Please!! we need news about it!! im start to think that is game is abandonded.... and already i still ask to myself why they abandoned the competitive game...
Some news from Gama? somebody from FFG can say something?
Please!! we need news about it!! im start to think that is game is abandonded.... and already i still ask to myself why they abandoned the competitive game...
Some news from Gama? somebody from FFG can say something?
You know what? Till now I was kind of begging for news. But I´m starting to get a little angy now (not that it would help). I invested in this game by buying more than one box each, and now I feel like I deserve at least an information. At least ffg should response to any of the forum postings. I´m not saying one deserves another expansion. But even knowing the game is done would be a relieve. I could finally move on and invest in other company´s games.
Let's not panic. It may be over, and it may not, but either way I think FFG will give use one last hurrah and produce something new before Diskwars is closed down. They have a good track record of rounding things out with a last box or two before they close the doors permanently.
Also, they have just hit a bunch of really big releases and have been battling port slowdowns, etc., so it may be that they will get around to Diskwars soon...
That is what I keep telling myself, anyway.
Show me a sign.
Had some funny 4player games yesterday! And since there is no expansion in sight, we have to create some additional rules ourselves
Here are some experiences. I would be glad to hear some of your´s!
The first was a simple 1vs1vs1vs1.
- The battlefield was quite crowded (a two heroes match) and the distanced were too short. I had initiative 4 so during the first round some fast enemyunits managed to pin my disks in my zone before I could even do a thing.
- If your initiative is 4 you will be the last player almost everytime. That would be no problem if you were far enough away from your enemies. But like I said before, you get owned before you can even join the game.
What was great:
- Normally we play 3player games. There are a lot situations where 2 players decide to attack one guy. There is no way to hold against two armies. In a 4player game every player has to watch both of his flanks so almost nobody was squished between two armies.
Then we had a 2vs2: (which was more fun)
- We couldn´t figure out in which order we should play because when every player (4) plays one card one team (normally the starting player´s team) is able to activate two armies before it´s the enemyteam´s turn. While playing we decided to change that. We would only find out who would be the first player by checking the order of the 4 cards. After that the second player always had to come from the enemy´s team. Then for the third we went back to the starting team and after that back to the enemy´s team. By doing so it was a little more balanced. But still there must be better ways for teamplay.
- We were not sure about the objective "Get into the enemy´s zone": Would you get only 5 points for a disk in the enemy´s zone, which is not very much or should you get 5 points per disc per player which would have been too much (if you think about it this game was more like a 1on1 with 4 heroes from two different armies).
What was great:
- A great battle took place like it should always be in this game. So we will try this again, maybe with some kind of king of the hill scenario.
Do you guys have any experiences with 2on2s?
I'm here at least once a day for news.
Maybe, they have a hard time balancing the factions.
But I need my wood elf
I think they are pushing Star Wars and 40k Really hard at the moment. Relic is getting another expansion, but it has been at least a year since the last one. We might see some of the Star Wars stuff peter out once Episode VII launches. Also, FFG might still be discussing the outcome of the End Times with GW. Or if Games Workshop decides "No More WFB" that leaves them in another odd spot with the IP they have rights to that they might not have permission to do anything with.
Unfortunately until we hear anything concrete about WFB and a 9th edition if it ever comes, Diskwars or FFG gets more information from Games Workshop is probably shelved by FFG. Realistically the 'changes' in End Times would be a drastic shift in Diskwars, mainly because Dark Elves and High elves, and Maybe Wood Elves? Are no longer distinct factions. Which..kind of puts a huge kink in what they have released, considering all three exist, two as single regiment lists. The other factions are easier to just release stuff for since they aren't their own armies yet, but the elves likely present the largest problem that FFG has to contend with as they released Hammer and Hold and Legions of Darkness before End Times was announced or released.
Edit: Looking into rumors, which are just that, 9th ed has 6 factions. Which will likely be united Chaos, United Elves Religious Humans, Orcs and Goblins, the complete Undead, and whatever else, but Skaven and Lizardmen are toss ups, the former escaped via the warp and the Latter were slaughtered and left on space ships. So, very likely that until the dust settles and 9th ed comes out we won't see any more Diskwars stuff, if ever.
Edited by WestonardI think they are pushing Star Wars and 40k Really hard at the moment. Relic is getting another expansion, but it has been at least a year since the last one. We might see some of the Star Wars stuff peter out once Episode VII launches. Also, FFG might still be discussing the outcome of the End Times with GW. Or if Games Workshop decides "No More WFB" that leaves them in another odd spot with the IP they have rights to that they might not have permission to do anything with.
Unfortunately until we hear anything concrete about WFB and a 9th edition if it ever comes, Diskwars or FFG gets more information from Games Workshop is probably shelved by FFG. Realistically the 'changes' in End Times would be a drastic shift in Diskwars, mainly because Dark Elves and High elves, and Maybe Wood Elves? Are no longer distinct factions. Which..kind of puts a huge kink in what they have released, considering all three exist, two as single regiment lists. The other factions are easier to just release stuff for since they aren't their own armies yet, but the elves likely present the largest problem that FFG has to contend with as they released Hammer and Hold and Legions of Darkness before End Times was announced or released.
Edit: Looking into rumors, which are just that, 9th ed has 6 factions. Which will likely be united Chaos, United Elves Religious Humans, Orcs and Goblins, the complete Undead, and whatever else, but Skaven and Lizardmen are toss ups, the former escaped via the warp and the Latter were slaughtered and left on space ships. So, very likely that until the dust settles and 9th ed comes out we won't see any more Diskwars stuff, if ever.
