My Farewell to FFG Star Wars

By tenchi2a, in General Discussion

yes. 2 different paths to force sensitivity. Done on purpose to create different flavors of force sensitives.

I think you missed the point the OP, and then I, were making...

What that you don't like the fact that FFG was only dealing with force users who learned of the force later in their lives? Or that you like I though they were going to deal with the force only using universal trees? I though that was how they were going to do it. I was wrong. This way actually is better.

And if not objectively "better" it's easier to design a complete game around, without repeating reams of material from two other core products.

I'm surprised they went this way with it too, but I don't think as a campaign I would ever run a F&D only campaign. I would and do encourage players to use all the material, because I buy it, and if no one uses it, then it's just so many dead trees, and I can laugh as man bear pig rips al gore apart because of my uniquely consumerist need to collect ALL THE THINGS!!!

Edited by Thebearisdriving

Most of the games I am playing are mixed games. The different games have different characters from the different books and they work fine together.

What they have ended up with is the 6 different careers in 3 flavors.
You have the civilian version
You have the military version

You have the force user version.

The important thing to remember as a player is what kind of character are you building? Then mix and match things to get the your final character.

I like pudding.

Speaking of which, did you guys see the picture of Sean Pertwee, son of Third Doctor Jon Pertwee, dressed as his father for Halloween?


Speaking of which, did you guys see the picture of Sean Pertwee, son of Third Doctor Jon Pertwee, dressed as his father for Halloween?

He seems to have partially repaired the camouflage circuit, but now it is being inappropriately applied to his right arm instead of to the TARDIS itself.

Strange, that.

Farewell! Enjoy your future gaming! May it fulfil all your gaming needs!

Once Jawas are officially released, I think I will roll an alternate universe Darth Vader Jawa.

<heavy breathing>


So, that trailer huh?

OP - can I have your dice?

I mean, if you aren't gonna use them... :)

OP - can I have your dice?

I mean, if you aren't gonna use them... :)

all my Star Wars FFG stuff is on ebay under the same name

Goodbye. IM Just Glad You Found Another Game You Enjoy. Rpgs Are About Getting Together With Hour Friends And Having Fun. I Do Think It Was A ***** Move To Put Up This thread, Because None Of Us Were Your Players. You Did :You Don't Know Me. Whine Whine Whine. Screw You Guys, IM Going Home. When I Left 4e, I Didn't Post An hour And A Half YouTube Vid, Because IM Not An Emo B$#!@.

So, Whine Whine Whine. Drama Drama Drama. Have Fun. IM Glad You Found Another Game You enjoy

Edited by miishelle

Come now, don't be so harsh.

Criticism, be it constructive or destructive, may still be of some small value. Perhaps 2nd edition could address some of these issues. Sure being a pen and paper based game, rather than a computer game, we wouldn't want to hold our breaths until that change is made. That said I think the majority of the people around here like FFG Star Wars pretty much for all the opposite reasons as the OP. So even if we ever see a 2nd edition there may not be the sweeping changes needed to keep the OP happy in any event.

Personally I just wish FFG would hurry up and get it all into the shops in Australia so can can go out and spend my money.

No, This Was Then Trying To Make A Scene. And Judging By The 4 PAges Of Comments, They Succeeded

No, This Was Then Trying To Make A Scene. And Judging By The 4 PAges Of Comments, They Succeeded

Nah. Read the thread. I'd that less than half of the posts actually pertain to the OP's original, misinformed rant. We pretty quickly devolved the thread into discussions about "whatever," except for the occasional post when someone comes in and replies to the OP, clearly breaking the conversational flow we had going.




I love this thread... It fulfills all my forum needs. And more.

I love this thread... It fulfills all my forum needs. And more.

Oh, my.

I love this thread... It fulfills all my forum needs. And more.

Dante, you just gave me fuel for my nightmares

It has funny meme's, nerd rage, indignant gamers and most importantly.... BACON!

What's not to love?

And a grown man hugging a giant ball of yarn as if it was his favorite aunt.

why not house rule it? the cost to get new specs was one of the first things my group threw out. Make it so you have to have certain skills at level 2 before you get into a spec and make it for free. This way you can "train up" to qualify for the new talents.

What do people tend to snack on while you are gaming? Our group usually eats fancy crackers and chips. Does anyone choose the healthier option?

What do people tend to snack on while you are gaming? Our group usually eats fancy crackers and chips. Does anyone choose the healthier option?

Craft beer.