you include into the deck the bigger the chances are Throne of Vainglory will actually do nothing. It being limited to a single top deck card and a single function to tap make it really really really narrow in terms of application options. Now if it said discard top 3 (more favourably not discard at all) or check power 3 or greater we would have real options.

Because if we look at the current competative decks with drops similar like Chaos Space Marines we see that Space Marines usually field around 30-33 0-1-2 drops (Cato). The Eldar field around 30-33 0-1-2 drops (Eldorath) and 32-35 0-1-2 drops (Kith) both being the respective Control decks of their kind.

Currently even my best Zarathur deck fields 32 0-1-2 drops and I wish from time to time I could lower that.

In order for Throne to be actually good I would have to see at least two cards that do something along the lines of:

Cost 3 Event: Put 6 tapped Cultist tokens into play at your HQ.

Cost 3 Event: Deal 2 damage to each non Chaos unit.

To "add to injury" the other Chaos cards we have been seeing in a fan have been the Nurgle Plague Beast at cost 5 and the Ancient Keeper of Secrets for 7, all cool and all but without early drops to win early command struggels I cant save up to those Resources unless Im giving up turns (and thus even more cards and resources for my opponents).

And Morkai Rune Priest is added to the list.


I currently feel this card is somewhat lacking synergy, however it being a Space Wolf it could end up as a 1 or 2 slot for Ragnar's deck. Personally still prefer Daring Assault Squad over it but it's nice to see more Space Wolves. In order to up his rating we should see more Space Wolves since it's Forced and you'll likely have some Ultra Marines and Neutral Army cards aswell.

My personal rating is currently 2/5

Keep in mind, this effects your opponent's units as well....including their warlord.

Keep in mind, this effects your opponent's units as well....including their warlord.

While true, I cannot really see how it will eventually become better as say a Daring Assault Squad for the same cost, but I might be wrong. I hope I am :)

While true, I cannot really see how it will eventually become better as say a Daring Assault Squad for the same cost, but I might be wrong. I hope I am :)

With it effecting all non-space wolves, I see it being used in more 'theme' decks. It's also a Space Marine-only card, which means Daring Assault Squad is more versatile deck-building-wise.

I would imagine you will likely run into it more when we have enough cards to make 'sub-faction' only decks (space wolves-only, inquisition-only, etc).

With it effecting all non-space wolves, I see it being used in more 'theme' decks. It's also a Space Marine-only card, which means Daring Assault Squad is more versatile deck-building-wise.

I would imagine you will likely run into it more when we have enough cards to make 'sub-faction' only decks (space wolves-only, inquisition-only, etc).

I agree with that but often the faction specific cards are better as the non-faction specific cards. In the above case, if I where to include a 4 drop it would most likely be Daring Assault Squad. Not only because they tie in Command and Cost but also because AoE2 is powerfull regardless of the final outcome of the battle.

My problem (currently) with Morkai Rune Priest is that it 1. cares only about Space Wolves and we currently don't have that many Space Wolves. This means our own Tau allies or AM allies will suffer from this. For sure any deck currently still likes the inclusion of Void Pirates who also bite the dust with this card.

I do think it's ability is powerfull for the lategame and obviously Ragnar can get more out of this card as Cato can. However because of the lategame powerfull effect and the battle effect it has I can only stap this card as a win-more card, which in my book don't always pan out as you want to. This is because not every battle can be won so this effect can actually be used against you aswell.

The main keyword for me that this card lacks (and initially hoped it had) is Ambush. This would lead to unexpected results from your opponent and could severly punish retreating. Now it does not have Ambush and can only force retreats if your opponent did not read the card or was allready in a disadvantaged position to begin with. Either way I feel AoE 2 can turn the tides even when you will not win that battle at that specific World. Rune Priest on the other hand forces you to win that specific battle while he is not incredibly equiped for it. Sure a 3/4 body is good but a 4/3 body would allready have been a whole lot better.

It's a card that is designed to fulfill a specific theme, namely the Space Wolves' theme of going after an enemy warlord. It is designed to punish retreat, but it is also a facilitator. If you drop him at a planet with other units, you create a stronghold that your opponent's warlord won't want to get near, for obvious reasons. Well, you are now narrowing the field for Ragnar to show up at the same planet as your opponent's warlord, which is what this deck wants. As the game progresses, and there are less planets, you will be forcing an opponent into more and more difficult decisions regarding his warlord. This, to me, is the endgame for a Ragnar deck, not just an outright kill on a warlord, but also the possibility of a slow encircling that takes away options and makes an opponent suffer.

The major issue I see right now regarding the merits of a card, is that we are judging against a very limited card pool. Will it be good enough to be competitive one day, in a more specialized Wolves deck? Who knows? Not every single card is meant to see competitive play, there is a healthy number of casual players in every game, and they may derive enjoyment from playing with this type of strategy.

