I want my T-wing!!
XG-1 "Star Wing" Assault Gunboat Thread
Stare at this then:
Or this:
That should have at least 3 attack dice or maybe even 4 attack dice and 1 defense. I remember it being sluggish in the X-Wing TIE Fighter games.
Stare at this then:
Or this:
That should have at least 3 attack dice or maybe even 4 attack dice and 1 defense. I remember it being sluggish in the X-Wing TIE Fighter games.
It's a pair of laser cannons and a pair of ions, the primary wouldn't be that high.
Stare at this then:
That should have at least 3 attack dice or maybe even 4 attack dice and 1 defense. I remember it being sluggish in the X-Wing TIE Fighter games.
It's a pair of laser cannons and a pair of ions, the primary wouldn't be that high.
At this point the amount of Attack dice has more to do with game mechanics than the actual ship. Expensive ships have 3 attack dice, cheap ships have 2. Thats why the StarViper and the IG2000 have 3 attack dice.
And the YT-2400 has 2. There's no direct correlation to size.
Besides, with a cannon slot for ions you can slap the HLC or Mangler on it anyways if you need more dice.
I remember the missile boat having a single laser cannon, but it shot really fast. It also stored like 80 missiles.
Xg-1: 2ATK, cannon, missile
MB: 1ATK, missile, missile, some sort of non-discard, multiple slots so you can cover different range bands or w/e with the missiles. Could theoretically also have a torp slot, or maybe 1 missile slot and the second via a missile/torp/bomb title like the Heavy Scyk.
The gunboat would be something like a defender for upgrades and a z95 for stats and dials.
The missileboat HAS to have one attack, and half the missiles in a missile boat had to be concussion missiles.
Hell one a-wing took out a super stardestroyer.
That SSD had its bridge deflector shields popped by a previous attack run, otherwise the A-wing would have impacted on the shields, probably resulting in some pants needing changed on the bridge, but no damage otherwise.
It was still an awing blowing up the sensor dome that popped those shields... so you only need 2 A wings then...
Hell one a-wing took out a super stardestroyer.
That SSD had its bridge deflector shields popped by a previous attack run, otherwise the A-wing would have impacted on the shields, probably resulting in some pants needing changed on the bridge, but no damage otherwise.
It was still an awing blowing up the sensor dome that popped those shields... so you only need 2 A wings then...
IM not sure those A-Wings could have destroyed that generator without the fleet focusing all their firepower at the SSD.
so basically its a "Space cow" that can turn slightly better?? does look cool though.
More than that. the XG1 was a mid range multipurpose craft comparable to a Y-wing in stats.
Made by the same company, the gunboat shared many superficial similarities. Folding wings, the cockpit, ECT. In the games it had two ion canons, two lasers, and a warhead launcher. For Xwing it'd be kinda like a mix between the bomber and the shuttle. 18-25 points, 2/2/3/3 stats, upgrades in a canon, bomb, torpedo, and torpedo.
The SLAM drive was fun. I like the idea of doing two straight maneuvers but at the cost of a stress and a 1 damage. I remember that thing diverting energy from the shields, amiright?
It would draw from the lasers. The point wasn't necessarily to double your speed, but to fire missiles at higher speeds so they'd be less likely to be shot down or evaded.
The SLAM drive was fun. I like the idea of doing two straight maneuvers but at the cost of a stress and a 1 damage. I remember that thing diverting energy from the shields, amiright?
Well, technically you could divert power from whichever system, I think it defaulted to pulling from the cannon, though. Since it'd probably only have 1ATK I feel like it's just extra complexity to have the drive mess with the ATK.
Dealing damage is iffy, it's a high-shield/low hull type so it might be able to take it though. The way I see it, if it doesn't have more than one set of non-straight greens, a double/triple stress on-use would make it predictable enough that having the drive itself deal damage would be unnecessary.
so basically its a "Space cow" that can turn slightly better?? does look cool though.
Made by the same company, the gunboat shared many superficial similarities. Folding wings, the cockpit, ECT. In the games it had two ion canons, two lasers, and a warhead launcher. For Xwing it'd be kinda like a mix between the bomber and the shuttle. 18-25 points, 2/2/3/3 stats, upgrades in a canon, bomb, torpedo, and torpedo.
It was the Imperial's first hyperspace-capable starfighter, and the first that used shields - essentially the first that could perform deep space escort, assault or patrol missions without the support of a captial ship or carrier. Almost all the Rebel starfighters were hyperspace capable up to that point, so the issue of the Assault Gunboat allowed the Imperials greater options when it came to combating Rebel hit-and-run tactics.
It was similarly sized to an X-Wing - and similar in role - single pilot, 10 metres long, 15 metres wide, with two laser cannons, two ion cannons and concussion missile launchers.
It first appeared in the original X-Wing PC game I believe, and all it's sequels.
You can see the bad boy in this little video at the 3:10 mark (along with a hell of a lot of other Star Wars EU ships):
Zero-G Stormtrooper for Wave 7!
(not really, please...)
Zero-G Stormtrooper for Wave 7!
(not really, please...)
Hmm I could go for that.
So, with the advent of the SLAM drive and Extra Munitions in Wave 7, the Missile Boat seems a shoe in.
I think some kind of upgrade which could allow a secondary Ion Weapon attack after a successful Primary weapon attack could make sense for an Assault Gunboat... and also help out the TIE Defender not that it needs help of course, just saying
When translated in game, how would the missile boat be any different from the Tie Bomber? But really, if the missile boat was skipping in the ordnance wave, I highly doubt we will ever see it. At least no time soon.
I think the Assault Gunboat will be good for the imperial lineup. They had a huge hole in the lineup for mid-range ships for a long time, The Tie Advanced fix fills the hole, but the gunboat would give another good option in that group. The only concern is that the gunboat is a very rebel-esque ship.
But really, if the missile boat was skipping in the ordnance wave, I highly doubt we will ever see it
Wave 7 isn't an "ordnance" wave, though is it? I think you're confusing that with the "bomber" wave. Plenty of bombs - Cluster Mines, Conner Net, Extra Munitions - but not really much to do with ordnance.
When translated in game, how would the missile boat be any different from the Tie Bomber?
Well, shields for one thing.
SLAM action for two things.
For a 3nd thing, Tractor Beam/Jamming Beam, which the game hasn't really implemented either of yet as far as I know.
There are still 2 new projectiles in the new set, and extra munitions helps both. Redline for example is all about ordnance, so yes, I'd call it the ordnance wave.
And as for the missile boat, converting some hull into shields isn't going to differentiate the ship from the tie bomber.
And I fail to see how the SLAM action would actually help an ordnance carrier, unless it has a title/ability that allows it to perform secondary weapon attacks after a SLAM action, which case you could argue that it is different enough I suppose.
Edited by DeadwolfAnd I fail to see how the SLAM action would actually help an ordnance carrier
Because it would make it excellent at jousting. The best time for a slow ordnance carrier to hit faster ships is on a head-to-head approach. But once the enemy has closed, it's difficult for them to keep the enemy where they can shoot them.
With SLAM, after firing off a round of ordnance in a head-to-head charge, it can boost away where the other ship can't catch it, which gives it time and distance to turn around and set up another attack run.
Also helps it get into and out of range of Huge ships with their longer range weaponry.
Edited by DarthEnderX