I think you mean Obligation: Food Stand on Fuji
Fiji. Fuji is a little too highbrow for Dave Lister's tastes.
I think you mean Obligation: Food Stand on Fuji
Fiji. Fuji is a little too highbrow for Dave Lister's tastes.
I do not want or need to make them out to be Rambos or CoD replicants.
I suspect that is because you want to save all that cool stuff for the Stormtroopers you want to play as.
Which is fine and all but since this isn't a game about playing Imps there is no point is putting all the cool toys where the players can't use them.
Edited by ErikBI suspect that is because you want to save all that cool stuff for the Stormtroopers you want to play as.
Which is fine and all but since this isn't a game about playing Imps there is no point is putting all the cool toys where the players can't use them.
Pretty much a classic example right here of ErikB pissing off actual Alliance fans...
Erik, mouthymerc actually answered your question.
And you saw fit to insult him.
Edited by MaeloraI do not want or need to make them out to be Rambos or CoD replicants.
I suspect that is because you want to save all that cool stuff for the Stormtroopers you want to play as.
Which is fine and all but since this isn't a game about playing Imps there is no point is putting all the cool toys where the players can't use them.
Look Erik, I know you love your larger than life heroes like Starkiller throwing around Star Destroyers and Rambo taking on whole armies, but I prefer underdogs who show up superior opponents through quick wits and unorthadox tactics rather than the brute force their opponents so often use.
I suspect that is because you want to save all that cool stuff for the Stormtroopers you want to play as.
Which is fine and all but since this isn't a game about playing Imps there is no point is putting all the cool toys where the players can't use them.
Pretty much a classic example right here of ErikB pissing off actual Alliance fans...
Erik, mouthymerc actually answered your question.
And you saw fit to insult him.
Imagine I am a typical RPG player. Make your pitch to me for why I want to be the scrappy underdog when the alternative is to have oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training.
I swear, there is none poster on this message boards more beneficial to the Imperial Cause than ErikB
Imagine I am a typical RPG player. Make your pitch to me for why I want to be the scrappy underdog when the alternative is to have oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training.
You do have a wild and delusional imagination. This is just more proof...
That's kind of what I was getting at. Instead of Obligations, the characters would have "flaws" and if a d00 roll at the beginning of the session was less than or equal to the total number of flaw score, the flaw would have some sort of impact on the session, in addition to affecting everyone's strain thresholds.
Lister's motivation: Curry. Oh, and getting back to Earth. Haha.
I think you mean Obligation: Food Stand on Fuji
Edit - This is a much better thread now.
See, I would make his obligation a character flaw- like Lister's laziness, Cat's vanity, or Rimmer's pedantry. If we treated them as compulsions that they could eventually reduce to manageable levels (but never really eliminate) I think that would translate well. I'd have put the fruit stand on Fiji as a motivation.
Edit: But I'd love to hear your thoughts on the matter, or how you would do it, make no mistake!
I swear, there is none poster on this message boards more beneficial to the Imperial Cause than ErikB
True, but we're getting off-topic. What do you like about Red Dwarf?
Edited by YoshiyahuTrue, but we're getting off-topic. What do you like about Red Dwarf?
Well said.
One of the great things about Red Dwarf is there are no superheroes with destinies to save the galaxy. The crew are ordinary people, well you know what I mean, just trying to stay alive, a bit like EotE in a way.
Also it is smegging funny! Except Back To Earth, which is The Phantom Menace of the Small Rouge One's series.
Staying on topic
What Red Dwarf quotes have you used in your role playing?
We often use;
"There are 2 flaws with that plan. 1... "
" Go to red alert! " "Are you sure? It does mean changing the light bulb."
True, but we're getting off-topic. What do you like about Red Dwarf?
I must confess, Red Dwarf is one of my greatest cultural deficiencies, but I will watch it someday *ducks under the table*
I swear, there is none poster on this message boards more beneficial to the Imperial Cause than ErikB
Whatever they are paying him, I hope it's worth selling his soul for Imperial credits!