I agree with that, but with the 4 drops being costly as they are allready for constructed play. I see no reason to directly include this card as it agains does nothing when the going gets tough.

While we still have much more to see a 3/4 for 4 with an ability that allows for more damage on opponents is okay for sure. However it's ability does again not spell well for any Void Pirates or other X/1's (Eager Cadets, Scouts, you name it) you have available yourself. This makes this card quite the win-more card, allowing for a faster win when the deal is almost sealed allready.

Ragnar for sure is a great Warlord with great cards, this however should not be confused with the fact that he allready does so well because it syngs really well with the other Space Marine cards that happen to be Ultra Marines or Blood Angels.

Regardless of what will come out after wards, the chances of not including these great SM cards I find rather small.

In short Morkai Rune Priest synergizes well with Space Wolves but there is also nothing that confirms all upcomming Space Marine cards will be Space Wolves. In fact we allready know that a 2/2 for 2 with 1 command (and the ability to have +2ATK when the Warlord is present) will come out for White Scars imho something that works much better with Ragnar in a general competative setting as Morkai Rune Priest can do.

Throne of Vainglory

Basically reads discard the top card of your deck if its a unit costing 3 or more bring your next demon into play for 2 less. It will help speed chaos up which is good. They are currently slow which is their problem.

Edited by Tanarri

Throne of Vainglory

Basically reads discard the top card of your deck if its a unit costing 3 or more bring your next demon into play for 2 less. It will help speed chaos up which is good. They are currently slow which is their problem.

I agree with that, the only problem is that the card itself costs 3 aswell which will mean it will at least thake two turns to pay back for it self and you need to have plentora of good Daemons in hand in order to get the best use out of it.

All in all what still worries me the most is the fact it wants to see 3+ drops. Which currently make up less than 1/3th of my deck because of the way Chaos (and other factions for that matter) are unable to punish a large ammount of 1 drops for the same cheap cost. Losing the initial Command Struggles and thus being set back 3-4 cards and 3-4 resources a turn often means you've allready lost the game but it isn't spelled out extremely clear yet.

That Tau Orbital City...is that Cloud City? Can Lando ambush out of that thing? :P

No, but I think Darth Vader and Boba Fett can.

No, but I think Darth Vader and Boba Fett can.

And the controlling player has to spend increasing amounts of resources as the deal is constantly altered.

Hehehe, that would be something indeed!

Have to ask you guys aswell, have you allready found the full visual spoiler of the Scourge?

With its release date being the 5th I would have guessed FFG would put it up allready.

Maby tomorrow?!

Never seen FFG put up full spoilers for an LCG pack. We had one for Blackmane, but that was put up by a member.

Edited by Titan

Never seen FFG put up full spoilers for an LCG pack. We had one for Blackmane, but that was put up by a member.

In that case we'll have to wait for the community to have access to the Warpack. Hopefully this will be the 5th as Im looking very forward to what we can potentially add to our competative decks.

I personally feel that Ragnar + signature cards was the winner of the previous Warpack but right after that the AM got a fantastic bonus with 3 wonderfull cards, the Tau and Dark Eldar got a great set up for their upcomming Warlord and Chaos and Eldar got a nice single card to work with for their current decks (Heretek and Empower). Which brings me to the conclusion the Orks did not get much at all, while Deathskull Lootas and Smash N Bash can be usefull they really are valued by the choices of the opponent...

Luckily I do feel that Dakka Dakka Dakka! Might be one of the best cards for the upcomming Warpack. I also feel that the Eldar got an excellent combat unit (which I feel they where currently lacking in a 2 drop form) in the form of Black Guardians and Dark Eldar and Tau get even more wonderfull cards for their upcomming Warlords.

In special Klaivex Warrior and Bork'an Recruits will see play in competative decks. Klaivex Warrior might even replace the spot Wildrider Squadron or Tormentor holds currently within the competative Dark Eldar deck.

Found some spoilers trough a nice member on cardgamedb.com!

My review of the set (excluding Ku'gath):

Morkai Rune Priest

- As mentioned before I feel this card is limited in it's use. While it can be great I feel the card itself does not hold the same ammount of power as say the Daring Assault Squad. A 3/4 body is something worth talking about so I can see this being a 1-2 off in the Ragnar deck. The biggest downside however is that it also hits your own men... If this card had Ambush I could see it being good for a multitude of reasons, so far it can be avoided making it best in the lategame but in the lategame AoE also is a incredible ability...

