Expansion stalker

By MechaBri.Zilla, in Warhammer: Diskwars

Am I the only one who comes here every day in hope of finding some news on more expansions?

Alas, only silence greets me.

Me too. Every... single... day....


I entertain myself, though, with wild speculation on new releases, right down to disk stats and a whole Bretonnian army I created on a piece of paper one night. I told my wife I was doing lesson prep for my classes... :D

Edited by Jedhead

I too shall wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....and wait.... :ph34r:

I don't even let myself hope on the armies that haven't been released yet. I'm a Tomb Kings player, and would love to see them. But for now, I just want some help for the Vampire Counts, and more disks for the Orcs.

Yeah...I have FFG's newsfeed subscribed to in my RSS reader. I definitely check at least once a day....

Diskwars is the polar opposite of X-Wing. We know nothing for far too long...

I wonder if the same fate as Warhammer Invasion or Operation Tannhäuser awaits Warhammer Discwars: Everyone is waiting desperately for news, but the long expected next expansion proves to be the last.

Could be. But I'm not going to throw up my hands just yet. I remain hopeful that they will at least fill out the factions that we have.

But, there is no doubt that this game hasn't received as much attention as some of the other games out there. By which I mean attention from players and reviewers. I think in particular, the Shut Up & Sit Down review was particularly damaging, which sucks since it was so clear from that review that the guy hadn't actually read the rule book.

It's too bad really, this is my favorite game at this point. But I've seen a lot of people come and go from these boards, and I worry that too little attention might mean that the game withers from lack of attention. That said, what we have is pretty awesome, and I can see myself playing the game 'as is' for years to come. Still... I'd really like more disks. I have two copies of everything they've made for the game so far. As well as a copy of two of the tournament kits. I can't get enough of new content for the game.

I'm considering a third core box at this point. Primarily to provide for huge games. I desperately want to try some big 4-6 regiment games.

Edited by MechaBri.Zilla

Looks like they are pushing Armada hard at the moment, and given it's price difference compared to x-wing, it is obvious why. 100 dollars for the base game, 40 for a capital ship, 20 for the corvettes or fighter wings? Granted, seems like they are just pushing a lot of Star Wars lately, and nothing really 40k ish other than Conquest which I haven't looked at at all.

I suppose it's to be expected that they push the cash cows. I even have some x-wing stuff, but honestly, I don't think it's as solid a game as Diskwars. Maybe I haven't played enough to understand the strategy and tactics, but it felt overall too random too me, and I suspect Armada is more of the same. I'd love to buy it, but only because I like the toys. Unfortunately, it's too expensive.

With the Star Wars IP, I'm not really surprised that the GW IP has gone a bit 'back burner' I'm not even hurt by it. I just want more of my stuff. I'd be perfectly happy with two waves of expansions a year for this game (one chaos and one order expansion per wave). I don't need expansions delivered at the rate and expense of the SW themed expansions. I'd be broke much too quickly. It's just that the closer we get too the new year without any news, the more I think we'll be lucky to get one a year. And for a game like this, I think one a year would be a death knell. I mean it's clear that they want(ed) a tournament scene for this game. How likely is it that this game would be any fun in a tournament scene if the meta only changes once a year? It needs a slightly faster cycle time than that.

Sometimes I find myself wishing that FFG didn't run such a tight ship. A leak here and there would be nice...

I play both X-Wing and Diskwars.

In my opinion, X-Wing is a better game, but not by much. X-Wing certainly encourages a more competitive atmosphere.

Unfortunately, Diskwars doesn't have as much appeal because it's not using pretty miniatures. The flat disks just don't cut it for some people. I've tried to get others hooked onto it, with mixed success.

Hopefully FFG will inject some new life in Diskwars sooner rather than later, or the game might fall off the radar?

As Westonard and Mecha said +1

I also see Tezza´s point saying that for some guys out there Miniatures beat Discs just for the optics. Well, I played both, and personally liked Discwars much better for it´s mechanics.

Indeed, I secretly hoped that DW was a much greater succes that it is now, not only for continuing Warhammer DW, but also adding a second franchise to the roster. Maybe Tannhäuser (which is really dead as dead can be) or WH 4 K. When DW Warhammer dies, the whole DW-concept will go down as well.

Sometimes I find myself wishing that FFG didn't run such a tight ship. A leak here and there would be nice...