What Red Dwarf quotes have you used in your role playing?
Red Dwarf isn't quite as quotable in my circles, but I do use the much more family friendly "smeg" for swearing.
I've had a fair few quotable quotes in my games.
Not saved them on my phone, however.
Imagine I am a typical RPG player. Make your pitch to me for why I want to be the scrappy underdog when the alternative is to have oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training.
I don't have to, the typical RPG player doesn't have you're hangups, thus wouldn't have that problem.
Imagine I am a typical RPG player. Make your pitch to me for why I want to be the scrappy underdog when the alternative is to have oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training.
I don't have to, the typical RPG player doesn't have you're hangups, thus wouldn't have that problem.
This. Most definitely.
It's actually funny how ErikB's perspective forgets just how killable " oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training " is... how defeatable ...
Edited by ChortlesI don't have to, the typical RPG player doesn't have you're hangups, thus wouldn't have that problem.
So why do you play Empire, despite their appalling sentient's rights record and, as Chortles says, the fact that they lose?
Edited by ErikBImagine I am a typical RPG player.
I'm sorry, I don't have that good an imagination...!
I don't have to, the typical RPG player doesn't have you're hangups, thus wouldn't have that problem.
So why do you play Empire, despite their appalling sentient's rights record and, as Chortles says, the fact that they lose?
What in the heck are you even talking about? I never once said I played the Empire. Also, you are the only one saying that either the Rebels must be superior to the Empire in every respect, or no one would want to play them. No one else has that problem.
Edited by Lord ZackPardon me while I go off topic a moment.
Imagine I am a typical RPG player. Make your pitch to me for why I want to be the scrappy underdog when the alternative is to have oodles of expensive hardware and professional military training.
You: "Well crap, our D&D game just ran headlong into a total party kill. So what shall we play next?"
Me: "Well I did just pick up the new Age of Rebellion book. Wanna give that a try?"
You: "Sure!"
*next week*
Me: So I read the rules and made some character sheet photocopies at work. I was thinking of perhaps a Starffighter pilot campaign?
You: "Oooh, I've had an idea for a Zeltron waitress that has untapped natural aptitude at ships!"
*number crunching*
Me: "So, there you are in the cantina. There's a posting by the 'help wanted' board for brave adventurers. . . ."
See, that's how this works - interactive story telling is about concept, not Phat 1337 loot.
Okay, back to the Dwarf Discussion!
Pardon me while I go off topic a moment.
There's an on-topic?
On an ErikB thread?
I sometimes wonder if the creators of the game read his drivel and think, 'I created this amazing game just for this?'
What in the heck are you even talking about? I never once said I played the Empire. Also, you are the only one saying that either the Rebels must be superior to the Empire in every respect, or no one would want to play them. No one else has that problem.
New to the boards, Lord Z? Welcome to the bizarre world of ErikB:
ErikB: Tell me why you play Alliance.
Poster: Playing underdog good guys against legions of bad guys is a classic movie & RPG trope which I and my players enjoy.
ErikB: You love the Empire and you dress up as a stormtrooper to get your sick perverted thrills and you should get your own board where you can be with all the other Rebel-hating fanatics!
Poster: ???
ErikB: I bent my wookiee.
Edited by MaeloraWhat in the heck are you even talking about? I never once said I played the Empire. Also, you are the only one saying that either the Rebels must be superior to the Empire in every respect, or no one would want to play them . No one else has that problem.
That de facto claim from ErikB actually implies something HILARIOUSLY negative about the Rebels... because it's at odds with the " heroes should inspire kids " myth and shoehorning C. S. Lewis (it's admittedly not like I had high regard for Lewis to begin with!) to do it.
Poster: ???
ErikB: I bent my wookiee.
Stang, I need an ambulance! I'm kriffin' dyin' here...