Fenrisan Wolf


- Super Ranged on a stick, personally I feel this card opens up a lot of options for the SM, in special because it further improves the uses of ECT within the SM decks. I feel the direct competitor of this card is Iron Halo but this card seems superior as it actually can respond before Ranged can. The downside is that it can't be used in combination with AoE units, the upside is that you can Attach it to the likes of Land Raiders or Dreadnoughts . All in all I think this is the perfect card to include once over a second Iron Halo so you can have a dominant role in the lategame battles. I do feel this card likes a big body to work with or needs cards that otherwise protect it self. With Librarians being quite the target.

Iron Guard Recruits


- As hoped another 2 drop with 2 command Icons. I am very happy I was right on that guess and I am very happy this card now exists for the AM to further build up their presence. It's a shame this card does not have the Soldier keyword but is a must include for any AM deck in my honest opinion.

Dozer Blade


- The first Vechicle attachment for the AM, +2 HP is good for 0 but I do feel the AM is not in dire need of tougher Vechicles. I like it but I doubt it will be included in the competative lists as AM vechicles (in special the Valkyrie and Leman Russ) are tough allready.

Edited by Killax

Inquisitorial Fortress


- The second incredible AM Support card. A tripple staple for sure.

Archon's Terror can suck it!

Attack Squig Herd

2015-01-03122432.jpg - Very potent Ork beater. Would have been nice if it had any form of Command but does fit it's fluff. I personally don't think there is much use for this card currently but for sure it can reach insane stats with Nazdreg. It will probably remove the Valkyrie out the Ork deck as it functions with Bigga iz Betta and can be made cheaper with the Bigtoof Banna. However I do feel the Bigtoof Banna is needed if you want to field this card over the Valkyrie.

Dakka Dakka Dakka!


- The gravy of this Warpack, the new staple for Ork decks imho. Fantastic Orkish card both fluffwise and rulewise.

Edited by Killax

Kustom Field Generator


- Fantastic card! However I do have to say I'm looking forward towards it's implications. I do think, much like the Fenrisian Wolf, this card can become insanely important in the lategame. I don't feel a multitude of these cards are needed but can save a Warlord from getting bloodied, by distributing all the damage to a multitude of tapped units. Important indeed!

Dome of Crystal Seers


- Great card for the Eldar/Tau decks. I feel this card will become more important for the future as it allows the Eldar/Tau deck to play a multitude of 1 or 2 offs in their deck. Doom for example is sometimes hard to put 3 times in your deck but this card for sure allows it. Now I don't think you need multiples of this for your Eldar/Tau decks but a single Dome can become very importan.

Death from Above


- Auto include card for any Eldar/Dark Eldar/Tau deck that relies on a multitude of Mobile Army units, that's basicly all I can see currently.

Note: all current non-Elite Mobile units are:

- Vile Raider

- Soaring Falcon

- Trailblazer

- Piranha Hunter

Vile Raider, Falcon or Piranha Hunter for 1 cost, is quite insane. Even if it's on the last planet this card is bonkers in the initial turn.

Edited by Killax

Last but not least of the un-seen cards:

Black Guardians


- Cheap combat drop for the Eldar... Will it see use... I am unsure, in special because you would normally see this body for Cost 3 with a single Command. It does however give the Eldar something to do right from the start, where in most cases the first planet was a given when playing against Eldar who didn't put a 3+ drop on the first planet.

I for one am looking very forward to the impact of this card. I personally have to admit, I play Eldar to little to be insanely excited about this,

Wow, some really interesting cards. Still going through the initial reaction stages of trying to insert these cards into magical-christmasland scenarios, but will have some sensible input sooner or later. Thanks for adding these here.

Wow, some really interesting cards. Still going through the initial reaction stages of trying to insert these cards into magical-christmasland scenarios, but will have some sensible input sooner or later. Thanks for adding these here.

Your welcome, for anyone skipping the first page, the whole set can now also be found there. The picture is a bit small for all the cards but if you save it you can make up all the rules, costs and names.

I am very excited by this pack because of the above cards. I feel every faction get some gold. I do feel that Ku'Gath is a rather weak Warlord when compared to Zarathur and the state Chaos currently is in but I do hope I am wrong about that.

Orks and AM for sure are the biggest winners in this pack. I feel every Ork card can be used in a competative setting (with 3 Squigs, 3 Dakka Dakka Dakka and a single Kustom Field for me personally) and AM for sure should include 3 Fortress and 3 Iron Guard Recruits.

The other factions imho can use a single card out of all these for sure, with every Tau Warlord using Bork'an Recruits, every Dark Eldar Warlord using Klaivex Warleader, Eldar Warlords probably picking either Black Guardians or Death from Above and Space Marine Warlords using at least a single copy of Fenrisian Wolf.

All in all, I am very pleased.

That Fenrisian Wolf opens up some silly possibilities. Since it's not a wargear, it can be attached to things like a landraider or a dreadnought or a valkyrie. The idea of any one of those riding a wolf is downright bizarre.