Seeds of Heresy (Play-by-Post) INPLAY

By GauntZero, in Adventure: Seeds of Heresy

Fear Test (WP 20[rolled 26]) Failed.

Shock-Roll and Init ?

The governeurs quarters are in the 4th floor (the highest one of the building - above the high ceiling, there is just the roof).

Edited by GauntZero

Are we on the ground floor or 2nd floor + of the building?

Reginald stops, staggered by the sight of the abomination. He looks away from it, unable to meet its gaze.

"No no no no...I cannot die here. I cannot die for this..."

Reginald grips his las pistol tightly to himself, trying desperately to maintain his resolve.

Willpower Test: 40-20

Rolled: 21, 1 DoF

Shock Test:

Rolled 41+10 per DoF, 51

Cannot willingly approach object or fear and -10 for rest of encounter


Rolled 7+3, for

10 total

Can Reginald shoot at the object of his fear?

Reginald stops, staggered by the sight of the abomination. He looks away from it, unable to meet its gaze.

"No no no no...I cannot die here. I cannot die for this..."

Reginald grips his las pistol tightly to himself, trying desperately to maintain his resolve.

Willpower Test: 40-20

Rolled: 21, 1 DoF

Shock Test:

Rolled 41+10 per DoF, 51

Cannot willingly approach object or fear and -10 for rest of encounter


Rolled 7+3, for

10 total

Can Reginald shoot at the object of his fear?

Yes, you may shoot at -10.

You just may not "approach" it - i.e. get closer to it or start a melee with it (if it starts one with you, you must try to get out of it).

Shock Test

WP: 40 - 20 [rolled 18] *wipes hand across forehead in relief*


Shock Test

WP: 40 - 20 [rolled 18] *wipes hand across forehead in relief*


?? I thought you already failed the fear test before ??

The SHock test just gives you the effect of the fear, it is not a chance to get around fear ;)

Oops, my bad.

Shock: The character is badly startled. He can only take a single Half Action during his next turn, but afterward he acts normally.

Oops, my bad.

Shock: The character is badly startled. He can only take a single Half Action during his next turn, but afterward he acts normally.

Oops, my bad.

Shock: The character is badly startled. He can only take a single Half Action during his next turn, but afterward he acts normally.

Thats not too bad. What about your INIT ?

On my turn, I will take cover behind the door jam.

Initiative: rolled 6 + 3AB = 9

Edited by Elior

Oh oh...Sergeant Crouze didnt roll well at all...he is in deep shock...

"He laughs hysterically and randomly attacks anything near him in a manic frenzy, firing wildly or attacking with whatever
he has at hand." with INIT 6

This will be bad...

[fear seems to be...a little bit...too much ?]

The -20 fear test is a killer...... literally and there is nothing that can be done.

Edited by Elior

The -20 fear test is a killer...... literally and there is nothing that can be done.

Yes...but Fear (2) isnt even that high...

Edit: fault...fear (2) is only -10 ! If it makes a difference, please have a second look.

Edited by GauntZero

Did we have time to grab our stuff before we ran out of there? Otherwise I'm still in a nighty holding a sword

WP 40-20

Roll: 53

3 DoF

Shock Roll: 48+30=78

The sight of the monster leaves me completely befuddled, and my sword and pistol hang slack from my arms as my mind tries to comprehend what I'm looking at

Initiative: 1+4 = 5


Fear 2 is -10, not -20. Fear 3 is very dangerous indeed, since level 1 acolytes don't usually fight daemons :P
But there are lots of ways around it, like Fearless and Resistance Fear

Edited by Felenis

The -20 fear test is a killer...... literally and there is nothing that can be done.

Yes...but Fear (2) isnt even that high... Edit: fault...fear (2) is only -10 ! If it makes a difference, please have a second look.
Edited by Elior


> Abomination and Camyll (no panic) 12

> Reginald 10 (no panic)
> Teagan 9 (no panic)
> Sergeant Crouze 6 (in panic, totally going crazy)
> Angevin 5 (2 DoF - Shock 68, but same effect as before)

> 4 Heretics 5

I corrected your fear tests by the wrong -10

Edited by GauntZero

Somewhere deep in his mind, Angevin rationalizes that the monster isn't actually THAT scary. Probably a good 1/4 less scary then he thought. Unfortunately, this deduction leaves him deep in thought, and he still needs to snap out of it.

The abomination sees the fear in Angevins eyes and seems to be attracted by it.

It jumps towards you with greedy eyes and a watering mouth.

It rolls a 20 for a 2 DoS hit with its claws.

(does "no actions" also mean "no reactions" ?)

Camyll stares intensely at the abomination, no fear in his face, no trembling in his hands.

"Here comes the Enemy! Release the Emperor's wrath!"

Actions for my turn: Move into cover and shoot the beast.

[sorry guises, now I'm here. I think I don't have to do the Fear roll due Jaded. Init: 9 + 3 = 12. I still have no armour, ****. Roll for the shooting, single shoot, natural roll of 43 out of 50 with the +10 of single shoot, but Don't know which modifiers of distance and other things I have to apply]

Edited by Eisenhorn_Puritus

The -20 fear test is a killer...... literally and there is nothing that can be done.

Yes...but Fear (2) isnt even that high...

Edit: fault...fear (2) is only -10 ! If it makes a difference, please have a second look.

Reginald actually succeeds on his test, then! Discount the previous post.

Reginald, still feeling the grace of the emperor healing his poisoning, raises his head to meet the gaze of the abomination. His servo-skull floats behind him, and activates it's laud hauler through a subtle gesture by Reginald. His voice booms throughout the room and it's connecting hallway.

"Cast yourself back into whatever pit you have crawled from, fiend! You face Grimstone, now, and you face death!"

Reginald draws his sword and points it toward the abomination, revving the saw.

Jaded doesn't work against unnatural Fear, like daemons and such.

And Gaunt, yeah, I can't do anything but take it

Roll me some damage! :D

Edited by Felenis

Camyll hits the beast in the samje moment as the beast hits Angevin.

There's a cloud of blood as the Beast fails to evade and Angevin gets 1d10+5 = 13 damage with AP 2.

Jaded doesn't work against unnatural Fear, like daemons and such.

And Gaunt, yeah, I can't do anything but take it

It is no daemon. It seems to be some kind of weird mutation, maybe created by foul warp powers and human flesh. But it is not a daemon.

Did we have time to grab our stuff before we ran out of there? Otherwise I'm still in a nighty holding a sword

WP 40-20

Roll: 53

3 DoF

Shock Roll: 48+30=78

The sight of the monster leaves me completely befuddled, and my sword and pistol hang slack from my arms as my mind tries to comprehend what I'm looking at

Initiative: 1+4 = 5


You had the time to grab your stuff and even get your armour on, if you pass an +20 Ag-Test. Otherwise you were not quick enough before you had to hurry to the governeur.

Pfft, I don't give a **** about that Governor. As far as I'm concerned, everyone on this planet is a suspect and OH GOD WE LEFT THE PRISONER UNGUARDED

Agility 40+20

Roll: 52
Pass, yay

So I have Toughness 40 and AP 4 on the head. Bring it on