As a follow up, not sure if Full Throttle is worth it, as not every pilot is going to be focused on Cunning (and will therefore only get 1-2 round speed increase). SLAM is supposed to give consistent results until it is shut down.
Perhaps pull a page from it and do this approach?
SLAM System: When activated, increase the speed of the vessel by +2, but deactivate any blaster weapons. The speed increase remains until after the system is deactivated. After shutting down the SLAM system, blaster weapons are restored at the end of two rounds.
Upgrades: Two +1 Speed Mods, 1 Restore Blasters at the end of the following round.
Limit: The SLAM system can only double the ships speed. If the Speed mods would bring it above double the stock Speed, ignore them.
Cost: 250,000/8 ®
Hard Points: 2
Thoughts? I'm debating between leaving it at a base of +2 (closer to fluff after the mods) or dropping it to +1. Also waffling on the 2 HP cost, as not every fighter can equip it unless it was designed around it.