I don't really want this to happen...but at the same time, I kind of do.

Seriously, though, you have to be impressed by their commitment to mysterious silence. Not many companies pull that off as completely as FFG.

i come here every fu... day !!!

where is my ogres, neutral mercenaries, and other stuff???? !!! its such a great game with limitless posibilities.



I play both X-Wing and Diskwars.

In my opinion, X-Wing is a better game, but not by much. X-Wing certainly encourages a more competitive atmosphere.

Unfortunately, Diskwars doesn't have as much appeal because it's not using pretty miniatures. The flat disks just don't cut it for some people. I've tried to get others hooked onto it, with mixed success.

Hopefully FFG will inject some new life in Diskwars sooner rather than later, or the game might fall off the radar?

In my experience, the initial push is the hardest part. People don't like the look of the game or say the mechanics seem silly, but as soon as I get in a match with them they soften up a bit. Once we get in a second match (and especially once I get them army building) they can't wait to play some more games. The mechanics, pace, and flavor of the game are excellent in my opinion, so once they actually try it, they almost always love it, at least in my gaming circles.

But that initial perception and resistance is hard to overcome...At this point, I have a couple of friends solidly hooked, and I am working on a few others to get in a game, after which I hope to have additional converts.

This would seem to be good news for the continued survival of our game.


Yeah, I saw that. Now if only I can drum up some local interest and find a store to host a tourney...

Fo sho.

It's just me and one other guy where I play. But I keep trying to pull people in. And, hey! Christmas is coming. I'm sure someone needs a copy of diskwars. ;)

I also really want to see more disk wars!

I also really want to see more disk wars!

Good to see another fellow enthusiast! Welcome to the forums as well, and the Diskwars community in particular!

Hell guys! This threadname expresses exactly how I´ve behaved during the past 2 month.
I´ve just gotten into the game and have to say it is really great (and addictive). I showed it to 2-3 friends with which I had played warhammer invasion before and they were drawn to diskwars immediatly. What I really enjoy is that they don´t have to buy their own games. I instantly bought the two expensions and two coresets. You could even go for fourplayer games with just one box. I really love it.

What I don´t like, and that´s why I decided to reactivate my old account here ;) , is the fact that there are no news concerning new expansions. Maybe it´s because I got used to the living cardgame character of warhammer invasion. But it feels like there is so much potential in this game that I just can´t wait to get a glimpse on future plans. It´s a pity ffg hasn´t spread any news since the last expansion arrived.

Maybe some wishlisting compensates my urge for news ;D
- Instead of new races I would love to see them expanding the existing ones for new armycompositions. Therefore they should add new heroes to every existing race.
- Also I would really like some more scenarios, especially for 3-4 player games (maybe some king of the hill or capture the flag stuff?)
- They also should add more different objectives. For 3-4 player games one could imagine things like "destroy the army to your right etc. Remember the game risk?

What do you think? I don´t know how ffg works, but I still tell myself maybe if enough players showed up here to express their craving for another expansion they´d hurry up a little ;D (An illusion I guess ;)

Edited by Kako K.

My guess is that what will spur more expansions is profit. If they make money we'll see more. If not...

Anyway, I like your ideas. Especially the new hero's bit. But mostly I'd like to see them round out the 4 stub armies: Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Lizardmen, and Skaven. Once that's done. I'll take whatever they give me. ;)

Of course, I've said it many times already, and I don't have a ton of hope it will happen, but I'd really like to see the two neutral races from Warhammer. The Tomb Kings and the Ogre Kingdoms.

Don´t you think wood elves play alot like highelf-infantry right now?

I mean, I like it that there are different elven races in warhammer. But in warhammer diskwars I fear that their playstyle could turn out to be very similar (swift attacks, good at range, some big disk monsters, repeaterboltthrower, high range cav etc).

I would have prefered armies like ogres as well, just to have something different (maybe an army with less disks but more HP).

Wood elves though would be weaker in melee for the most part (the wardancers are their elites) and would have more high toughness disks (any of the tree stuff). They also lack the level of heavy cav that the high elves bring to the table. That would give them a fairly different role right there, though the ranged overlap is definitely present.

The different flavor aspect would definitely be stronger with other armies, though. That is partially why I really want Brettonia and Ogres--they have very unique armies compared to everything else.