I don't necessarily think the end of WHFB or 9th edition being up in the air means that FFG will shelve Diskwars. I don't believe that FFG would need to move Diskwars in the same direction that WHFB is going. I saw that they are releasing a new video game for WHFB (Total War). This game does not follow the new storyline set up from 9th edition (at least it looks that way from what I saw from the previews). So why say that Diskwars will rise and fall based on if there is a 9th edition or not? As a matter of fact, I wouldn't want them to move Diskwars in the same direction. I think this new stuff for WHFB is absolutely stupid.
Because while they have permission to create Warhammer Diskwars, Games Workshop has ultimate say as to what they can or can not include in disks, or how things need done. This is true of anyone having a license from an IP Owner. They always always always have to get permission before they do anything with it. FFG might have a little more freedom with their 40k since GW has given them pretty much Carte Blanche in their own sector of the galaxy as long as they abide by certain rules and setting information.
But if you want an example of Fantasy Flight Games being told 'no' by someone they were licensing from? Star Wars X-wing. They announced that they weren't doing anything EU related and never would. Now it comes out that EU is not cannon and Disney/LucasArts did away with it. I sincerely doubt that these two are un related. And GW has held a much tighter control over their IP in the past, and while they might be ok with what FFG is doing with 40k, Games Workshop is not and likely won't advance the plot for years if ever, so conflict will not arise from that front. The End Times and 9th Ed are in contradiction with Diskwars, especially if there aren't three factions of elves, two factions of undead, the Skaven and Lizardmen disappear and so on.
The quickest way for Fantasy Flight Games to lose permission to release anything Warhammer Fantasy or 40k related is to ignore what Games Workshop says, whether it is "Hold off on Diskwars until 9th Ed comes out." or "These factions can't exist in your game anymore."
God save diskwars
I hope they will keep the original story. I dislike the one from rumors!
Don't get me wrong. i really want more diskwars stuff. Even if I can't find anyone to play with. But, I am pragmatic, and to me saying that FFG won't abide by 9th ed/do what Games Workshop wants is naive. The RPG is in a bit of a different spot, but to be honest I don't know anything bout the WFB RP.
Don't get me wrong. i really want more diskwars stuff. Even if I can't find anyone to play with. But, I am pragmatic, and to me saying that FFG won't abide by 9th ed/do what Games Workshop wants is naive. The RPG is in a bit of a different spot, but to be honest I don't know anything bout the WFB RP.
For what it's worth, this problem is exactly the reason I revived the Vassal module. If you're willing to use it I'm sure that we could find times to play. I generally use BGG to schedule games.
Ok, I have to admit, I've dropped down to only checking every couple of days.
I really, really hope that there will be something new soon, but I suspect we'd better settle in for the long haul.
I'm still holding out that they will release a pair of final expansions that will "top off" the four races introduced in the first pair of expansions. However if the InFlight Report at Gen Con holds no news then I'm guessing that will be it.
If they intend to release more content (which I believe they do) I wish they would throw us a bone and give us a preview or two. My hope is slowly bleeding away, and it is difficult to sustain or generate enthusiasm among my friends and family for a game that they see as lacking development.
I fear that at first glance WH:DW appears to be a dead game, or at least one that is already on life-support in its childhood. Simply put, it is difficult to convince people to invest in a game that is in this dry spell of development.
Enough doom and gloom--this is a phenomenal game, and I am still playing and trying to convince others to play. I just want one update or new release to make my role as a priest of the Diskwars cult that much more fulfilling, and to aid me in bringing others into the fold!
Recently picked these up from Miniature Market on sale when I needed free shipping. Like the look so I'm hoping we see some more support. Time will tell but at least I got my dwarves
I have to be honest, my hope has wained a bit. It's not that I don't expect more support. I fully think we will see more support for the game, it's just that with this much time between expansions in a game like this, those expansions may be dead on arrival. I know that they have this in their Board Game market, and so we should expect expansions on a board game timeline, the problem is that a game like this thrives with a changing meta game, too long between updates, and enthusiasm can wane.
I personally only check the FFG page about once a week now. Haven't been to the forum in ages.
This is still the most underrated game FFG produces. Maybe with the death of WHFB, we'll see some people swing over here for an alternative. Maybe a bit much to ask...
The Talisman board game is getting an 'End Times' expansion - of sorts.
There is hope that FFG will do something similar for Disk Wars.
I want this to continue as Invasion was dropped without even giving me an Ogre Kingdoms or Tomb King army to play. Same thing with this game.
More Diskwars pls
With Age of Sigmar happening now, will we even get to see more WFB based games? Figure GW will have barred future development in that IP or FFG found this not to be financially rewarding enough and given it the boot.
I take it you haven't seen the news of the new game based on Warhammer Quest?
With Age of Sigmar happening now, will we even get to see more WFB based games? Figure GW will have barred future development in that IP or FFG found this not to be financially rewarding enough and given it the boot.
Yeah, Old World based games don't seem to be going anywhere. This was announced just last week I think.
Oh guys... cmon.... nobody in Gencon ask for this game?? i send emails to the devolepers (tom jolly etc...) but nothing... i cannot understand why the mutism about diskwars.... anyone knows if they can return the competitive of a game they cancelled before? i mean, they can retract the that stupid decision? We gonna see something before 2016???
Its a great game, and is not complete (not only the factions, its clairly unbalanced and needs more rules, and i want a official campaing rulebook!)
is cheap, fun, ellegant, deep, customizable.... thats why they cancelled maybe....
....Mickey Mouse loooong shadow......
If we could get Ogre Kingdoms and Tomb Kings to complete the factions I would be thrilled.