Imperial Customs Corvette scratchbuild

By Millennium Falsehood, in X-Wing

In regards to the paint job: if it makes you feel any better, i decided to do touch ups on the dp20 and totally botched it up.

Okay, I hate thread necromancy as much as the next guy, but wow, it's been over a year since I promised updated/finished pics of this thing and I haven't delivered yet! Ugh! I'm so sorry, guys...

But here's the finished model. She took first in sci-fi at the local model show last fall, and has been sitting proud on my model shelf ever since:









I'm thinking about starting a new build soon: Salvager Three from Dark Empire:


I know I have a CR-90 on the workbench, but as I said before I'm not going to pick that one back up until I have the know-how to tackle the rechargable battery circuit.

I think we can forgive raising the dead this once, stunning work.

fantastic. We we get a few closeup through the windows.

Great work.

I can't really get good pics of the interior, unfortunately. There are parts of the hull that block my camera, and I can't get it to focus clearly on the figures inside.


I like your variation you did to it, and the amount of detailing. Engines look stunning as well.

Great gribbly goodness!

Ah, Falsehood. Your sheer talent never ceases to amaze me.

Glad that you decided to resurrect the thread, I'd missed it the first time through. Outstanding work, you have a gift!


Glad that you decided to resurrect the thread, I'd missed it the first time through. Outstanding work, you have a gift!

I'm glad you enjoyed my work, and thanks for looking! :D

I wonder how those turrets would look on the Raider ...

Impressive work! Honestly you could spoil us with even more photographs of this thing and we'd gobble that all up. Earlier during the build you posted next to some X-Wing minis, it'd be awesome to see those next to the (incredibly awesome) finished product. Also it next to the CR-90. So awesome!

@Millennium Falsehood could you have the ship scaned for 3d printing?

I figure the cost to print will be huge but it would be really cool to see..

Great Ship!